What Are Your Tastes?

What Are Your Tastes? chapter 53

Feel Right Before Getting Involved

After the misunderstanding with the sketchbook, Lu Yunchu and Zhou Yanchuan had never brought it up again, as if the previous estrangement had never happened.

However, to Lu Yunchu’s surprise, one Sunday in early March, Zhou Yanchuan approached him with a request.

“You want me to draw you?”

“Mm,” Zhou Yanchuan nodded, embarrassed. “Didn’t you draw me before? I want to keep a picture. Except for a portrait Chen Mingxuan drew for me during an event, I don’t have any others.”

Wanting to keep a personal portrait wasn’t a strange request, although Lu Yunchu hadn’t taken out the sketchbook for some time.

Moreover, he had a new idea now.

“How about I draw a new one for you?” he suggested. “Those previous ones were too casual. You can be my model, and I’ll do a proper drawing.”

Zhou Yanchuan was willing, but hesitant about taking up too much of his time. He asked, “Wouldn’t that be too much trouble? Do you have time?”

“It’s fine, I’m free today. Do you want a pencil sketch or a watercolor?”

“A pencil sketch is fine.”


Lu Yunchu let him choose a pose he liked, but Zhou Yanchuan had no idea how to pose. Eventually, he casually sat on his own sofa, with his elbow resting on the armrest, trying to appear relaxed.

Lu Yunchu sat to his side, facing the balcony. This angle was backlit but didn’t hinder him from capturing Zhou Yanchuan’s detailed expressions. He didn’t use a sketchbook but clipped a large sheet of sketch paper onto his drawing board.

With a few strokes, he outlined the sofa and the half-covered balcony by the curtain in the background. He focused on the figure in the foreground, drawing not very slowly but certainly more meticulously than before. Once finished, he handed it to Zhou Yanchuan.

The flowing lines captured a vivid image, even in a very realistic style, much more lifelike than a photograph.

As drawing had taken some time, Zhou Yanchuan invited Lu Yunchu to stay for lunch.

They lived across from each other, so they often dined together. Their cooking styles were different: Lu Yunchu focused on presentation and delicacy, while Zhou Yanchuan was quick and less particular, though the dishes, as he claimed, were no less tasty. That afternoon, he easily prepared three dishes and a soup.

Despite the underlying thoughts, their daily conversations remained free of ambiguity, though the topics had broadened considerably compared to before.

They talked about interesting recipes, unique restaurants, work anecdotes, and interactions with friends… Even when their conversations occasionally didn’t align, neither showed any signs of irritation.

Later, Zhou Yanchuan mentioned attending a friend’s wedding last month.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but Lu Yunchu sensed a hint of envy in his tone and asked, seemingly unintentionally, “Are most of your friends married?”

“Most of them, yeah,” Zhou Yanchuan replied, unaware of the private nature of the topic.

Have you met someone you like? Lu Yunchu wanted to ask but hesitated. He recalled the woman who sat beside Zhou Yanchuan at the Lantern Festival dinner party.

If Zhou Yanchuan had someone he cared about, they would probably grow further apart. He could play the role of a good friend in front of a single Zhou Yanchuan but couldn’t guarantee the same in front of his lover.

While he hesitated whether to continue probing, Zhou Yanchuan asked, “Haven’t you thought about dating again?”

“No,” Lu Yunchu blurted out, feeling uneasy at Zhou Yanchuan’s casual question. “Why are you concerned about that?”

“Just curious,” Zhou Yanchuan was just as nervous, trying to cover it up, “If you want, I can keep an eye out for suitable candidates for you.”

“No need,” his voice deepened. “I can’t date anyone else.”

“Why?” Zhou Yanchuan asked, surprised.

“Because I have someone I like.”

If Ning Ruowei or Bai Shan had casually mentioned setting him up, Lu Yunchu would have brushed it off with a laugh. But hearing it from Zhou Yanchuan, it sounded incredibly grating, whether it was his unintentional enthusiasm or not, it still made him unhappy.

However, there was one thing he didn’t know: Zhou Yanchuan had never had a habit of playing matchmaker or meddling in others’ private affairs.

As for Zhou Yanchuan, he was overwhelmed by the flood of information, his mind buzzing.

