What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 29

President Lan, Isn’t This Inappropriate?

Xu Le stayed up late, but spent the whole night having nightmares.

First, it was Zeng Junhua, sneering at him and throwing a pile of documents on his face, “What kind of garbage analysis sheet is this? Rewrite ten copies!”

Several blank papers fluttered like snow indoors, one of them covering Xu Le’s face, obscuring his expression of frustration.

Then the scene changed, and Xu Le inexplicably dreamed of “Xiao Shuai and the CEO” he watched last night. He seemed to be an onlooker, watching the two of them sleep together under the quilt in a romantic and intimate manner, but his body was fixed in place and unable to move.

The quilt arched up with movement, making ambiguous sounds.

Xu Le felt embarrassed and wanted to escape, but his limbs seemed to be filled with lead and couldn’t be lifted.

The situation in the dream was so real that Xu Le’s face was about to explode with embarrassment, but he couldn’t make a sound, nor could he move, and could only be trapped in place.

No, he was a straight guy, how could he watch other people’s private matters?

He struggled to break free from the invisible restraints, quickly ran to the side of the door panel, and forcefully turned the doorknob, only to be met with a dazzling light.

He couldn’t help but close his eyes, raise his hand to block the strong light, but felt his body lighten, and the next moment, he seemed to be lying somewhere, surrounded by a warm breath.

Is this… under the covers?

“Good boy, no more hiding. Open your eyes and look at me.”

The deep, slightly chilly voice perfectly matched President Lan’s, shocking Xu Le as he opened his eyes to see President Lan’s handsome mixed-race face.

Not having time to be astonished, Xu Le was embarrassed to find himself and Lan Qing, actually in such an intimate posture pressed together?!

Wait, what’s going on?

Given the situation, how does he seem like he’s in the gay drama he watched last night, and he’s in this posture, turning himself into Xiao Shuai…

The one in the drama who was patted on the head by the CEO, forcibly kissed by the CEO, princess-carried by the CEO, and often acted spoiled to the CEO?!

“What are you thinking? Don’t think about other men, or do you want to be punished?”

Lan Qing in the dream seemed to have completely changed his personality. He pinched Xu Le’s chin, forcing him to look at him, and lowered his head, about to kiss Xu Le’s lips.

Xu Le was almost scared out of his wits. He quickly reached out, covering Lan Qing’s mouth, tremblingly saying, “President, President Lan, isn’t this, isn’t this a bit too much…”

They’re both men, neither liking men, how could they kiss?

Who knew, Lan Qing easily brushed away Xu Le’s trembling hand, sensing the other’s attempt to shy away, he chuckled softly, “Always so shy, baby, don’t you like it?”

“Who… who would like this, President Lan, wake up, I’m Xu Le, I’m a man!” Xu Le in the dream tried to awaken Lan Qing. He was too afraid of this eerie President Lan.

Lan Qing leaned closer to him again, his high and delicate nose almost touching Xu Le’s nose, warm breaths intermingling, overly intimate, he murmured softly, “Shh, of course, I know, don’t move.”

Xu Le’s face instantly flushed red.

He dared not move, wanted to escape, but more so wanted to wake Lan Qing up, but he was already in a dream, how could one in a dream wake another?

He looked at the other person, wanting to say something, but couldn’t find the words, only emitting sounds that embarrassed even himself.

Just as their lips were about to touch, Xu Le suddenly saw in horror, Lan Qing’s deep blue pupils turned blood red, protruding sharp teeth gleaming with bloodthirsty cold light.

“Good boy, offer your body, your blood, to me…” The low, seductive voice was alluring but sent chills down one’s spine.

Damn, how did Lan Qing turn into a vampire?!

In an instant, he was frightened, his pupils shrinking slightly, his hand pressing against the other’s solid chest, trying to push him away.

At this moment, the alarm clock rang, waking Xu Le abruptly.

His face was flushed, his eyes tired, filled with fatigue, because of consecutive nightmares, he obviously didn’t sleep enough, his eyelids stuck together as if glued.

He almost brushed his teeth with his eyes closed, comforting himself in his mind that dreams are fake.

