What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 50

The First Kiss

What does it feel like to kiss someone? In Xu Le’s twenty-one years of life, he had never experienced it.

His emotional maturity developed very late, while boys of the same age were already showing off and attracting the attention of beautiful girls, his mind was still filled with games and cartoons.

Although many girls had expressed their affection for him secretly, he, being dense, only took those gestures as friendly flags waving at him.

After entering university, Xu Le gradually became aware, would involuntarily be gentle to girls, and would also pay attention to boundaries when interacting. University was a free and romantic environment, with couples everywhere, but Xu Le never had a crush, even though his popularity among the opposite sex was better than in high school.

Even Li Dongming, a roommate with a carefree personality, had had two girlfriends, though they all ended up breaking up amicably, let alone Zhao Zhiang, who frequently changed girlfriends.

To be honest, it was quite unbelievable that someone as handsome, cheerful, and talented as Xu Le had remained single until now, but that was the reality.

He had never experienced the feeling of being in love, hugging, holding hands, kissing, or even deeper levels of intimacy, he hadn’t experienced any of it, he only had a bit of realization about love through watching movies, reading books, and observing couples on campus.

In terms of experience in this area, he was as pure as a blank sheet of paper.

So, when the sensation of a strange, soft but cold touch reached his lips, Xu Le’s mind was completely blank.

He hadn’t even realized, oh, I’m kissing, let alone realizing that he was kissing his own boss.

The resident singer changed the song again, a soft, colorful little song, with straightforward and bold lyrics, hot and passionate, listening made people’s ears hot and hearts race.

Xu Le was firmly held by Lan Qing, his lips, his tongue, were temporarily deprived of control, only mechanically following the other’s manipulation.

While his body became stiff, his senses were paradoxically heightened.

Although the song of the singer was clear in his ears, what Xu Le heard more clearly was his own pounding heartbeat and the interweaving breaths of each other.

In a daze, he felt as if he had returned to a dream, the eerie wedding dream.

He was bound by thorny rose vines, entwined around his limbs, pricking into his skin, oozing blood drops, bringing dense pain, but unable to break free.

And now, although there were no vines on his body, he seemed to be under a spell, unable to move.

Lan Qing’s kiss was forceful, but also patient, he was like a skilled helmsman, guiding the sailboat to change direction with the waves, turning the ups and downs of the waves into a graceful melody.

And Xu Le, as a naive novice sailor, could only accept the guidance, falling together into this endless wave, even his legs and waist began to weaken.

He was almost enveloped by Lan Qing’s exclusive cold fragrance, almost melting.


He began to struggle, but Lan Qing’s grip was strong, and he couldn’t break free. His breath was hindered by the kiss, and instead of resisting, he found himself being taken advantage of, with his wrist grabbed and the kiss continued.

No, he couldn’t let this go on…

He came up with a plan and decisively bit down hard on the other’s lip.

Lan Qing was forced to stop the kiss, but he still didn’t let go of him. Instead, he tightened his grip on Xu Le’s waist, not giving him a chance to escape.

In the dim atmosphere of the bar, Lan Qing’s face became even more perfectly three-dimensional under the light. His pupil’s color couldn’t distinguish its original deep blue, turning pitch black. The beautiful lips were covered with a moist sheen, faintly showing a bit of a bitten mark.

Like a carefully carved artwork with a missing corner, it appeared somewhat fallen and incomplete, yet possessed a kind of decadent beauty.

But Xu Le had no mind to appreciate this unique beauty.

His mind was full of the fact that he was actually kissed by a man, moreover, by his own boss!

It wasn’t so much anger, but being kissed so suddenly without any warning, Xu Le, who considered himself broad-minded, found it hard to calm down for a while.

He pursed his lips, which felt swollen and slightly numb, and his scalp felt like it was about to explode.

He couldn’t even believe this had happened, he actually kissed President Lan?

“Why… did you just…”

Before he could finish his question, laughter and conversation seemed to approach from behind, getting closer and closer.

Xu Le, feeling somewhat guilty after being kissed by a man, was too scared to avoid it. He grabbed Lan Qing’s suit jacket, like a turtle retracting its head, and buried his head in the other’s sturdy chest.

He forgot all about the saying “cover one’s ears while stealing the bell” and “there’s no silver here”, only remembering not to look at anyone’s face.

Xu Le tightly grasped Lan Qing’s suit jacket. Being so close, he could almost feel the other’s steady heartbeat and the unique, aggressive scent of cedarwood, which entered his nostrils, giving him a comforting feeling.

Only when he heard the sound of people walking away did he breathe a sigh of relief.

“They’re gone.”

Upon hearing this, Xu Le, belatedly realizing his embarrassing reaction, quickly withdrew from Lan Qing’s embrace. At that moment, he keenly felt how the other’s hand slid across his waist as he pulled away.

Xu Le was already quite sensitive to tickling, couldn’t help but shudder.

As he raised his head, he first saw Lan Qing’s slightly wrinkled suit, then slowly moved up, fixing his gaze on the other’s bitten lip.

His mind exploded. He thought, is he done for?

But then he thought, if Lan Qing, the boss, kissed him inexplicably, wouldn’t a normal person panic and maybe even shout about being molested?

His face flushed intensely, but luckily, it was too dark to see, which he was grateful for.

