What Are Your Tastes?

What Are Your Tastes? chapter 72

Of Course, as Good as Me

“Did he really say that?” Zhou Yanchuan held the phone, patiently listening to Mo Ziyang, “Alright, I got it.”

After the call, he relayed the information to Lu Yunchu, including Zheng Xun’s “bitter man monologue” in front of An Yuan.

“Do you believe him?” Lu Yunchu asked.

“Who knows with people like him…” Zhou Yanchuan remembered Zheng Xun from his few years at Hongchuan as an ambitious but timid type, indecisive and hesitant at critical moments. If Zheng Xun had been bolder, Zhou Yanchuan’s last injury might have been more than just a minor wound. “We’ve had someone keeping an eye on him lately, no abnormalities found yet. Let’s observe for a few more days.” Zheng Xun indeed seemed to be working quietly at a car repair shop, as he claimed.

Lu Yunchu nodded silently, suddenly thinking of a question, “Do you think he knows about us?”

“Yeah, he saw us at the reservoir.” Zhou Yanchuan finally understood where the strange gaze that day had come from.

“Will he spread rumors?”

“Spread what?”

“If our relationship gets out, will it negatively impact you?” Dating someone of the same sex was still a sensitive issue for a public figure.

Zhou Yanchuan, thinking he was worried about something else, smiled indifferently, “What about you, are you afraid of going public?”

“Of course not,” Lu Yunchu’s workplace colleagues all knew who he was dating, they just didn’t discuss it openly.

“Then it’s settled, same for me,” Zhou Yanchuan’s smile widened, “I haven’t cheated or wrecked anyone’s family… We’re just in a legitimate relationship, what’s there to fear?”

Though they hadn’t thrown a big wedding, he never hid their relationship. They walked openly together, and spontaneous acts of intimacy never made him anxious.

Understanding Zhou Yanchuan’s true thoughts, Lu Yunchu felt his own worries were excessive and changed the topic, “By the way, shall we look at furniture tomorrow?”

Mo Ziyang’s neighborhood, called “Yijing Garden,” had a duplex apartment they liked, still unsold. The complex was fully furnished, so they just needed to move in their furniture.

Last week, Zhou Yanchuan completed the purchase. The furniture at his current place was old, and the new home was much larger, requiring more items. He planned to buy everything anew and had discussed it with Lu Yunchu. Since tomorrow was Sunday, Zhou Yanchuan agreed without hesitation.

Sen City had several furniture malls, and they went to the one with the most variety, a five-story building accommodating different styles.

“Any preferences?” Lu Yunchu felt unusually relaxed, enjoying their time together furniture shopping.

“Let’s look at everything,” Zhou Yanchuan joked, “Aren’t you afraid my choices will be tacky?”

“I haven’t mentioned it for a long time, but you keep bringing it up,” Lu Yunchu laughed, “Worried I’ll find you tacky?”

“Never bought this kind of stuff before.” Clothes and daily items were each bought individually, occasional teasing about each other’s tastes didn’t matter much, but choosing large items was different. Many couples argued over home furnishings.

“It’s not bad, the brands here are good.” Lu Yunchu looked around, noticing the furniture here was much more upscale than what they previously bought online and suitable for their new home.

Two men wandering in a furniture mall together was not a common sight. In each store they entered, the staff looked at them curiously, “Are you here to pick out furniture?”

“Yes.” Zhou Yanchuan answered confidently every time, seemingly unconcerned with others’ opinions.

The staff retracted their gossiping speculation and patiently introduced the items to them.

The duplex apartments in Yijing had high-ceiling designs, making the living room appear larger and brighter compared to a flat of the same size. They both decided on choosing European-style sofas and cabinets. Lu Yunchu picked out a few of his favorites and let Zhou Yanchuan choose from them.

For frequently used household items, Zhou Yanchuan prioritized comfort. Even if something caught his eye, he would test it before making a judgment.

“This leather material has the right softness, and sitting on it doesn’t feel like it’s collapsing…”

They sat closely on a champagne-colored sofa, speaking softly, while the staff’s explanation continued. A group of three people approached them.

