What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 3

The Good Person Card from the Intern

After the broadcast ended, out of curiosity, Xu Le clicked on the profile of the nouveau riche new fan and found that they were from the same city based on their IP. Moreover, judging by this “Ivan’s” UID number, it was indeed a newly registered account, as they only followed him.

“They’re from the same city as me…” Xu Le was surprised.

But it wasn’t strange for the IP to be from the same city. Hai City was a first-tier metropolis in Hua Country, with many young people who liked to use A Station. But the fact that this “Ivan” had just registered a new account and only followed him, plus their generous donations, left Xu Le unable to guess who this “Ivan” was; the ID gave him no clues.

But he had encountered fans who were equally generous before. Perhaps the other party really liked his broadcasting style!

Thinking of this, Xu Le decided not to dwell on it too much. Because compared to this, he was more concerned about his MissOK interview results…

Come on, Mr. Grumpy CEO, hurry up and send me the job invitation letter!

Twelve thousand a month, social insurance and benefits, plus a gentle older sister colleague! Thinking about these, Xu Le was even more looking forward to it.

At this time, in a luxurious villa in the famous villa area of Hai City, Songhu Mansion, Lan Qing sat on the sofa, flipping through videos on a tablet.

A woman with slightly curled long hair and striking features walked towards him. She was wearing a hot red spaghetti strap dress that accentuated her tall and perfect figure.

The woman sat down in the empty seat next to Lan Qing and, seeing him engrossed in the screen, curiously leaned over, “Vanya, what are you watching? Oh, you’re still browsing A Station. Who’s this boy? He’s quite cute.”

Lan Qing paused the video, which happened to stop at a moment when the boy in the video had a bright smile.

He looked at his own sister, “You were doing well in M Country, why did you suddenly return to China? Did you close a business deal?”

Qin Yaguan leaned back lazily, “It’s just a prolonged tug of war. It’s not urgent for the time being. It’s just that Clarence is annoying. We’ve only slept together a few times, and he’s been clamoring to marry me every day. I wanted some peace and quiet for a few days, so I decided to come back and find my dear brother. How about it, touched, Vanya?”

Lan Qing frowned slightly. He didn’t actually like Qin Yaguang’s approach. The phrase “amidst a myriad of flowers, one remains unstained” described his sister perfectly.

“You shouldn’t be so frivolous. Perhaps Clarence genuinely wants to marry you,” he said frankly.

Qin Yaguan’s charming lips curled up as she leaned on her brother’s shoulder, “Vanya, you and Mom are so unlike me.”

“Mom is serious about Dad.” Lan Qing’s tone suddenly became solemn.

Qin Yaguan lazily yawned, “Mom and Pavel genuinely love each other, but my feelings for Clarence are just a passing fancy, like morning dew. You and your dad are alike, innocently adorable, Vanya.”

Qin Yaguan and Lan Qing were siblings, but they had different fathers.

The current head of Starlight Group, Lan Ying, was the birth mother of Qin Yaguan and Lan Qing. She gave birth to Qin Yaguan with her ex-husband, divorced when Qin Yaguan was less than three years old, then quickly fell in love and married Pavel, a top male model from country E, and gave birth to Lan Qing the following year.

“This isn’t called innocence, it’s loyalty. Being faithful to the one you love is just something normal people should do.” Lan Qing said calmly.

Qin Yaguan released his hand from Lan Qing’s shoulder, teasingly saying, “I don’t love Clarence, I just admire his eight-pack abs.”

Lan Qing remained noncommittal.

Qin Yaguan picked up the tablet lying on the coffee table with interest and pointed to the screen. “This boy, are you interested in him?”

Lan Qing’s expression remained unchanged. “Just normal background checks. Although the new company is short-staffed, it’s better to wait for the right person.”

“Oh, really? If you’re not interested, I’m quite interested in him. I haven’t tried this type of little boy before—”

Before Qin Yaguan finished his sentence, Lan Qing pressed the power button on the tablet, and with an expressionless tone, said, “Do you need me to tell Clarence that you’re hiding here with me?”

Qin Yaguan: “…”

Very good, he truly was her brother.


These days, Xu Le stayed in his apartment, busy editing videos and anxiously waiting for the interview result from MissOK.

“Oh right! I wonder how that cat is doing.”

He had been staying in the apartment these past few days, it was too hot outside, so he didn’t go downstairs much, and he relied on food delivery platforms for groceries.

Xu Le cooked some chicken breast and took a bottle of mineral water downstairs, hoping to have some luck finding that stray cat.

Sure enough, the cat wasn’t in the flowerbed. He searched around the area and found the cat hiding behind the trash can, looking even dirtier than a few days ago.

With his left hand holding the phone to shoot, and his right hand holding food, the cat seemed to recognize him already and started meowing softly upon seeing him.

Xu Le lured it out with food and opened the bottle of water, letting the cat drink some.

“It’s a pity our apartment doesn’t allow pets, otherwise, I could take you home.” He said regretfully.

