What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 6

This Building Belongs to President Lan

It had to be said that the conditions in MissOK’s employee cafeteria were quite good, with prices comparable to university cafeterias, and a wide variety of dishes from various cuisines across the country, including many specialty counters from other countries.

Xu Le’s eyes were dazzled, and he finally ordered a boiled beef slice combo and a yam spare rib soup. After receiving his tray, he looked around.

The employee cafeteria was spacious, with both group tables and single seats, creating a pleasant dining atmosphere.

Not far away, Lucy and Cao Xinyi waved at him, and seeing Jiang Wan there too, Xu Le decided to sit with them.

“Wow, the food at MissOK is really good! I feel like I could eat here every day for 365 days!” Xu Le, who was always a foodie, was practically glowing with excitement.

Cao Xinyi smiled and said, “Of course, the chefs in our company cafeteria are recruited from all over, and we frequently introduce new dishes.”

Jiang Wan nodded, “The company cafeteria is indeed very good. After I got pregnant, my appetite became pickier, but I can always find something to eat here at lunchtime.”

Xu Le buried himself in his meal, vigorously nodding in agreement. It’s not that he didn’t want to speak, but the delicious food was blocking his words.

“Oh, by the way, Xiao Xu, speaking of which, I was quite surprised that President Lan approved your hiring.” Lucy, the manager of the HR department, smiled.

Xu Le, who was enjoying the smoked lamb chop fed by Cao Xinyi, raised his head curiously at the words. “Why Lucy jie?,” he asked.

Could it be… that the boss didn’t originally want to hire him? Xu Le’s heart suddenly tightened.

“Before you came, there were no less than twenty people applying for your position. But President Lan didn’t seem satisfied with any of them. I remember one of the interviewees was even an Ivy League graduate with an excellent job history, but President Lan still didn’t choose him. Instead, he chose you from among the many candidates.” Lucy explained.

Xu Le widened his eyes in shock and pointed to himself, “Me? I beat an Ivy League graduate?”

He found it unbelievable because he wasn’t outstanding to the point of being irreplaceable, and he was just a college student with no work experience.

What considerations did President Lan have to choose to hire him?

Lucy thought for a moment. “Actually, our company doesn’t solely rely on academic qualifications. Regardless of gender or education level, as long as the ability or potential is there, they are considered qualified employees.”

Xu Le nodded thoughtfully.

It seemed that the boss recognized his potential?

Suddenly remembering the boss’s special iris color and more three-dimensional facial features than ordinary Hua people, he asked with some curiosity, “By the way, is President Lan… mixed race? I feel like he looks different from typical Hua people.”

Cao Xinyi “Hmm’d,” “Yes, President Lan is mixed race, with half E-country descent.”

Xu Le exclaimed, “Wow, he’s a mixed-blood from a warrior nation. I thought the boss’s face looked so good it seemed like he was wearing colored contact lenses. I had quite a few E-country exchange students in college, all tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, really eye-catching when walking down the street!”

“You’re handsome too, everyone likes you,” Cao Xinyi said with a smile.

Xu Le chuckled, self-deprecatingly saying, “Otherwise, how could I be a beauty blogger!”

He had a handsome and refreshing appearance. Even when he said such things about himself, it didn’t feel greasy. Instead, it seemed quirky and cute, making several sisters laugh at his jokes.

“Um, I have another question…” At this point, Xu Le’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Seeing that his expression seemed a bit uneasy, Jiang Wan asked gently, “What’s wrong?”

“Well… I want to ask, is the president’s exclusive elevator the only one President Lan can use?” Xu Le wondered, thinking that such a big office building surely didn’t only have MissOK as the tenant, nor did President Lan have it all to himself. If President Lan alone occupied an elevator, wouldn’t that be too special and luxurious?

Cao Xinyi asked in confusion, “Why do you suddenly want to ask this?”

“Just… curious! Because when I was waiting for the elevator to work today, several elevators were in operation, but that one elevator had no one using it.” Xu Le stuttered.

“Oh, right, that elevator is exclusively for President Lan’s use. Others are not allowed to use it. When we take the elevator to work, even if we wait a long time, no one thinks of taking that elevator.” Cao Xinyi explained.

Xu Le: …

Could he say that he had already taken it twice, and even President Lan himself pressed the floor button for him?

“Then… what if someone is in a hurry to clock in for work and President Lan happens to be getting on the elevator, can others ride it too?” Xu Le asked somewhat nervously.

