What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 28

What Does It Mean?

Qin Yaguan was momentarily speechless.

She was just guessing casually, and her teasing was just light-hearted, but she didn’t expect Lan Qing to directly admit it.

Although she and Lan Qing were not from the same father, they grew up together after all. She knew very well what his temperament was like.

In fact, Lan Qing’s personality was very straightforward. He disliked deceitful tricks and liked to be straightforward. If he said he wanted to do something, he would definitely do it, and if he said he wanted something, he would definitely find a way to get it.

Qin Yaguan couldn’t help but recall what happened six years ago, the rare occasion when he had a big fight with the family.

At that time, Lan Qing had not yet graduated from university and insisted on participating in a rally race. Their mother, Lan Ying, the current female head of the Starlight Group, strongly opposed Lan Qing’s participation in such a dangerous race.

For this, Lan Qing was reprimanded by his mother for the first time, and Lan Ying even directly approached the event organizers to propose a sponsorship deal, asking them to remove Lan Qing from the list of participants.

Qin Yaguan had never seen her mother so angry; even their stepfather Pavel did not agree with Lan Qing participating in the rally race. She was caught in the middle, feeling torn.

In the end, Lan Qing said only one thing to Lan Ying, “I’ll only participate this once. Regardless of whether I can win a trophy or not, after it’s over, I’ll go to the company.”

The threat in his words was obvious, and Lan Ying reluctantly agreed.

As a result, Lan Qing won the rally race championship, and the day after receiving the award, he went to report to the Starlight headquarters.

It was also during that time that Qin Yaguan realized that her younger brother, who had grown up as the perfect heir apparent, was actually more rebellious than she was deep down.

She didn’t doubt for a moment that if her mother hadn’t allowed Lan Qing to participate in that rally race, Lan Qing might not have been able to take over the company business as she wished.

As distant thoughts dispersed like smoke, Qin Yaguan looked at her brother, whose expression remained calm, and her own expression turned serious. “I can’t interfere with your ideas.”

Lan Qing grunted in response. He had initially intended to turn and leave directly, but seemed to think of something, so he walked to the sofa on Qin Yaguan’s right and sat down.

“Jie, I have a question for you.”

Qin Yaguan’s eyes nearly popped out, as if she had encountered an extraterrestrial being, and even the face mask on her face almost fell off. She quickly readjusted it.

Since Lan Qing was six years old, she hadn’t seen him speak to her in such a serious tone, or even use a tone that could be considered “obedient.”

She quickly pulled out her phone, switched it to camera mode, and aimed the lens at Lan Qing’s handsome and indifferent face. “Wait a minute, my goodness, my dear Vanya, you actually have a moment when you obediently ask your sister for help. This sacred moment must be recorded and posted on social media!”

She deliberately emphasized the word “obedient.”

Lan Qing: “…”

“Alright, alright, what do you want to ask, jie will definitely answer.” Qin Yaguan cheerfully saved the photo. Lan Qing’s facial features and proportions were excellent, so any angle looked good, saving her the trouble of retouching.

She was prepared and had a rough guess about Lan Qing’s question. It was either about how the negotiations with the clock company in R country were going, or about the progress of the cooperation project with the largest online luxury goods platform in M country.

Either way, it was about company matters.

“What does it mean when someone is afraid to meet you and even blushes out of timidity when they see you?” Lan Qing’s tone showed no obvious fluctuations, but there was a hint of confusion and hesitation.

Qin Yaguan smoothly continued the conversation, “The negotiations are going relatively smoothly at the moment. It’s just that in terms of profit sharing, I want to delay it a bit more and try to get them to give us a few more percentage points…”

At this point, she abruptly stopped speaking, incredulous, “Huh?”

She even thought she might be hearing things.

Lan Qing nodded slightly, “You didn’t mishear, I am indeed asking you what it means when someone blushes out of timidity upon seeing you.”

Qin Yaguan looked at her brother, who had perfect looks and stature, born into a wealthy family, and as for his personality… it was indeed somewhat eccentric, but overall, from age one hundred to age five, as long as one had normal aesthetic ability, seeing this appearance would make them shy or even moved.

Then, she said softly, “This question, you should ask Pavel and mom why they gave you this appearance.”

“And what does it mean if the other person sends you emojis frequently?” 

Qin Yaguan’s eyebrows furrowed slightly. “What kind of emojis?”

Lan Qing thought for a moment and summarized concisely, “Cute ones, a bit like being coquettish?”

Qin Yaguan understood, “Maybe it’s a subtle way to gauge your attitude, so they use emojis to test the waters. I’ve dated a cute younger guy before, and before we got together, he would occasionally send me some cute emojis to test my feelings.”

Lan Qing didn’t pay much attention to her complex and rich emotional history, but instead seemed to be lost in thought.

“Is it that new intern? You actually added his WeChat?” Qin Yaguan asked in surprise. “As far as I know, besides a few necessary board members of the company, you haven’t added anyone else’s contact information. All communication is done through email.”

Lan Qing remained noncommittal.

Suddenly, a terrible idea flashed through Qin Yaguan’s mind, and she looked at Lan Qing suspiciously. “You’re not making others blush and sending them cute emojis, are you?”

Lan Qing: “…”

He furrowed his brows slightly, recalling certain scenes, then asked, “What if the other person seems afraid of you touching them?”

Qin Yaguan smiled and asked back, “Do you remember the 16th of the 36 Strategies?”

Lan Qing didn’t say anything, but his heart stirred slightly.

So, the intern had actually been… playing hard to get?

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