What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 19


Approaching work hours, Cao Xinyi’s computer still couldn’t start up. Anxious to use it, she quickly sought help from her colleagues.

When Xu Le just arrived at the company’s entrance, he heard the commotion at the front desk and walked over to ask, “What’s wrong, Xinyi jie?”

“Lele, do you know how to fix computers? I need to organize some files urgently, but my computer just won’t start up.” Cao Xinyi furrowed her eyebrows, sounding anxious, treating Xu Le as half a savior.

Xu Le bypassed the front desk and bent down to check for her, “Let me take a look, Xinyi jie, don’t worry.”

After screening several times, he finally found the problem with the VGA interface at the back; the screw had come loose.

Using the company’s toolbox, he tightened it back in place and reconnected the plug. Soon enough, the computer started up normally.

“It’s fixed now, Xinyi jie, you can try it.” Xu Le stepped back.

Seeing the computer finally back to normal, Cao Xinyi breathed a sigh of relief and thanked him, “Lele, you’re amazing. I was in a hurry to organize the files and send them to the supervisor. If the computer had a problem, I would have been doomed!”

Xu Le smiled, “It’s nothing, just a small issue. If it were more complicated, I might not have been able to fix it.”

Just then, nearby, Zeng Junhua, still in his business attire, passed by. He saw Xu Le standing next to Cao Xinyi, who was smiling and chatting with him.

Zeng Junhua’s expression turned sour at the sight of Xu Le. He spoke sarcastically, “Aren’t you the new intern? Instead of doing your job, why are you bothering female colleagues?”

Seeing it was that greasy-faced guy again, Xu Le felt annoyed after hearing his derogatory words.

“Manager Zeng, Lele was helping me fix the computer. Don’t misunderstand him,” Cao Xinyi quickly explained with a smile.

“Oh, really?” Zeng Junhua looked at Xu Le with a dark expression, “It seems you are quite popular among female colleagues, getting quite intimate, I must say.”

Xu Le was a bit irritated earlier, but now, with this guy adding insult to injury, he felt very displeased.

“Manager Zeng, do you have any misunderstanding about me? I’ve been fulfilling my job duties properly and haven’t troubled any other colleagues. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Jiang Wan jie,” he held back from saying more.

“Done? It seems like your workload isn’t enough.” Zeng Junhua raised his neatly trimmed eyebrows, his tone mocking.

“Since you have time, go analyze the competitive product data. Every company must not be overlooked. After all, your position requires you to have an understanding of other similar companies. Go find the format yourself and ask others if needed. Remember to send me the analysis of the first company to my email by tomorrow morning.”

Zeng Junhua smirked, “Remember, analyze all products thoroughly.”

With that, he glanced disdainfully at Xu Le and left.

Cao Xinyi felt guilty and whispered, “Let me help you with it. I’ll send you the format. Lele, I’m sorry, I just asked you to fix my computer, I didn’t expect Manager Zeng to give you a hard time.”

“No need, Xinyi jie, just send me the format.” Xu Le shook his head.

Although he was angry about the extra workload, he couldn’t find anyone to stand up for him. Lucy was too busy, and Jiang Wan jie was pregnant. Moreover, these two were in lower positions than Zeng Junhua. Instead of resisting, it might bring more trouble.

He couldn’t possibly go to President Lan for such a trivial matter. If President Lan thought he couldn’t handle even such simple tasks, it might dissipate the little goodwill he had accumulated.

After careful consideration, he could only grit his teeth and work overtime…

At the end of the workday, Xu Le had only completed half of the analysis sheet, and it seemed he had to work overtime.

After knowing about this, Jiang Wan could only sigh, “Manager Zeng is indeed a bit excessive. If you can’t finish it, just do it tomorrow.”

Xu Le shook his head, “He wants it by tomorrow morning.”

Jiang Wan had no choice but to comfort him a few words before leaving first.

Xu Le looked at his colleagues leaving one by one, even the busiest designers had left.

The spacious office area became empty. Since only half of the lights were on, it seemed a bit dim.

Xu Le looked around and couldn’t help but sigh. He had thought his career would be very enjoyable, but who knew he would encounter such a difficult superior.

It was already nine o’clock at night, and he hadn’t finished the analysis sheet, still a bit behind schedule.

He was a bit afraid of the dark, so he turned on all the lights in the office, making it not so dim.

It was almost ten o’clock by the time he finished the analysis sheet.

He shut down the computer, crumpled the empty disposable cup in his hand, pressed it into a ball, and threw it into the trash can with force.

Finally off work!

As he was leaving, Xu Le, feeling annoyed, extended his middle finger in the direction of Zeng Junhua’s office and cursed, “Bastard!”

Even with a good temper, he couldn’t help but swear.

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