What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 62

Is he your boss?

The gentle sea breeze brushed against his face, blowing away the light intoxication.

At this moment, Xu Le still felt a bit dizzy, and even his steps seemed to be floating as if he were walking on clouds.

Confirming a romantic relationship with Lan Qing felt incredibly surreal to him.

He couldn’t help but steal a glance at Lan Qing beside him, only to meet his gentle gaze.

Feeling caught, Xu Le wanted to look away but then thought, no, they were already in a relationship. Why should he be embarrassed? He decided to look boldly.

After all, with such a handsome face in front of him, he could never get tired of looking.

Gathering his courage, he looked back, even a bit stubbornly, his dark eyes brighter than the stars above.

Lan Qing, seeing his cute and straightforward reaction, couldn’t help but smile.

Xu Le, feeling a bit embarrassed, averted his gaze awkwardly. “I… um, this is my first time being in a relationship, and with a guy, so I have no experience.”

Lan Qing covered his lips, thoroughly amused. He found his little boyfriend’s awkwardness incredibly adorable.

“Why are you laughing? I’m just telling the truth!” Xu Le said, a bit annoyed and embarrassed, his fingers unconsciously fiddling with his shorts.

Lan Qing grabbed his hand, noticing it was a bit sweaty. He gave it a reassuring squeeze, then intertwined their fingers. “With me, you only need to focus on being loved. Experience doesn’t matter.”

His tone was light as a feather, but his words carried the weight of a promise.

Xu Le’s ears turned bright red, luckily hidden by the night.

“Oh…” He was at a loss for words, so he just held Lan Qing’s hand tightly in return.

They strolled along the moonlit beach, their shadows stretching long, leaving footprints in the sand.

Lan Qing was right, the moonlight here was beautiful. Simply walking and digesting dinner felt wonderfully pleasant.

Xu Le felt a happiness so intense it was like a cup filled to the brim, almost overflowing.

But his happiness was short-lived as he suddenly felt something sharp and hard under his foot. Before he realized what it was, a small, cold claw seemed to pinch his left foot.

“What the heck is that!” he exclaimed, looking down.

“It’s a crab, don’t move.”

Lan Qing reacted quickly, scooping Xu Le up in his arms. Fortunately, they were close to the water. After a few steps, Lan Qing gently set him down in the shallow water.

As soon as the crab touched the water, it released Xu Le’s foot, freeing him.

It was just a scare.

Back on the shore, Lan Qing knelt down and lifted Xu Le’s foot. Xu Le was startled and instinctively tried to pull away, but Lan Qing’s grip was strong, making him lose his balance.

Lan Qing held his calf firmly, helping him regain his balance.

“Don’t move. A crab bite can easily get infected. Let me check.”

“Huh? Oh…” Hearing the word “infected,” Xu Le quickly stood still.

Lan Qing’s hand, initially cool, warmed up as he held Xu Le’s ankle.

Xu Le had never had someone inspect his foot so closely, feeling a bit embarrassed. “Is it okay? It doesn’t hurt.”

“There’s a small cut, but it should be fine,” Lan Qing said.

“Oh, that’s good.”

Xu Le wanted to pull his foot back because Lan Qing’s touch tickled him. He was especially ticklish.

As he moved slightly, Lan Qing let go and stood up, his tone teasing.

“Watch where you’re stepping unless you want me to carry you back.”

Xu Le quickly retracted his foot, feeling the lingering warmth of Lan Qing’s touch.

“I’m not a kid who can’t walk. Why would you need to carry me!”

Despite his words, his eyes sparkled with affection as he walked alongside Lan Qing.

Lan Qing took his hand again. “Let’s go back, my little boyfriend.”

His deep, melodious voice made Xu Le feel weak in the knees.

“Yes, let’s go back together!”

A burnt-out cigarette butt was casually tossed onto the sand, still glowing faintly.

Zeng Junhua watched the two people walking closely together in the distance, their intimate posture confirming his suspicions.

Recently, he had been unsuccessful at work and unlucky in love. He was already frustrated when his uncle, a member of the Starlight Board, kicked him from the headquarters to MissOK. To make things worse, his designated position was taken by Lan Qing, who sent him to the administration department as the second-in-command, dealing with trivial matters every day.

Even this newcomer, Xu Le, could interfere with his attempts at flirting, watching his embarrassment!

He had accidentally come across Lan Qing and Xu Le. He was just looking for a quiet place to smoke and unexpectedly witnessed what seemed like an affair between the two.

Zeng Junhua hadn’t initially thought much of it, but seeing Lan Qing take the initiative to hug Xu Le, then grab his foot as if examining something, and finally walk away hand in hand, he couldn’t ignore it.

From such a distance, he couldn’t see more details or hear their conversation, but these inexplicable actions were enough to confirm that their relationship was definitely not simple.

Zeng Junhua couldn’t help but recall a previous incident near the company. Anthony, who was always just Lan Qing’s bodyguard, had actually gone to pick up Xu Le from work. And his own department transfer had occurred right after he had given Xu Le a “hard time.”

Zeng Junhua finally understood the key to everything.

So, Lan Qing and Xu Le were in this kind of relationship? Was it a kept arrangement?

