What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 2

The Small of the Back is Beautiful

Xu Le cautiously stepped inside, his face burning.

He couldn’t help but remember how he had called the guy “ge” in the elevator earlier and even tried to sneak a photo with his phone, only to be caught on the spot…

He felt like crying but had no tears, feeling extremely disheartened.

Such a good job, with a monthly salary of twelve thousand, benefits, and a kind and beautiful colleague sister, but after today, he would have no relation with any of it.

Thinking about it, Xu Le really wanted to go back in time. If he could do it over, he definitely wouldn’t have stepped into that elevator in such a rush. It was just a matter of waiting a few minutes, why did he have to rush into the elevator like that!

Now, the boss must think very poorly of him…

Seeing the boy’s expressions alternating between regret and sadness, Lan Qing found it amusing. Was he some kind of terrifying monster to make this young boy so afraid?

“Sit.” He tried to make his tone sound somewhat gentle.

However, Lan Qing’s voice naturally sounded cold, and his tone hardly fluctuated. For Xu Le, this slightly “gentle” tone was no different from saying “go away.”

“Oh… Okay.”

Xu Le’s voice sounded somewhat dejected as he walked forward, but there was no chair placed in front of the large desk.

Was this his first test?

When the boss tells you to sit but there’s no chair in front of you, do you act as if there’s a chair in front of you and do a horse stance, or do you just sit on the floor, or do you stand in place and continue to respectfully stand there?

Help, he wasn’t taking the civil service exam; he couldn’t understand these twists and turns!

“What are you staring at?” Seeing Xu Le not moving and his expressions seemingly confused, Lan Qing couldn’t help but speak up.

How does the HR department work? How could they let such a seemingly foolish and impulsive boy come to the second interview? Lan Qing frowned slightly.

“There… there’s no chair here,” Xu Le said awkwardly.

Lan Qing: “…”

“Is your vision limited to the front?” he said coldly.

“Huh?” Xu Le looked around in confusion and only then noticed the black leather sofa on the right side. So, the other person was asking him to sit on the sofa. He wished he could find a hole to hide in.

Oh no, now the boss must think his brain doesn’t work!

Feeling frustrated, Xu Le sat down on the sofa. He wasn’t someone who was afraid of social situations, but he couldn’t understand why he felt a bit inexplicably nervous when facing this man. It must be because of the other’s strong presence; anyone who could become a CEO wasn’t an ordinary person.

“I’ve read your resume. There’s no information related to jewelry. So, how much do you know about our company’s products, and how do you think we should position and operate our official account?”

Lan Qing didn’t let Xu Le introduce himself again; those routine official statements were meaningless. He chose to cut to the chase.

Xu Le bit his lip, sweating slightly due to nervousness. “I’ve read all the information available on the official website. I know that MissOK is a sub-brand launched by Starlight this year, different from other luxury jewelry brands. It targets young men and women with a trendy and luxurious style.”

“Therefore, the operation of the official account doesn’t have to be as serious as other Starlight brands; it can be more lively and playful. Although I don’t know much about jewelry, I have experience in managing accounts and I’m familiar with the styles of various social platforms. I know what kind of content can quickly attract attention, and I’m also good at photography and post-production…”

When it came to his expertise, Xu Le’s eyes lit up, completely different from his previous brash and inexperienced demeanor. Lan Qing’s questions could be answered with reason and evidence.

Finally, Xu Le’s eyes sparkled. “Boss, believe me, not only can I bring a new employee to the company, but I will also excel in my position, allowing you to see my true value!”

The boy was indeed inexperienced but had a daring spirit, with an expression of fearlessness on his handsome, sunny face, as if no matter how great the obstacles ahead, he had the courage and perseverance to overcome them.

Lan Qing listened attentively to Xu Le’s words, pondered for three seconds, picked up a pen, made a mark on the resume, then looked up coldly.

“Your interview is over. You can leave now.”

Xu Le looked cautiously at the stern-faced man. “So… did I pass the interview?”

