What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 7

Do you really have feelings for that kid?

Xu Le glanced in the direction not far away, and at the sight of the other person, his pupils slightly constricted, and his heartbeat quickened.

Lan Qing wore a light gray high-end suit, his tall figure becoming even more slender and tall, with broad shoulders, narrow waist, and long legs, perfect like a human figurine.

But his temperament was too cold and solemn. Just silently standing at the elevator door, he exerted considerable psychological pressure on others.

Including Xu Le.

Thinking back to the lunchtime conversation, the information Lucy and her colleagues introduced about President Lan, he not only had an outstanding family background and superior appearance but also demonstrated astonishing business manipulation abilities during his university years.

Xu Le even felt that the other party’s character seemed somewhat unreal. Although he also made some extra money by managing accounts and doing photography and editing during college, compared to President Lan, who took over the family business at the age of twenty, he felt like he was just playing house.

He couldn’t help feeling emotional. It seemed that the bosses portrayed in TV dramas were still too conservative. Moreover, in terms of looks, with President Lan’s face and figure, he could easily outshine those “fake bosses” portrayed in dramas. The key was, he was a genuine boss!

The corner of Lan Qing’s eye passed over the intern in the crowd, and the other party, who occasionally glanced at him cautiously, quickly pretended to look elsewhere, as if nothing had happened.

The expression was quite complicated, frowning and gritting teeth. Xu Le wondered what the other was thinking.

As the elevator arrived, at the moment of entering, Lan Qing turned his face slightly, and casually glanced at Xu Le not far away.

Xu Le seemed to freeze for a moment, quickly avoiding eye contact with him, like a primary school student caught daydreaming by the teacher.

An interesting reaction.

Lan Qing faintly curled his lips imperceptibly and stepped into the elevator.

Watching Lan Qing’s elevator doors close completely, Xu Le finally relaxed.

Was it just his imagination earlier, President Lan always looking at him?

He thought about it, then felt it was impossible.

He was just an insignificant little staff member, even just an intern who hadn’t been regularized yet. To President Lan, he was just an irrelevant existence.

The other party held a high position and was busy all day long. Where would they have the time to pay attention to him?

Thinking this way, Xu Le felt much more at ease. What was he thinking? What he needed to do now was to do well within his responsibilities and strive to be regularized soon!

On the way home, he bought a few sausages at the supermarket, hoping to encounter that orange cat later.

Coincidentally, the lazy cat was lying in the flower bed. When it saw Xu Le approaching, it raised its head and meowed a few times towards him.

These days, Xu Le had been feeding it almost every day, and it had become quite intimate with him. When it saw him, it would occasionally even come to him on its own.

Xu Le touched its fluffy head and fed it a sausage after unwrapping it.

“I also want to take you home, but our apartment doesn’t allow cats, so I can only inconvenience you. If fate allows, next time I move, I’ll take you with me.”

“Meow~” It responded with a tender meow.

Xu Le smiled, patted the cat’s head, and saw it eating happily, so he left with peace of mind.

In the evening, after he finished washing up, he began editing videos on his computer.

First, he organized all the recent footage he had shot and pondered on the editing approach.

He planned to make a vlog about job-seeking experiences. He had plenty of material, but he needed to carefully select the usable parts.

Among them, there was a segment he had filmed on the day of his interview at the company.

Thinking about this luxurious office building, which was probably just one of President Lan’s properties, he couldn’t help but sigh.

For him, perhaps after working hard for ten or twenty years, he might only be able to afford one small office space there…

Xu Le sighed at his computer for a while, then continued to concentrate on organizing the material.

It was useless to envy others. Although he and President Lan were completely different people, he didn’t feel sorry for himself.

He had grown up in a well-off and harmonious family, and because of his outstanding appearance and cheerful personality, he was quite popular wherever he went.

Therefore, even though he was new to MissOK, he quickly won the favor of his colleagues and sisters.

But… Xu Le wondered, what would President Lan’s initial impression of him be? But overall, it couldn’t be too bad, right?


After a busy day’s work, Lan Qing returned to the villa, only to find the living room in a mess.

The air was filled with a strong smell of alcohol, and there were many empty or half-empty bottles of wine scattered on the floor and coffee table, including red wine, white wine, and beer. Some of the liquid had even spilled onto the expensive handmade wool carpet.

The perfectly fine carpet was now ruined.

Qin Yaguan, the initiator of all this chaos, was currently lying face down on the sofa, her hair in disarray. It was hard to tell if she was asleep or drunk.

Suppressing the impulse to throw his older sister out, Lan Qing went over and pulled her up, revealing a drunken face.

He and Qin Yaguan were half-siblings, sharing some similar features, but his features were more three-dimensional and colder, and his lips were a colder shade of pink, resembling his father, Pavel. Qin Yaguan, on the other hand, was like a blooming red rose, dazzlingly beautiful.

“Go take a shower, you stink.”

Seeing that several bottles of top-notch wine he had been saving were all pulled out and nearly ruined by Qin Yaguan, not to mention… his new carpet, Lan Qing’s temples throbbed with anger.

“No, I’m tired, I want to sleep!” Qin Yaguan didn’t want to move.

Lan Qing took a deep breath. “If you don’t shower, I’ll throw you out along with the carpet.”