Manager Zheng definitely wouldn’t keep harassing him, and President Lan… definitely wouldn’t do that to him, let alone being a vampire!

He must have watched too many dramas, which led to these inexplicable dreams…

When squeezing into the subway, Xu Le vaguely hallucinated a man who looked like Zheng Junhua, still hesitating whether to greet him or not, but then saw the person turning his head, it wasn’t Zheng Li’s face at all.

Xu Le breathed a sigh of relief, he didn’t want to see that annoying face of Zheng Junhua outside the company!

If it weren’t for that slick-haired, square-faced male manager, he wouldn’t have stayed overtime until late at night, nor would he have made such a big fool of himself in front of Lan Qing, even disturbing his sleep last night with continuous nightmares.

With a face full of resentment, Xu Le didn’t even have much appetite when he arrived at the company, just casually grabbed some vegetable porridge and buns in the cafeteria, hurriedly finishing breakfast.

Back at his desk, Jiang Wan looked at him with exhaustion evident on his face, a hint of dark circles under his eyes, knowing that Xu Le didn’t sleep well last night, “Xiao Xu, did you work overtime until very late yesterday? If you’re too tired, you can apply for half a day off.”

Xu Le shook his head, “No need, thanks Jiang Wan jie.”

Seeing his languid appearance, not like his usual energetic self, more like a defeated little chicken, Jiang Wan couldn’t help but feel a bit distressed, “If Zheng Junhua is really giving you a hard time, why don’t you try talking to the executive assistant? After all, President Lan seems to appreciate you, maybe it’ll work out?”

At the mention of “President Lan”, Xu Le quickly shook his head like a rattle, “If President Lan knows I can’t even handle such a small matter, he’ll definitely think I’m unreliable, and he… he’s so busy, where does he have time to bother with a small employee like me?”

He avoided eye contact, feeling a bit guilty, because he remembered what Lan Qing said to him last night.

“My WeChat isn’t just for show, you know?”

Now, he could still vividly recall the feeling of the other’s knuckles lightly tapping on his forehead.

Slightly cool, not too strong, but inexplicably made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

Especially since usually dreams are forgotten upon waking, but strangely, yesterday’s dream, Xu Le still remembered vividly, he could even recall the ambiguous sensations in the dream…

Seeing Xu Le suddenly lost in thought, his face a bit red, even his earlobes turning red, Jiang Wan couldn’t help but worry and ask, “Xiao Xu, are you feeling unwell?”

Xu Le “Ah” in confusion, realizing he had just been fantasizing about yesterday’s dream in his mind, suddenly feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

But he definitely couldn’t tell anyone about it.

“No, no, I just spaced out for a moment, cough…” he tactically picked up the coffee on the table, just took a sip, his brows furrowed, “It tastes awful, ah, it’s actually last night’s coffee, I forgot to pour it away.”

After saying that, he awkwardly got up, with a forced smile, and went to pour the coffee.

Jiang Wan could only helplessly shake her head and smile. She was an experienced person; seeing Xu Le’s embarrassed face, she thought he was probably thinking about his girlfriend, the more he tried to hide it, the more obvious it became.

But Xu Le was handsome, with a good personality, and at the age of twenty, it was normal to be in love.


No one could be unlucky forever. After a series of misfortunes, there would always be surprises ahead.

Zeng Junhua was transferred to another department, from being the head of the market department with unlimited potential to becoming the second-in-command of the administrative department in Qingshui office. For a moment, there were quite a few people at MissOK who took pleasure in his misfortune.

Many female employees had been harassed by him, and male employees had been indirectly harassed by him as well. But because Zeng Junhua had a powerful uncle in the headquarters of Starlight, everyone dared to be angry but not to speak out. Only Jiaxin, who was bold and competent, dared to confront him openly. At first glance, it seemed that he was frustrated, which was somewhat satisfying.

As a result, Xu Le’s analysis table no longer needed to be done, completely getting rid of the frustration of overtime. He finally cheered up.

“Didn’t you see how angry Zheng Junhua looked? Hahaha, I told you so!” Jiaxin’s pretty face was even more radiant with laughter.

She was the first to hear the news and hurried over to share the joy with Xu Le.

