What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 75

Final Chapter

Lan Qing’s flawless face filled the livestream screen, creating a huge impact.

It took a few seconds for the viewers to react.

The previously silent comment section exploded once again.

【Holy crap, is he real? Or is he a virtual model? His eyes are so beautiful, and blue! Is he mixed race? Is it even possible for someone to look like this in real life?】

【What did he just say? He said he’s Lele’s boyfriend? Oh my God! So he’s the heir of Starlight? His looks outshine all those so-called top stars!】

【So it’s not a ‘kept’ relationship. They’re actually a legitimate couple? The people spreading rumors are awful. Starlight’s stock dropped a lot yesterday, must be some business competition tactic, stirring up public opinion!】

【Am I the only one who thinks they make a great couple? Hehe, it’s clear who is the dominant one. My instincts were right. Even though the photos were blurry, you could tell from the figure and aura that he’s a beauty! And he looks so doting. Watching handsome guys in love is so pleasing!】

With just one sentence, the whole narrative in the comments shifted.

Xu Le was stunned. He never expected Lan Qing to suddenly appear beside him and publicly announce their relationship to all the viewers.

His mind went blank, and all the prepared responses got stuck in his throat, completely useless.

“Live stream ends here.” Lan Qing reached out, ignoring the flood of comments, and pressed the button to end the stream.

Xu Le finally snapped out of it, still in shock. “I was just live streaming…”

“Yes, I know.”

“And you just announced our relationship like that?”

“Yes.” Lan Qing stroked his hair, his expression and tone equally gentle.

Xu Le swallowed nervously, feeling his throat dry up. “But what if it affects you and Starlight negatively?”

“We are indeed lovers. That fact will never change. I just told the truth.” Lan Qing bent down, wrapping his arms around Xu Le’s waist, resting his chin on Xu Le’s shoulder.

The warm breath tickled Xu Le’s ear, making it turn red and his heart itch uncontrollably.

Lan Qing seemed to especially like holding Xu Le this way, enveloping him completely, their bodies pressed tightly together, until Xu Le’s senses were overwhelmed by his presence.

He couldn’t help but turn to look at him. He found Lan Qing incredibly irresistible like this.

Feeling this way ten times a day wasn’t enough.

“Lele, do you want me to kiss you? Or hug you?” Lan Qing kissed his reddened earlobe.

The “kiss” was literal, but the “hug” implied something more intimate.

Xu Le couldn’t handle Lan Qing’s tone, especially when those deep blue eyes looked at him, making his scalp tingle and his whole body feel electrified.

He turned around, wrapped his arms around Lan Qing’s neck, and kissed him hard.

Actions speak louder than words.

Because they had just had a satisfying night two days ago, Xu Le adapted much faster this time.

But he wasn’t made of iron. Compared to Lan Qing’s inhuman stamina, he could only hold on for so long before he was crawling all over the place.

He almost abandoned his useless sense of shame, but his pleas for mercy were shaky and weak, calling out “Lan Qing, President Lan, Vanya” to no avail.

He was on the verge of tears.

Xu Le suddenly had a bright idea. Maybe calling him “husband” would work?

So he shivered and tried calling out “husband.”

Sure enough, Lan Qing seemed to like this, stopping and looking at him with those deep blue eyes, calm like a bottomless abyss.

Xu Le secretly breathed a sigh of relief, moved a little to get away, and with a hoarse and soft voice, continued negotiating, “Husband, I’m so tired. I can’t go any more rounds.”

Just when Xu Le was secretly happy, thinking Lan Qing was finally letting him off, the latter firmly restrained him and pulled him back again.

“Baby, are you doing this on purpose?” Lan Qing smiled and asked, like a dangerous and insatiable snow lion.

This time, Xu Le truly cried.

After that incident, Xu Le rested for a full two days before feeling completely better.

That day, Lan Qing said he would take him to meet someone. Xu Le felt nervous because this person was Lan Qing’s own sister, who had insisted on meeting him in person.

On the way to meet her, Xu Le specially got off the car to buy a bouquet of champagne roses.

Seeing Xu Le holding the bouquet nervously, Lan Qing reassured him, “You don’t really need to bring anything. She will like you.”

Xu Le laughed and said, “Anyway, girls all like these beautiful things. Maybe she will have a better impression of me when she sees this bouquet, hehe!”

Lan Qing glanced at the beautiful bouquet and turned his eyes away.

The agreed place was the villa where he used to live, and it was Xu Le’s first time there.

“Vanya, is this your little boyfriend? He’s really cute!”

Qin Yaguan, seeing Xu Le for the first time, felt that this young boy looked even more likable than in the videos, unable to resist pinching his young and tender cheeks.

Seeing the mature and charming elder sister in front of him, Xu Le felt embarrassed instinctively wanting to hide, but knowing she was Lan Qing’s sister, he restrained himself.

“Wow, your skin is really good!” Qin Yaguan hadn’t had enough when Lan Qing abruptly pushed her away. She pouted, “Such a killjoy. Vanya, I flew all the way to Russia to meet him.”

Seeing the bouquet in Xu Le’s arms, her eyes blinked, “Xiao Xu, is this for me?”

Only then did Xu Le react and quickly handed the bouquet of champagne roses to her, saying nervously, “Uh, yes, jie, this is for you.”

Qin Yaguan took it, sniffed lightly at the roses, and smiled, “Very nice, I really like it, thank you.”

“I’ve never received a bouquet from him,” Lan Qing unexpectedly muttered.

Xu Le was stunned.

Qin Yaguan burst into laughter, “Hahaha, Vanya, you’re jealous, how cute!”

Lan Qing remained expressionless.