He thought, whether it was a kept arrangement or not, Lan Qing, as the future heir of Starlight, being interested in men could be a chip to use…

Thinking of his uncle, who had always disapproved of Lan Qing’s aggressive tactics and wanted to pull Lan Qing down from his high position, if he could leverage this chip, he might have a chance to return to the headquarters?

Thinking of this, Zeng Junhua excitedly lit another cigarette and took a deep puff, his previously gloomy mood brightening considerably.


After three days of island fun, Xu Le wanted to first pick up Mr. Meow, Fa Cai, and take him home. He had missed Fa Cai over the past few days.

During these three days, he had left Fa Cai with Li Dongming, who complained from time to time that Fa Cai ignored him almost completely, and even when he tried to pet him, Fa Cai would growl fiercely and even scratch him.

Li Dongming had even sent him photos, showing several scratches on his arm, which made Xu Le laugh uncontrollably.

It seemed that the orange cat, Fa Cai, was as proud as ever. Even Xu Le had to feed him for several days before the cat would let him pet it.

In contrast, Lan Qing had been instantly accepted by Fa Cai, who would even deliberately use a cute tone and act adorably to win his favor.

Xu Le deeply suspected that Fa Cai judged people by their looks.

After getting off the plane, Xu Le had secretly bypassed other colleagues to leave with Lan Qing, so they didn’t take the company bus but rode in Lan Qing’s car. The driver was Anthony, who had helped Xu Le move.

However, it took Xu Le considerable effort to explain to Cao Xinyi and the others why he left alone.

“Do you want to pick up the cat first?” Lan Qing asked.

“Yes, I really miss Fa Cai. I haven’t petted him for three days, my hands are itching,” Xu Le said as he looked through the videos Li Dongming sent him, feeling that Fa Cai looked thinner from the “abuse.”

“Itching?” Lan Qing grabbed Xu Le’s hand and seriously scratched his palm a few times.

Xu Le felt tickled, his heart also itching, but considering Anthony was in the front, he couldn’t say anything too blunt.

He realized his CEO boyfriend, despite seeming aloof, with high intelligence and meticulous thinking, sometimes had quite unusual thoughts, very different from his external image.

“I meant I miss Fa Cai and want to hold him, my hands are itching!” he explained.

“I want to meet your college roommate.”

Xu Le was taken aback, feeling a bit guilty, “Why do you want to meet him?”

He wasn’t ready to tell Li Dongming about this yet. After all, it’s a big shock to suddenly find out your best buddy is in a relationship with a man. It needs some time to process.

Xu Le had planned to wait for a suitable opportunity to tell him about his relationship with Lan Qing.

“Don’t worry, if you don’t want him to know about us yet, I’ll cooperate. For now, I just want to meet him,” Lan Qing said, his deep blue eyes focused on Xu Le, his expression gentle.

Xu Le felt a bit apologetic under his gaze, “Oh, um… okay, it’s probably good for you two to meet in advance.”

One was his best buddy, and the other was his lover. It was good for them to meet and get to know each other.

Li Dongming rented an apartment in an ordinary neighborhood, unlike Xu Le’s quiet and secluded residence. It was bustling with people of all ages.

Due to Lan Qing’s striking appearance and height, as well as his elegant attire and demeanor, they easily attracted a lot of attention as they walked through the neighborhood.

Finally reaching the elevator of Li Dongming’s building, they encountered an older lady getting out of the elevator. Xu Le politely greeted her with a smile.

The lady was startled by the two handsome young men, especially Lan Qing, and couldn’t help but clutch her chest, “Oh my, two handsome young men, and one is a foreigner!”

“I’m Chinese,” Lan Qing corrected her seriously.

The lady was surprised by his fluent Chinese, holding her grocery basket and looking back three times as she walked away.

Lan Qing: “…”

Xu Le couldn’t stop laughing, “Hahaha, that auntie thought you were a foreigner!”

Lan Qing lightly spanked him on the butt, “Stop it.”

Xu Le’s face turned red immediately. He wondered if it was because of the good feel of his butt that Lan Qing was so fond of this action.

The elevator reached Li Dongming’s floor, and after confirming the door number, Xu Le rang the doorbell.

Li Dongming quickly opened the door and immediately started complaining to Xu Le.

“Lele, you finally came to get your cat. Look at my hand and arm, all scratched up by your little kitty!” he said, showing off his sturdy arm, indeed covered with several scratches.

Li Dongming had just started to speak again when suddenly he saw a strange man behind Xu Le.

With deep blue eyes, exceptionally fair skin, nearly his height, and a demeanor akin to a model, dressed exquisitely, he didn’t look like an ordinary person.

“Hello?” Li Dongming instinctively greeted in English.

“Здравствуйте (Hello),” Lan Qing replied expressionlessly in Russian.

Seeing this, Xu Le almost burst out laughing inside, but managed to hold it in.

Thinking Lan Qing might not understand, Li Dongming whispered to Xu Le, “Lele, it sounded like Russian. Could this be that ‘Russian boss’ you mentioned?”

Before Xu Le could reply, Lan Qing’s face turned serious as he spoke in Chinese, “Yes, I am Xu Le’s ‘Russian boss.'”

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