What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 53

Xu Le, are you doing this on purpose?

The Lan Qing Xu Le usually saw was always in a suit, with his shirt buttoned to the top, and his tie always properly tied.

Although no one would pay attention to his attire, from head to toe, everything was meticulously appropriate to his status, so noble that people could only look up to him and not dare to stare directly.

However, being too strict and solemn often created a sense of distance. Lan Qing’s appearance was unquestionably outstanding, but with such exceptional facial features and figure, no one dared to imagine him elsewhere.

But at this moment, his hair was loose, his usual combed bangs were now hanging over his forehead, and he was wearing a bathrobe. The robe’s belt wasn’t even tied tightly, so a small area of his pale chest was exposed, revealing faint contours of his chest muscles and beautiful collarbones.

With his handsome face now appearing even more cold and stern due to the glasses, and dressed in a loose and leisurely bathrobe, he resembled a lazy and elegant white lion, clearly possessing astonishing power but relaxing his posture for others to admire.

And the only other person present was naturally Xu Le.

His mind was blank, but involuntarily, he couldn’t help but think that when beauty reached a certain level, even as a man, it possessed a captivating charm.

Xu Le had seen good-looking people before. When he was in college, there were even celebrities and actors who came to their school for filming. He still remembered that pair of actors who played lovers, both A-list celebrities in the entertainment industry.

The beauty of celebrities was impactful to ordinary people; they generally had small faces, delicate skin, exquisite features, and excellent figures. Coupled with the styling from the artist team, their advantages in appearance were infinitely magnified.

Excellent physical conditions, coupled with corresponding talents, so when those stars came to the school for filming, the students watching couldn’t help but sigh in admiration, thinking that celebrities were indeed celebrities.

Even Xu Le, who wasn’t a fan, had to admit that those actors were good-looking, distinctly different from ordinary people.

However, faced with Lan Qing, who was naturally beautiful without any artificial adornment, Xu Le only felt that those celebrity actors would pale in comparison to him.

Especially when Lan Qing’s face appeared on the screen, Xu Le’s heartbeat even skipped a beat.

Moreover, he couldn’t help but glance at the other’s chest because the skin there was so white, almost reflecting light, like translucent snow-white jade.

And more importantly, why did Lan Qing have such a good figure!

Normally, he was always in a shirt and suit jacket, sometimes even wearing a suit vest underneath, always covered tightly, except for his hands, neck, and face, rarely revealing more than five percent of his skin.

Not to mention chest muscles, he hadn’t even seen his collarbones!

Xu Le could guess that Lan Qing had a good figure since he always looked so stylish in his suits, like a standard clothes hanger, exuding an imposing aura. But seeing the clear outline of his chest muscles, he realized, “Oh, President Lan is indeed of mixed race and he’s quite well-built.”

Li Dongming also had a good figure, but his belonged to the type of muscular manly man, coupled with his impressive height of 1.9 meters, so he appeared to be very bulky.

Lan Qing’s physique was similar to Li Dongming’s, but his body was more slender and lean, with a kind of flowing beauty, as if bestowed by the creator’s unique favor.

“Why aren’t you saying anything, dumbstruck?” Lan Qing sat down in front of the screen, casually pushing his blue light glasses, seeing Xu Le didn’t speak, he asked.

Xu Le quickly regained his senses, realizing that he had been staring blankly at someone, feeling a bit embarrassed for a moment.

He wasn’t familiar with Lan Qing’s demeanor like this, he couldn’t react, subconsciously scratching his damp hair to cover up his previous awkwardness.

Because he had just taken a shower, Xu Le’s face was still a bit rosy, with water stains still not completely dry on his neck, and he was dressed casually and loosely, giving off a cozy homey vibe.

“Uh, President Lan, your video came too suddenly, I’m not ready yet.”

“Just wanted to see you.”

“Oh, I see…” Xu Le casually responded, realizing Lan Qing’s words afterwards, his face suddenly flushed, “Huh?”

He was startled, his expression froze.

Did he hear it wrong? Did President Lan just say that?

Xu Le admitted that he was startled.

Before in the company, President Lan clearly acted cold, why did he suddenly change his demeanor now, Xu Le even felt like he misheard.

“You didn’t mishear, don’t always show that expression in front of me, otherwise…” Lan Qing’s words suddenly paused.

Xu Le’s throat moved, cautiously and nervously asked, “Otherwise… what would happen?”

A drop of water dripped from his wet hair, falling into his eye along his forehead, he blinked hard, and after opening his eyes, the rims of his eyes were slightly pink, under the refraction of the light, his black pupils appeared even brighter, with a kind of innocent purity.

“Because you look very innocent, like you’re easy to bully.”

On the screen, Lan Qing stared straight at him, deep within his dark blue pupils, besides calmness, there was a layer of more complicated emotions, like a deep pool that couldn’t be fathomed.

“How can I be easy to bully? It’s just that I lack experience…” Xu Le couldn’t help muttering softly.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to tell me something?” Lan Qing heard his words, but didn’t continue on this topic.

