What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 37

Ivan? Yvan?

Li Dongming even started to tirelessly give Xu Le examples and arguments.

“In our company, there was a leader who was just reported for bribery. He bought bags and cars for his mistress, spent more than a million yuan in total, and even bought an apartment to keep the mistress in. In the end, his wife caught him and turned him in herself.”

Xu Le was absorbed in the gossip. “Damn, his wife reported him?”

“Yeah, it even made the hot searches not long ago, but it was quickly taken down,” Li Dongming coughed. “So, Lele, let me ask you a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“Is your president male or female? Could it be a fierce mixed-race Russian woman who’s really into you?” Li Dongming frowned, imagining what a mixed-race girl with a similar build to him would be like. Otherwise, with Xu Le’s “slender” frame, he might not be able to handle it.

Xu Le was drinking water and nearly spat it all over the screen. He choked, his eyes slightly red. “What are you thinking? Our president is, of course, a man! A handsome mixed-race guy!”

Li Dongming laughed awkwardly. “I was just thinking that you were quite popular with girls in college. If your boss was a woman, there’s a good chance she would fancy a fresh young guy like you!”

“Get out of here! How could I sell my looks? I’m a standard self-reliant worker, okay?”

“Then give me the tens of thousands of yuan from the top supporter earlier. If you don’t sell your looks, I will!” Li Dongming teased.

“Get lost! Just get lost!” Xu Le was already annoyed by this, and Li Dongming bringing it up again didn’t help.

Seeing Xu Le’s displeasure, Li Dongming quickly apologized, “Sorry, bro, I didn’t mean it. I know you’re not one of those freeloaders. I was just joking.”

“It’s fine, just a bit annoying. If it were a few thousand yuan, I wouldn’t mind, but he gave way too much,” Xu Le frowned. “I’ll message him later and see if I can return the money.”

Moreover, if it really was his boss who rewarded him, Xu Le didn’t dare spend it. He had never saved so much money before, and this amount felt like hot potatoes.

“Alright, do what you think is right. If you feel uncomfortable, just return it. But I don’t think it’s necessary,” Li Dongming thought free money should be spent.

After some more small talk, they hung up.

Xu Le stared at the guitar in his arms for a while. After coming to his senses, he put the guitar away, got on his bed, and opened A Station to find the profile of the account “Ivan” from the reward record.

Then, he opened WeChat and saw Lan Qing’s name: Yvan.

“Ivan? Yvan? The pronunciation is the same. Could it just be a coincidence?” Xu Le pondered.

Looking at the IP address, the person was indeed in the same city. But just from the similar pronunciation and the same IP location, it couldn’t prove that Ivan was President Lan.

After all, the city was huge, and there were surely many young people on A Station. Also, Ivan wasn’t a particularly uncommon name.

Xu Le thought for a minute and decided to send a private message.

“Hello, I’m UP Master uncleLe. Thank you very much for your support and encouragement, but this reward is too much. I can’t accept it without earning it. I appreciate your support. Could we add each other on WeChat so I can return the money to you via cash transfer?”

He waited for a long time with no reply. A Station didn’t show the online status, so he gave up for now.

As for whether this “Ivan” was actually Lan Qing, Xu Le remembered that Lan Qing mentioned having a flight to Country Y tomorrow. He could just check the IP address at that time.

Once he made up his mind, he went to bed.

The next morning, just before 11 o’clock, Xu Le received a call from an unfamiliar number. The voice on the other end was a man with a slightly odd accent.

“Is this Mr. Xu Le? I’m downstairs at your apartment building. I’m the driver sent by Mr. Lan. Could you tell me your apartment number?”

Hearing it was someone sent by Lan Qing, Xu Le hesitated for a second and then gave his apartment number.

Soon, the doorbell rang.

He opened the door and the first thing he saw was the person’s solid—chest muscles.

Damn! This guy must be nearly two meters tall, right?

He looked up and saw the man had blond hair and gray eyes, looking very Slavic. Being stared at by the man’s light gray pupils gave Xu Le the feeling of being watched by a wolf.

He shivered. His frame might not withstand a punch from this guy.

“Mr. Xu?” The man spoke in standard but oddly accented Chinese, giving a strange sense of incongruity.

“Ah, oh, yes, I’m Xu.” Xu Le blurted out.

“You can call me Anthony. Mr. Lan asked me to help you move. Do you need help packing your furniture and luggage?”

Xu Le quickly shook his head. “No need, I’ve packed everything. Thank you, Anthony.”

