What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 33

President Lan, I’m Really Not Being a Rogue

There was a moment of heavy silence in the air.

Xu Le felt like he wanted to pull out his own tongue.

How could he let his inner thoughts slip out like that? He had only drunk half a glass of vodka, and yet he had said such things in a dazed state.

President Lan wouldn’t think that he’s being a hooligan, right?

Xu Le was completely sober at this moment. He quickly withdrew his hand, straightened himself up, and explained stutteringly, “Um, no, President Lan, I didn’t mean anything else. I just meant that you’re especially good at fighting, especially the scene earlier where you subdued Zhao Zhiang, it was really cool! I really didn’t mean anything else.”

As he spoke, his voice gradually weakened.

He glanced nervously at Lan Qing, seeing the other leisurely drinking vodka, staring at him with interest, as if saying, “You continue talking, I’ll continue listening.”

“President Lan, rest assured, even if I had a hundred guts, I wouldn’t dare to be a hooligan to you!” Xu Le declared seriously, firm in his stance.

His solemn and earnest appearance made Lan Qing’s hand holding the glass tremble slightly.

Lan Qing simply put down the glass, chuckled softly, “You really are …..”

It had to be said, the intern’s strategy of teasing and tempting was quite convincing.

But the flushed cheeks from alcohol just now, coupled with those black eyes staring blankly at him, along with this thinly veiled explanation, made it even more adorable and enticing.

He couldn’t help but think of the emojis Xu Le sent on WeChat, especially that little country dog, so silly and cute.

“I’m really….?” Xu Le asked nervously.

Seeing him wide-eyed, like the pitiful little dog in the emoji, Lan Qing couldn’t resist teasing him a bit, “Were you being a hooligan to me just now?”

Xu Le was stunned, recalling his words just now. It seemed like he didn’t cause any verbal harassment, let alone physical harassment.

Moreover, if he really had any ill intentions towards President Lan, based on President Lan’s actions just now, wouldn’t he have been punched in the face?

It’s said that men from Russia are very competitive, especially when showing their masculinity.

The warrior nation dared to keep bears as pets, and it’s said that even elementary school students there can go to school in extreme weather of over fifty degrees, and planes with an engine on fire can still calmly fly…

If he really fought President Lan, he would definitely be unilaterally beaten into a pig’s head.

Xu Le denied in horror, “No, absolutely not!”

Straight men detested being misunderstood. Xu Le was speechless from the two remarks Zhao Zhiang made earlier. If President Lan misunderstood something, wouldn’t he be finished?

“In front of me, you don’t need to be so cautious, Xu Le.” Lan Qing suddenly spoke up.

He felt that instead of maintaining the status quo and waiting for a breakthrough, it was better to use a strong medicine to force the young intern to face reality and stop retreating.

Moreover, evasive maneuvers weren’t Lan Qing’s style.

“Huh?” Xu Le looked puzzled. He didn’t understand Lan Qing’s intention. Why did the topic suddenly change?

Lan Qing reached out to him, palm facing up, “Give me your hand.”

“Oh.” Although he didn’t know what Lan Qing was going to do, Xu Le cautiously placed his left hand in the other’s palm.

Lan Qing’s hand was very white, with a translucent jade-like texture, like a carefully carved artwork. Xu Le didn’t dare to be too presumptuous, just gently placing a few fingers on the other’s slightly cool palm.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his fingers touched Lan Qing’s palm, they were immediately grabbed.

“Huh?” Feeling Lan Qing stroke his palm, Xu Le was surprised.

Why did President Lan grab his hand like this?

Xu Le felt it was strange for two grown men to hold hands and touch palms like this, but he didn’t dare to say it out loud.

It couldn’t be that President Lan wanted to read his palm, right?

“Your palm is sweating. Are you always this nervous when you’re with me?” Lan Qing asked.

Xu Le felt Lan Qing’s gaze was somewhat strange, as if there was some inexplicable meaning, but he couldn’t figure out what was wrong.

He wanted to retract his hand but found that Lan Qing was exerting some force.

Here it comes again.

Back to that ambiguous atmosphere like in the car that night.

At that time, President Lan also held his hand like this.

“Xu Le, I’m giving you the power to be a little reckless in front of me, understand?”

At this moment, in Lan Qing’s deep as a cold blue pupils, Xu Le’s bewildered expression was reflected.

Of course, he didn’t understand, and he even felt a little anxious.

