What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 4

What’s the Boss’s Mixed Nationality?

After nervously enduring over a minute, the elevator finally reached the 36th floor.

“Phew…” Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he didn’t even dare to breathe heavily, afraid of disturbing the stoic boss beside him.

Lan Qing glanced at Xu Le from the corner of his eye, seeing his tense demeanor, as if he was eager to get out soon.

Was he really that scary? Was it necessary to be so afraid?

At this moment, the elevator doors opened.

“Uh, Boss… Lan CEO, please go ahead.” Xu Le said nervously.

Lan Qing: “…”

What’s with this ‘Boss Lan CEO’?

But he wasn’t going to argue with the little intern about it. After giving a perfunctory response, he stepped out of the elevator first.

Xu Le watched Lan Qing leave before cautiously stepping out of the elevator.

Today was his first day at work; he couldn’t afford to give the boss a bad impression!

After completing the entry procedures under the guidance of the HR department, Xu Le was taken to his workstation by Cao Xinyi.

“These few positions are all vacant. You can choose one yourself.”

Xu Le chose a position by the window. He thought the view here was good; he could see the scenery outside the window. He had never worked on such a high floor before.

Looking out over the city from the 36th floor, it was quite visually stunning.

“This is fine, Xinyi jie.” He winked at Cao Xinyi.

Cao Xinyi couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, that’s fine. By the way, Lele, your staff badge is still being printed. Remember to come find me to pick it up later.”

“Okay, thank you, Xinyi jie.”

Xu Le began to look around. Most of the colleagues around him were female. Each one was a different style of beauty, mostly with delicate and beautiful makeup. He couldn’t help but feel in a good mood.

Working with so many easy-going beautiful sisters, his career life must be great!

“Xinyi, is this the new intern? He’s so handsome!”

“Little brother, your name is Xu Le, right? Do you like snacks? I have a lot of snacks here.”

“Did you just graduate from college this year? Wow, such a young handsome guy…”

Surrounded by a group of enthusiastic and lively female colleagues, Xu Le felt like he was floating on clouds.

His desk was soon piled with a small pile of snacks, as well as a few small toy decorations, all gifts from his sisters.

“Alright, stop teasing the kid. Have you finished the data analysis? Have you finished the design drawings? Hurry back and work.”

When Lucy, the HR manager, spoke, her colleagues dispersed with smiles.

Behind Lucy was a slightly bulging belly, but still slim and graceful woman, wearing an apricot-colored professional dress.

“Xu Le, this is Jiang Wan, you’ll follow her to get familiar with the work.” Lucy introduced him to her.

Xu Le quickly stood up and bowed, “Hello, Jiang Wan jie, I’ll trouble you from now on.”

“No need to be polite, I’ve been transferred from the headquarters, but I’ll have to take maternity leave in a little over a month. So during this period, I need to quickly familiarize you with the daily operation of the official account. Not only do you need to know the style we’re going for, but you also need to know our brand inside and out.” Jiang Wan said gently.

Xu Le felt a bit of pressure. He only had a little over a month to get familiar with the work. It seemed like there was quite a bit of pressure.

But he was confident in himself.

“Jiang Wan, I’ll leave him to you then. I’ll go first. Xiao Xu, if you need anything, just come find me.” Lucy said.

“Okay, Lucy jie.” Xu Le nodded.

Before Jiang Wan could explain much to Xu Le, Lucy notified everyone that the meeting was starting.

There weren’t many people attending the meeting. Apart from a few responsible managers from the main stores who had come over, there were only a few dozen main employees temporarily stationed in the company. Many positions still needed to be filled gradually.

The meeting room was quite large, able to accommodate hundreds of people, but as a little intern who hadn’t even become a regular employee yet, Xu Le could only squeeze into a corner.

Before the meeting started, he sat in his seat, curiously looking around the environment. The colleagues around him were discussing their respective work contents and also gossiping about office rumors.

“Shh… President Lan is here!” someone whispered softly.

Xu Le couldn’t help but prick up his ears, his back straightening as he stole a glance towards the door.

He saw Lan Qing emerging from the meeting room entrance, and the moment the other stepped in, Xu Le felt the surrounding air drop a few degrees.

The previously chatty meeting room fell silent instantly.

Seating himself in his designated position at the head, Lan Qing casually opened the laptop prepared by the staff in front of him. Then he lifted his gaze, those deep, mysterious blue eyes sweeping over the crowded room.

“Let’s begin.”

His voice, as always, was cold and indifferent, though mellifluous, yet carried a profound sense of oppression.

The atmosphere in the meeting room instantly became solemn.

Not sure if it was Xu Le’s imagination, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that President Lan seemed to linger a second longer on his side when he scanned around just now?

Perhaps it was unintentional… After all, he was seated in such a corner, and the possibility of the boss noticing him was unlikely, Xu Le thought to himself.

“Hey, does President Lan seem in a bad mood today? He looks so cold.”

“When have you ever seen President Lan smile?”

“Right… true, I didn’t expect President Lan to personally come to the new company as the CEO. It makes me nervous. It seems the headquarters values the new brand a lot.”

Xu Le listened to the whispers of his colleagues from behind.

From their words, it seemed their boss was no different from the domineering CEO in novels, always sporting a cold, handsome face, young, and capable.

However, how old was President Lan exactly? He looked like he was in his twenties, but the employees were so afraid of him. Even at the moment he entered the meeting room, it seemed like everyone had tacitly agreed to fall silent, making Xu Le nervous too.

President Lan had such a deterrent force, could he really be in his thirties or forties? But his face didn’t seem like it!

Taking advantage of the distance and being in a secluded position, Xu Le unabashedly stared at Lan Qing’s face.

Although the other had a blank expression, no one could deny the superiority of Lan Qing’s face. Upon closer inspection, Xu Le felt even more convinced that the other was mixed-race.

Ordinary Hua people couldn’t possibly have such perfectly sculpted features…

This face was simply a perfect blend of Eastern and Western features, especially those deep blue eyes, profound and mysterious, like a rare gem.

Definitely mixed-race! Xu Le became more convinced, but which country’s bloodline was he mixed with?

However, as he was lost in staring at Lan Qing’s face, he unexpectedly met the gaze of those blue eyes.

Xu Le: “…”

Uh-oh, busted.

Caught spacing out during the meeting by the boss, and to top it off, with a “death stare” no less.

Xu Le could almost imagine the scene, President Lan would use his high and cold, inscrutable expression to say, “Daydreaming during your first day at work? I’m sorry, I don’t see a qualified employee in you. Handle your resignation after work.”

Xu Le: Can he pretend he didn’t see anything and avert his gaze now?

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