“Now I finally don’t have to work overtime!” Xu Le laughed like a happy little dog, and his drooping tail finally wagged again.

“Yeah, Zheng Junhua didn’t have much ability to begin with. He only got his education by spending money to study abroad. Originally, there wasn’t much for him to do as the manager of the MissOK Marketing Department. He was just pushed in by his family connections. He didn’t work and just caused trouble all day. Two of his subordinates were forced to resign because of him,” Jiaxin said with a smirk.

“Hey, Jiaxin jie, do you know why Manager Zheng was suddenly transferred?” Xu Le asked curiously.

Jiaxin furrowed her brows slightly. “It’s probably President Lan’s idea, right? After all, in MissOK, only President Lan could directly kick Zheng Junhua out.”

Xu Le’s heart skipped a beat. President Lan’s idea…

Could it be that President Lan had transferred Manager Zheng to a lower position for him?

But how could the other party know that he had been wronged under Manager Zheng? It was unlikely, let alone demoting the nephew of a high-ranking official in the headquarters for the sake of a lowly employee like him.

It must be because President Lan had keen eyes and couldn’t stand people like Manager Zheng, who relied on connections to get in, and then oppressed and bullied subordinates, so he transferred him away.

Thinking like this, Xu Le suddenly felt it made more sense.

Yeah, President Lan was indeed very wise!

At this time, Lan Qing was in the conference room of the Starlight headquarters, just finishing the board meeting.

The members of the board had mostly dispersed. In the spacious and luxurious conference room, only Lan Qing remained seated at the head of the table, with his assistant standing respectfully by his side.

Lan Ying hadn’t attended the board meetings much in the past two years, traveling around the world with Lan Qing’s father, Pavel, leaving the vast group to be handled by their children, under the guise of training the successors.

Since Qin Yaguan was impatient with these old board members, the burden fell on Lan Qing’s shoulders.

Perhaps Lan Qing was naturally suited to be a leader. He was young and courageous. Although the board often had some reservations about him, in recent years, Starlight’s territory had indeed expanded continuously, not to mention soaring, but also making breakthroughs.

Therefore, almost no one dared to question Lan Qing’s decisions during the meeting just now. Occasionally, a few people tried to suppress him with their seniority, but Lan Qing could easily silence them, leaving them speechless and only able to blow their beards and stare.

With his cold white skin, his three-dimensional and deep beautiful features, and a high-end business suit, Lan Qing’s demeanor became even more stern, highlighting his superior demeanor.

At this moment, he was staring at his phone, motionless.

“Sir, do you have any other instructions to pass on? I will send the meeting minutes to your email as soon as I finish organizing them. I have made detailed records of each director’s remarks,” the assistant said cautiously.

Several board members had spoken a bit harshly just now, almost saying that Lan Qing was an inexperienced kid. He was worried that if the fiery President Lan got angry about it, as his assistant, he would be the first to bear the brunt.

“Has the demotion notice for Zheng Junhua been issued?” Lan Qing asked abruptly.

The assistant hurriedly replied, “The email was sent before the meeting started, and it must have been delivered by now.”

“Mm,” Lan Qing responded lightly.

He stared at his phone, and on the screen was the latest WeChat moment posted by Xu Le that day.

Xu Le: [Wow, the salary for the first month has been credited, so happy! Making money is the most joyful thing! Let me show you my little good luck charm cat!]

The picture attached was the blue-eyed orange cat downstairs in his apartment building. Because it was a close-up photo, the cat’s face looked round, especially innocent and cute, with its big round blue eyes particularly lively and beautiful.

The assistant, who was on standby to listen to the president’s orders at any time, dared not look at Lan Qing’s phone, but seeing the perfect profile of the president’s face with no expression, as cold as ever, he felt extremely anxious in his heart.

However, he couldn’t see Lan Qing’s face directly, let alone the faintly soft and deep blue eyes that the other party would show. Otherwise, he would definitely be very surprised.

Lan Qing’s slender and white fingers were on the screen, staring at the cat for a few seconds.

In the end, under Xu Le’s new WeChat moment, he liked the post with a heart.

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