Cao Xinyi shuddered and shook her head, “No, absolutely not. Although theoretically it’s possible, President Lan’s presence intimidates everyone. Ordinary people wouldn’t dare approach within a meter of him, let alone ride the elevator with him!”

Xu Le: …

So President Lan was this scary in everyone’s eyes?!

“But isn’t it too exaggerated for such a big elevator to be only used by President Lan? Wouldn’t that be too much?” Xu Le still found it unbelievable.

“What’s the big deal? This building is all under President Lan’s name, so it’s normal to reserve an exclusive elevator for him.” Lucy chimed in.

“Huh?” Xu Le’s mouth could fit a goose egg.

Such a large office building was actually owned by President Lan?!

This was the CBD area of the city, where prices and rents were outrageously high. To own an entire tall building in such an area, President Lan’s net worth must be astonishing…

“Surprised, aren’t you? Well, there’s always a small group of people in this world—” Lucy extended her thumb and index finger of her left hand, gestured, and then retracted her hand, continuing, “They are the chosen ones, destined by fate. President Lan is one of them. Not only is he the heir of Starlight, but he is also capable himself. Appearance is just one of his insignificant advantages.”

Xu Zhou’s eyes lit up, and he said enviously, “All roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome. If I had President Lan’s status and wealth, I would have long been living the good life.”

God knows how much he wanted to take it easy. If he could achieve financial freedom sooner, he would definitely travel the world, seeing all the scenery and tasting all the delicacies!

Jiang Wan, seeing his admiring expression, couldn’t help but chuckle, “Although President Lan seems like a winner in life on the surface, he also bears considerable pressure in his position. After all, in recent years, with the economic downturn, the impact on the jewelry industry has been significant.”

“Many companies in our industry are laying off employees to reduce costs, but Starlight Group, including all its subsidiary brands, has hardly been affected. This is all thanks to President Lan’s planning and decision-making.”

Xu Le sighed and nodded, “It seems like being an heir to a wealthy family isn’t easy.”

He no longer envied Lan Qing’s status and wealth. Managing the company so well under such environmental pressure, President Lan was truly impressive.

After lunch was a short nap time. Xu Le, on his first day of work, felt no drowsiness. He simply began reading the materials Jiang Wan had sent him.

Since he had just started, he didn’t need to do much. He just needed to familiarize himself with the workflow under Jiang Wan’s guidance. The rest of the time was spent understanding the company’s cultural background and browsing details about MissOK brand products.

Unknowingly, it was already five o’clock, time to clock out. Everyone began to pack up and leave, including Xu Le.

“Phew…” he stretched lazily and picked up his things to leave.

He looked around and asked Jiang Wan softly, “Jiang Wan jie, do we usually work overtime here?”

“Our company doesn’t advocate for overtime, and President Lan doesn’t like unnecessary overtime either. Unless it’s a special circumstance, everyone leaves on time,” Jiang Wan explained.

“President Lan is wise! Just love this kind of boss!” Xu Le grinned. Now, he could busy himself with managing his A station account when he got home.

“Let’s go. It might be crowded later, and we might have to wait for the elevator.”

“Okay!” Xu Le nodded.

In the elevator lobby, there were crowds of people queuing up in front of six public elevators on both sides.

Except for the entrance to the CEO’s exclusive elevator, it seemed to have a magnetic field around it, like a forbidden zone no one dared to approach.

Xu Le glanced in that direction and felt a chill run down his spine for no reason.

Judging from the reactions of the people around, it was obvious they held President Lan in great awe, not daring to even approach his exclusive elevator.

Oh my god, was he really the only employee who would ride the elevator with the CEO?

Xu Le shivered inexplicably and quickly shifted his gaze.

Other employees around were chatting away, discussing work, what they would eat and play later, and even married employees discussing household matters together.

“Lele, is your place far from the company?” Cao Xinyi asked from beside.

“A bit, takes more than forty minutes to commute, but it’s still acceptable,” Xu Le replied.

“That’s quite far. You can consider moving closer. Do you need me to introduce some apartments near the company?” Cao Xinyi asked with concern.

Xu Le thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, “Thanks, Xinyi jie, not for now. I’ve just rented this place recently, and it feels pretty good living there for now. I’ll find you when I decide to move.”

“Okay.” Cao Xinyi said with a smile.

“Shh! President Lan is here!”

Just as Xu Le was about to speak again, the surroundings suddenly fell silent, and the previous chatter disappeared like a receding tide.

His heart tightened as well.

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