What Are Your Tastes?

What Are Your Tastes? chapter 58

 Do You Have Any Feeling for Me?

That night, Starlight Plaza wasn’t as deserted as on New Year’s Eve. People strolled around in groups of two or three, children ran and played, thoroughly enjoying themselves.

As night fell, colorful lights spilled out, adding a touch of daytime splendor not seen before.

However, with the arrival of spring, rain had gradually increased. With a distant rumble of thunder from the horizon, people began to leave one by one, especially families with children.

Before long, most people had left, leaving behind those who lived nearby or young people planning to visit the mall, paying no mind to the rain that started falling.

Before the weather changed completely, Lu Yunchu sat on the raised flower bed, swinging his legs, looking up at the sky: the ink-black sky made it hard to distinguish between the clouds and the night’s background.

After another peal of thunder, he checked the time. Zhou Yanchuan should still be on his way. He regretted inviting the other person over in such weather, unsure of how heavy the rain would be.

After arriving here, he took a photo and posted it on Moments, only visible to one person.

Zhou Yanchuan had a lot of contacts on WeChat, so the chances of him seeing it weren’t great. Lu Yunchu didn’t hold out much hope of being seen.

He just wanted to convey his feelings in this small, private space—because Zhou Yanchuan had accompanied him here on New Year’s Eve, embraced him under the flowerbed, this place held special meaning for him.

But Zhou Yanchuan saw it and said he would come find him.

His heart felt like it might leap out of his throat. Lu Yunchu had never been so nervous before, feeling the overlap of dreams and reality once again.

Hongchuan Park was in the western development zone of the city, not particularly far from Starlight Plaza. Zhou Yanchuan drove there, seeing that it was about to rain, he sped up and hurriedly parked on the roadside.

The square was large, making it difficult to find someone. Instead of calling immediately, he relied on intuition, heading towards the spot they had visited before, and sure enough, found his target a few dozen meters away.

Before he could reach him, Lu Yunchu turned around, also spotting him, then jumped down from the edge of the flowerbed.

Lightning illuminated half the city like daylight. After that, thunder gradually approached, seeming like waves rolled up beside the ears. It began to rain hard, and the rain began to hit his forehead with the sound of things exploding in the wind.

“Let’s go!” Lu Yunchu grabbed his wrist and ran straight to the nearest shop awning outside the square.

The crowd had long since dispersed, with some people nearby seeking shelter from the rain, but under this awning, it was just the two of them. They were surrounded by the boundless night and misty rain, like they were on an absolutely safe island, shielded from the wind and rain.

Having run too fast, Zhou Yanchuan took a breath and looked at the person beside him. They were both a bit wet from the rain, and Lu Yunchu’s hair was messy, his bangs sticking to his forehead.

Zhou Yanchuan wanted to brush that lock of hair aside, but just as his hand was about to touch Lu Yunchu’s face, his wrist was grabbed forcefully again. Lu Yunchu pressed him back against the wall. Before he could react, his lips suddenly felt warm.

Lu Yunchu was only about five centimeters shorter than him. With a slight tilt of his head, he could easily reach his lips. Their lips touched, and although they were wet with rain, which should have been cold, Zhou Yanchuan felt a surge of warmth the moment they connected.

Zhou Yanchuan’s reaction wasn’t slow. He had already had an answer in his heart when he saw that WeChat message. He had come to confess, but before he could say a word, Lu Yunchu had taken the initiative. If he didn’t respond, it would have wasted all the days of restless turmoil. He freed his right hand from the grip and wrapped his arm around Lu Yunchu’s waist, turning it into him holding Lu Yunchu.

The sound of the rain acted as a sensory barrier, and their uncoordinated kissing made both their bodies and minds heat up continuously, like a blazing fire, completely unaware.

Clinging to the last bit of rationality, Lu Yunchu temporarily stopped their unprecedented intimate entanglement.

“Zhou Yanchuan,” he was clearly happy, but his voice trembled, “do you like me, even a little?”

Nervousness doesn’t always spread between people. Sometimes, seeing someone else nervous can calm your own anxiety. Zhou Yanchuan felt this way now.

“I think…” He smiled, perhaps a bit foolishly, “more than a little.”

The rain showed no signs of letting up, but they were close enough to hear each other’s voices and breaths clearly.

“I like you, the kind of liking where I want to spend my life with you, so it’s more than just a little.” Talking about feelings and the person he liked, the thoughts of someone in their thirties were about “spending life together.”

When Zhou Yanchuan used to think Lu Yunchu didn’t like him, he hoped they could at least try dating. Now that he knew they liked each other, his heart began to swell. Temporary desire felt too fragile, as if it could end at any moment. That wasn’t what he truly wanted; he needed to clarify his intentions in advance.

Lu Yunchu stared intently, his gaze fixed on him. Zhou Yanchuan began to feel nervous again, afraid that his words might put pressure on Lu Yunchu.

“I’m not good at saying nice things, but I want to be with you, just like this, always. If you haven’t figured out the future yet, you can take your time to decide. I’ll keep pursuing you.”

Lu Yunchu raised his delicate eyebrows slightly. “I’ve liked you for a long time. Why should I make you keep pursuing me?”

“Huh?” Zhou Yanchuan almost bit his tongue, “So, so, so are we together now?”

“What’s wrong?” Lu Yunchu asked back, “Do you think I’m not reserved enough?”

“No, no, I’m not reserved either.” Zhou Yanchuan met his eyes, and they burst into laughter.

There was a distance between the parking spot and the shop awning, and they both forgot to bring umbrellas from the car, so they were temporarily stuck there. They stood side by side, their palms pressed together, watching the rain and chatting.

“You really meant me when you said you liked someone back then.” Zhou Yanchuan still found it unbelievable. He had tested the waters several times but never realized he was the one.

“Who else did you think it was?”

Saying the misunderstanding out loud felt too silly, but Lu Yunchu’s expression showed he really wanted to know, so Zhou Yanchuan bit the bullet and said, “I thought it was Chen, Chen Ming—”

The person next to him was shocked. “You didn’t think I liked Professor Chen, did you?”

“Yes.” He lowered his head in shame.

Lu Yunchu laughed, clutching his stomach. “You’re so funny…”

“Enough,” Zhou Yanchuan’s face was red with embarrassment. “Didn’t you say I wasn’t your type?”

“Who said the person you like has to be your type?” Lu Yunchu played with words again. “Besides, I never thought you’d like me later on.”

Zhou Yanchuan was suddenly speechless. Lu Yunchu had liked him since New Year’s, but because of his suspicions, he had distanced himself, causing him sadness even though it wasn’t intentional.

“Don’t create some tragic storyline for me,” Lu Yunchu tilted his head, glancing at Zhou Yanchuan’s profile, “I’ve been very happy during this time, thank you.”

He had never regretted liking Zhou Yanchuan, not even once.


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