Xu Le then looked at him seriously, noticing a faint blush on his usually pale ears.

Oh, Lan Qing gets embarrassed too? Or is it a shy face of indifference?

“Should I buy you a bouquet when we go back?” Xu Le asked softly.

He had expected Lan Qing to refuse, but instead, he replied without hesitation, “Yes.”

“Huh?” Xu Le was taken aback.

“But I want mine to be different from hers,” Lan Qing said calmly.

Xu Le: “?”

Qin Yaguan held the bouquet and laughed so much that she almost couldn’t straighten up.

She really liked Xu Le and talked to him a lot, almost ignoring Lan Qing.

Xu Le was essentially an extrovert, and Qin Yaguan was even more outgoing. The two of them chatted happily. In the end, Qin Yaguan finally brought out her killer move that she had cherished for many years and took out her phone.

Seeing this, Lan Qing immediately thought of what she wanted Xu Le to see and his face darkened. He tried to grab the phone, but Qin Yaguan quickly hid it.

“Why don’t you ask if Xiao Xu wants to see your childhood photos?” she teased.

Lan Qing: “…”

Of course, Xu Le wanted to see. His dark eyes lit up, his imaginary tail wagging frantically, and he nodded vigorously, “I want to see!”

These were Lan Qing’s childhood photos. He had shown Lan Qing his photos from childhood to adulthood, even the baby pictures of him with a bald spot, now finally a chance to see Lan Qing’s, how could he easily let the chance go.

Qin Yaguan proudly asked Lan Qing, “How about it, my little brother-in-law wants to see, you don’t want to let him see it?”

Hearing the words “little brother-in-law”, Xu Le’s face turned red to the tip of his ears.

Lan Qing reluctantly felt that Qin Yaguan’s words were pleasing to the ear and said with a stern face, “Whatever you want.”

Soon, he began to regret his decision.

“Oh, this crying little fat boy is Lan Qing?”

Xu Le looked at Lan Qing’s baby photo in shock. He saw a blue-eyed, snow-white chubby baby soaking in a basin, with several Russian nesting dolls floating nearby, crying loudly with a mouth that hadn’t yet grown teeth.

Lan Qing: “……”

Then, Xu Le was shocked again and again.

It turned out that Lan Qing was not only chubby when he was young, but also loved to cry, and was timid and clingy…

Until Xu Le saw a photo of Lan Qing, who had grown into a handsome young man, fighting with a bear in his youth.

Xu Le: “?”

Wait a minute, did he read it wrong? Is that… a bear?

He remembered, not long ago, Lan Qing had mentioned to him that he had a “cute” pet at home in Russia, but it was too big to be kept in China.

“Is the pet you told me about before, that couldn’t be brought back to China, this one?” Xu Le asked tremblingly.

Lan Qing nodded, “Don’t you think it’s cute?”

Xu Le: “……”

After sharing enough embarrassing photos of Lan Qing, Qin Yaguan smugly took back her phone, “Xiao Xu, I’ll send you all the photos later.”

Xu Le grinned mischievously, “Great, I want them all!”

Lan Qing: “……”

It wasn’t until Qin Yaguan left with the bouquet that Lan Qing’s face finally relaxed.

He pushed a beautifully wrapped gift box on the coffee table in front of Xu Le, “Open it and see if you’ll like it.”

Xu Le was somewhat puzzled, “What is it?”

“You mentioned before that you really wanted it.” Lan Qing’s tone was gentle.

He didn’t say it clearly, which made Xu Le even more curious.

Carefully opening it, inside was a signed comic book and several exquisite figurines, all signed “to Xu Le”.

[Dear Mr. Xu Le, thank you for always liking my work. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness and fulfillment!]

Xu Le held the comic book in his hands, initially stunned, then unable to contain his excitement. He read it over and over, almost moved to tears.

Finally, he carefully set down the signed comic book and tightly embraced Lan Qing, planting a big kiss on his cheek.

“Lan Qing, I really like you! I like you the most!”

Lan Qing chuckled softly, hugging his slender waist, whispering, “There’s one more thing I want to give you today.”

“What else?” Xu Le asked curiously, releasing him and looking at him expectantly.

Just the signed comic book had already made him so ecstatic that he couldn’t think straight. He wondered what surprise might come next.

Lan Qing took his hand, and Xu Le looked at him in confusion.

Then, his eyes widened as Lan Qing produced a ring seemingly out of nowhere and slipped it onto the ring finger of his left hand.

The ring featured a dazzling red diamond, its facets reflecting a beautiful, vibrant red light, pure and warm.

Xu Le stared at the ring on his hand, speechless for a long time.

After what seemed like forever, he seemed to forget to think, staring blankly at Lan Qing. “What does this mean?”

“You take it as a proposal,” Lan Qing said softly, his deep blue eyes gazing at him gently. “Or as me wanting to marry you, or that I want to be married to you. Any of those works.”

“So, Lele, will you?” 

Lan Qing’s eyes grew warm, and Xu Le felt his eyes welling up. He sniffed and nodded vigorously, embracing him tightly. “Yes, of course! You’re my first love and my only love in this lifetime.”

“Lan Qing, I love you so much.”

He buried his head in Lan Qing’s neck, deeply inhaling his scent.

Lan Qing enveloped Xu Le in his arms and planted a kiss on his forehead.

“I will spend my life loving you, forever unchanged.”

— The End

Author’s Note:

Lele and Lan will be happy forever!

This is the sweetest and most uncomplicated CP I’ve written, without any twists or turns. I couldn’t bear to torment them or introduce melodrama; simple love and passionate affection are enough.

Thank you to every reader who’s read this. Let’s all wish Lele and Lan happiness together~

Love you all, bowing deeply!

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