What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 59

Too Tired to Bite

Xu Le was both embarrassed and angry. Despite being an adult, he had just received such a humiliating “lesson.”

Although it didn’t hurt much, it was incredibly embarrassing.

Since he had learned to speak, his parents had never hit him there. Who would have thought that in his twenties, another man would do so?

Even if that person was President Lan, it was unacceptable! After all, it was a matter of his dignity as a man!

Xu Le felt his self-esteem had taken a serious hit. Though it hurt, he kept silent. But Lan Qing was the boss and he was an employee, and even in terms of strength, he couldn’t match Lan Qing. He could only swallow his pride and tense up his body.

Feeling the body beneath him tense up, Lan Qing finished applying the ointment and placed the jar on the bedside table.

Since the freshly applied ointment hadn’t fully absorbed, Xu Le couldn’t put down the robe just yet; he had to let it air dry.

He was sulking quietly when Lan Qing leaned over, hooked his chin, and asked with interest, “What’s the matter, are you angry?”

Xu Le felt a bit awkward. “No.”

But he didn’t dare to look at Lan Qing’s face. His gaze flickered evasively, like a schoolchild in a tantrum. He wanted to turn his face away, but Lan Qing wouldn’t let him.

Ordinarily, Xu Le wouldn’t have the courage to treat Lan Qing with such an attitude, but perhaps the intimate event of applying the ointment had made him feel there was less distance between them, even allowing for some display of emotion.

Lan Qing understood the situation. He knew that the crisp slap earlier had affected Xu Le, making him feel downcast now.

Trying to be angry but only managing to sulk in silence, like a child—this awkward yet amusing demeanor was quite endearing.

Lan Qing didn’t mind because he liked Xu Le’s genuineness.

Having just showered, Xu Le smelled of the hotel’s exclusive orange-scented body wash, which was fresh and enticing. Coupled with the moist eyes from the ointment application and his slightly flushed face, he looked even more appealing.

The desire for physical intimacy surged within Lan Qing.

At this moment, he had only one thought: he wanted to kiss Xu Le.

And so, he did.

Gently holding Xu Le’s chin, Lan Qing leaned in closer, looking into his dark, lustrous eyes, and softly said, “Xu Le, I’m about to kiss you. If you want to refuse, now is the time to push me away.”

“Do you want to push me away?” he held Xu Le’s hand and pressed it against his own chest.

Xu Le was initially stunned, his lips parted in an unconscious, inarticulate murmur. His hand, guided by Lan Qing, rested on the firm chest, feeling the heartbeat through the fabric.

Soon, it almost matched his own rapid heartbeat.

“Do you want to push me away?” Lan Qing asked again, tightening his grip on Xu Le’s hand as if wanting to merge it into his chest.

At that moment, Xu Le’s brain had shut down, sinking into a hazy blankness.

His heart seemed to stop momentarily, then quickly accelerated, almost bursting out of his chest, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.

Mustering his courage, he no longer avoided Lan Qing’s gaze, no longer evaded his inner turmoil, no longer worried about orientations, or the disparity in their statuses.


As soon as Xu Le’s almost whispered words fell, Lan Qing’s kiss descended.

First, it was a gentle peck, like a dragonfly skimming the water, then it deepened, as if prying open an oyster shell to savor the fresh meat inside, exploring every nook and cranny without missing a spot.

Xu Le initially felt timid, wanting to retreat, but Lan Qing firmly held the back of his head, lifting his upper body, forcing him to tilt his head back and face the growing intensity.

Just like last time, Xu Le experienced the suffocating feeling of lack of oxygen, his face turning bright red.

Lan Qing briefly released him before quickly pulling him back, continuing the kiss.

Eventually, Xu Le seemed to find enjoyment in the kiss, gaining some technique and awakening his masculine desire to conquer.

He hooked Lan Qing’s shoulders, applying a bit of force, to which Lan Qing obediently lay down.

Lan Qing’s deep blue eyes gazed at Xu Le, his pupils reflecting him, filled with encouragement and indulgence.

Xu Le hesitated but soon buried his head and initiated the kiss.

It was unclear how long it lasted, but this prolonged kiss finally had to end.

Lan Qing’s pale face flushed down to his neck. After catching his breath, he looked at Xu Le, who was completely spent.

“Why didn’t you bite me this time? You used to be a sharp-tongued little puppy.” He casually wrapped an arm around Xu Le’s waist, his eyes teasing.

Xu Le rested his face on Lan Qing’s neck, feeling like a deflated ball, utterly exhausted, breathing heavily to fill his lungs.

He had never imagined that kissing could be so exhausting, though the process…was quite enjoyable.

“Can’t bite anymore, my mouth is numb, so tired.” his voice was a bit hoarse, his tone unintentionally showing a hint of intimacy.

Lan Qing’s chest felt solid, providing a sense of security. Xu Le hadn’t expected to feel this kind of reliance on another man, but now, Lan Qing’s scent filled his nostrils, oddly comforting.

“Let me see.”

Lan Qing lifted Xu Le’s head, examining his lips, which were much redder than usual, especially the lip bead, as if it had been deliberately colored.

Xu Le’s usually fresh and handsome face, now tinged with a lingering blush, looked somewhat contradictory yet unusually attractive.

Lan Qing’s fingers traced his lip line, genuinely admiring, “Lele, you’re really beautiful.”