He was puzzled by Lan Qing’s words to him and didn’t understand what “the power to be reckless” meant. He just instinctively felt that the atmosphere wasn’t quite right and didn’t know how to respond to President Lan’s question.

It’s weird… Why did President Lan say such things to him?

He exerted a bit of force and this time, he quickly pulled his hand back because Lan Qing had released it voluntarily.

“President Lan, I… I’ve eaten, and it’s quite late now, so I’ll just…” Xu Le coughed, actively interrupting the awkward atmosphere.

“Then let’s go together, it’s on the way.” Lan Qing withdrew his hand as if nothing had happened.

Xu Le couldn’t say no, so he just responded, “Uh, okay…”

Because Lan Qing had been drinking, the driver was responsible for driving, and Lan Qing sat side by side with Xu Le in the back seat of the car.

Maybe it was because of the subtle atmosphere in the private room, Xu Le felt a bit uncomfortable now.

The atmosphere earlier was really hard to ignore.

He stole a glance at Lan Qing beside him, wanting to say something, but didn’t know where to start.

Talking about work, his usual work couldn’t even connect to President Lan’s side. Talking about life, there were no topics to discuss. The gap between the two wasn’t just about the difference in status, but it was really hard to find common ground.

But staying silent didn’t seem good either…

As the car passed over a speed bump, the camera placed on Xu Le’s thigh fell down, and he bent down to pick it up.

“What were you planning to shoot today?”

In the dimly lit car interior, Lan Qing’s voice suddenly broke the silence.

“Um… I originally wanted to make a food vlog, after all, I’ve never been to such a high-end restaurant before, and the dishes here are very diverse, which would make for beautiful shots. So, I thought the video would be very interesting.”

The awkward atmosphere seemed to have dissipated somewhat, and Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief.

“Why didn’t you film in the private room just now?”

Xu Le was taken aback. He had forgotten about that, but Lan Qing was by his side at the time, so he felt awkward bringing it up.

“I forgot, hahaha…” he awkwardly explained.

“I’ve seen your videos, they’re quite interesting,” Lan Qing’s tone sounded relaxed.

Being praised by the CEO, Xu Le felt a little better. “I like sharing my life, it’s like keeping a record for myself. I can look back on it from time to time in the future. And editing videos is fun, especially when there’s good creativity involved. It feels very fulfilling.”

“Yeah, the one where you wore a wig, dressed as a girl, and acted cute was also adorable.”

Xu Le: “?”

What was Lan Qing talking about?

Wearing a wig, dressing as a girl, acting cute?

Xu Le felt like he was struck by lightning. Wasn’t that his old fan service video? At least it was from three years ago, almost sunk to the bottom. How could Lan Qing have come across that video?

Xu Le’s face, already flushed from alcohol, was practically burning now. Thankfully, the interior of the car was dim, so his changing complexion wasn’t clear.

“You… you saw that video too, huh, hahaha…” he felt extremely embarrassed, thinking he would delete that video later!

Back then, with thick skin and youthful ignorance, he thought there was nothing wrong with making such videos. A real man can adapt to circumstances. Now he regretted it deeply.

He turned his gaze away, looking out the window, subtly shifting his body toward the window to reduce his presence.

“Turn your face over here,” Lan Qing said.

Xu Le, hearing this, had no choice but to obediently turn his face. As a result, his chin was pinched, and a scent of cedar with a hint of aggression wafted over him, widening his eyes in surprise.

“President Lan?”

What was he up to?! Xu Le’s mind was racing, utterly confused by Lan Qing’s actions.

Why was there this gay atmosphere again? Or was he misunderstanding something?

“You seem to have slimmed down a bit compared to a few years ago, or maybe it was just baby fat before?” Lan Qing said, pinching Xu Le’s smooth, almost meatless cheek for a moment before letting go.

“Huh?” Xu Le instinctively patted his own face. “Really? I feel like there hasn’t been any change…”

“There has,” Lan Qing said confidently.

“Maybe it’s because I started school a year earlier. In my freshman year, I was barely 1.7 meters tall, like a kid. My mom used to worry that I wouldn’t grow taller, but in the following years, I shot up to 1.8 meters.”

Xu Le felt a bit itchy where Lan Qing pinched his cheek.

Everyone said Lan Qing was like a distant flower on a high peak, but why didn’t it seem that way to him? President Lan just pinched his face after a few words.

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