What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 27

Xiao Shuai and the CEO

Back in his small apartment, Xu Le’s heart was still pounding.

Lan Qing’s deep voice lingered in his ears.

He suddenly patted his face until it felt slightly hot before stopping.

“Xu Le, you have to be rational, stay rational!” Xu Le took a deep breath, scolding himself.

But the more he thought this way, the more tonight’s scenes replayed vividly in his mind.

President Lan holding his hand, President Lan’s deep blue eyes looking at him, President Lan joking with him, President Lan flicking his forehead twice…

It all seemed like a scene filled with pink bubbles.

Impossible. There’s no way President Lan has any other intentions towards him! Xu Le firmly believed.

President Lan saying those things and doing those things must be because he particularly appreciated him, thought he was a promising talent, and a future star employee of MissOK.

The most crucial point was that President Lan showed no signs of being interested in men.

He wasn’t one of those boys on the internet who could act coquettish, had a sweet voice, and a slender build. On the contrary, Xu Le thought he looked very manly, at least with his abs and pecs!

Although not the exaggerated muscular body, but not the weak and powerless type either, at least he had great athletic ability!

Thinking this, Xu Le lifted his shirt to confirm if his thin abs were still there, letting out a relieved sigh.

There was a gym in the company with all kinds of fitness equipment, he definitely couldn’t slack off, he needed to go to the gym more often when he had time, couldn’t sit in the office without exercise for a long time and end up with a “super childlike body”.

Moreover, health is the capital of the revolution. Without a strong physique, how could he work and live well?

Feeling enlightened, he excitedly finished his night routine and went to bed.

Before sleeping, he scrolled through Douyin.

Seeing cute cats and dogs, Xu Le couldn’t help but smile; seeing silly and tacky videos, he laughed out loud; watching touching videos, he felt his heart ache…

Before he knew it, half an hour had passed. Xu Le planned to watch one more video to help him fall asleep.

Coincidentally, the next video was a film review.

He stared at the screen without blinking, listening to the narrator, “Pay attention, this boy is called Xiao Shuai, he just joined a new company today, the CEO is a young and handsome winner in life, which makes Xiao Shuai very envious…”

Xu Le muttered to himself, thinking about how he also envied President Lan when he first joined MissOK.

“Xiao Shuai is a newcomer in the workplace and often gets bullied by malicious seniors. He often works overtime late into the night and faces many setbacks at work…”

Watching this, Xu Le felt a deep sense of empathy. Wasn’t he in the same situation, working late tonight due to Manager Zeng’s difficulties?

“Xiao Shuai feels very frustrated. But then, things take a turn for the better. The young and handsome CEO notices the unfair treatment Xiao Shuai is receiving. Just as Xiao Shuai is being bullied again, the CEO appears, scolding the malicious senior, making Xiao Shuai admire the CEO even more…”

Xu Le thought, it seems the CEO in this drama is also a good person, just like President Lan, a just and kind positive character.

Alright, this drama seems to be about two male leads, and this CEO seems to have a significant role, probably being the other male lead.

According to his experience of watching various films and dramas, this show should be about a rookie employee and a domineering CEO crossing class boundaries to become friends, then working together to make the company bigger and stronger, a workplace inspirational drama!

However, as Xu Le continued reading, he felt something was off.

“As Xiao Shuai gradually establishes himself in the company, what he doesn’t know is that the CEO has actually been silently helping and supporting him from behind the scenes, because the CEO finds Xiao Shuai very innocent and adorable, so he feels the need to protect him…”

Xu Le: “??”

Wait a minute, how can a man find another man adorable? The CEO in this drama seems a bit strange; if he appreciates a male employee, shouldn’t he just promote and give him a raise directly?

Protection… what does that mean?

Curious, Xu Le continued reading until the scene where Xiao Shuai was pressed into a corner by the CEO, and then… the CEO kissed Xiao Shuai.

A timely narrator explained: “Xiao Shuai finally realizes it’s not just a one-sided crush but a mutual affection with the CEO. It turns out the CEO has silently liked him all along. In the end, Xiao Shuai and the CEO get married abroad and live a happy, shameless life together.”

Xu Le: “…??”

What? Is this actually a gay drama?

Xu Le was greatly shocked internally; he couldn’t understand when Xiao Shuai started liking the CEO, and how the CEO fell in love at first sight with Xiao Shuai?

Weren’t they just good buddies?

Especially seeing the final scene, where Xiao Shuai shyly looked at the CEO, and then the CEO princess-carried him onto the bed, disappeared under the covers, starting their “happy, shameless life.”

Xu Le knew many girls would watch this kind of BL drama, but as a straight guy, besides watching some famous films in film history like “Farewell My Concubine,” “Brokeback Mountain,” and “Happy Together,” he barely paid attention to this type of film and television dramas. Stumbling upon this, he felt like he opened up a new world.

Men with men, together?

Moreover, this drama was still a workplace drama, with the boss and employee being the main characters…

Xu Le suddenly shuddered.

But then he thought, it’s just a drama setting after all. Even normal heterosexual dramas with bosses and female employees have cliché plots; this drama just replaced the female lead with a male lead, but the plot is not that different.

Right, it’s just a drama, how could it be related to reality?

Moreover, if compared, President Lan is much more handsome than the CEO in this drama. Besides, which normal CEO has time to pay attention to a rookie employee who just arrived and falls in love at first sight? This was too ridiculous…

Time to sleep!

Xu Le was always good at comforting himself; he quickly dispelled his inner concerns and peacefully turned off his phone to sleep.


The villa area where Lan Qing lived was not completely on the way to Xu Le’s place. Plus, with the delay of getting off the car, he spent nearly fifteen minutes more than usual to get home.

Qin Yaguan was lounging on the sofa, wearing a bathrobe with a face mask on, holding an iPad in her hand.

“You’re back, my dear Vanya.” She tidied the edges of her face mask while saying, her nails painted with bright red nail polish, making her fingers appear even longer and whiter.

Even if she hadn’t been going out much lately, she was accustomed to keeping herself meticulously beautiful. Her stunning appearance had always been what she cared about. Relying solely on natural beauty was not enough; she had to maximize her advantages.

“Mm.” Lan Qing responded lightly, about to pass by her sister and go up the spiral staircase.

“Why so cold, you’re not in your rebellious teenage years,” Qin Yaguan teased, her fingers flicking on the tablet, “I’ve noticed, you’ve been frequenting station A quite a lot lately.”

Lan Qing paused in his steps, reaching out for the iPad from Qin Yaguan’s hand.

Qin Yaguan, with her face mask on, dared not make big movements, but she let out a suggestive laugh, “Not only have you been frequenting it, you even gave that little guy a tip. Vanya, I’ve never seen you care about anyone like this before.”

Lan Qing lowered his long lashes, emotions unclear in his eyes.

After a while, he leisurely spoke, “Yes, I do care.”

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