What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 39

The Sudden Video Call

The rain continued until late at night, only stopping around midnight. When Xu Le left for work the next morning, the sky had returned to a clear blue, and the sun was shining brightly, though the air still carried the fresh scent of rain.

The neighborhood where he now lived had much better transportation. There was a subway station right at the entrance, eliminating the need for transfers and reducing his commute time by two-thirds, allowing him to leave twenty minutes later than before.

As he walked to the entrance of the neighborhood, he saw a familiar figure standing next to a Range Rover. The man was tall and burly, with blond hair and gray eyes, resembling a bear.

As soon as the man saw Xu Le, he raised his hand in greeting and then bent down to open the rear door.

Xu Le: “…?”

What was Anthony doing here? Could he be here to take him to work?

He hurried over and asked uncertainly, “Anthony, what are you…?”

“I’m here to take you to the company.”

Xu Le backed away in horror, “No, no need. I can go to work by myself.”

He was just a lowly employee. How could he afford a driver?

Anthony lowered his gaze and stood still, maintaining a businesslike demeanor, as if he wouldn’t relent until Xu Le got in the car.

Xu Le and Anthony stared at each other for a long while. Xu Le wanted to refuse, but seeing the other’s sturdy build, he swallowed his words.

Could this be President Lan’s arrangement? But this treatment was excessively good. Even if it was an employee benefit, he was just an intern and couldn’t possibly have a driver to take him to work, right?

Even Lucy, who had a higher position, drove herself to work.

In the end, Xu Le got into the car.

He didn’t dare argue with Anthony for too long, also worried about being late for work. So, he asked Anthony to drop him off at a café about a hundred meters from the company to avoid being seen by his colleagues.

Anthony wanted to get out and open the door for him, but Xu Le quickly grabbed his small crossbody sports bag, said thank you, and hurried out of the car.

After breakfast, Xu Le greeted a few familiar colleagues, including Cao Xinyi, and returned to his desk.

That day was Jiang Wan’s last day at work before starting her maternity leave. She needed to hand over her daily tasks to Xu Le.

“Xiao Xu, you’ve been adapting well lately. There shouldn’t be any problems going forward, right?” Jiang Wan said with a smile. Though her baby bump was becoming more obvious, her figure hadn’t changed much, and her oval face appeared rounder and softer.

Xu Le nodded, “Yes, Jie, don’t worry. I’ll be fine.”

Since joining the company, Jiang Wan had been the one helping him get to know the company and gradually familiarize himself with the work. She was like a mentor to him, and Xu Le was very grateful to her.

“If you do well, you might not have to wait three months to become a full-time employee.”

Hearing that he could be promoted sooner, Xu Le felt more motivated. It meant a significant pay raise, and the benefits for full-time employees were much better than those for interns.

“Wow, I’ll definitely work hard and aim to get promoted as soon as possible!”

And to live up to President Lan’s kindness! Xu Le thought to himself.

His workload increased a bit, but it was manageable. He was quick and creative with writing copy, and he was skilled at taking photos, editing, and layout design, so he had no problem finishing on time.

At the end of the workday, after saying goodbye to his colleagues, he couldn’t wait to go home.

The main thought was about the orange cat at home bringing him luck. Xu Le’s heart itched a bit at the thought, almost wishing for a day with 25 hours just to spend more time with the cat.

Exiting the building, he put on his hooded headphones, with cheerful English songs pouring into his ears.

The stretch of road from the office to the subway station was quite broad, just crowded. If only he had a skateboard, he could glide all the way to the subway station.

But just as he began to relax, at the corner coffee shop, he saw that familiar Land Rover Range Rover.

Xu Le: “…”

Originally, he thought of pretending not to see it, quickly passing by. However, Anthony’s vision was as sharp as an eagle’s, catching him trying to blend into the crowd and motioning for him to come over.

With Anthony’s distinctive appearance, sturdy build, and the Land Rover behind him, many people turned to look in their direction.

At that moment, Xu Le wished he could disappear into the ground.

Unable to do so, he walked over quickly, while Anthony timely opened the rear door and “invited” Xu Le in.

Sitting inside the car, Xu Le wondered if Anthony had misunderstood Lan Qing’s intentions. He tried to ask, “Anthony, did President Lan ask you to pick me up from work? Actually, I don’t really… need you to pick me up because the subway station is not far from the company.”

Anthony just replied, “I am only responsible for receiving Mr. Lan’s orders,” and then started the car coldly.

Xu Le was silenced by his mechanical response, inhibited by Anthony’s somewhat fierce aura, and dared not ask further.

Better go back and find a time to communicate with President Lan. At least for the current Xu Le, President Lan seemed much milder than Anthony.

The Range Rover started, slowly accelerated, and silently followed by a crystal blue Porsche Cayenne.

Behind the wheel was Zeng Junhua, who was recently demoted from the Administrative Department of Qingshui office. He observed the whole scene just now.

Zeng Junhua temporarily parked the car by the roadside, looking puzzled at the departing Range Rover.

The person who got into the car just now, wasn’t that Anthony, who was President Lan’s bodyguard?

He had seen Anthony at Starlight headquarters. Initially, Anthony was still working for Mrs. Lan, Lan Qing’s mother, Lan Xiu. He was one of the capable bodyguards responsible for protecting Lan Xiu, a former mercenary who had seen combat and retired to become a full-time bodyguard.

Since Lan Qing took over the company, Anthony had been assigned by Lan Xiu to protect him along with several other bodyguards.

However, someone specifically from President Lan’s side came to pick up Xu Le, that young intern.

Could there be something unspeakable between President Lan and the intern?

Zeng Junhua’s eyes, full of suspicion, looked ahead, and he was irritated by Xu Le.

Just as he was about to start the car, his phone suddenly rang. He pressed the answer button, “Xiao Zhao… I will definitely come to the new place, you register my name first, remember to pick a few good ones… Hmm.”

He tossed the phone onto the passenger seat and drove to the destination.

On the still-lit screen, the first contact in the call log was labeled “Zhao Zhiang.”


Fa Cai, displeased, patted Xu Le’s face because as soon as he got home, he started playing too roughly with Fa Cai, making the old cat a little impatient.

Xu Le was ecstatic, put Fa Cai down contentedly, letting it jump a few steps to the top of the cat tree, curling up its little body with its back to him.

Picking up his phone, Xu Le hesitated for half a minute, and decided to send a message to Lan Qing.

Xu Le: [President Lan, I have a request, I hope you can agree to it.]

Before Xu Le could send out the “request,” Lan Qing surprisingly replied to his message very quickly.

President Lan: [Where are you now?]

Xu Le was stunned for a moment, and honestly told the other party that he had just arrived home.

As a result, the next moment, Lan Qing directly made a video call.

Xu Le: “!!!!!!”

Damn, why did President Lan  just casually make a video call?!

His mind went blank, and he nervously pressed the answer button, only to be faced with Lan Qing’s stunning and high-definition image, showing every detail of his mixed-race handsome face. Behind Lan Qing was a setting resembling a modern European aristocrat’s study, with vintage-style wall lamps hanging behind him and a collector’s grade phonograph on the side.

The not too intense sunlight came in from the window on the right, making him even more unattainable.

At this moment, Lan Qing, without noticing Xu Le’s dumbfounded expression, even leaned closer to the camera, his expression seemingly puzzled.

“Didn’t you have something to tell me, why aren’t you speaking?”

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