Qin Yaguan whined a few times. If there were outsiders present, they would be surprised by her current appearance.

As the eldest daughter of the Starlight Group’s head, Qin Yaguan was always a capable and strong-willed, charming female tycoon in public. But in front of her younger brother, she revealed her true self without reservation.

Not only was her hair messy, her clothes were also stained with a lot of alcohol. Even the tidy living room around her had been messed up by her.

“Vanya, you don’t know what I’ve been through today!” Qin Yaguan wailed.

“You’ve made a mess here, not only have you completely ruined my collection of wine, but also…” Lan Qing lowered his gaze, looking at the new carpet he had just replaced, “my new carpet. Remember to compensate me.”

“How can you be so indifferent and heartless, Vanya? Let me tell you, I broke up with Clarence today! He said he wants to let go and even wished me happiness!”

Lan Qing: “…”

“So? Is that the reason why you’ve made a mess here?” He said coldly.

Qin Yaguan widened her eyes, “I’ve just been dumped, shouldn’t you comfort me? Instead, you’re here accusing me coldly?”

Lan Qing didn’t want to entangle with the drunken madwoman. He quickly opened his phone to browse that night’s flights and calmly said, “So if you’re trying to get back with Clarence, do you need me to book you a flight? There’s a direct flight to M country at midnight tonight.”

Qin Yaguan: “…”

“And, rather than believing that you’re sad about breaking up with Clarence, I believe you can’t bear to part with his eight-pack abs.”

“For you, losing one Clarence means there will be another Clarence.” Lan Qing’s tone was calm, as calm as dead water, but each word was incisive, striking Qin Yaguan’s heart.

Qin Yaguan was speechless for a moment before saying, “I just wanted to have some sense of ceremony. Shouldn’t people usually be heartbroken after a breakup?”

Instantly, she retracted all the grief-stricken expressions she had just shown, confirming Lan Qing’s analysis.

“Your sense of ceremony is built upon causing trouble for me.”

Lan Qing looked around at the mess and naturally couldn’t muster a pleasant expression towards Qin Yaguan.

He already had a slight obsession with cleanliness. Before his sister’s arrival, his house was always immaculate, but now…

Lan Qing felt like the living room resembled a garbage dump more than anything else.

Qin Yaguan lounged on the sofa, watching Lan Qing furrow his brows as he bent down to pick up the bottles, exuding an aura that kept people at bay, even lowering the temperature of the surrounding air.

She teasingly remarked without a trace of guilt, “Vanya, you need to tone down this icy demeanor of yours. Otherwise, when you meet someone you love, are you going to treat them with this attitude?”

Lan Qing glanced at her. “On this topic, you have no qualification to educate me.”

Qin Yaguan’s tone choked up for a moment before she retorted, “Clarence is too clingy. It’s fine to have a casual relationship with him as a bed buddy, but it’s not enough to make me fall for him. Vanya, do you know what it feels like to be in love?”

At her words, Lan Qing’s movements paused. He looked at her, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, and said softly, “You should go take a shower and get some sleep. I hope you wake up with a clearer mind tomorrow and then buy a ticket to M country.”

It would be best if he could get some peace back tomorrow.

But Qin Yaguan caught his momentary lapse of attention. “Your eyes froze for 0.5 seconds just now. What, did you think of someone?” She teased with a smirk.


Lan Qing stood up. He had almost finished cleaning up. Tomorrow, he would call a housekeeping service to deal with this annoying carpet and disinfect the living room.

His work was busy, especially since MissOK had just been established not long ago. There were plenty of things waiting for him to handle. He didn’t have time to bicker with Qin Yaguan.

Just as he took a few steps, Qin Yaguan lazily said, “Hey, did you end up hiring that cute boy you saw on A station?

Lan Qing’s body paused. He turned around, warning coldly, “He’s my employee, not someone you can toy with.”

Qin Yaguan made a gesture of surrender. “Okay, I was just asking casually. Vanya, you’re a bit too intense. Could it be that you actually have some thoughts about that kid?” She smirked mischievously.


Thinking of Xu Le’s youthful and bright face, despite often wearing a silly smile, he wasn’t annoying. Instead, he had a kind of unique charm…

In a brief moment of distraction, Lan Qing suddenly remembered the scene in the office.

The boy bent down to pick up his earphones, his knees almost not bending as his fingers touched the ground, revealing a flexible and perfectly proportioned body.

What’s more wonderful was that, with the bending posture, his clothes slid up, revealing a small section of a tight waist and a beautiful shallow waist indentation.

Just that exposed waist section was enough to evoke one’s imagination.

Lan Qing had seen many people with handsome faces and great figures, but only one intern had made him feel a rare sense of amazement.

As his thoughts returned, he said calmly, “You’re thinking too much. I’ll go back to work.”

Qin Yaguan raised an eyebrow, watching Lan Qing’s departing figure, her mouth curving into a pleased smile.

This brat, from childhood to adulthood, always liked to act aloof. But as his elder sister, how could she not see through his little tricks of hiding things? How could he possibly hide them from her?

Author’s Note:

Xu Le baby is the cutest bottom I’ve ever written, hehe, belongs to the handsome and charming but tempting figure.

Although President Lan looks like a man of few words, he’s actually straightforward. After all, he has the bloodline of a fighting nation and doesn’t like beating around the bush!

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