“Go back and wait for the message. You will be notified by email within three days,” Lan Qing said calmly, his emotions unreadable.

“Okay…” It was this kind of workplace jargon again, followed by silence. Xu Le felt disappointed.

Perhaps he had left a bad impression on this CEO in the elevator, or maybe his answers to the questions just now weren’t satisfactory.

Disheartened, he got up, accidentally knocking down the headphones placed on the edge of his thigh, and quickly bent down to pick them up.

Lan Qing watched Xu Le across from him. Perhaps because he was young, the boy’s body was extremely flexible. He could almost touch the ground without bending his knees to pick up the headphones. Also, due to this movement, Xu Le’s T-shirt slid up slightly, revealing a bit of his tight and slender waist.

From this slight side angle, Lan Qing could even see the beautiful shallow dimple on Xu Le’s right lower back.

It seemed like it would feel very nice to hold.

Playing with the pen in his hand, Lan Qing looked calmly at all of Xu Le’s actions as he picked up the headphones.

After picking up the headphones, Xu Le quickly bowed to Lan Qing. Seeing the nameplate placed on the desk, which read: CEO Lan Qing.

So, this CEO’s name is Lan Qing? The name sounded special, almost like a girl’s name at first glance, but considering the otherworldly beauty of the man, the name seemed fitting.

As Xu Le was about to leave the office, a deep and chilly male voice suddenly came from behind.

“What’s your account?”

Xu Le turned around in confusion. “What account?”

“The account you just mentioned that you’ve been operating for years.”

“”Oh… You can search for UncleLe. The avatar is me.” Xu Le looked into Lan Qing’s eyes, speaking earnestly.

On the way home, Xu Le’s mood calmed down a bit.

Although the offer proposed by MissOK was indeed very good, if he didn’t get the job, he would still have to continue looking for work. Anyway, he still had some savings from his part-time job in college, so he wasn’t particularly anxious for money at the moment.

Moreover, the apartment he currently rented was a bit far from this company. It took nearly forty minutes one way for commuting. He could always look for another company close by later.

Xu Le casually bought some fast food downstairs in the apartment building. Just as he was about to enter the apartment gate, he suddenly heard a low, strange cry coming from somewhere.

It sounded like the voice of a stray cat, sounding very weak and pitiful.

He followed the sound to its source and finally found a dirty orange cat in a nearby flower bed.

Out of habit, he took out his phone to shoot some footage. “Kitty, what’s wrong? Are you hungry?”

This orange cat still had a bell hanging around its neck, obviously having had a previous owner. But its whole body was so dirty, and it looked so thin and weak, it must have been abandoned by its owner.

Not knowing if it had been scared by someone, when Xu Le approached, the cat kept trembling and crouching, making weak hissing sounds, showing a strong sense of vigilance.

Xu Le was naturally friendly to small animals like cats and dogs. Afraid of startling the cat, he cautiously approached and gently touched its head.

Sensing that he had no ill intentions, the cat actually took the initiative to rub against his palm.

“Hey, you have a good temper. Are you hungry?” Xu Le was surprised. It seemed that this cat originally had a gentle disposition, but he didn’t expect such a well-behaved cat to be abandoned.

He picked out some plain boiled chicken from his fast food. After watching the cat eat, he touched its head again before leaving.

In the evening, Xu Le planned to go live online. He had just graduated and had been busy looking for a job recently, so he hadn’t uploaded any videos for a long time.

He had been operating this A-site account since his freshman year. Because his major in college was directing, he initially created the account for the convenience of storing his works. But later, a few videos happened to gain some popularity online, so he started to work as an amateur content creator.

His account mainly focused on daily vlogs, with occasional humorous prank videos. Sometimes he would also livestream gaming or studying sessions. Coupled with his handsome and sunny appearance, as well as his humorous and witty speaking style, he had accumulated over three hundred thousand fans over the years.

Many MCN companies had extended olive branches to him in the past, but Xu Le had no intention of becoming a full-time content creator.

