What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 15

Qualified Capitalist

“Which department are you from? Why bring in people who only cause trouble!” The senior employee scolded without restraint.

Xu Le wasn’t someone to be pushed around either. He was currently squatting down to pick up the scattered jewelry and gift boxes. Upon hearing this, he stopped and said stiffly, “Anyway, someone bumped into me. You can check the surveillance footage.”

The senior employee was surprised that even a newcomer dared to defy him. He became even angrier, “Who’s responsible for you? What kind of attitude have they taught you, you brat!”

Pointing a finger at Xu Le, he threatened, “This isn’t a school. Nobody’s going to pamper you here. If you don’t want to work, I can find a way to kick you out!”

Being publicly scolded and pointed at was an experience Xu Le had never encountered before.

He clenched his fists secretly, took a deep breath, stood up, and displayed the scratch on his arm.

“The wound on my arm happened when I helped him up just now. It got scratched by the rivet on his clothes.”

At first glance, the bloody wound did look quite alarming.

The makeup artist was also taken aback for a moment, but he quickly defended himself, “Who knows where you got that scratch from and blamed it on me? You’re so childish. Do you know how busy I am? If you delay the live broadcast, can you take responsibility?”

Seeing Xu Le’s firm attitude and stubborn expression, the senior employee responsible for coordinating props became even more displeased. His expression was almost ferocious as he approached, pointing at Xu Le’s face and scolding, “What’s your attitude? Tell me who’s responsible for you!”

The person responsible for Xu Le was Jiang Wan, who was currently pregnant and had already finished work. Xu Le didn’t want to drag Jiang Wan into this, especially when the current situation was caused by the senior employee finding fault for no reason.

“It’s none of anyone else’s business. Clearly, you’re the one causing trouble…” Xu Le muttered the last sentence quietly, thinking the scene was noisy and the other party probably wouldn’t hear it.

Little did he know that this person’s ears were as sensitive as a dog’s nose. Every word Xu Le said was heard clearly by him.

“Alright, what’s your name again? I guarantee you’ll be kicked out by the end of this week!” His voice was loud, and as soon as the words “kicked out” fell, the scene suddenly quieted down, and the previous clamor receded like a tide.

In an instant, the bustling backstage of the live broadcast became silent.

“Guarantee? Who gave you the authority?”

A low and indifferent voice, with a hint of coldness, sounded at the right time. The volume was not high, but it possessed the kind of deterrent power that could make people shut up.

The senior employee, who had just been domineering, suddenly deflated like a balloon. His face turned pale, and he stiffly turned around to look back, “President… President Lan.”

Xu Le looked at Lan Qing, who was walking towards them with a cold and stern expression. Beside him was the head of the live broadcast, Director Zhang, and several unfamiliar management personnel behind them.

Director Zhang had just shown a strong and authoritative demeanor, but at this moment, he appeared humble next to Lan Qing, like a follower.

Lan Qing was wearing a dark brown high-end suit, exuding a noble and elegant aura as if he could be on the cover of a financial magazine at any time.

His attire was out of place compared to the short sleeves worn by the people around him, but his temperament was too cold. Just standing there seemed to lower the surrounding temperature.

Xu Le stood still, staring blankly at Lan Qing, who was approaching with a cold and stern expression.

Lan Qing stopped about three meters away, glanced at Xu Le, and upon seeing the wound on his arm, his brows furrowed slightly before returning to normal.

“What happened to your arm?”

Xu Le, surprised that President Lan’s first question was about his injury rather than the broken samples, felt a bit overwhelmed.

“I… I just saw him about to fall, so I helped him, but accidentally dropped the samples and got my arm cut by the rivet on his clothes.”

He pointed to the equally surprised makeup artist beside him.

Lan Qing then looked at the scattered samples on the ground and the makeup artist, whose eyes were darting around nervously.

“President Lan, don’t listen to him. He was too hasty moving the items and dropped the samples. I just wanted to scare him to be more careful, nothing more.” The senior employee smiled obsequiously, a stark contrast to his previous arrogance.

“Right, I saw it too. The young man was careless and almost ruined the model’s makeup,” the makeup artist quickly added.

Xu Le was infuriated. How could they both lie so shamelessly and pin the blame on him?

Just as he was about to defend himself, Lan Qing ignored the conversation between the two and took a few steps closer to him.

Stopping a meter in front of Xu Le, he extended his slender, fair hand. “Your hand, let me see.”

Xu Le was startled again and quickly extended his injured hand.

Lan Qing lightly grasped his arm to examine it. The wound was five centimeters in diameter, not deep, but still slowly oozing blood.

He quickly let go of his hand and said in a low voice, “The company hired you to work, not to get injured. First, take care of your wound. As for the others—”

Lan Qing’s icy blue eyes swept over the senior employee and the makeup artist, his tone slightly chilly. “MissOK may be a newly established brand, but the company’s rules and regulations are the same as at Starlight headquarters. We absolutely do not allow bullying of new employees.”

“I won’t repeat this again.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the senior employee’s face turned from pale to deathly white.

Lan Qing’s words were a harsh slap to his face. He was supposed to be promoted to deputy head of the department next month, but now that seemed utterly impossible…

Lan Qing seemed very busy. After giving Director Zhang a few more instructions, he hurriedly left the scene.

Xu Le stared dazedly at Lan Qing’s tall figure as he was escorted away.

After he left, Xu Le looked back at the makeup artist, who was messily gathering the scattered gift boxes and samples, and the senior employee, who looked desolate. Suddenly, he felt a sense of pride and satisfaction!

He had always known that Lan Qing was handsome, but tonight he seemed incredibly impressive!

It wasn’t just his stern demeanor when he spoke but also his sharp insight and decisive action. This was what made a competent capitalist!


Once he relaxed, Xu Le felt the sharp pain in his arm. He quickly treated the wound and then returned to the live broadcast backstage.

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