What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 18

Being Coy Again

Xu Le looked at Lan Qing, who hadn’t left yet, not knowing what to do.

“President Lan, is there anything else you need to instruct?” he asked nervously.

The air conditioning had already been turned up by three degrees, but with President Lan, like a perfect ice sculpture, standing there, the temperature seemed unchanged.

Lan Qing looked at the nervous intern, whose hands were still gripping his shirt, his alluring figure still exposed.

His dark eyes looked at Lan Qing, full of hesitance and confusion.

Lan Qing walked over and, ignoring Xu Le’s surprise, lifted the intern’s shirt to cover the most enticing part.

Lan Qing’s tight expression relaxed a bit as he said calmly, “You only need to display the product, no need to rely on other means to attract attention.”

With that, he buttoned two buttons on Xu Le’s shirt, securing it before letting go. “This is enough.”

Though half-covered, the view was now properly hidden under the shirt.

Attract attention? Xu Le looked confused, clearly not understanding what Lan Qing meant.

“Oh, okay, President Lan.” He blinked in response, his eyes shining with a layer of moisture, looking bright.

Meanwhile, the senior employee beside them was almost popping his eyes out.

He had worked for President Lan for three years and had never seen him so attentive to anyone, especially not an intern who hadn’t even been confirmed yet. Did this young man have such immense potential in President Lan’s eyes?

But this kid hadn’t shown any particularly special abilities…

The senior employee glanced at Xu Le a few times. Was it because of his good looks?

He started to contemplate the possibility of getting plastic surgery. After all, if it meant gaining President Lan’s special attention, a few surgeries were nothing!

“And your hand, how is it? Burned and cut, though the company has injury insurance, I don’t want any employees to need it.” Lan Qing said in a low voice. His voice was cold, but when he softened his tone, it had a strangely calming effect.

Looking into the president’s deep blue eyes, Xu Le suddenly felt less nervous.

“Boss, I’ve treated the wounds. The cut looks scary but isn’t deep. Thank you, President Lan. I didn’t expect you to remember…” he said, smiling a bit sheepishly.

Lan Qing nodded, calmly saying, “In any case, take good care of yourself.”

Xu Le nodded vigorously, watching Lan Qing head towards the main control room of the live broadcast backstage.

He figured the other party was there to find Director Zhang and had spoken to him just in passing.

But seeing Lan Qing being so concerned about him made Xu Le feel like he was floating on air.

He must perform well later! he thought to himself.

“Xiao Xu, come quickly, it’s your turn!”

“Okay, right away!” Xu Le hurried over, not daring to delay.

The job of showcasing samples wasn’t easy. Although he didn’t have to show his face, he had to maintain a pose for a long time to cooperate with the filming, which was quite tiring.

Looking at the models next to him, who were still maintaining charming expressions while displaying the samples, Xu Le felt genuine admiration.

Although the modeling profession seemed glamorous, just wearing beautiful or strange clothes and taking photos or walking the runway, in reality, the work intensity was very high and not as easy as people thought.

He was already exhausted from just standing and being photographed, let alone the models who had to maintain expressions.

Finally, after the live broadcast ended and he could move freely, Xu Le felt a sense of relief after removing the accessories.

That day was his first overtime, participating in such a major brand live broadcast event, and he had gained a lot.

The experience was also quite enriching.

From being falsely accused and then personally defended by Lan Qing, to unexpectedly becoming a substitute model to showcase samples.

He felt that that night’s live broadcast experience was like a roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs.

When he got home, it was almost eleven o’clock. He didn’t plan to edit any videos, just wanted to quickly wash up and go to bed.

He was truly exhausted.

He had just laid down when his college roommate, Li Dongming, called him on WeChat.

“Hey, buddy, how have you been lately? Is work going well?”

Li Dongming was Xu Le’s closest friend and roommate from college, currently interning at a state-owned enterprise in Beijing. The two had maintained a good relationship, staying in touch even after going their separate ways.

“It’s alright, my company is pretty good. How about you?” Xu Le grabbed a pillow and sat up, leaning it against his back.

They chatted about their respective situations, reminiscing about the comfort and ease of their college days, and eventually talked about another roommate.

“Hey, do you still remember Zhao Zhiang? He’s also from Hai City, probably interning there as well. I remember his family seems to own a company, who knows, he might be going back to inherit the throne.” Li Dongming teased.

“Who knows, Hai City is so big, I might not even run into him. Besides, even if I did, I wouldn’t bother talking to him.” Mentioning Zhao Zhiang made Xu Le a bit annoyed.

Their college dorm originally housed three people because one had dropped out. The three of them had been good friends until their sophomore year when Zhao Zhiang pursued a girl from their faculty for months. When it came time to confess, Zhao Zhiang, thinking his looks and family background were impressive, was confident in winning her over.

Xu Le and Li Dongming helped him plan the confession, deciding to do it under the girls’ dormitory. Xu Le played the guitar, Li Dongming handled the equipment, and they accompanied Zhao Zhiang as he sang love songs until he melted the girl’s heart.

When the girl came down, Zhao Zhiang thought his confession would be a sure success, but she blushed and looked at Xu Le, saying she liked him more and politely rejected Zhao Zhiang.

At that moment, Zhao Zhiang, with his strong sense of pride, turned green with anger, while Xu Le was bewildered, and Li Dongming had to smooth things over with a smile.

Since then, Zhao Zhiang had been at odds with Xu Le.

After failing to win over that girl, Zhao Zhiang started dating girls from other departments, frequently changing girlfriends and deliberately showing off in the dorm.

Not only did he brag about his frequent girlfriend changes, but also about his family’s wealth, his tens of thousands worth of mechanical watches, and his car worth hundreds of thousands, always trying to one-up Xu Le.

Xu Le found Zhao Zhiang pretty despicable and unimpressed by his flaunting. The two clashed often, with Li Dongming, though a mediator, generally siding with Xu Le.

“Yeah, Hai City is so big that even if you run into him, it doesn’t mean much. His family might have some money, but in Hai City, it probably doesn’t count for much and won’t affect your future.” Li Dongming laughed.

“Haha, who knows? Even if he is rich, it has nothing to do with me. I never bothered with him; he can do whatever he wants.” Xu Le had a good temper and generally avoided arguments unless provoked.

They chatted for another twenty minutes before deciding to hang up.

“Alright, Lele, see you at the school thesis defense. I’m going to sleep now. You should rest early too. Keep in touch, bro’s got your back!” Li Dongming laughed.

“Hehe, sleep well, I’m exhausted too.”

Xu Le turned off his phone and was about to sleep when his fingers hesitated on the screen.

Lan Qing had helped him out today and personally showed concern for his injury. Should he take the initiative to thank him?

But it’s so late. Would Lan Qing already be asleep? Would sending a message now disturb the boss?

After a moment of indecision, Xu Le decided to send it anyway.

As usual, he carefully drafted the message in the notes app before cautiously sending it to Lan Qing.

Xu Le: [President Lan, thank you so much for helping me out today. Also, my injury is fine, it doesn’t affect my work at all, so I’ll definitely keep up with my responsibilities and work hard! Good night! Sweet dreams~]

As usual, he added a cute gif of a little puppy tucking itself into bed.

Feeling relieved and thinking about the upcoming performance bonus, Xu Le fell asleep contentedly.

In the bedroom.

Lan Qing looked at the WeChat message from the little intern, his blue pupils softened by the warm light of the desk lamp.

The intern had sent another gif, a cute puppy tucking itself into bed.

Acting coy again.

Lan Qing’s lips curved up slightly, a degree imperceptible even to himself, as he typed out two words.

【Good night.】

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