What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 20

Don’t Eat Me, I Beg You

As Xu Le had anticipated, Zeng Junhua couldn’t stand him and was purely looking for trouble with him.

After submitting the analysis report he had worked overtime on yesterday, Zeng Junhua frowned directly.

Casually flipping through a few pages, he sneered, “Do you think this is playing house in college? The format is wrong, and the content is perfunctory. I don’t need to read it carefully. I know it’s a pile of garbage.”

He casually tossed the freshly printed, still warm A4 paper aside, then he stood up, tidied his collar and tie, glanced down at his Vacheron Constantin watch, not even giving Xu Le a glance.

“I’m going to a meeting. Remember to redo today’s work and revise the analysis report of the second company according to the modifications. Tomorrow, I want to see two reasonable and compliant analysis reports…”

Zeng Junhua disdainfully patted Xu Le’s shoulder, then leaned in to see his youthful and beautiful face without any makeup, a hint of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

“Remember, two copies.”

After saying that, he leisurely stretched his neck, then walked out of the office with big strides.

Xu Le clenched his fists, resisting the urge to curse in anger.

He picked up the scattered A4 papers on the desk, picked up a few pieces that had fallen on the ground, and after tidying them up, he walked out of Zeng Junhua’s office.

He absentmindedly walked back, staring at the analysis report in his hand.

The results of his hard work for several hours yesterday, he originally thought were comprehensive enough, but unexpectedly, Zeng Junhua dismissed them with a few words, saying they were worthless, even comparable to garbage…

According to the other party’s words, he might have to spend some more time. He didn’t expect the biggest obstacle during his internship to be here.

Xu Le sighed at the thought.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice someone walking towards him in the corridor.

Suddenly, Xu Le’s head bumped into something solid and hard, seeming to still have a certain temperature…

It couldn’t be a wall, it felt like someone’s shoulder, and the other party’s stature was not short, belonging to a man, with broad and solid shoulders.

Xu Le abruptly raised his head, and the cold and handsome face of Lan Qing was reflected in his dark pupils.

It’s the boss.

His expression was surprised, with a hint of panic in his tone, “President Lan! I didn’t mean it!”

Nervous, Xu Le unconsciously tightened the bundle of A4 papers in his hand, almost crumpling them into a ball.

He quickly bowed his head and apologized, feeling extremely regretful.

Why did he always seem so careless whenever he ran into President Lan, either causing trouble or being troubled by it? It seemed like he never had a good impression.

Xu Le almost didn’t dare to raise his head to meet the other’s face directly.

However, a long and fair finger hooked his chin, forcing him to straighten up, lift his head, and meet those deep blue eyes.

The finger pinching his chin was slightly cool, with a clear but not strong force. Xu Le dared not move, and could only comply with the forced action.

“President Lan?” he spoke softly.

Lan Qing did not immediately respond to him, but observed the face of the young intern.

The originally clear and bright eyes were now tinged with slight bloodshot, with a faint shade of blue underneath, and the expression on his face was no longer bright and energetic.

Like a dejected puppy, losing its fighting spirit, even the tail that used to be held up proudly was now hanging weakly behind it, looking wilted.

“Why do you look so bad?” Lan Qing didn’t let go of his chin, the skin under his fingers smooth and warm, feeling very good.

A dark color flashed through his eyes, quickly returning to calmness, but he didn’t let go.

As a good-looking young man, Xu Le had been teased by his peers for his appearance, but those people were just joking, and he just went along with them with a smile.

What’s the big deal about being pinched on the chin or face, it’s not like a piece of flesh will fall off, they’re all men, so it didn’t matter.

But this action, done by the handsome and noble President Lan, made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because President Lan’s looks were too good, or maybe it was because of the other’s imposing manner, or it might be because those eyes, like sapphires, were too deep and mysterious.

Anyway, being stared at by Lan Qing at such a close distance, Xu Le’s heart beat very fast, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

The more nervous he was, the more vivid his imagination became.

Xu Le’s tongue licked his slightly dry lips, and such a scene floated up in his mind.

The handsome face of President Lan in front of him became infinitely clear, and everything around them gradually faded away as if being swallowed by darkness.

The light seemed to only shine between the two of them.

Lan Qing’s originally calm expression gradually became profound and unpredictable, his deep blue pupils like bottomless cold pools, filled with chilling coldness.

Not only that, Xu Le also saw, on the sides of his pale pink lips, sharp fangs emerged, carrying a chilling aura.

What’s even more horrifying is that the lips, which were light in color just now, gradually became bright red and shiny, with a little dark red liquid seeping out from the edges.

Like blood.

The bright red lip color, sharp fangs, and the perfect facial features of the other party, no matter how you look at them, they all resemble a vampire…

“Good boy, offer me your blood and your body, and I will give you everything you want…” The tone was indifferent, but the voice was enough to enchant people.

The strength pinching his chin suddenly tightened, and Xu Le felt that even his will seemed to be held by an invisible force, making him unable to move his stiff body.

Not only could he not move his body, but even the strength to speak seemed to be deprived from him.

Xu Le felt his mind was a bit muddled, unable to distinguish between reality and illusion. It might have been due to drinking too much coffee yesterday, resulting in poor sleep quality. He tossed and turned for half the night, barely managing to fall asleep, which led to his poor mental state.

“”I…” he struggled to speak, staring dazedly at the other’s face.

“What’s wrong, unwilling?” The tone that was relatively calm just now suddenly turned cold. The pressure on Xu Le’s chin increased continuously. He was firmly restrained, his body imprisoned, as if his soul was being sucked away by those deep blue, icy eyes.

“Don’t…” his voice grew weaker.

Suddenly, his body was pressed against the wall, the back of his head touching the hard, cold surface. His movement was restricted between the other person’s arm and the wall.

Xu Le widened his eyes in astonishment, only to see Lan Qing’s face magnified before him.

Due to his slightly bent posture, the other person’s superior jawline was clearly visible, and his delicate, perfect nose was almost touching Xu Le’s forehead.

Two sharp fangs gleamed, as if they were about to pierce the skin, ready to feast on blood.

Whose blood?

Xu Le couldn’t help but shudder. He tightly closed his eyes and reached out to cover Lan Qing’s lips.

“No, don’t eat me, President Lan, I beg you!”

Being suddenly silenced by the intern, Lan Qing raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Author’s note:

Hehe, the master of imagination, Lele, appears again! The impression of President Lan, the vampire boss, deepens once more~

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