If Lu Yunchu had shown the slightest longing for love, Zhou Yanchuan might have jokingly suggested, “How about you try with me?”

Even if he was rejected, he could still brush it off by saying, “We’re both single anyway, trying wouldn’t hurt,” and continue being friends with him.

But Lu Yunchu said he had someone he liked and couldn’t be with anyone else. This unexpected situation stunned him, and then he wilted.

“When did you start liking someone?”

“For a while now.”

As soon as Lu Yunchu answered, Zhou Yanchuan immediately asked, “Do I know them?”

Why ask so much… Lu Yunchu murmured to himself.

Could it be that he was discovered again? It shouldn’t be; if he had been discovered, why would he still ask for a painting?

He slightly curled his lips. “Why do you care?”

Zhou Yanchuan’s breath hitched, his brain working at high speed. Lu Yunchu was obviously trying to divert attention.

If it were someone he didn’t know, he would have just denied it directly, no need to be secretive. So, it must be someone he knew.

Someone he knew and had liked for a while… It can’t be Chen Mingxuan, can it?

Lu Yunchu had known Chen Mingxuan for years, but when they talked about this topic during their first horseback ride, he hadn’t said he liked anyone. Now, suddenly changing his tune, could it be that their reunion at the Lantern Festival rekindled old feelings? Zhou Yanchuan believed his reasoning was flawless.

“Did you tell him?”

“I’m not planning to tell him,” Lu Yunchu stared at him, “He doesn’t like men.”

Zhou Yanchuan nervously swallowed.

Of course, Chen Mingxuan was already married. If he liked him, it would only be something he kept to himself.

He was at a loss, unsure whether to be distressed over his own hopeless love or to feel sorry for Lu Yunchu, who had fallen for a married straight man. In a way, the two of them were like brothers in misfortune.

“Don’t be upset,” he tried to comfort him. “You’ll definitely meet the right person someday. Actually, you could look at other—”

“Didn’t you say before?” Lu Yunchu, sensing he was about to say something unpleasant, interrupted stiffly, “You have to feel right before getting emotionally involved, don’t worry about me.”

“Oh.” Zhou Yanchuan lowered his head, the pleasant atmosphere dissipating, leaving him in a sour mood.

The next day, Monday, Zhou Yanchuan was having lunch in the cafeteria when he noticed two unfamiliar female employees seated behind him.

There were too many people in the company for him to remember everyone, and it seemed the two women hadn’t realized that the company’s president was sitting not far from them. Zhou Yanchuan often ate in the cafeteria, so those who noticed him were used to it and wouldn’t make a fuss.

The two women chatted without any reservations, and Zhou Yanchuan could hear bits of their conversation.

They seemed to be close friends, discussing work and life before moving on to ex-boyfriends. One of the women sounded aggrieved, complaining about how the man didn’t understand her feelings and how hard it was to find a good boyfriend.

The other woman said, “If we’re still single by the time we’re thirty-five… we might as well just be together.”

“Really?” the complaining woman asked. “What if you find me annoying by then?”

Zhou Yanchuan held his breath, feeling slightly uneasy: How could others talk about homosexuality so casually?

Or was it just an implicit joke between them?

Although he now had plans to live with someone of the same sex, could he so freely joke and test the waters with Lu Yunchu?

Probably not.

Knowing that Lu Yunchu had feelings for someone else, he was afraid any ambiguous words might upset him. More than his own disappointment, he didn’t want Lu Yunchu to feel sad.

At least, not until Lu Yunchu’s obsession with Chen Mingxuan had waned.

After finishing his lunch, Zhou Yanchuan received a call from his assistant, asking when he would depart as they had a client meeting scheduled for the afternoon.

“Yeah… okay, I’ll be on time.”

After hanging up, he looked up to see the two employees who had been chatting earlier standing in front of him, looking embarrassed. “Mr. Zhou, sorry, we didn’t see you there.”

Zhou Yanchuan guessed they realized he had overheard their conversation and, not wanting to make them uncomfortable, waved it off. “It’s fine. Don’t be so tense during your break.”

The women nodded and left, arms linked, still as close as sisters.

He smiled as he stood up, ready to meet the driver and assistant for the afternoon appointment.

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