What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 22

Tough Guy!

Lan Qing’s deep blue eyes stared at Xu Le, his handsome face still devoid of any visible emotion.

Thinking of the cute emojis in the intern’s WeChat, despite being able to be playful without restraint through the internet, facing each other in person, he always appeared timid and shaky.

“Inappropriate thoughts?” A faint hint of amusement tugged at the corner of his lips as he glanced at Xu Le, his eyes playful. “You have quite the imagination.”

Finally, Lan Qing stopped questioning further, released his hand, and granted the nervous intern his freedom.

“Go back, make sure to rest well in the future.” He reminded in a calm voice.

Xu Le felt as if a pardon had been granted, quickly bowed, embarrassed, and left.

Back at his workstation, his tightly wound nerves finally relaxed.

He stared blankly at the screen in front of him.

Was it his imagination, or did Lan Qing treat him differently from others?

Not only did he stand up for him and resolve the misunderstanding with the senior employee, but he also awarded him an additional performance bonus for substituting as a male model. And just now, he even showed concern for his health in the corridor!

If his special treatment towards him was genuine, did it mean that… Did it mean that…

Xu Le’s breathing suddenly became rapid, and a faint blush of excitement spread across his face.

Thinking of the way Lan Qing’s beautiful blue eyes looked at him, so focused and serious, and that inexplicable meaning he couldn’t decipher…

His heart pounded like a drum, pounding wildly in his chest.

Lan Qing treated him so differently, surely because…

Surely because he truly appreciated him! Xu Le thought excitedly.

He even believed that he could contribute to the growth and development of MissOK, potentially becoming a benchmark employee for the company’s future!

Otherwise, why would Lan Qing treat him differently?

Forget about those small obstacles like Zeng Junhua, those were just minor hindrances in his ascent. His goal was as vast as the stars and the ocean!

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile brightly, feeling much happier, even unable to suppress a laugh.

Seeing Xu Le, who had been dejected before leaving, suddenly so spirited upon his return, his handsome face filled with determination, Jiang Wan couldn’t help but ask curiously, “What’s wrong, did Manager Zeng approve of your analysis table?”

Xu Le shook his head honestly, “No, he said my writing was no different from garbage.”

Jiang Wan: “…”

So, had this kid been driven crazy?

“Why are you suddenly so happy?” she asked.

Xu Le chuckled, “It’s nothing, I just suddenly feel that the company is really good!”

And President Lan is even better! He added silently in his heart.

Jiang Wan didn’t ask further. Seeing him finally no longer listless, she felt happy for him, “Yes, the working atmosphere in our company is indeed very good.”

Little did she know, after hearing about Xu Le being troubled by Zeng Junhua, Jiaxin couldn’t wait to find Xu Le’s workstation.

With a flushed face and furrowed brows, she exclaimed, “Zeng Junhua actually bullied you? Why didn’t you tell me? I’ll go to his office and give him a piece of my mind!”

Saying that, she ignored Xu Le’s bewildered reaction, lifted his chin, looked left and right, and indeed saw the dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he hadn’t slept well after working late.

“Wow, this shameless guy, he only knows how to bully newcomers and throw his weight around. If it weren’t for having a good uncle, what would he be?” Jiaxin said indignantly.

Jiaxin saw that he remained quite calm, so she had to give up and sighed, “It’s not the first time he’s causing trouble with new recruits, especially ones like you, good-looking young men. He even forced out a male subordinate at headquarters before, and now he’s causing trouble with MissOK again. He’s simply out of his mind.”

Xu Le was astonished. It seemed this manager hated good-looking male employees? Truly strange.

Seeing his puzzled expression, Jianxin patted his head reassuringly, “It’s okay, I’ve got your back. If he crosses the line, come to me, I’ll help you scold him. You don’t have to work at MissOK if it gets too much hassle, why endure such frustration when we’re just employees?”

Xu Le chuckled at her words, realizing that Jiaxin was indeed straightforward.

He nodded obediently, “Okay, thank you, Jie.”

Another day of overtime.

After bidding farewell to the last departing colleague, the vast office area was left with only him.

Although he had pumped himself up during the day, Xu Le was still exhausted after a whole day’s work. To stay alert, he mustered up the courage to go to the pantry for another cup of coffee.

He was a bit afraid of the dark, especially since the office was a common setting for urban legends. Now, in the dead of night with no one around, it made him feel a bit uneasy.

Thankfully, with enough work to keep him occupied and irritable, he didn’t have the mind to be scared. Back at his desk, he immersed himself in writing analysis reports…

Finally completing his tasks, He shut down his computer, ready to leave work.

It was already half past nine in the evening.

Due to drinking quite a bit of coffee and water in the evening, Xu Le decided to use the restroom before leaving.

However, the company restroom was at the end of the left corridor. Since the lights weren’t on, the corridor appeared rather dark and eerie, giving him a spooky feeling.

Reciting the company’s core values silently to himself, Xu Le headed towards the restroom.

The surroundings were too quiet; he could hear a pin drop. Unlike the lively atmosphere during the day, he planned to finish quickly and hurry home to get some rest.

Just as he was about to unzip his pants, He suddenly heard a faint noise, like footsteps, but very light, almost indiscernible.

Damn it!

At this hour, who else could be in the company? Xu Le’s whole body broke out in goosebumps; he forcefully held back his urge to pee.

“Who’s there?” he called out gruffly, trying to reassure himself.

Could it be a colleague still working overtime? Or perhaps someone playing a prank on him?

Of course, there was no response, and the footsteps seemed to have vanished.

Could it be that he was just being too sensitive and had misheard? After all, during the day, he even mistook President Lan for a vampire in his drowsy state, Xu Le thought.

Whatever, let’s just finish up and leave!

Just as he was about to continue relieving himself, the faint sound of footsteps returned.

The first time might have been a hallucination, but the second time…

Xu Le gripped his little buddy, feeling like crying. What if something terrifying actually appeared? He would be so embarrassed if he wet his pants.

Even if he became the protagonist of an urban legend, he would rather be the tough guy facing off against evil spirits than the coward who got scared out of his wits!

“Who… who’s there, come out!” he called out bravely.

To his misfortune, just as the restroom’s light went out, as if to accentuate the sinister atmosphere, the light outside the restroom corridor went out too, plunging everything into complete darkness.

In the darkness, Xu Le froze…

He listened in horror as the footsteps outside the door grew closer and closer until, finally, they seemed to stop at the restroom door.

Just as he was about to let out a scream of terror, a chillingly low voice rang out.

“Xu Le?”

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