“Meow~” The orange cat meowed tenderly. After drinking enough water, it began to lower its head to eat the chicken breast.

“Hey, you’re still a tomcat, right? You’re not neutered?” Xu Le lifted the orange cat’s leg to check, indeed, it was a male cat, but his “eggs” were already gone, he was a neutered tomcat.

The orange cat meowed in protest and impatiently shook off Xu Le’s hand.

“Okay okay, enjoy your meal, I won’t disturb you.” Xu Le stifled a laugh.

Suddenly, his phone beeped with a message notification. He looked at the screen, his expression stiffened.

It was an email from MissOK regarding the interview result. His heart raced.

With nervous anticipation, Xu Le hesitated for a moment, then finally clicked on the document.

A knife hanging over his head, whether he stretches his neck or not, he still gets cut, might as well just face it head-on!

He clicked on the email…

“Mr. Xu Le: Hello!

Thank you for choosing MissOK! After comprehensive evaluation, our company intends to hire you. Regarding your job offer… Looking forward to your joining!”

Xu Le was almost too excited to contain himself. His current mood was exactly like when he was selected by An Lingrong!

Xu Le patted the cat’s head happily and said, “You’re my lucky star, my lucky cat. Hehe, I’ll come to see you often in the future.”

The suspended heart was finally put down. He would sleep well that night, ready to report to the company tomorrow!

The time MissOK notified him to start work was Monday morning at ten o’clock. It would take him forty minutes to get there, so he decided to leave twenty minutes early, at nine o’clock.

However, no matter how well he calculated, Xu Le never expected that the subway entrance on Monday would still be restricted!

A dense crowd of people crowded outside the narrow subway entrance, forming a long line, and Xu Le was one section of the dragon.

“Damn it!” He thought.

Being late on the first day of work, imagining the cold, frosty face of the boss, Xu Le could almost picture him saying, “Being late on your first day of work. I’m sorry, but I don’t see the basic qualities an employee should possess in you. Now, please leave MissOK.”

Xu Le felt like crying without tears.

After squeezing into the subway, he carefully protected the steamed buns in his hand and anxiously looked at his phone.

Fortunately, it was only delayed by about ten minutes, should be okay.

The moment he got out of the subway, Xu Le began to run as fast as he could. Although he wasn’t late, he didn’t want to be even a minute late on his first day of work.

He ran towards the direction of the company while stuffing the meat bun into his mouth.

Finally, he arrived at the office building at nine forty-eight. He didn’t have an access card, so he could only show the security guard his acceptance email. After a brief check, the guard let him in, delaying him for another half a minute.

When he reached the elevator lobby, he watched the six elevators on both sides running upward…

What a crappy luck, he thought regretfully, stuffing the last bun into his mouth.

“Cough, cough…” He ate too quickly and almost choked, coughing uncontrollably.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye. The innermost elevator seemed to not be in operation, so he walked over.

As a result, when he saw the sign on the elevator, he was dumbfounded.

“President’s Exclusive Elevator.”

Xu Le: “…”

Damn, the elevator he entered that day was actually the president’s private elevator…

“What are you doing?”

A low, cool male voice came from behind him, startling him. “Cough, cough… I, cough, cough!…”

He hadn’t finished his breakfast yet, and being startled by Lan Qing like this, he almost choked again, his face turning red, and his cheeks puffed up from coughing.

“Do you want to be late on your first day of work?”

Lan Qing’s expressionless face and tall figure imposed immense mental pressure on Xu Le, especially when those deep blue eyes stared at him, almost making his legs go weak.

He struggled to swallow the bun in his mouth and gestured with his hand, “No, no, boss, I absolutely don’t have such thoughts!”

Looking at the boy in front of him, Lan Qing saw pleading in his bright black eyes, with a layer of lip balm still uncleaned on his lips, making them look plump and colorful.

The soon-to-be college graduate boy was naive and inexperienced, seemingly easy to bully and exploit.

Avoiding eye contact, Lan Qing said coldly, “Move aside.”

The boy’s body blocked the buttons behind him.

Xu Le moved away in dismay, “Oh…”

It seemed the boss wasn’t pleased. He hadn’t even started the job yet, and now it seemed like he wouldn’t get the chance.

He should have left earlier; it wouldn’t have led to this outcome. In the end, it was his own fault…

“What are you standing there for? Come in, do you want to be late?”

Xu Le turned around in surprise, seeing the stern CEO standing in the elevator, looking at him.

Was he telling him to get into the elevator?!

He quickly stepped into the elevator, not daring to get too close to Lan Qing, pressing his body against the cabin wall, then flashed Lan Qing a lively and bright smile.

“Boss, you’re so kind!”

Xu Le thought, it seemed that Lan CEO was the type of person who appeared cold but had a warm heart. Not only did he hire him without any grudges, but now he even took the initiative to ride the elevator with him.

Being unexpectedly handed a ‘good person card’ by Xu Le, Lan Qing thought, What is this kid thinking?

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