What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 61

My Little Boyfriend

Cheng Qiang’s mouth opened and closed in frustration. Just as he was about to explain, Lan Qing’s cold gaze silenced him.

While everyone was playing or watching the game, no one noticed Lan Qing’s arrival. Or if they did, they didn’t dare to speak up.

Xu Le opened his eyes and realized how strange the atmosphere had become.

A man being held protectively in someone’s arms in a public place—though it was fortunate he wasn’t hit by a volleyball—felt a bit like a scene from a soap opera.

He instinctively struggled a little, but Lan Qing let go immediately.

It was then that Xu Le noticed the sand from playing volleyball had smeared all over Lan Qing’s clean shirt and trousers, like dust on a white wall. He panicked slightly.

“It’s just clothes, don’t worry about it,” Lan Qing said calmly.

“Oh, uh… okay,” Xu Le took a few steps to the side, trying to subtly increase the distance between himself and Lan Qing, “Thank you, President Lan.”

“Mm.” In front of others, Lan Qing seemed to return to his usual cold and solemn self, his tone indifferent.

Not far away, Cao Xinyi observed the scene with a puzzled look, her brows slightly furrowed. She remained silent, her thoughts meticulous. Although nothing was evident on the surface, she instinctively sensed something unusual between Xu Le and President Lan, but couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was.

On the other hand, Jianxin, who was nearby, raised her delicate eyebrows, showing a bit of interest.

Cheng Qiang gathered the courage to explain, “President Lan, we got really into the game and everyone wanted to win, so the competition got a bit intense. I didn’t mean to target Xu Le specifically…”

“No need to explain to me, you know in your heart what happened.” Lan Qing’s tone was mild, but his gaze was fixed on the prominent scratch on the left side of Xu Le’s face, a result of the recent game.

Cheng Qiang, realizing it was best not to say more, fell silent.

Xu Le stood aside, pondering. To be honest, Cheng Qiang’s tactics were indeed a bit excessive during the game, but they didn’t break any rules. If he hadn’t been exhausted, he might have been able to return the ball. Even if he had been hit, it would have just resulted in a minor arm injury. After all, beach volleyball is a competitive sport, and small injuries are normal.

He looked over at Lan Qing, whose handsome and profound features revealed no extra emotion. However, he knew Lan Qing was worried about him and perhaps even a bit angry with Cheng Qiang.

Xu Le felt a warmth in his heart and a slight blush on his face.

“President Lan, it’s normal to be competitive during a game. Qiang ge is really good at volleyball, I admire him.” He smiled at Cheng Qiang, giving a look that suggested letting bygones be bygones.

Xu Le’s smile was very charming, causing Cheng Qiang to pause. Seeing Xu Le wasn’t holding a grudge, Cheng Qiang felt a bit guilty. Earlier, he had been angered by colleagues cheering Xu Le on, feeling his own pride was at stake, hence the competitive spirit.

Now, with Xu Le extending a friendly gesture, he quickly responded, “Yes, Xiao Xu, I’m sorry. It was my fault. Let me treat you to dinner sometime.”

Xu Le nodded with a smile, “Haha, sure, and I’ll ask you for some tips on playing volleyball.”

Just as he finished speaking, Lan Qing grabbed his arm, “Come with me.”


Before Xu Le could react, Lan Qing was already pulling him towards the hotel, leaving the others bewildered.

Jianxin whispered to Cao Xinyi, “Don’t you think there’s something unusual between President Lan and Xiao Le?”

By the time Lan Qing and Xu Le had disappeared into the hotel lobby, Cao Xinyi finally dared to nod, “Indeed, it seems normal, but I feel there’s something off in the way President Lan looks at Xiao Le…”

She paused, surprised, “No way, but Xiao Le has a girlfriend, doesn’t he?”

Jianxin adjusted her oversized sunglasses, a glamorous smile forming on her red lips, and lowered her voice, “How do you know it’s a girlfriend?”

Cao Xinyi covered her mouth in shock, “Huh?”


Xu Le couldn’t help but cry out in pain. The alcohol wipe stung the scratch on his face, burning intensely. Although he wasn’t afraid of getting injured, he was quite afraid of pain.

“Sorry, I’ll try to be gentler.”

Lan Qing, holding Xu Le’s chin, eased up slightly. His hands were much stronger than average, and even though he thought he was being gentle, he still caused Xu Le to cry out in pain.

