What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 41

Are You Trying to Seduce Me?

A “meow” came from underneath the thin linen fabric, sounding a bit spoiled, as if it was acting cute.

It was clear enough that even Lan Qing on the screen could easily tell where the meow came from.

The ambiguous and hard-to-describe sound that had just slipped from Xu Le’s mouth was enough for Lan Qing to understand what Fa Cai was doing to Xu Le’s body.

But he still asked the question.

Xu Le stammered, unable to explain. Feeling embarrassed, he awkwardly laughed, “President Lan, it’s nothing, hahaha… Fa Cai just tickled me a bit.”

He grabbed Fa Cai’s tail, trying to pull it out from under his clothes, but Fa Cai’s claws clung tightly to his clothes, pulling the already loose neckline wider.

The fabric couldn’t withstand the tugging, and as they struggled, Xu Le’s left nipple was exposed.

The color was beautiful, shiny.

It was dampened by Fa Cai’s saliva, with a little bite mark beside it.

Fa Cai had just bitten him.

Xu Le quickly noticed this unusual situation, blushing furiously. He hastily tidied up his clothes and lightly patted Fa Cai’s butt through the fabric, “Why are you burrowing into my clothes? I don’t have any milk for you.”

“It seems you take good care of it.”

Xu Le had just grabbed Fa Cai’s left hind leg and, upon hearing this, looked up at Lan Qing, “I used to have a cat at home, but my grandmother took it to keep her company. Plus, with all the cat toys you sent, President Lan, Fa Cai really likes them, so taking care of it is much easier.”

While he was speaking, Fa Cai seized the opportunity to burrow back, even more aggressively this time, directly biting that beautiful spot again.

It seemed to be retaliating for Xu Le’s earlier pats on its butt, biting quite hard.


Realizing Lan Qing was still watching, Xu Le quickly stifled his cry of pain.

He was genuinely hurt by this little creature’s bite, and Fa Cai wouldn’t bite anywhere else, just fixated on the same spot, which was already extremely sensitive.

Xu Le got angry, no longer indulging Fa Cai, and yanked it out, pinning it on the coffee table, tapping its fluffy round head, “Do you want milk? I’ll pour you some later, but you can’t drink too much. Stay put now, okay?”

Fa Cai seemed to understand and obediently stayed on the coffee table, no longer climbing onto Xu Le.

Xu Le had only just discovered that Fa Cai liked milk.

Yesterday, he poured himself a glass of milk and left it on the coffee table. When he returned from the bathroom, he saw the little guy secretly licking his milk, even drinking quite a bit, which startled him because many cats are lactose intolerant and might feel unwell, or even have severe reactions.

He was very worried, but after seeing that Fa Cai was fine after drinking the milk, he felt relieved.

However, Xu Le was also somewhat annoyed. He was a grown man, flat as a board, with no possibility of producing milk. How did Fa Cai get the idea to latch onto him?

He awkwardly looked at Lan Qing, feeling a bit embarrassed, “President Lan, Fa Cai was a bit naughty just now. Maybe you should—”

“Did it bite you? Let me see if it’s serious.”


Xu Le was surprised. He had intended to tell Lan Qing to go about his business, implying he didn’t want to disturb him further, but Lan Qing suddenly asked about his injury.

Fa Cai hadn’t really bitten hard, just enough to break the skin a bit, and the pain would soon pass. Such a minor injury couldn’t be called an injury at all.

If it had bitten his arm or face, it would be different. But it had bitten there, and even though Lan Qing and he were both men, showing that place up close to the camera still felt weird.

Xu Le was a bit conflicted, but he worried that refusing might make him seem awkward, like he was hiding something.

“President Lan, are you sure you want to see?” Xu Le clutched his collar, his face clearly showing his inner struggle, his brows furrowed, and his lips tightly pressed together.

He vaguely felt something was off, oddly a bit gay.

Back in college, he had a good relationship with his roommate Li Dongming, who would sometimes touch his head or face. Occasionally, when in a playful mood, they would pat each other’s butts. Xu Le knew they were just good buddies.

Just like how girls who are close might hold hands or hug each other, which is normal and unremarkable to outsiders, close male friends could be the same.