He took a deep breath and looked at Lan Qing. Although he wanted to speak confidently and openly, he found he couldn’t do it. After all, they had just kissed, and he dared not meet the other’s eyes.

He could only forcibly forget what had just happened. “President Lan, I’m sorry, but I think you may have misunderstood.”

“Xu Le, were you shy just now?” Lan Qing spoke, and Xu Le’s defenses collapsed once again. He turned his head nervously, coughed tactically, and then explained, “I just felt a bit dizzy just now, not shy. You misunderstood.”

“Dizzy?” Lan Qing pondered for a moment, “Was it because of the kiss just now, you were short of breath?”

Xu Le started coughing violently. Trembling, he picked up the drink in front of him, intending to drown his sorrows, but was stopped.

Lan Qing took the glass of Johnnie Walker in his hand and replaced it with a cup of pink Paloma adorned with roses. “This one’s too strong for you. You’re better off with this.”

Xu Le looked at the pink Paloma in his hand, feeling utterly defeated.

He downed nearly half the cup in one go, then put it down and moved his body twenty centimeters to the side, ensuring he was at a safe distance before clenching his fist and looking at Lan Qing.

“President Lan, I don’t like men.”

Lan Qing’s gaze darkened as he stared straight at Xu Le’s defensive posture. Slowly, he spoke, “You say you don’t like men, but why do you always blush and act shy in front of me? Do you do this with others too?”

“What… do you mean by… blushing and acting shy?” Xu Le was shocked, quickly clarifying, “I just respect you. Not only me, but also my colleagues in the company respect you like this!”

“In the company, you told me not to eat you, twice.” Lan Qing’s gaze was focused.

“That’s because I saw you as a vampire—” Xu Le suddenly shut up. This reason was too ridiculous. To imagine President Lan as a vampire was simply unbelievable. But, what did that have to do with seduction?

“Also, you always act cute in front of me.” Lan Qing, seeing him at a loss for words, smirked.

“How… how could I act cute!” Xu Le’s tone rose. How could a grown man like him act cute in front of someone? Especially in front of President Lan!

“On WeChat, you always send me cute emojis. Isn’t that acting cute?” Lan Qing stated matter-of-factly.

Xu Le: “…” He was getting a headache.

“I’m just sending normal messages. But I thought just sending text would make the conversation boring, so I sent emojis. I can show you my chat records with my friend!”

Xu Le pulled up a conversation he had with Li Dongming, showing it to Lan Qing. It was also a string of emojis.

As Lan Qing saw those messages filled with words like “Lele”, “Brother”, and “Miss you”, his expression grew even darker.

“So, do you act cute with other men too?”

Xu Le: “?” Why did he feel like President Lan’s train of thought was a bit strange? Or maybe his communication skills were limited…

“At the beginning of the kiss, you didn’t refuse. A person’s subconscious physical reactions are much more honest than their words. Xu Le, are you sure you want to continue deceiving yourself?”

Lan Qing said, pulling Xu Le’s arm and dragging him back.

“If you’re shy, we can find another way.”

“Another way…” Xu Le was stunned.

“Don’t you see that I’m pursuing you?”

When Lan Qing said this, there was no burden in his tone, it was even light and casual, like saying the weather was nice today, suitable for going out.

But Xu Le couldn’t read emotions from Lan Qing’s usually cold eyes, but now, they seemed to be ablaze.


He was completely dumbfounded.

He suspected he misheard, or maybe he was still dreaming, because only in dreams could he absurdly kiss President Lan and hear such surreal words.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t a dream.

Xu Le felt greatly shocked, truly greatly shocked.

He had intended to refuse directly, but what came out of his mouth was: “Isn’t this an office romance? Our company has regulations prohibiting office romances!”

Moreover, the other party was the president, knowingly violating the rules, should be doubly guilty!

Lan Qing heard this, a smile appearing in his eyes. He leaned closer to Xu Le, bringing a daunting pressure.

“Don’t forget, this company is also my property. So, would you consider being with me or not?”

Xu Le was speechless, silent for a long time. He stood up abruptly, took a gulp of the drink, and with the help of the alcohol, said, “President Lan, I’m really straight. Just because I’ve kissed you, doesn’t mean… doesn’t mean I’ll be with you. Although you’re good-looking, wealthy, and influential, we probably aren’t suitable.”

Lan Qing looked at Xu Le, seeing his firm expression, which didn’t seem feigned.

The person who he had just made him weak in the legs with a kiss now had a look that suggested setting boundaries. Despite Lan Qing’s restrained emotions, his expression changed slightly.

Could it be that he misunderstood?

Seeing Lan Qing’s dark expression, Xu Le couldn’t help but feel a bit scared. “President Lan, I’ll go back now.”

Just as he was about to leave, because he had had some alcohol, his steps were unsteady. He stumbled over the folds of the carpet under his feet, almost falling embarrassingly onto the sofa. Lan Qing reacted quickly, catching him by the waist, releasing him only after Xu Le had steadied himself.

Xu Le felt embarrassed. “Thank you, President Lan.”

“I’ll escort you back.”

“No, really, you don’t have to trouble yourself. I can go back by myself.” Xu Le refused, somewhat horrified.

“Listen to me, I won’t say it a second time.”

Xu Le looked at the man with a frosty expression, feeling a bit intimidated, and whispered, “Um, okay…”

The Author’s Note:

Give Lele some time haha, being together isn’t too far off.

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