What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 58

Could you help me apply the medicine?

Xu Le: “?”

If he said not to move, why press the other side that was fine?

But since President Lan volunteered to help him check his injury, Xu Le felt too embarrassed to say anything more, and could only respond with a meek “oh,” obediently lying still.

“Try moving a bit and see if it hurts here.” Lan Qing released his hand from holding Xu Le down and lightly pressed with his fingertips at the tailbone, indicating.

His tone was calm, devoid of any flirtatious implications, as if he was simply assessing the injury. However, in his deep blue eyes, there seemed to be a subtle spark flickering in the stormy night.

Xu Le was ticklish from the touch, but he held back, trying to move his body and honestly saying, “Moving is okay, it doesn’t hurt. The main pain was on the left where I fell, but it’s getting better now.”

His physique was very attractive, especially the proportion of his waist and hips, exceptionally advantageous among men, with a beautiful spine curve and even a waist dimple.

A young and handsome body itself was a fascinating sight.

And Lan Qing was in an excellent viewing angle, fully appreciating this scene.

“If it doesn’t hurt, that’s good. It means there’s no fracture in your tailbone. Now… how about here?”

His long fingers slid from the valley to the peak, pressing on the prominent bruise which was mostly red and purplish earlier, but now looked like it had been splattered with paint.

Lan Qing’s touch was actually very polite, without any hint of improper teasing. Yet Xu Le’s face turned even redder.

He was so ticklish.

“It’s… um, still okay.” Xu Le was incredibly ticklish, trembling as he spoke.

Lan Qing finally withdrew his hand and stood up. “I’ll go ask the front desk for some medicine for bruises. You lie down and don’t move.”

Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief, quickly lowering the robe. At least he wasn’t completely exposed like a newborn baby anymore. He responded in a low voice, “Thank you, President Lan.”

Lan Qing dialed the landline phone. Since this island was an affiliate of a small Southeast Asian country renowned for its tourism industry, the staff were also foreigners, so he spoke in English.

Xu Le listened attentively. Although his English was quite average, he could tell that Lan Qing’s English pronunciation was excellent, almost indistinguishable from that of a native speaker. He silently marveled, thinking, “This must be the result of an elite education for the wealthy.”

After hanging up the phone, Lan Qing looked at Xu Le.

Xu Le hadn’t completely dried off, and his skin was slightly reddened from bathing too long. He wasn’t very fair-skinned, but his skin was delicate and smooth, his body long and slender. When he lay there quietly, he looked very pleasing to the eye.

“Why aren’t you talking again?”

“Uh, I… I don’t know what to say…” Xu Le wanted to reduce his presence, but there were only the two of them here.

Lan Qing sat down next to him, causing the edge of the bed to sink slightly under his weight, which only heightened his presence.

Xu Le’s heart tightened, and his muscles tensed.

Every time Lan Qing got close, Xu Le felt his face flush and his heart race. His heart felt like it was being tickled by a feather, bringing an itchiness that was unfamiliar but not unpleasant. However, it also made him feel inexplicably ashamed, along with a complex mix of emotions that he couldn’t quite figure out—whether it was fear or a desire to escape.

He was certain that he only felt this way in front of Lan Qing.

But he didn’t quite understand why he felt this way.

“It seems like every time you’re in front of me, you have nothing to say. But I think it’s more like you’re avoiding me than having nothing to say.”

Lan Qing gently placed his hand on Xu Le’s shoulder, leaning in slightly. “Xu Le, why are you avoiding me, hmm?”

Xu Le turned his head in shock and met those deep blue eyes, as tranquil as a deep pool. His Adam’s apple bobbed dryly, “I—”

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a knock on the door, interrupting their conversation.

Lan Qing released his hand and stood up. “I’ll get the medicine. You stay here.”

“Okay.” Xu Le turned his head, resting his chin on his arm, and sighed inwardly. What was he so nervous and guilty about?

He strained his ears to listen to the sounds outside.

First, there was a respectful voice from a stranger, probably the hotel staff delivering the medicine. The staff considerately explained the usage in English, which Xu Le understood in bits and pieces. After Lan Qing thanked him, the door closed.

Lan Qing returned to the bedroom with the medicine and saw that Xu Le was still lying there obediently. He walked over, placed the ointment on the bedside table, and sat beside him, naturally reaching to lift his robe.

This time, Xu Le still clutched the robe tightly. He turned his head and said with an awkward smile, “President Lan, I can apply the medicine myself.”

Lan Qing raised an eyebrow. “You can’t even see the wound. How are you going to apply the medicine?”

Xu Le was at a loss for words and weakly said, “I can do it myself. I’ll just apply it where it hurts, or use a mirror if I have to…”

There was indeed a full-length mirror in the bedroom. Lan Qing glanced at it. “Fine, you can apply the medicine yourself. I’ll watch to make sure you do it right.”

“Then I—” Xu Le was about to agree when he suddenly realized that applying medicine to that area in front of a mirror would involve some awkward positions. Moreover, Lan Qing seemed intent on watching him…

Imagining that scene, his face flushed again.

“Why aren’t you moving? Do you want me to carry you over?” Lan Qing teased.

Xu Le: “?!”

He seriously suspected that Lan Qing had been possessed, or maybe he had always been playful and was just usually masked by his cold demeanor?

Xu Le’s thoughts were in a whirl, and he couldn’t bring himself to assume such an awkward position to apply the medicine. So, he weakly said, “Uh, President Lan, could you… could you help me apply the medicine?”

The ointment was quite effective. Shortly after it was applied, Xu Le felt a cooling sensation on the affected area, and the pain lessened significantly.

However, although Lan Qing’s technique was gentle, his strength was undeniable. Xu Le occasionally grimaced from the pressure, his well-defined chest muscles twitching and quivering slightly under the strain.

“Be gentler, President Lan, it really hurts…” he couldn’t help but try to evade the pressure when it became too much.

Lan Qing remained unfazed, a hint of amusement in his seemingly calm eyes. “When I was a child, every time I got bruised or injured, do you know what my father did?”

Xu Le’s attention was caught. “What did he do?”

“If it was winter, he would throw me into ice water until I was almost frozen, then pull me out. If it was summer, he would make me stand in the corner for an hour. Basically, there was always some form of punishment before I could treat my injuries.”

Xu Le was shocked. “Wow, that’s brutal!”

Lan Qing continued to apply the medicine slowly and meticulously. “Yes, so I’m already being very gentle with you now.”

Xu Le was speechless. Suddenly, Lan Qing pressed on the most swollen and painful area, causing Xu Le to break out in a cold sweat and instinctively dodge to the side, leaving Lan Qing’s hand empty.

A sharp “slap” sounded, not loud but crisp.

“Don’t move, or this won’t be the last time,” Lan Qing said nonchalantly.

Xu Le was utterly shocked, his face instantly turning beet red. He was already 21 years old, how could he still be spanked like this?!

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