What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 49

Do You Want Me to Kiss You?

The pink cocktail, adorned with a beautiful pink rose, even the color of the drink was as vibrant as rose petals, no matter how you looked at it, it seemed like a drink meant for a girl.

Xu Le felt too close to Lan Qing and shifted a bit in his seat.

“Maybe they made a mistake; I remember I didn’t—” At this point, Xu Le’s mind suddenly clicked. He indeed didn’t order, but these drinks were definitely ordered by the sisters before they left, probably thinking his “girlfriend” was coming, so they kindly ordered two drinks, even a girly cocktail, and now this drink was delivered to President Lan.

His mind was in chaos, cluttered with thoughts, coupled with the alcohol, his brain was almost shutting down; feeling nervous, he said, “Um, President Lan, can we switch our drinks?”

As Xu Le’s hand touched the cold rim of the glass, it was grabbed. “Huh?”

Lan Qing pressed his hand onto the table, preventing him from moving. “No need, I quite like it.”

“Huh?” Xu Le raised his puzzled gaze, his dark eyes shining brightly, “Oh, okay.”

He tried to retract his hand, found it slightly resisted, then looked at Lan Qing, feeling a bit awkward, “President Lan, you can let go now.”

At first, Lan Qing’s fingertips were a bit cold, but soon they became warm.

He didn’t release Xu Le’s hand, but instead stared straight at him, his deep blue eyes under the dim lights of the bar exuding an even deeper and almost inscrutable aura, typical of someone hard to read.

He was inherently difficult to figure out.

“Suddenly sending me a message, have you made up your mind?”

“Made up my mind?” Xu Le was stunned, quickly explaining, “President Lan, the message I sent you was actually an accident. I think I was a bit drunk at the time, didn’t see the contact clearly, so—ah!”

Before Xu Le could finish his sentence, he was grabbed by the hand and forcefully pulled closer by Lan Qing. He almost stumbled into Lan Qing’s arms, but luckily reacted quickly, his free hand propping against the edge of the sofa, preventing them from getting too close.

But this distance was already quite close; he could smell the unique cold fragrance emanating from Lan Qing.

Cold, restrained, with a hint of aggressiveness, the scent of leather and cedarwood.

“Not for me, then who was it for?”

Lan Qing’s tone suddenly turned colder, giving Xu Le an inexplicable sense of pressure. He wanted to pull away from this awkward constraint, but instinctively sensed something unusual.

That question wasn’t a calm inquiry; it was a direct interrogation, even somewhat akin to interrogation.

How to describe it? Xu Le thought of his friends in relationships; when they doubted their partners, they would ask questions like this.

Maintaining the same posture, he tried not to lean into Lan Qing’s embrace.

He felt extremely embarrassed, but fortunately, the booth was discreet, with no one paying attention to them, and no one passing by.

Just as he felt awkward, a slender white hand reached out, lifting his chin, forcing him to meet the other’s gaze.

“Tell me, no lying.”

Facing Lan Qing’s sharp, cold, yet incredibly beautiful eyes was undeniably very pressuring, especially since this pressure seemed directed solely at him.

Xu Le felt sweat starting to form on his back, his heart pounding heavily. He felt like a poor student being questioned by a teacher, answering nervously, “It really was an accident. I just… I just—”

Although he knew it would be best to just tell the truth, to tell Lan Qing that he was playing games with his colleagues, that he was unlucky enough to draw that option, and even more unlucky to send the message by mistake.

But seeing President Lan seeming a bit angry, as if he wanted to hold him accountable, Xu Le didn’t dare to mention what happened with the sisters just now.

Luckily, the table was cleaned in time, and there were no signs of someone being here just now.

His gaze was erratic, he dared not look Lan Qing in the eyes, “I’m sorry, President Lan, I was drunk, there might have been some confusion just now, so I mistook you for my friend and sent those messages randomly. Just consider it as me babbling nonsense under the influence of alcohol…”

As he spoke, Xu Le felt he couldn’t continue fabricating any further. This excuse was indeed laughable.

He could only pray that Lan Qing would believe him.

“You still want to use these words to deceive me, Xu Le? Until when are you going to evade? Who is this friend of yours?”

Lan Qing looked at the intern who was almost clinging to him, almost wanting to push him into a corner, yet unable to be completely heartless.

But tonight, with the messages sent to him by the other party, Lan Qing thought Xu Le had already made up his mind, and maybe even responded to him.

Unexpectedly, when he was all in, the other party still hesitated and evaded like this.

It was like a long marathon race, just about to see the finish line, but forced to infinitely prolong the race. Especially since Xu Le even said he sent the message by mistake and vaguely mentioned a close friend.

What kind of friend could make Xu Le send such ambiguous messages without reservation?

Thinking of this, Lan Qing’s expression became even colder, from supporting Xu Le’s chin to pinching it, forcing him to look at him directly.

Lan Qing’s imposing manner was already intimidating, and with this cold attitude, Xu Le simply dared not speak.

And he was almost being pinched by his chin, only able to look at the other party obediently.

In order to make Lan Qing let go of him sooner, Xu Le could only honestly answer, “My college roommate, because we are very good friends, so we often joke like this.”

“College roommate?” Lan Qing’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, he remembered, that “Cornfield God of War” who interacted eagerly with Xu Le.

Xu Le nodded hurriedly.

He thought Lan Qing would let him go, but unexpectedly, the other party’s grip tightened, and his chin was pinched a bit painfully, “Ah… it hurts, President Lan.”

This martial race’s grip, he really couldn’t endure it!

“Just a good friend from college, nothing more than that?” Lan Qing slightly relaxed his grip, but still didn’t let go.

“Of course.” Xu Le felt this question was strange, his chin was being pinched quite painfully, and he didn’t know if there would be any bruises.

Maintaining a posture for a long time, Xu Le felt a bit strained. He tried to lean backward to relieve the pressure, also to create some distance from Lan Qing.

But this gesture of resistance, coupled with the pain from his pinched chin, the watery look in his eyes, and the slightly tipsy expression on his face, combined with the ambiguous setting, seemed… inviting.

To Lan Qing’s eyes, it appeared so.

“Xu Le, with this expression of yours, do you want me to kiss you?”

Before Xu Le could react, he was firmly held by the back of his head, and his waist was also firmly controlled.

Looking at Lan Qing’s suddenly enlarged handsome face, he widened his eyes in shock.

Author’s note:

The old lecher Lan, hehe~

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