What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 71

Make The Mark More Visible

Forced to rest for a day, but after all, Xu Le was young and physically fit, with strong recovery abilities, so he soon bounced back.

Lan Qing drove them both to the office.

Before getting out of the car, Xu Le hesitated for a moment and finally said to Lan Qing, “Could you check if there’s anything noticeable on my neck? Jiaxin and the others have sharp eyes. Last time, the marks on my neck were barely explained. This time, I can’t say I was bitten by a ‘bug’ again, right?”

The traces from that day hadn’t disappeared yet. They weren’t visible under his clothes, but the places not covered by fabric made Xu Le feel somewhat uneasy.

Although he was wearing a shirt and had fastened it securely, with the topmost button done up.

Lan Qing, hearing this, meticulously scanned him from top to bottom.

Seeing Lan Qing’s serious expression, Xu Le’s heart raced. He tugged at his collar uneasily, trying to pull it up in vain to cover the so-called traces. “Is there still something wrong?”

“Here, it’s swollen and a bit scraped,” Lan Qing said, pointing seriously at his lip.

Xu Le’s face turned red instantly. He licked his lips dryly and felt a slight pain at the left corner of his mouth where it had indeed been scraped.

The scenes from his memory started replaying in his mind naturally, like an unstoppable tidal wave.

Fragments of memories began to flood his mind uncontrollably, like waves crashing in. He remembered that Lan Qing seemed to particularly enjoy kissing him, especially when things got the most intense. The kisses were so fierce, almost as if Lan Qing wanted to devour him entirely.

Being kissed like that, how could it not be swollen?

But Xu Le couldn’t deny that he also found pleasure in it, so he couldn’t entirely blame the other party.

“I’ll just say I’m allergic here on my mouth. As long as everything else is fine…” Xu Le thought again. Why was he so worried? Even if Jiaxin and the others noticed, it didn’t matter. After all, they were all adults, and experiencing these things was perfectly normal.

Who doesn’t have emotions and desires?

“Sigh, forget it, it doesn’t matter. Jiaxin and the others probably already noticed. I’ll get out of the car now—”

Xu Le unbuckled his seatbelt and was about to open the car door when he was pulled back by his arm and pressed into the seat. A deep kiss came over him.

He wanted to refuse, but due to his instinctive adaptation, he was forced to comply.

There was no helping it. After being glued to Lan Qing for the past few days, no matter what they did, they would end up kissing. Xu Le’s body had already developed muscle memory.

Enjoying the kiss was an unconscious reaction.

After the long kiss ended, Lan Qing stroked Xu Le’s face and kissed the corner of his mouth again. “Since you think this way, let my mark be even more obvious.”

So, Xu Le got out of the car with a flushed face, bearing Lan Qing’s noticeable “mark.”

It was rare for him to take leave. Since he had joined the company a few months ago, he had almost perfect attendance.

As he passed the reception desk, Cao Xinyi curiously asked him, “Lele, why didn’t you come to the office yesterday?”

Xu Le coughed, “I wasn’t feeling well yesterday, had a bit of a fever.”

Hearing him say he was unwell, Cao Xinyi frowned slightly. “How are you feeling now? If you’re not fully recovered, you can ask Lucy for more leave.”

“Thanks, jie. I’m much better now.” Though his reason was partly true and partly false, Cao Xinyi’s concern was genuine, which moved Xu Le.

“That’s good… Eh?” Cao Xinyi stared at Xu Le, a trace of confusion in her expression.

Following her gaze, Xu Le noticed she was looking at his shirt. “What’s wrong?”

Cao Xinyi, who loved fashion, immediately noticed that Xu Le’s outfit was different from usual. Typically, Xu Le wore loose, trendy shirts that made him look young and lively. But that day, he was wearing a shirt that was tailored, structured, and slightly oversized, giving it a relaxed feel. The shirt had a formal cut suitable for pairing with a suit.

Analyzing the style, fit, and size, Cao Xinyi realized this wasn’t Xu Le’s usual type of shirt.

“The shirt you’re wearing today looks different. I’ve never seen you wear such a formal style since you joined. And the size… seems a bit off for your frame.”

Cao Xinyi looked at him with curiosity. “What brand is the shirt? It looks well-made. I might get one for my boyfriend. He needs a good shirt to go with his suit.”

Xu Le’s face changed slightly. Of course, the shirt didn’t fit—it wasn’t his to begin with! While looking for clothes in the morning, he found that his own shirts weren’t high-collared enough or too loose, so he borrowed a shirt from Lan Qing.

Thinking Lan Qing hadn’t worn it much and that it looked relaxed enough due to its larger size, he wore it confidently, not expecting Xinyi to notice the size issue immediately.

As for the brand of Lan Qing’s shirt, he had no clue!

“Uh, I forgot when I bought it, and the brand slipped my mind too…” Xu Le scratched his neck awkwardly.

Cao Xinyi waved him over with a smile. “Lele, come here, let me check the label.”

Xu Le obediently bent down. “Sure, take a look.”

Just as Cao Xinyi’s hand was about to touch Xu Le’s collar, she suddenly stopped. Xu Le waited for a while without feeling her touch.

Just as he was about to ask, he heard Cao Xinyi’s slightly panicked voice, “Good morning, President Lan!”

Xu Le: “!?”

He quickly straightened up and glanced at Lan Qing, who had an indifferent expression, his deep blue eyes as calm as ever, looking at him.

Xu Le immediately averted his gaze guiltily, “G-Good morning, President Lan…”

He just lowered his head to show Cao Xinyi the brand of his shirt, nothing more. He shouldn’t be upset about that, right?

Lan Qing saw someone acting like a guilty and cute little puppy with his tail between his legs, and couldn’t help but want to tease him.

“Xu Le, come to my office.”

“Huh? Why are we going to your office?”

Xu Le blurted out, and after saying it, he realized it might sound disrespectful to his boss, Lan Qing.

He thought regretfully, he should just rip out his mouth.

Cao Xinyi slightly opened her mouth, looking surprised as her gaze shifted between Xu Le and Lan Qing, then she closed her mouth.

“What reason do you want?” Lan Qing slightly raised an eyebrow, a barely noticeable smile in his eyes.

Xu Le didn’t dare to look directly at him because Cao Xinyi, who had sharp observation skills, was right there. He was afraid she might notice something unusual.

“Um… I’ll do whatever you say, President Lan!”

Watching Lan Qing’s departing figure, Xu Le let out a long breath. He turned to Cao Xinyi, “Jie, I’ll be going now?”

Cao Xinyi’s expression was a bit complex, “Oh…”

She was still thinking, did President Lan just smile at Xu Le? And that smile, why did it look so… indulgent?

More suspiciously, Xu Le’s shirt, which she had secretly compared for tailoring and fabric just now, looked like it was from the same brand as President Lan’s?

Was it just her imagination…


In the office, with the door tightly closed and excellent soundproofing.

Xu Le was forced to sit on Lan Qing’s desk, one hand supporting him behind, and the other pushing against Lan Qing’s chest, questioning in a righteous yet quiet voice.

“What… What are you doing? This is the company!”

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