What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 47

I Miss You

After waking up, Xu Le found his back wet with sweat.

He quickly went to take a shower. The wound on his wrist hadn’t been treated, and the hot water made it sting.


He raised his right hand, looking at the wound, feeling confused about where it came from.

He still had some impression of the dream he just had. He remembered the vines wrapped around his wrist were thorny, and after cutting his skin, blood had oozed out.

“Huh?” He shook his head, water droplets splashing from his wet hair, and his consciousness became clearer.

Xu Le remembered that it was caused by the cat, Fa Cai, scratching him yesterday. That little rascal showed no mercy when it came to scratching, but fortunately, the wound was not deep, so he didn’t think it necessary to treat it.

However, yesterday’s dream was indeed quite embarrassing for Xu Le.

It was a bit childish and slightly terrifying. The key point was, why did he dream of himself wearing a wedding dress and becoming President Lan’s bride? What kind of weird scenario was that?

And that huge red diamond ring, Xu Le thought about it and felt… strangely familiar.

Before going to work, he poured some cat food for Fa Cai, looking at its big, water-blue eyes staring at him, meowing a few times as if reluctant.

Xu Le’s heart almost melted. He squatted down, patted its little head, and said, “Fa Cai, I have to go to work, be good at home, okay?”


Unable to resist, he patted Fa Cai a few more times before leaving for work, satisfied.

During a work break, Xu Le and others, including Jiaxin, gathered in the company’s lounge, drinking afternoon tea, chatting, and relaxing.

The break area was spacious, with excellent lighting. The transparent glass curtain wall allowed them to see the buildings outside, and the landmark buildings of Hai City were clearly visible across the way.

“Lele, you seem to have something on your mind today. Is everything still not resolved?”

Cao Xinyi, who was very perceptive and had taken psychology as a minor in university, noticed that although Xu Le acted as if nothing was wrong, occasionally, his face showed flashes of anxiety and depression.

“What’s wrong, are you still having a fight with your little girlfriend?” Jiaxin covered her mouth and laughed, taking a small sip of the drink she had mixed herself.

“Jiaxin Jie, I really don’t have a girlfriend!” Xu Le argued, holding a cold cup of milk tea. He couldn’t possibly say that he was worried because his top supporter turned out to be the president, could he?

“Alright.” Jiaxin spread her hands.

“I heard from a friend about a nice bar. How about we go there after work, listen to some live singing, have a few drinks, and relax?” Cao Xinyi suggested.

“Sure, I have time. What about you, Lele?”

Xu Le was a bit hesitant because he was worried that Fa Cai might feel lonely at home.

“Is today inconvenient? We can go another day,” Cao Xinyi said.

Xu Le quickly said, “No, it’s not inconvenient, it’s just… I have a cat at home, and I’m afraid it will be lonely if I come back late.”

“No problem, we won’t be out all night, just a couple of drinks. I’ll treat today, to help you relax.” Cao Xinyi said with a smile.

Xu Le thought for a moment, realizing it wouldn’t be too much of an issue, and nodded, “Okay, thanks, Xinyi Jie. I’ll treat you to a meal next time.”

At this moment, Zeng Junhua passed by with a cold look. Seeing them chatting happily, almost forming a small circle, his face turned dark.

He walked towards where Xu Le and others were, slowly mixing a drink for himself.

“You guys seem to have a good relationship. Xu Le, you’re quite the ladies’ man.”

Xu Le felt annoyed at the sight of Zeng Junhua. He couldn’t understand why Zeng targeted him and always made their normal friendships sound so bad.

Was it just because he failed to win Jiaxin Jie and was taking out his frustration? How petty.

“Deputy Manager Zeng, colleagues in the marketing department miss you a lot.” Jiaxin deliberately emphasized the word “deputy” with a smile.

Zeng Junhua’s face changed, then he sneered, “No matter what, I can stay at Starlight, unlike some people who rely on their looks to get by. Xu Le, don’t you agree?”

Xu Le: “…?” Why say that to him, a man?

“Don’t play dumb. I saw it that day. The person next to you was An—” Zeng Junhua suddenly stopped, then snorted, “Take care of yourself.”

“He’s crazy, don’t pay attention to him,” Jianxin said.

Watching Zeng Junhua leave, Xu Le nodded, but he was puzzled by what Zeng had said.

An what?

Xu Le thought of Anthony. Could Zeng Junhua be referring to him?


After work, they took a taxi to the bar Cao Xinyi had mentioned.

The bar’s decor was unique, with a bit of a dark, gothic castle vibe. The walls were aged, adorned with vintage wall lamps and Gothic-style paintings. The private booths had various candle and oil lamp decorations, enhancing the atmosphere.

If it weren’t for the bar cabinet full of alcohol and the singer on stage doing a sound check, Xu Le might have really thought he had traveled through time.

The group found a discreet spot where they could comfortably listen to the music.

Cao Xinyi handed Xu Le and the others a menu each.

The menu was made from low-saturation, vintage-looking gray paper with twisted Gothic-style text.

Xu Le ordered a Long Island Iced Tea. He was quite in the mood for a drink and hoped to get a bit tipsy. Maybe then he would have the courage to talk to President Lan about the rent and whether “Ivan” was really related to him.

After placing their orders, the singer on stage started performing.

He was a tall, sturdy man with dreadlocks, dressed fashionably, and sporting a carefully groomed mustache. His voice was rich and husky, and he was singing a classic old song by Queen, though it seemed to be a re-arranged version.

Xu Le, who considered himself a bit of a music enthusiast, found the arrangement quite novel and thought the singer was quite talented.

“Hey, did you know? I heard this singer is gay,” Cao Xinyi whispered.

“He seems pretty straight to me.”

“Right? That’s why I was surprised. And I heard he’s a bottom…” Cao Xinyi made a zero gesture with her hand.

Jianxin snorted, “Haha, that’s hard to imagine.”

Xu Le: “…?”

He couldn’t help but think of Lan Qing. If President Lan really liked men, wouldn’t he be…

He shuddered.

The music was good, and the bar’s drinks were excellent. Unknowingly, Xu Le had drunk quite a bit.

“I have an app here for Truth or Dare, want to play?” Jianxin asked, feeling that just listening to music was a bit boring.

“Sure!” Cao Xinyi agreed.

Xu Le, being a fun-loving young man and feeling quite tipsy, was excited, “Okay!”

“Who goes first?” Jianxin opened the app and looked at the two of them.

“Ahem, I’ll go first,” Xu Le said confidently.

He took the phone. The app was simple, just a button to press, and Xu Le ended up with a “Dare.”

“Wow, your luck, huh? I remember the dares here are quite fun.”

“Press it, let’s see what it is!”

Xu Le, a bit drunk and shaky, pressed the button. The dare was to send the address and “I miss you” to the last person he had video-chatted with on WeChat.

He sighed in relief. The last person he video-chatted with was Li Dongming.

“Hurry up and send it! Haha, let’s see if your friend will come!” Jianxin urged.

Xu Le opened WeChat with his slightly intoxicated eyes, scrolled several times, and found Li Dongming’s contact. Following the dare, he sent the message and the bar’s address.

At Hai City International Airport.

Lan Qing had just gotten off the plane and boarded the car waiting for him, ready to head back to his villa to rest.

Despite the ten-hour journey on an undisturbed private jet, even someone as energetic as him felt a bit tired.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. He opened his eyes and checked his phone.

“I miss you.”

Lan Qing’s eyelashes fluttered slightly. Not only that, but the sender also included an address, a bar.

It was a message from Xu Le on WeChat.

“Turn around, change of destination,” he said in a deep voice.

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