What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You

What To Do When The Boss Takes A Liking To You chapter 14


After getting an ice pack and burn ointment from Cao Xinyi, who noticed his red hand and asked with concern, “Lele, how did you burn your hand?”

“Nothing much, I just accidentally got burned by some coffee earlier. It’s my own fault for being careless,” Xu Le thought guiltily. Of course, he couldn’t admit that his hands shook from fear after seeing President Lan, causing him to spill the coffee.

“Be careful next time, burns are no small matter.”

“Yes, thank you, Xinyi jie!” Xu Le quickly nodded.

Back at his workstation, seeing him holding an ice pack to his hand, Jiang Wan asked about it as well. Xu Le gave her the same explanation.

Jiang Wan, who was pregnant and overflowing with maternal instincts, saw that his hand was still red and gave him a few more reminders. Xu Le nodded like a pecking hen, feeling quite touched.

After the minor incident with the burn passed, he continued working diligently.

He needed to review data, learn to write promotional copy that aligned with the brand’s tone, and then edit and format the content. Since he had just started the job, when he submitted his edited content to Jiang Wan for review, it often required several revisions before it could be finalized for release.

It was truly not an easy task.

“Xiao Xu, there’s a brand livestream at the company at 8 PM tonight, and we’re short on staff. Are you available tonight?” Lucy asked.

Xu Le felt conflicted; he had planned to edit some videos at home…

“The company offers double overtime pay, will provide dinner, and you can get a taxi home, which will be reimbursed.”

Hearing about the double pay, Xu Le’s eyes lit up. He quickly nodded, “Yes, Lucy, I’m available!”

Lucy smiled, “Great, I’ll inform the livestream manager. It’s your first time participating in a livestream, you’ll definitely learn a lot.”


Xu Le showed a bright smile. With good pay and benefits, overtime was no big deal. Besides, he was curious about what MissOK’s product livestream was like.

The livestream room was spacious, filled with lots of livestream equipment. Because this was related to his field, Xu Le couldn’t help but observe the cameras.

MissOK, backed by a big company, used the most advanced, film-grade equipment. For example, the exaggerated ARRI Alexa 35 camera, worth millions, was something even Xu Le didn’t know how to use, leaving him in awe.

He busied himself, moving equipment, props, and samples, as he was still a newbie.

He couldn’t handle the important tasks, so he helped with odd jobs. But getting to handle the equipment he admired made him quite happy.

Around 7 PM, as the livestream was about to start, the models showcasing the products were getting ready.

The models included both Eastern and Western faces, one man and two women, all with outstanding looks and tall, slender bodies, standing out in the crowd. They were all seated, resting with their eyes closed, while makeup artists applied their makeup.

“Director Zhang, one of the male models says he has to fly to a fashion week in X country tomorrow, so he can’t make it. What should we do? We might not have enough models for the livestream,” someone said urgently.

Xu Le, moving a table, heard this and felt a jolt. Not enough models? Would the livestream be in trouble?

“Damn, he signed a contract and now he’s backing out at the last minute? Notify President Lan; we probably won’t collaborate with that model’s agency again. Let’s adjust the product display sequence,” Director Zhang, a tall, thin man in his thirties, said angrily.

Xu Le frowned. The model’s no-show was indeed unprofessional, causing trouble for so many people on-site and affecting the company’s future collaborations.

This was truly losing a watermelon to pick up a sesame seed…

As Xu Le lamented, an older employee pointed at him, “Hey, you, the new guy, come help move this table.”

Xu Le froze, then quickly went over to help.

He couldn’t help but grumble internally. He had already moved the same table three times. Couldn’t they decide whether they needed it or not beforehand?

But as a new intern, everyone in the company was his senior, so he obediently followed orders, considering it a physical workout.

He huffed and puffed, moving the table back to the corner. Though not large, it was a heavy solid wood table, and moving it back and forth was tiring.

With all the equipment moving earlier, Xu Le felt his activity level today was akin to spending an afternoon at the gym.

If every livestream was like this, he’d soon develop solid biceps!

“Hey, new guy, move these samples over there. Be careful not to drop them; even one necklace costs more than your monthly salary,” someone called out just after he had finished with the table.

Carrying the samples cautiously, Xu Le felt nervous knowing their value exceeded his monthly wage.

“Okay, I’ll be careful!” He carefully cradled the sample gift boxes.

Even though the room was air-conditioned, he started to sweat, his face turning red.

Worried about dripping sweat onto the gift boxes, Xu Le leaned back slightly, cautiously avoiding the busy people around him.

Just as he was about to safely place the items on the display table, a makeup artist beside him seemed to trip on something and stumbled directly towards him.

Startled, Xu Le protected the items in his hands and instinctively helped steady the makeup artist, who was smaller than him.

But the collision caused several gift boxes to fall.

To make matters worse, the makeup artist was wearing a flashy studded jacket, and when Xu Le raised his arm to shield himself, the sharp studs cut into his skin.

He first felt a cool sensation on his arm, followed by sharp pain. Looking down, he saw a bleeding gash on his arm.

The fallen gift boxes scattered, and the jewelry inside sparkled on the floor.

Xu Le thought, “This is bad!”

“Are you blind? You can’t even handle moving something properly. What kind of attitude is this for an intern?” A senior employee who was instructing Xu Le to move samples heard the commotion and came over to scold Xu Le angrily.

Xu Le quickly explained, “Just now, the makeup artist next to me stumbled, and I helped him, which caused me to accidentally—”

“Hey, don’t blame me for your own clumsiness. When did I trip over?” The makeup artist nearby, fearing responsibility, quickly denied.

Xu Le found it unbelievable. He widened his eyes and looked at the indifferent makeup artist. How could this person play the blame game like this?

He glanced around at the busy people nearby. Except for a male model who seemed to glance at him briefly, then quickly averted his gaze, no one else seemed to notice.

Perhaps no one noticed the scene just now, or maybe someone saw it but simply didn’t want to explain for him.

After being bossed around as a mover for a while, his body was exhausted to the point of weakness. He didn’t feel wronged; his arm had been scratched by a rivet, leaving a fresh red wound, but he didn’t feel much aggrieved by it either.

But now, with no one to explain and clarify for him, he admitted that he felt quite uncomfortable.

He didn’t expect that just because he kindly helped someone, he would end up being accused in return.

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