If Li Dongming asked him to do the same thing, Xu Le wouldn’t hesitate and might even make a few harmless, suggestive jokes to tease his good buddy, who would then tease him back.

But with Lan Qing, Xu Le always felt something was off. If he had to pinpoint what exactly, he couldn’t say, but he knew he wouldn’t feel this awkward with Li Dongming.

Could it be that President Lan was so good-looking that seeing him made his heart race a bit?

Like how anyone with a normal aesthetic sense would naturally admire someone with a beautiful appearance.

Xu Le studied film and had watched many movies, knowing that attractive men, like attractive women, have their own allure.

During his university days, he worked part-time as a photographer and had seen quite a few good-looking people, but perhaps the only one who truly captivated his heart and soul with his handsomeness was President Lan. After all, he was too special.

Especially those deep, dark blue eyes, like sapphires, just one glance seemed to be able to draw one’s soul in. The first time Xu Le saw President Lan, it was this feeling.

Even now, despite the screen between them, the feeling remained the same.

As Xu Le uttered these words, the atmosphere became somewhat silent.

It was Lan Qing who broke the silence first.

On the screen, he shifted his posture, leaned forward on the table, and rested his chin on his hand, a gesture that looked very elegant, even the creases of his sleeves seemed composed.

“Just taking a look, if it’s inconvenient, then forget it,” Lan Qing spoke, his expression seemingly as calm and serene as usual, but there was a hint of teasing in his tone, even a faint, imperceptible smile in his eyes.

He appeared open and composed, every move and gesture exuded confidence not only from his background but also from his own abilities. He was accustomed to being outstanding, and unconsciously gave off an aura of trustworthiness.

Xu Le exclaimed softly, and beside him, his cat “Meow”ed, both looking bewildered.

He quickly shook his head, denying inwardly, wondering why he was so nervous. It was just looking at a wound, why was he so tense?

President Lan… was just showing concern for him, he realized he was being very rude by assuming otherwise.

“No, it’s nothing. I just thought there wasn’t much of a wound. I didn’t want you to worry. Shall I show you?” Xu Le hesitated for a moment, then rolled up his sleeves a bit, revealing his smooth and firm chest to the phone. He was worried the camera might not capture it clearly, so he bit onto his shirt, held up the phone, and aimed the lens at the area.

His skin was smooth and tight, not particularly fair, but youthful and well-maintained, enhanced by his habit of exercise. A thin layer of muscle wrapped around his attractive bones, making him look quite pleasing to the eye.

On the screen, the area that had been bitten and licked had turned slightly red.

The most eye-catching part was a small, delicate bite mark with a bit of broken skin, but it didn’t seem too serious, perhaps just needing a band-aid.

But seeing himself forced to show that part on screen, especially in close-up, made Xu Le blush a little.

Because he was biting his shirt, his speech was somewhat muffled, “President Lan, have you seen it?”

To be honest, Xu Le’s appearance at this moment seemed as if he was being coerced into doing something wrong, although the reality was far from it.

Lan Qing remained silent for a moment, just staring at the screen. Xu Le had to maintain this posture for nearly twenty seconds.

He didn’t quite understand why President Lan was taking so long to look at just a small bite mark.

What he didn’t know was that Lan Qing was just lost in thought.

He remembered the livestream from a while ago, where Xu Le was similarly exposed, adorned with a glowing waist chain and a unique tiger pendant necklace around his neck, but his chest was bare.

At that moment, he thought that the spot if the young intern was pierced, decorated with such beautiful ornaments, would surely be dazzling and attractive.

And now, with Xu Le blushing slightly and showing him that spot…

Though his appearance was clean and refreshing, with no outstanding features, when everything came together, it was quite pleasant. But in this particular moment, there was a subtle, almost… seductive vibe.

So Lan Qing voiced his curiosity without any hesitation.

“Xu Le, are you trying to seduce me?”

Author’s note:

Actually, President Lan is quite straightforward in his thinking, haha. His usual coldness is just a facade, he just doesn’t like to talk much, but he actually has quite a lot going on in his mind, except when it comes to Lele~

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