His voice was low and pleasant, calling him intimately. Xu Le, hearing this, blushed not just his face, but his whole body.

“Why say that suddenly? I’m a man, handsome and dashing maybe…” he muttered awkwardly, belatedly realizing he was still sprawled over Lan Qing.

Worse yet, he was only wrapped in a robe.

“Handsome and dashing?”

Xu Le tried to turn over but was held down by strong arms, a hand pressing directly on his skin, tickling him.

He couldn’t help but struggle slightly.

“Don’t move, just let me hold you.” Lan Qing patted his butt.

Xu Le froze, his face turning red again after finally calming down, but he dared not move. 

He stayed still obediently. After a while, Lan Qing let go of him and turned to enter the bathroom.

Xu Le turned around, staring at the ceiling, thinking, what was he just doing? Not only did he kiss President Lan, but he also actually initiated a kiss…

The scenes that had just made his face flush and heart race played repeatedly in his mind, and even the sensation on his lips seemed to linger.

He couldn’t help but touch his own lips. Just now, he had kissed Lan Qing again.

So, what was their relationship now? It couldn’t just be a pure superior-subordinate relationship, right?

After Lan Qing finished his shower, he came out wearing the men’s bathrobe provided by the hotel. The bathrobe was tied tightly around his waist, but it was loose, revealing a small patch of his firm, white chest, exuding a solid sense of strength.

Xu Le had dressed himself in a T-shirt and sports pants he brought along, which gave him a much greater sense of security compared to just wearing a robe.

He was sitting cross-legged on the bed playing a mobile game when he heard Lan Qing coming out. He instinctively got up, hid his phone behind his back, and looked at Lan Qing, “President Lan, you’ve finished your shower?”

“Mm, what were you just doing?”

“Playing a mobile game. Um—” Xu Le touched the back of his neck, his face a bit unnaturally red. “Why don’t we rest first? If we get up early tomorrow, we can see the sunrise over the sea. I heard the scenery is especially beautiful.”

“Okay,” Lan Qing responded.

“Ah? Oh…” Xu Le looked at the only bed in the bedroom and suddenly realized a pressing, crucial issue.

One bed, two people.

The bed was quite large, a standard 1.8-meter double bed, definitely enough for two people to sleep on. But he had to share a bed with Lan Qing?

Although they had indeed kissed just now, Xu Le felt that before confirming their relationship, it was quite embarrassing to sleep together, even if it was just sleeping and nothing else.

He thought about the sofa outside in the living room. It was a hard leather sofa, but sleeping on it for one night should be fine. After all, he was young and healthy, and as long as there was a place to sleep, he could sleep anywhere.

He unconsciously moved a few steps towards the door. “Then I’ll sleep outside. President Lan, you should rest early.”

As he spoke, he started walking towards the door, but after a few steps, he heard Lan Qing behind him, “Wait, there’s no bed in the living room. Do you plan to sleep on the floor or on the sofa?”

Xu Le froze in place, “I’m fine with either.”

“Are you afraid I’ll do something to you, or are you worried you’ll do something to me?”

Xu Le was provoked by this question, and turned around suddenly, meeting Lan Qing’s teasing gaze, “How could I…”


After the lights went out, the room was pitch black, and the air was silent.

Xu Le couldn’t sleep. Afraid of touching Lan Qing’s body, he curled up at the edge of the bed, occupying only a quarter of it.

His face was still a bit hot, recalling the somewhat impulsive kiss from before.

Lan Qing had said he could push him away, but he didn’t. Maybe if there was a second time, Xu Le would still make the same choice.

After lying still in one position for a long time, he felt a bit uncomfortable. He wanted to adjust his posture, but was worried about disturbing Lan Qing, so he moved his arms and legs cautiously.

The bed was too soft, and the surroundings were too quiet. Any movement seemed magnified, making it almost impossible to hide.

He thought his movements were very light. Hearing Lan Qing’s even breathing beside him, he thought Lan Qing might have fallen asleep. Just as he was about to lower his adjusted leg, he heard a noise beside him.

Xu Le was startled, his leg suspended in the air, not daring to move.

At this moment, Lan Qing, who he thought was already asleep, suddenly reached out and wrapped his arm around Xu Le’s waist, pulling him over.

The force was so strong that Xu Le had no time to resist. When he came to his senses, he found himself curled up in Lan Qing’s arms.

“Can’t stay still while sleeping, do you want me to apply medicine to you a second time?”

Xu Le struggled a bit, but couldn’t break free. Instead, Lan Qing held him tighter. At the same time, Xu Le felt like thousands of prairie dogs were screaming inside him.

“President Lan, you’re holding me too tight…” he couldn’t help but say.

Lan Qing’s grip loosened a bit but still didn’t let go. Instead, he seemed to be measuring Xu Le’s waist, gently stroking along his waistline, “You always call me President Lan. Why not call me something else?”

Xu Le, enduring the tickling on his waist and the embarrassment in his heart, spoke with a slightly panting voice, “Then what else can I call you?”

“My Russian name is Ivan. You can also call me Vanya,” Lan Qing’s deep voice was as soft as silk.

Xu Le was slightly stunned and blurted out, “Vanya?”

The hand around his waist tightened abruptly. In the darkness, Xu Le’s pupils shrank, but what followed was a gentle kiss on the corner of his lips.

“Say it again. I want to hear it.”

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