“Mr. Zhou.”

At first, Zhou Yanchuan didn’t notice them. Lu Yunchu saw the woman’s gaze fall on them and gently tapped his arm. He looked up and heard He Mengxin’s voice.

Zhou Yanchuan was surprised to encounter He Mengxin here. Two elderly people followed her at a short distance, likely her parents looking at furniture.

“Hello, Xiao He.” He stood up and responded politely.

“I’m here with my parents,” she explained, then glanced with a smile at the person beside Zhou Yanchuan, “Will you introduce us?”

Zhou Yanchuan felt a rush of heat to his face and, without much thought, said, “This is… my boyfriend.” Even Zheng Xun knew they were a couple, so there was no need to lie in front of He Mengxin.

Lu Yunchu was taken aback by his straightforwardness and hurriedly greeted her.

He Mengxin didn’t seem too surprised, as if she had long noticed their unusual relationship, nodding and smiling, “I guessed as much.”

After the introduction, Zhou Yanchuan felt embarrassed and changed the subject by asking about some business matters. After a few words, He Mengxin followed her parents into another brand’s store.

“I remember her,” Lu Yunchu said to Zhou Yanchuan, “She sat next to you at the Lantern Festival party.”

“Ah, that time—”

“She likes you,” he stated calmly, as if merely stating a fact.

“…Yes,” Zhou Yanchuan’s face reddened with embarrassment, fearing he would be upset, “But I already turned her down before.”

“I know,” Lu Yunchu noted his embarrassed expression and couldn’t help but tease, “How could someone I like not be liked by others?” Suddenly, he dropped this line and quickly walked into the interior to look at a row of wine cabinets.

Zhou Yanchuan stood there, savoring the meaning behind his words. After a few seconds, he followed.

“Who are you complimenting?” he asked.

“Myself,” Lu Yunchu replied fluently, “Because I have good taste.”

Zhou Yanchuan chuckled and teased him, “What about my taste? Is it worse than yours?”

“Of course—” Lu Yunchu paused, realizing he almost fell into a trap, then smiled brightly and corrected, “Of course, it’s just as good as mine.”

Zhou Yanchuan laughed again, “You’re not one to be taken advantage of.”

“Don’t try to trick me,” Lu Yunchu linked his arm, “How about these two cabinets?”

“I think they’re good. Let’s check the one in front, and we’ll decide.”


They spent most of the day wandering through the furniture mall, envisioning the layout of their new home, and even had lunch outside. None of the selected furniture sets were available in stock, but since they weren’t in a hurry to move, they would continue living in the old apartment for another month. During this time, they could also look at appliances, lighting, and other decorations.

By the time they got home, it was afternoon. Despite not usually feeling tired from work, Zhou Yanchuan was exhausted after such a long day and kept yawning.

Lu Yunchu took a shower, changed into comfortable home clothes, and saw Zhou Yanchuan asleep on the bed.

His face was half-buried in the pillow, the other half facing him. Lu Yunchu covered him with an air-conditioning quilt and unconsciously touched the side of his face.

Zhou Yanchuan’s features were rugged, even with his eyebrows furrowed in sleep. His hair was very short and prickly to the touch.

Lu Yunchu’s hand moved down, tracing from the corner of his eye to his chin with his forefinger. Zhou Yanchuan showed no sign of waking up.

He recalled a jewelry store he had passed by recently, and a thought came to him. He carefully measured Zhou Yanchuan’s ring finger with a piece of string and noted the size.

A few days later, Lu Yunchu secretly commissioned the store to custom-make two matching men’s rings.

The platinum rings were narrow with faint patterns and delicate diamonds, simple yet elegant. He planned to engrave their initials on the inside of the rings, and the shop assistant told him they would be ready in about three weeks.

Though the rings had little practical use, they held significant sentimental value. He felt they should have a pair, even if only for special occasions.

Three weeks later, at the beginning of August, they would likely move into their new home, coinciding with Zhou Yanchuan’s birthday. Lu Yunchu didn’t intend to reveal his plan in advance, wanting to present the rings as a birthday gift and celebrate together.

However, he didn’t manage to wait until that day.

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