The intern with straightforward and naive thinking didn’t detect the deeper meaning behind it, instead, he thought his abilities were being questioned by his superior, and even complained in a “coquettish” manner, which only made him appear cuter.

“Yeah,” Xu Le nodded, lowering his gaze, cautiously speaking, “Um… President Lan, I plan to move out of your house and find another place to live. I really appreciate your help during this time. Regarding the rent, what method do you think is convenient for you to receive? Anyway, I can cooperate on my end.”

He paused, “Oh, and about the gifts you gave me on A Station, I’ll return them to you as well. There are just too many, and I feel embarrassed to keep them…”

Having said all this in one breath, he felt much lighter in his heart.

Only then did he dare to raise his head and look at Lan Qing on the screen.

However, at the moment he saw the other’s expression, Xu Le’s heart skipped a beat.

Oh no, did he make President Lan angry? But he didn’t say anything wrong, did he…

At this moment, the leisurely expression on Lan Qing’s face faded away, turning into the coldness he usually had in the company. Behind the lenses, his deep blue eyes stared at Xu Le, resembling an examination.

Xu Le feared this kind of gaze the most, he used to fear it, and even now, despite having kissed and done intimate things, he still feared it.

Lan Qing, silent and with a serious face, was like a natural radiator of coldness, lowering the temperature around him.

“President Lan…” Xu Le plucked up the courage to speak softly.

After a while, Lan Qing coldly said, “Just because we kissed, because I pursued you, you couldn’t wait to draw the line with me? Xu Le, you’re quite clear about this.”

Xu Le was really frightened this time.

“It’s not like that, President Lan, I…” His lips trembled.

Lan Qing’s tone was too cold, his gaze too sharp, almost turning into a weapon, easily breaking through his psychological defense line.

To be honest, Xu Le was bold, definitely not a cowardly person, but facing Lan Qing, he was always afraid of making mistakes, worried about leaving a bad impression on the other party.

He didn’t want Lan Qing to think he was a bad person.

Whether in work or in private.

Actually, He had also considered whether saying these things would make him seem like a “scumbag” who took advantage of the situation and then kicked the other person away, especially since the other person was not an ordinary person, but the high-ranking Lan Qing.

Although he did harbor some selfishness, thinking that as long as he repaid what he owed, the other party might give up on him, and the two could truly return to the normal relationship between a boss and an employee.

But when he really saw Lan Qing’s sudden cold expression and tone, felt the freezing chill in the air, Xu Le realized that the other party was angry.

And not just a little angry.

He admitted, he was really scared now, and even regretted being too straightforward. What made him even more uncomfortable was the uneasiness and guilt in his heart.

“There’s no reason for me to take back what I gave you. As for why you suddenly want to change houses, tell me, what’s the reason?” Sensing Xu Le’s fear, Lan Qing’s tone softened slightly, but his expression remained cold.

Seeing him loosen up a bit, Xu Le hurriedly explained, “My college roommate came to the city, so I thought it would be convenient for us to live together and take care of each other in daily life, so I plan to rent a place with him.”

“College roommate?” Behind the lenses, Lan Qing’s gaze dimmed, “Is it that ‘Cornfield God of War’?”

Xu Le was somewhat surprised, nodding, “Yes, it’s him.” He didn’t expect Lan Qing to even know Li Dongming’s nickname. It seemed like he knew quite a bit about his A Station account. But Li Dongming was very active in his videos, comments, and live streams.

“Because he came to Hai City, so you want to share a rental with him?”

Xu Le felt Lan Qing’s question was a bit strange, but he could only honestly reply, “Sort of. He’s my best friend from university, our relationship is very good. If we share a rental, it’s no different from when we were in the dormitory before.”

“A good relationship…” Lan Qing repeated these words, as if trying to discern some additional meaning from them.

Xu Le then added with embellishment, “Yes, he’s the kind of good buddy with whom you’re so close you could share a pair of pants.”

“Able to share a pair of pants?”

Sensing that Lan Qing’s tone was off, Xu Le’s internal alarm bells rang loudly. After a moment of thought, he looked at Lan Qing’s expression, considered the other’s personality, and perhaps realizing that Lan Qing might not have friends as close as he did, he carefully explained what a “good buddy” meant.

“Uh, yes. Well, when it comes to male friends, he and I are the closest. Close enough to drink from the same bottle and squeeze onto the same bed, sharing both fun times and hardships, that kind of good buddy!”

Lan Qing’s face darkened as he listened, practically dripping with gloom.

“Drink from the same bottle? Sleep on the same bed?” he countered.

Xu Le nodded foolishly, “Uh, yeah…” Actually, he was just using a figure of speech and hadn’t really done those things with Li Dongming.

“Xu Le, you know I’m interested in you, yet you’re telling me how close you are with another man—”

Lan Qing leaned closer to the screen, emanating a chilling pressure, making Xu Le feel as though even his nonexistent tail was tucked between his legs.

“Xu Le, are you doing this on purpose?”

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