What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 16

What Are Your Measurements?

“Xiao Xu, come over here and watch this camera position!”

All the live broadcast equipment and items were in place, and the models were ready. There were less than ten minutes before the live broadcast started.

Due to a shortage of staff, Director Zhang, knowing that Xu Le could handle the camera, assigned him to manage the camera position.

Finally, he could work on something related to his college major, and he was full of energy.

“Got it!”

After adjusting the camera position and focus and confirming there were no issues with the equipment, Xu Le didn’t have much else to do. He just needed to follow the director’s and host’s instructions, switching to whatever camera angle they needed.

His assigned position mainly focused on capturing the male model.

This model was a typical Western handsome guy with well-defined features, light blue eyes, and a somewhat gloomy and pale complexion.

With nothing else to do, Xu Le observed the model through the camera.

Although the model’s features were striking at first glance, upon closer inspection, Xu Le found his facial bones a bit too prominent, making his face look less soft.

His lips were too thin, his nose overly high, his eye sockets too deep, and his brow ridge too pronounced. After a while, he thought the model wasn’t all that impressive.

Moreover, the model’s skin was too pale, with no healthy color, and his pores were somewhat large.

Lastly, although the model’s eyes were blue, they seemed empty and lacked the mesmerizing depth of Lan Qing’s deep blue eyes…

Comparing the two, Xu Le sighed silently.

With similar Western features, it seemed Lan Qing’s attractiveness wasn’t just about ethnicity but also his genetic advantages and unique charisma.

The model, noticing the handsome Asian cameraman sighing, was startled and asked nervously in broken Chinese, “You… me, problem?”

He began to check himself anxiously, worried that something wasn’t ready, which could lead to mistakes in the live broadcast and potential deductions in pay or future work.

Xu Le snapped out of it and quickly shook his head. “No, no, I’m not sighing about you. Sorry!”

The model nodded and hesitantly said, “I, earlier, saw it wasn’t you who fell, it was that person,” pointing to where the makeup artist had been standing. “My Chinese is not good, can’t explain well, sorry.”

Xu Le vaguely remembered that when he was being scolded by the senior employee, the model had looked anxiously in his direction several times, probably unable to express what he saw due to the language barrier.

Feeling a sudden warmth in his heart, he smiled at the model. “Thank you!”

The model blinked at him, and his light blue eyes suddenly seemed lively and vibrant, exuding a unique exotic charm.

It seemed there were still good people in the workplace. Despite the unpleasant events of the night, having Lan Qing show up like a god to support him and the kind-hearted model from another country, along with colleagues like Xinyi jie, Jiaxin, and Jiang Wan jie, lifted Xu Le’s spirits.

He felt the gloom in his heart completely dissipate.

Initially thinking that managing the camera wouldn’t be difficult, Xu Le found it wasn’t so easy once he started.

Not only was it tiring to hold the camera for a long time, but he also had to stay highly focused, without the slightest distraction.

Moreover, the products the model was displaying were getting increasingly unusual…

Starting with necklaces, hand accessories, and earrings, which were normal jewelry items, it gradually moved to tongue rings, lip rings, and even nipple rings…

When Xu Le followed instructions to focus the camera on a specific area of the model, his face turned red.

But the model posed professionally to showcase the item, so Xu Le had no choice but to focus the camera, zoom in, and zoom in again, until it formed a clear close-up shot.

To be honest, Xu Le genuinely admired the professionalism of the models.

Everyone was working hard for a living, especially these models working abroad.

As he gradually got used to the job, Xu Le let go of his initial awkwardness and fully immersed himself in the work.

Due to a male model’s absence because of a fashion week, the remaining male models on site were overwhelmed. They couldn’t have female models showcase the men’s accessories, so the display schedule for the men’s samples was extremely tight, making Director Zhang frown deeply.

He looked around, scanning the busy live broadcast backstage, trying to find someone to solve the problem.

The difference between an average person’s physique and a model’s is vast, not to mention the chasm in between. If they lacked female models, it would have been easier since many female staff members had good looks, but the male staff generally had average physiques.

Director Zhang sighed inwardly. It seemed he’d have to come up with another solution—


His gaze suddenly froze on Xu Le, who was not far away.

The boy was slightly hunched over, checking the camera, wearing a simple white shirt and black trousers. His shirt was loosely tucked into his trousers, showing a well-defined, flexible waistline with excellent proportions.

A ready substitute right here!

Director Zhang’s eyes lit up as he instructed someone to call Xu Le over.

Xu Le was focusing on operating the camera when someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around in surprise and saw an unfamiliar male employee. “Senior, what’s up?”

“Director Zhang has something urgent for you. Go to him quickly.”

Xu Le was puzzled. Director Zhang, who controlled the entire live broadcast, must be extremely busy. How could he have time to assign him a task? Had he made a mistake earlier?

His heart skipped a beat as he nervously asked, “Did I do something wrong? Was there a problem with the shot just now?”

The male employee shook his head. “I don’t know, but it shouldn’t be. Just go over; Director Zhang is waiting for you.”

“Okay!” Despite his confusion, Xu Le braced himself and went over.

Director Zhang was backstage giving instructions over a walkie-talkie. When he saw Xu Le approaching, he put down the walkie-talkie and looked at him, scrutinizing him from head to toe.

Xu Le felt even more nervous. He swallowed hard and cautiously asked, “Director Zhang, I heard you needed me for something?”

“Do you know your measurements?” Director Zhang asked bluntly.

Xu Le was taken aback. “Huh?”

Suddenly being asked about his body measurements left Xu Le confused.

If Director Zhang had asked about equipment or filming techniques, he could have answered without hesitation. But his measurements… Xu Le had never paid attention to that.

Why was Director Zhang asking this? Xu Le was completely puzzled.

“Don’t know? Never mind, just take off your shirt so I can see if you’re suitable,” Director Zhang urged when Xu Le couldn’t answer.

Xu Le was stunned. “Huh?!”

His eyes widened in confusion.

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