He did enjoy making videos and sharing interesting moments from his life with everyone, but he didn’t like treating it as a source of income. So he still planned to find a proper job.

He didn’t announce this livestream in advance, but there were still many fans browsing A-site who clicked into his stream, and soon the number of viewers in the stream room exceeded a hundred.

Plain Jane: [Lele, it’s been so long since you came online. We thought you forgot about this account!]

Piggy Heart: [Lele, have you been busy recently? You look much slimmer.]

Did you go shopping today: [Lele, give Mom a kiss!]

Seeing the barrage of messages, Xu Le replied seriously, “It’s graduation season recently, and I’ve been busy looking for a job, so I haven’t been online for a long time.”

Piggy Heart: [Wow, what kind of job are you looking for?]

Did you go shopping today: [Would you consider becoming a full-time content creator?]

Shao Mai: [Come on, honey, future hardworking employee, haha~]

Xu Le’s mouth twitched. He didn’t quite understand the thought process of fans, why they would call him, a guy, “honey.” A fan had jokingly explained before, saying calling a guy “honey” was the ultimate compliment to his appearance.

But he didn’t care too much about it. Fans could call him whatever they wanted; it was their freedom.

“I’m waiting for the results of an interview these days. I might make a vlog about job hunting. Oh, and I’ll share with you guys my unlucky experience today,” Xu Le cleared his throat.

Next, he recounted what had happened in the elevator today and the mishaps during the interview. Finally, with lingering fear, he said, “Although the boss didn’t seem very friendly, he was indeed very professional. I was so nervous during the interview!”

The audience in the live broadcast room grew rapidly, and the number of viewers quickly exceeded a thousand. Midway through, someone with the ID “Ivan” entered the broadcast room. Their profile picture was one of those system-provided ones, seemingly a new account.

“Ivan has entered the live broadcast room. Ivan followed the broadcaster.”

These two messages flashed in the comments continuously.

However, Xu Le didn’t pay attention to this inconspicuous new account.

Xiao Li Chao: [Haha, it sounds like a plot from a workplace drama. The careless intern and the aloof CEO, haha!]

Shao Mai: [Wow! I agree, It really feels like the plot of an idol drama, especially riding the elevator with the CEO. Isn’t this a classic first encounter!]

Pig’s Intestines: [By the way, Lele, the elevator you mentioned, actually requires a fingerprint lock to select floors. Also, regular office building elevators aren’t so luxurious. It seems like it really was the CEO’s private elevator…]

Xu Le: “…Enough from you guys!”

But Xu Le also began to think. The elevator he took after the interview wasn’t as fancy as the one going up, and it didn’t require a fingerprint lock.

Suddenly, he felt a thump in his heart. Oh no, did he really “accidentally” take the CEO’s private elevator?

Just as he was in a daze, the chat room suddenly exploded with a “Star Train” effect, a special effect that was attention-grabbing to say the least.

No, not just one “Star Train” effect. It was followed by a “Sparkling Fireworks,” and then a “Chocolate Cake.” Then, as if finding the special effects in the live stream amusing, this person proceeded to send several other different effects.

It was the same person sending all these, the inconspicuous ID named “Ivan” that Xu Le had glanced over and ignored.

In an instant, this previously obscure ID now shone brightly on the public screen of the chat room.

Bold and in bold letters, with a golden border, the words “Ivan” were exceptionally dazzling, positioned prominently at the top.

Xu Le: “?”

Xu Le was momentarily stunned. After snapping out of it, he quickly said, “Thank you to the fan friend with the ID Ivan for your generosity, but you really don’t need to… um, be so generous.”

However, this new fan named Ivan was very aloof. Their response was to continue sending several different special effects as tokens of appreciation.

In just two minutes, this “Ivan” who had just followed him had actually given him nearly twenty-five thousand in rewards?!

Xu Le was shocked. Where did this new fan come from, and why were they so rich!?

Author’s note:

No prize guessing game, who is “Ivan”? Hahaha~

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