What Are Your Tastes?

What Are Your Tastes? chapter 54

 People and Things Can’t Be the Same

The client they met in the afternoon was Mr. Xu, an old acquaintance of Zhou Yanchuan. After discussing business, Mr. Xu invited him for tea at a club.

“By the way,” Mr. Xu asked, “Are you interested in art exhibitions, Mr. Zhou?”

“Art exhibitions?” Zhou Yanchuan, usually not one for small talk with Mr. Xu, would normally have outright declined, but today he hesitated.

“There’s a charity auction at the art museum next week; it’s quite good,” Mr. Xu said enthusiastically. “My sister-in-law works there, and she has plenty of tickets. If you’re interested, I can get you a couple.”

Zhou Yanchuan didn’t immediately refuse, recalling that Lu Yunchu had mentioned he would be attending a charity auction in late March. It might just be this one.

“What kind of exhibition is it?”

“There are paintings and sculptures, suitable for personal collection,” Mr. Xu added, sensing his hesitation. “You should go. My sister-in-law is counting on me to bring some big names. Of course, you’re free to buy anything if it catches your eye.”

Zhou Yanchuan agreed and thanked him.

His assistant found it strange as Zhou Yanchuan rarely showed interest in art exhibitions. Previously, he had only attended such events to accompany others. Today, his proactive interest seemed unusual.

On the day of the event, Zhou Yanchuan did not see Lu Yunchu but found related information about his works in the brochure.

The exhibited works were small in size, suitable for home decoration and collection.

He signed his name at the registration desk and was about to continue inside when he heard a low “Mr. Zhou.”

If the voice hadn’t been so close, he might not have thought it was directed at him in such a noisy environment. He turned around to see Lin Yizhe.

“Mr. Lin,” Zhou Yanchuan greeted politely, “Nice to see you again.”

“Hello, Mr. Zhou,” Lin Yizhe smiled ambiguously. “I didn’t expect to meet you here. I thought you didn’t like these things.”

Zhou Yanchuan curled his lips slightly, not replying, when Lin Yizhe continued, “You’re not here to see Yunchu’s work, are you?”

“I have the freedom to see whatever I want, don’t I?” Sensing the sarcasm in Lin Yizhe’s words, Zhou Yanchuan lost the desire to converse amicably.

Lin Yizhe’s half-smile remained. “Yunchu’s work is over there,” he gestured to the front right. “Unfortunately, he’s been too busy to come.”

“You knew he couldn’t make it?”

“Of course,” Lin Yizhe showed a hint of smugness. “Didn’t he tell you?”

Zhou Yanchuan, uninterested in this childish provocation, walked directly towards the direction he had pointed.

Lu Yunchu had created a bronze sculpture of a dancing figure. The facial features were indistinct, contrasting with the detailed and lifelike clothing. The posture was dynamic, capturing the essence of movement.

Zhou Yanchuan stood before the statue for a while, only for Lin Yizhe to reappear beside him like a persistent ghost.

“Mr. Zhou, planning to bid on it?” His eyes fixated on the displayed work. “The auction is about to start.”

Zhou Yanchuan glanced at him sideways. “What’s it to you?”

“I just think that if you hesitate, you might miss out on something good,” Lin Yizhe said pointedly. “The same goes for people.”

Zhou Yanchuan had no liking for Lin Yizhe, not because they were interested in the same person, but because Lin Yizhe always displayed a subtly contemptuous attitude towards Lu Yunchu.

“Mr. Lin,” he lowered his voice, “People and things—they can’t be the same.”

Zhou Yanchuan turned around, planning to inquire about the auction, leaving Lin Yizhe where he stood.

“Huh…” Lin Yizhe sighed inwardly. These two people really had something in common.

They both couldn’t take a joke.

Lu Yunchu was in his studio, adding color to a custom piece, when he suddenly received a call from an unknown number.


“Yunchu, don’t you remember me?”

Lu Yunchu immediately recognized the annoying tone. He had only contacted Lin Yizhe through WeChat and hadn’t even saved his number.

“Mr. Lin, what’s the matter?”

“Nothing much,” Lin Yizhe said, looking at the entrance of the venue he had just exited, “Congratulations on getting a good price for your work.”

Work? Lu Yunchu had almost forgotten about that day’s charity auction. He had told Bai Shan he wouldn’t be attending the event. He didn’t expect Lin Yizhe to be there.

“Oh, I see.” He suddenly thought of a possibility, his body tensing up. “Did you buy it?”

Lin Yizhe was silent for a moment, intensifying Lu Yunchu’s bad premonition.

“No,” he finally answered. “Although I wanted to, if it’s not meant to be, I won’t force it.”

Lu Yunchu thought it was absurd. If Lin Yizhe really wanted to spend the money, there was no way he couldn’t afford it. But since the money was for charity, it didn’t matter who bought it, as long as it fetched a good price.

He didn’t respond, so Lin Yizhe asked again, “How have you been with Mr. Zhou lately?”

“I’ve told you, that’s my business.”

“Fine, Yunchu,” there was a sigh from the other end of the line, “I’m going to the United States next month. My family has business there, and I might be staying for a long time.”

It was true. Chen’an was planning to expand its overseas business and had directly sent the young master over.

“Is that so?” Lu Yunchu replied perfunctorily, “I wish you all the best.”

“I wanted to ask if you could join me for a meal before I leave?”

“Mr. Lin, I’ve been so busy that I couldn’t even attend the charity auction,” Lu Yunchu said calmly, “As a friend, how about I send you a big red envelope? Consider it my wish for your future success.”

“You—” Lin Yizhe said, half laughing and half frustrated, “Alright, I won’t make it difficult for you, and you don’t need to send a red envelope. I really should be saying goodbye this time.”

Lu Yunchu, never one to be overly sociable, was more than happy to see Lin Yizhe leave and ended the conversation with a simple, “All the best.”

Lin Yizhe hung up and shook his head.

His plan had been that if Lu Yunchu had softened his attitude and at least agreed to have a meal with him, he would tell him that Zhou Yanchuan bought his work and that Zhou Yanchuan might also have feelings for him.

But he didn’t expect Lu Yunchu to maintain such a distant tone with him.

Forget it. Let them sort it out themselves. He wasn’t going to play the role of the good guy.

As for Lu Yunchu, he didn’t think much after hanging up the phone and casually checked his Moments.

The content was varied; some contacts were mere acquaintances he couldn’t even remember adding, including the head of an advertising company.

It wasn’t an account he paid much attention to, but today the post mentioned Meng Xiao’s name—hired as a highly paid designer by the company.

Meng Xiao’s major in school was graphic design, and it made sense for him to continue in a related field after returning home. However, seeing his name in his Moments still gave Lu Yunchu a slight feeling of unease.

He quickly scrolled past and looked down a bit more—seeing a few photos of a rapeseed flower field posted by his brother’s boyfriend.

He had added Du Yunyan and Gu Wenxi on WeChat, and knew they had a guesthouse in Pingliang Village, but Du Yunyan rarely posted, while Gu Wenxi occasionally shared some rural scenery.

Usually, he would habitually like the posts, but that day, feeling a bit impulsive, he left a comment: “Very beautiful.”

That evening, he received a reply from Gu Wenxi.

“It will remain this beautiful until next month. You should come and visit if you have time.”

One Comment

  • Miompp

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA the name Du Yunyan and Gu Wenxi seemed familiar to me, turns out I’ve read author’s other novel,,,, keke

    Thanks for the chapter <33

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