“It’s not necessary to make such a fuss, it’s just a small scratch…” Xu Le mumbled softly, his eyes slightly red from the pain.

Lan Qing threw away the alcohol wipe and carefully applied a waterproof bandage. This time, he was very gentle, and Xu Le barely felt it. Lan Qing then let go.

“Your butt hasn’t fully healed yet, and now your face is injured. If you don’t take care, where do you plan to get hurt next?”

“Huh?” Xu Le blinked innocently, his dark eyes bright and slightly watery, like a confused puppy.

Lan Qing pressed lightly on the bandage on Xu Le’s face, causing him to cry out again, “Ow!”

“Pain should help you remember,” Lan Qing lightly pinched his cheek, this time with a bit of affectionate indulgence, “Don’t make me worry.”

Xu Le was stunned for a few seconds before slowly responding with an “Oh.”

The waves rolled onto the beach in layers, then quickly receded, leaving behind white arcs.

As evening approached, barbecue grills and various ingredients were set up on the beach. That night’s plan was a self-service barbecue with an abundance of ingredients and plenty of beer and drinks.

Lan Qing’s presence made everyone a bit reserved. Aside from Lucy and Xu Le, no one knew when he had arrived. Faced with their cold and serious boss, everyone was quite nervous.

Lan Qing’s temper and thoughts were hard to grasp. Coupled with his stern image at the company, almost no one dared to approach him. The employees understood that this reticent, efficient heir was not someone they could easily flatter.

Seeing their apprehension, Lan Qing spoke up, “We’re not at the company now, don’t mind me. Eat and drink as you like.”

A few lively employees quickly started chatting, “Yeah, everyone relax, we’re here to have fun!”

Soon, the atmosphere lightened up. The company had hired a few singers to perform, and with the music, the mood became quite festive, filled with cheers and shouts.

Xu Le and Cao Xinyi were chatting together when out of the corner of his eye, Xu Le noticed Lan Qing standing alone in a corner, looking down at his phone. No one dared to approach that area, giving it a somewhat desolate and lonely feel.

Lan Qing’s appearance was truly outstanding, and his tall stature made him look like a picture, more striking than the brilliant sunset behind him.

Seemingly aware of Xu Le’s gaze, Lan Qing looked up in his direction. Although his face remained as calm as ever, his eyes were gentle.

Xu Le’s expression became a bit unnatural because he felt a slight itch in his heart.

After a tactical cough, he continued chatting with his colleagues but couldn’t help sneaking glances at Lan Qing.

Later, Cao Xinyi pulled him away to take photos.

When they returned, it was starting to get dark. A blazing bonfire had been lit on the beach, and a group of people was cheering and playing around it. The rich aroma of barbecue wafted over, tantalizing everyone’s taste buds.

Xu Le loved seafood, especially grilled oysters and scallops. He found them especially satisfying when dipped in sauce and popped into his mouth. He took a lot of these two items but not too much, considering everyone loved them.

“Wow, who grilled these scallops? They’re perfectly cooked and taste amazing!” a female colleague couldn’t help but exclaim.

Others around her agreed.

To everyone’s surprise, one of the people standing in front of the grill was actually Lan Qing.

Lan Qing was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The way he handled the ingredients was particularly skillful, forming a stark contrast to his cold appearance, creating a powerful impact.

To everyone, Lan Qing was like an untainted snow lotus on a high mountain, untouched by worldly matters. Yet, here was this president, sleeves rolled up, with his usually strategic fingers holding skewers instead.

“Is it really President Lan? Am I seeing things?” The crowd was incredulous.

President Lan grilling food for them was indeed unbelievable, but it was happening right before their eyes.

Xu Le was also shocked. He had thought that even if Lan Qing wasn’t completely out of touch with cooking, he wouldn’t have any experience in it. But to his surprise, Lan Qing looked quite adept at grilling food.

“Just eat, don’t overthink it,” Lan Qing said concisely.

Everyone was tense for a moment, but as the alcohol kicked in, they loosened up, with some daring employees even complimenting Lan Qing’s cooking skills.

Lan Qing remained calm throughout, focused solely on the food.

Xu Le sneaked a glance at Lan Qing, who also looked at him. He nervously looked around, and seeing no one paying attention, he secretly gave Lan Qing a thumbs-up, smiling brightly.

