What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 23

Very Cute

In the darkness, Xu Le widened his eyes in shock.

This voice, why did it sound like… President Lan? But how could President Lan be in the company at this hour?

Was the person who just called him at the restroom door really President Lan? Or was it just his imagination?

Xu Le couldn’t help but shiver. Unfortunately, it was too dark around him, and he didn’t have his phone with him. He could only see the vague outlines of things around him through the faint light coming in through the restroom window.

Holding his breath, he mustered up the courage to look towards the direction outside the door but didn’t dare to open his tightly shut eyelids immediately.

The more nervous and scared he felt, the more scattered his thoughts became.

He couldn’t help but think of the story he learned in his textbooks when he was a child, “From the Hundred Herbs Garden to the Sanwei Book House,” which mentioned the “Beautiful Snake.”

The “Beautiful Snake” had the head of a beautiful woman and could mimic the voice of a woman to call people’s names. Once someone responded to its call, they would be swallowed whole in their sleep at night.

Oh dear, what he just heard, could it be the voice of such a monster?

But the voice was male, and it sounded so similar to President Lan’s voice. Could it be a “Beautiful Man Snake”?

Imagining it, a dark, sneaky python with President Lan’s stunning mixed-race male face on top, and this “Beautiful Man Snake” was staring at him coldly with those deep blue eyes, even spitting out venomous words.

At this moment, this “Beautiful Man Snake” might even be lingering outside the door, waiting for him to respond, ready to devour him immediately.

And now it was late at night…

Xu Le shivered, feeling even more terrified! He would rather President Lan be a vampire than a “Beautiful Man Snake”!

Vampires drain people dry, while a beautiful snake swallows its prey whole into its narrow stomach, which must be incredibly foul and stinky inside.

Though both are painful ways to die, being eaten by a snake seemed more disgusting.

More importantly, while a vampire at least retained a human shape, a beautiful snake was the stuff of nightmares.

Xu Le liked small animals, but only cute ones like cats and dogs. He was always terrified of snakes, those dreadful, scaly, cold-blooded creatures.

Despite facing the door, he didn’t dare open his eyes.

What if he saw something he shouldn’t, like a ghost or a beautiful snake? He would scream like a groundhog and gouge his eyes out!

Yet, as a part-time content creator, he vaguely thought it would be great if he had his phone. If he captured any paranormal activity, he might go viral…

As his mind raced between fear and excitement, footsteps suddenly echoed in the darkness.

They were coming closer.

Steady, strong, unhurried—they were a man’s footsteps.

Xu Le’s hair stood on end. He didn’t dare make a sound or open his eyes, trying to keep his breathing as quiet as possible.

When the footsteps were about a meter away, they stopped. “Why aren’t you saying anything? Cat got your tongue?”

Xu Le recognized the voice immediately. It was Lan Qing’s distinct, cold, magnetic baritone.

He cautiously opened his eyes to see a tall, upright figure with broad shoulders. Though he couldn’t see the man’s expression, this cold, stern aura could only belong to President Lan.

But why would President Lan be here at this hour? The man in front of him…

Xu Le’s imagination spiraled into even more terrifying thoughts.

Oh my God, could his imagination have come true? Was the person in front of him not really President Lan, but some terrifying supernatural entity from an urban legend?

Xu Le’s body stiffened, cold sweat pouring down his back, which also felt chilly.

The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became, regretting deeply. He wouldn’t have stayed to work overtime if he had known.

The shadow in front of him hadn’t moved, but Xu Le noticed it tilt its head slightly.

From this angle, it looked like it was… scrutinizing its prey?!

After examining its prey, would it swallow him whole, bones and all?

Xu Le couldn’t hold back anymore. Suppressing the urge to scream, he whispered, “Please, don’t eat me. I’m not tasty. I have lots of minor health issues like shoulder pain, tendonitis, rheumatism, and hemorrhoids! If you want to eat someone, go for Zeng Junhua. He’d be much more satisfying!”

There was no response from the shadow for a while. Then Xu Le heard a cold laugh.

“What if I want to eat you? What would you do?” the shadow said.

This teasing tone was entirely different from Lan Qing’s usual cold and calm demeanor, but to Xu Le, it sounded ominous.

Ahhh! It’s definitely not President Lan! He would never joke like this.

I’m done for. I’m going to be the subject of an urban legend. The title could be “Young Man Mysteriously Disappears in Office Restroom While Working Late.”

He even thought about his friend from college who worked on a supernatural TV show. Maybe he could provide some material for them.

What to do, what to do? Am I really going to be eaten?

Xu Le thought of his parents, his unfinished thesis, his degree, his friends, his followers on his account, his new colleagues, and the blue-eyed orange cat outside his apartment. He hadn’t seen the cat for two days and wondered if it had been bullied…

And also, President Lan, who had “high hopes” for him.

Thinking of all this, Xu Le felt a pang of sadness.

At that moment, the shadow in front of him reached out a hand, seemingly to touch him.

Xu Le shuddered and instinctively raised his hands to block it.

But he forgot one crucial thing.

He was peeing.

After drinking three large cups of coffee and a big cup of water.

And when people are nervous, their sympathetic nervous system and adrenal axis activity increase, stimulating—the bladder.

In the suffocating silence of the dark, the sound of urine trickling was heard.

Xu Le: “…”

The most embarrassing part wasn’t over. The next moment, the lights came back on.

The beautiful man in front of him, with an unexpectedly surprised expression, was none other than Lan Qing himself.

Xu Le was dumbstruck: “…!”

He wanted to die.

Without greeting Lan Qing, Xu Le hastily dealt with his urgent physiological need.

Just as he was about to zip up his pants, he looked down and saw a wet spot on his light blue jeans.

Xu Le: “…”

Lan Qing: “?”

Xu Le: He wanted to die right now.

To make things worse, Xu Le heard Lan Qing chuckle.

He laughed. Laughed! Laughed…!

Xu Le wanted to cry but had no tears.

Lan Qing glanced casually down at him, then lifted hisr eyes to meet Xu Le’s, and in his usual businesslike tone remarked, “Very cute.”

Xu Le: “?!”

What? Cute? What cute?

The… size?

Author’s note:

Lan Qing: Hmm, indeed very cute. The person too.

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