What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 9

Does the boss like to be straightforward?

He quickly snapped out of it, “President Lan, no, I saw you were still in the office just now, so I didn’t want to interrupt you.”

Lan Qing looked at the young man in front of him, his deep blue eyes as calm as precious gems.

Unlike the T-shirt and casual pants he wore during the last interview, perhaps to adapt to the workplace environment, the intern intentionally wore a white short-sleeved shirt and black trousers. He tucked the shirt into his pants, accentuating his slim waistline, which highlighted his excellent body proportions even more.

Although he dressed more formally, the stray strand of hair sticking up on his head still showed his youthful naivety.

Inexperienced and clueless, yet full of vitality and brightness.

Xu Le—just hearing this name, one could already imagine what kind of person he was.

Indeed, his name suited him well.

After a three-second pause, Lan Qing spoke calmly, “Have a seat and talk.”

Xu Le obediently responded with an “Oh,” like an elementary school student following the teacher’s instructions, and went to sit properly on the sofa.

“On your first day at the company, can you keep up with the pace?” Lan Qing played with the Montblanc pen in his hand, asking calmly and deliberately.

“Yes, Jiang Wan jie is very good, she explained everything very carefully. I think I’ll be able to adapt to the job quickly. President Lan, please rest assured!” Xu Le’s eyes sparkled. When talking about work with the boss, he couldn’t afford to be vague. He had to show enthusiasm and positivity to leave a good impression on the boss.

“In front of me, there’s no need for empty words like that. This is the company, not your school. Only when you demonstrate practical value can your words be considered truthful.”

As Lan Qing played with the black and gold-bordered pen, the icy straight pen body and his slender fair fingers formed a harmonious beauty.

When the pen touched the desktop, it made a slight crisp sound, making Xu Le tense up.

He felt a bit like he was in a defensive situation, walking on thin ice, afraid that any wrong answer might displease Lan Qing and put him in trouble.

“Well…” Xu Le pondered for a moment, carefully watching Lan Qing’s expression before speaking, “I don’t know much about jewelry, especially since Miss OK is a new brand. There’s still a lot of content I need to slowly supplement and improve, but Jiang Wan jie will be going on maternity leave in just over a month, so I must familiarize myself with my job during this time.”

“This is indeed very challenging for me, but I believe I can do it. I won’t drag the company down!”

After saying this, he stole a glance at Lan Qing’s reaction. Seeing that the other’s handsome face showed no change in expression, he wondered if the boss still thought he was just being perfunctory.

Lan Qing looked at the intern sitting opposite him, his back straight and tense, as if facing a formidable enemy. “Xu Le, are you nervous in front of me?”

“No…” Xu Le denied completely instinctively, but the more he tried to deny it, the more it sounded like he was being dishonest.

“What did I just say, do you remember?” Lan Qing asked.

Xu Le’s heart skipped a beat. Oh no, what did the boss just say?

He frowned, struggling to answer, “You said… you don’t like… don’t like hearing empty words.”

“Do you dare to lie when you know?” Lan Qing asked in return, his deep blue eyes staring at Xu Le, calm like a deep pool.

Xu Le muttered a soft “oh” and thought for a moment before saying, “President Lan, um… your aura is too strong. It’s normal for everyone to feel nervous when they see you.”

He probably understood now; the boss liked to be straightforward and didn’t like those evasive answers. He preferred employees to say whatever was on their minds.

“Am I scary?” Now Lan Qing’s expression was slightly surprised, he thought he was just not used to showing too many expressions, but his nature was still easygoing. As long as his subordinates could do their jobs well, he would provide corresponding treatment.

After all, the relationship between employees and the company was mutually beneficial.

Xu Le racked his brains trying to explain, “Um… probably because you usually don’t show many expressions, and your serious demeanor makes people respect and admire you. It’s not entirely because they’re scared.”

“Not showing many expressions?” Lan Qing pondered, recalling what Qin Yaguan had said to him.

His sister had also said that his demeanor was too cold, which made people feel intimidated.

Then, Lan Qing frowned and tried to make a “kind” smile at the intern. “Like this?”

On the perfect face that usually showed no emotions, a hint of spring-like smile suddenly appeared, especially the graceful curve at the corner of his lips, which almost made Xu Le—


He almost shivered all over.

For the first time in these few days, he saw a smile on the boss’s face, which was simply too terrifying!

Thinking of the villains in cartoons, when the cold and handsome boss showed a smile on his face, it usually meant he was about to make a big move.

Moreover, the boss was already of mixed blood, with deep blue eyes, cold white skin, and perfect three-dimensional features, which seemed to add a layer of buff. Without colored contacts, wigs, and clothing props, relying on the boss’s inherent imposing aura, a change in expression could make people feel weak in the knees.

“President Lan…” Xu Le said cautiously, “I didn’t mean to say you’re scary, just that you’re very capable and have a strong leadership aura. Everyone respects you—”

Lan Qing’s face had already withdrawn the smile at this point, returning to its calm and indifferent state. “What did I just say?”

Xu Le’s brain was a bit blank, what did the boss just say again?

“You said… you said…” He frowned, trying hard to recall the conversation just now. “Not showing much expression?”

“The previous sentence.” Lan Qing picked up the Montblanc pen again, playing with it, his tone revealing no likes or dislikes.

“Um… you asked,” Xu Le’s expression was conflicted, “If you’re scary.”

Lan Qing raised his eyes slightly without changing his expression, his beautiful deep blue pupils staring at the intern in front of him, and continued slowly, “The sentence before that.”

Xu Le: …!

Oh my god, why does it feel like I’m back in a university thesis defense? His palms were sweating from nervousness.

His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he stole a glance at Lan Qing before answering in a low voice, “You said… you know and still dare to lie—”

Xu Le’s tone paused, then he quickly shook his head and said, “No, no, President Lan, I’m telling the truth! Everyone really respects you a lot. Although… although there might be some fear, it’s mostly admiration and respect for you!”

What he said was indeed true. According to what Lucy and the others said, President Lan was only twenty-six this year, but he had been managing the family business since university. He even managed to revitalize Starlight during difficult market conditions, wasn’t that worthy of admiration?

Compared to the CEO in front of him, his university life seemed like child’s play.

After hearing this, Lan Qing didn’t speak for a while, just stared at Xu Le for a few seconds before saying, “Alright, you can go back now.”

“Okay, President Lan, you’re busy, I won’t disturb you!” Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief, bowed to Lan Qing, and turned to leave.

His steps as he turned were too light and brisk, a sense of relief washing over him.

If it weren’t for the possibility that President Lan might still be watching behind him, Xu Le might have dashed out without a care in the world.

Lan Qing: “…”

What a stubborn little liar!

But, was he really that terrifying? So much so that even interns and employees below him were afraid of him?

Lan Qing opened his phone’s camera, aiming it at his face, and gave a forced smile.

He remembered the startled expression of the intern after seeing his smile earlier.

Lan Qing even began to seriously consider, was there something wrong with the way he smiled?

After making several different smiles in front of the camera, which might seem identical to outsiders, Lan Qing finally gave up.

Realizing he was engaging in such pointless behavior, he sighed, turned off his phone, and continued focusing on his work.

There was no need for him to force smiles after all.

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