Lan Qing nodded slightly, his gaze gentle.

Xu Le felt very happy inside but dared not show this elation on his face. He decided to concentrate on enjoying the delicious food in front of him—after all, it was personally grilled by President Lan, and he had to eat as much as he could!

Seeing that most of the food Lan Qing handled were his favorites, Xu Le felt even happier. His heart itched, but with so many people around, he couldn’t go over to chat with Lan Qing.

After eating and drinking their fill, Xu Le and Cao Xinyi sat around the bonfire with a few others. Everyone had drunk some beer, not enough to get drunk but enough to feel slightly tipsy.

The firelight illuminated their youthful, pretty faces, all glowing red.

“Xiao Lele, how are things going with your little girlfriend lately?” Jiaxin asked with a smile, resting her chin on her hand.

Talking about this topic made Xu Le blush, though it wasn’t visible. He nervously touched the back of his neck, “Um, it’s going okay.”

“Really? Is she pretty? What’s her personality like?”

Xu Le stammered, “Pre… pretty, and her personality is, um, quite good.”

Lan Qing could be considered pretty, and as for personality, Xu Le thought it couldn’t be better, although sometimes he struggled to keep up with his straightforward thoughts and expressions.

“Oh, I see.” Jiaxin took a sip of beer, smiling meaningfully.

Cao Xinyi wanted to ask more but decided to be subtle, “If we get the chance, can we meet your little girlfriend? Us sisters would like to treat you two to a meal.”

Xu Le was startled, “Um, haha, if there’s a chance, definitely!”

Actually, you’ve already met… he thought.

However, he remembered an important issue: his relationship with Lan Qing wasn’t formally established. Although they had kissed, and Lan Qing said he was pursuing him, there hadn’t been any verbal commitments yet.

Were he and Lan Qing really together, or… just in a close, kissable relationship?

Thinking about this, he felt a bit unreal.

He took a big gulp of his beer, suddenly feeling anxious. What if Lan Qing didn’t mean it seriously and was only temporarily interested in him?

Just as he was lost in thought, his phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated.

It was a message from Lan Qing.

【Come behind the hotel, I’ll be waiting for you under a coconut tree across from it. There’s no one here, and the moon over the sea is beautiful.】

There was also a photo of the sea view, pristine and pure.

Seeing the message, Xu Le’s heart skipped a beat. He immediately stood up and was about to leave.

“Lele, where are you going?”

Xu Le mumbled, “I, uh, need to go to the restroom.”

“Oh, go ahead.”

This part of the beach was not as brightly lit as the front, giving it a quiet and lonely feel. The moon was nearly full, hanging over the vast dark sea, casting a clear light.

When Xu Le arrived, panting, his heart was racing even faster due to his sprint, and his brain felt somewhat congested.

Lan Qing gently touched his sweat-dampened face and said softly, “Why run so fast? I’m right here waiting for you.”

Feeling Lan Qing’s hand caress his face so tenderly, Xu Le couldn’t help but nuzzle against it, saying, “Yeah, I’m so tired, but I wanted to see the moon.”

Lan Qing smoothly pulled him into his arms, gently patting his back to soothe him. He had learned to control his strength when dealing with Xu Le.

Finally, Xu Le calmed down and lifted his head. His dark eyes shone brightly, filled with hope and a bit of uncertain timidity. He needed some courage to ask the next question.

“President Lan, can I ask you a question?”

Lan Qing looked into his eyes, his expression becoming even gentler. “Go ahead.”

Xu Le took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. “What… what is our relationship now?”

Lan Qing didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he tightened his embrace as if he wanted to merge Xu Le into his very being.

Their lips were so close that Lan Qing only had to lower his head slightly, and Xu Le only had to tilt his head up slightly for them to kiss.

Under the moonlight, Lan Qing’s handsome face seemed to be wrapped in a soft glow, looking tender and affectionate. His deep blue eyes were more mesmerizing than the sea.

Because he was so perfect, it felt almost dreamlike, ethereal, and distant.

Xu Le couldn’t resist reaching out to touch Lan Qing’s face, but halfway there, his hand was caught.

As Xu Le looked surprised, Lan Qing held his hand and pressed it firmly against his own cheek.

“What do you think our relationship is? My little boyfriend.”

Author’s note:

Hehe, they’ve confirmed their relationship. President Lan can finally enjoy his little puppy to his heart’s content~

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