“You’re welcome, it was all arranged by Mr. Lan.”

Xu Le originally intended to carry his own things. After all, he wasn’t Anthony’s boss and had no right to order him around. However, when Anthony saw the packed bags in the room, he immediately grabbed four or five luggage bags in one go.

Under Xu Le’s astonished gaze, Anthony nodded at him effortlessly, “Mr. Xu, I’ll help you take these downstairs first.”

Seeing him effortlessly carry nearly 150 pounds of luggage with steady steps, even moving quickly, Xu Le swallowed hard.

Are all of Mr. Lan’s drivers this strong and ruthless?

A Range Rover was parked downstairs, with ample trunk space. Xu Le, being a guy, didn’t have too many things, and they barely fit most of them. As for the remaining less important items, Anthony said someone would deliver them to his new place.

Seeing Anthony’s reliable appearance, Xu Le felt at ease, not worrying about anyone coveting his stuff.

Anthony opened the car door for him, and just as Xu Le was about to thank him, he heard a delicate meow from the back seat.

Surprised, he leaned in to look, and there it was, his long-lost orange cat!

The cat was now completely clean, its yellow and white fur seemed shorter, spotless, with its old bell collar removed. It gazed at Xu Le with clear blue eyes, meowing softly.


Xu Le couldn’t resist picking up the cat, giving it a few good rubs, and kissed its fragrant, round little head.

“This was also arranged by Mr. Lan. He hopes you like it, Mr. Xu.”

Holding the cat, Xu Le looked up at Anthony with a vibrant smile, “Yes, I like it very much. President Lan is really too kind!”

More than just too kind, he was almost moved to tears!

This was Xu Le’s second time riding in a car worth over a million. The interior was spacious and comfortable, with plenty of legroom. There was even a cat toy in the back seat, with a cute little woven fish at the end.

He sat in the car, happily playing with the cat. However, the orange cat seemed somewhat indifferent, occasionally lazily extending its paw to swipe at the fish, making it unclear who was playing with whom.

“Anthony, where is the house President Lan mentioned?” Xu Le asked, feeling a bit anxious.

Even a less noticeable property under President Lan’s name would be in a good location that Xu Le could only hope to afford after a lifetime of hard work.

“You’ll see when we get there.”

Xu Le responded with an “Oh,” feeling both nervous and uneasy inside.

Watching the scenery quickly passing by outside the window, he suddenly felt like he was in a dream, floating and surreal.

Why was President Lan so kind to him? He still couldn’t understand.

He didn’t think the value he brought to the company could compare to what President Lan was giving him, not to mention the company’s generous treatment.

Were these extra benefits really just because President Lan appreciated him?

Xu Le started to feel troubled. If only he had been firmer in refusing President Lan’s kindness earlier, at least he wouldn’t feel so guilty about accepting something for nothing.

As expected, the house was in Tianyue Garden, one of the prestigious communities in Hai City. Even the underground garage was lavishly decorated, with parking spaces occupied by cars starting at half a million, and some even worth millions.

Xu Le swallowed hard, shivering as he held his orange cat.

“Mr. Xu, let me take you up first,” Anthony said, opening the trunk and lifting over a hundred pounds of luggage again in one go.

Holding the cat in one hand and a small suitcase in the other, Xu Le followed him into the elevator.

After being awed by the luxurious garage, Xu Le was almost overwhelmed again when Anthony unlocked the door with a password.

The space was bright and spacious, with excellent modern interior design. Every piece of furniture was perfectly matched, both practical and beautiful.

Most importantly, the house was so large that a family could comfortably live in it. Xu Le couldn’t imagine how happy he would be living alone in such a big house!

Compared to his previous small apartment, this was like the difference between a kennel and a palace…

After looking around, he noticed a cat tree and scratching board in the corner of the living room, along with various cat toys neatly stored in a box. There was even a litter box already filled with litter.

He felt deeply touched.

Looking at the coffee table, he saw several unopened exquisite gift boxes. Picking one up, he found it was a LEGO tank set, with one being a rare, discontinued model.

“These were all arranged by Mr. Lan. He said you would like them,” Anthony explained honestly.

Xu Le was stunned, remembering the day he worked overtime and ran into Lan Qing. While changing pants in his office, he had spotted a LEGO tank on the desk and had shown his liking for it.

Unexpectedly, President Lan remembered that he liked these things.

Xu Le suddenly felt a bit emotional.

Hugging the orange cat tighter, he thought sourly, how many years of hard work would it take to repay President Lan’s kindness…

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