What Are Your Tastes?

What Are Your Tastes? chapter 50

I’m Not Your Type Anyway

After taking off the hair tie, Lu Yunchu didn’t put it back on. The cluster of hair that had always been tied behind his head now fell loosely on his shoulders, making his hair seem quite plentiful.

Zhou Yanchuan had seen him without his hair tied back before, but that time he was sick and pale, Zhou Yanchuan didn’t pay attention to his appearance at all.

In fact, the differences tonight weren’t very obvious on Lu Yunchu’s body, except for a little more laziness and casualness. Zhou Yanchuan was no stranger to his expression, movements, and even the tone of his speech.

After Lu Yunchu took Zhou Yanchuan’s wine glass, he naturally set it aside and took a normal glass next to him, poured cola into it, just like his own.

Zhou Yanchuan suspected that he had indeed drunk a bit too much. His consciousness was momentarily dazed, as if Lu Yunchu was a figure in his hallucination, and everything seemed blurry.

But soon, the floating illusion gathered again and stabilized, making him believe that the person in front of him was real.

“Don’t you want to drink?” He regained his normal speech, “We can call a designated driver later.”

They came over together tonight in Lu Yunchu’s car because he knew Zhou Yanchuan would definitely drink.

“I don’t mind, I don’t have to drink, anyway,” Lu Yunchu handed him the cola, “You’ve had enough, maybe you shouldn’t drink anymore.”

“Okay.” Simple clinking did not take away the dizziness caused by alcohol, but he had already relaxed.

The party was coming to an end. Zhou Yanchuan saw Lu Yunchu say something to Chen Mingxuan, and finally the two of them went downstairs to the parking lot with Chen Mingxuan and his wife.

Zhou Yanchuan had been accustomed to socializing for many years and had a good alcohol tolerance, but red wine had a strong aftereffect. After getting off the elevator back at the apartment, his mind was clear, but his steps were unsteady.

Lu Yunchu stretched out his right arm and wrapped it around his waist, waiting for him to stand firm before asking, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He had taken off his coat at the party and now only wore a shirt. That arm that was tightly attached to his waist through the clothes, felt somewhat warm.

Lu Yunchu had mentioned that he liked smoking, but Zhou Yanchuan had never smelled heavy smoke on him. Only when they were this close did he notice a hint of tobacco at the tip of his nose, which wasn’t unpleasant.

He lingered on the sudden touch and scent, but immediately a voice reminded him that his reaction was irrational.

Lu Yunchu’s action was completely subconscious. When he realized that he had been holding onto him for quite a while, possibly making the other uncomfortable, he immediately let go.

Zhou Yanchuan was indeed nervous just now, but not because Lu Yunchu hugged him again, but because he clearly felt that he liked being touched by him. Even after Lu Yunchu let go, he felt a moment of loss.

“Are you drunk?” Lu Yunchu didn’t understand his true thoughts, so he casually said, “Why are you so dizzy?”

“I… maybe I’m just a bit tired,” he took out his keys to open the door, then turned back to him, “You should rest early too.”

Inside his apartment, Zhou Yanchuan’s brain became more active. He didn’t feel like sleeping, nor did he take a shower. He lay on the bed and opened WeChat on his phone.

He wanted someone to help him sort out his abnormal reactions, but it was difficult to articulate. So he tactfully sent a message to Mo Ziyang.

[If I’m feeling bad, would you want to hug me?]

The embrace with Lu Yunchu on New Year’s Eve might be the root of the problem. He hoped someone could tell him if that was a normal way of comforting between friends.

Unexpectedly, he received two replies from Mo Ziyang in less than half a minute.


[If you’re sick, go get treated.]

Zhou Yanchuan was annoyed and replied, [Why are you so heartless?]

Mo Ziyang: [This is workplace harassment. I’m being generous not to fight you.]

Zhou Yanchuan wanted to say something else, but he was interrupted by a phone call, a barrage of complaints hitting him head-on.

“I’m asking why you’re acting all weird late at night? Had too much to drink? Feeling frisky and decided to bother me?”

“What weirdness? I’m being serious with you,” Zhou Yanchuan’s resolve weakened a bit. “I just want to ask if this kind of feeling is normal?”

“Not normal at all. Stop asking. If Xiao Nan overhears, she’ll suspect you’re into me.”

“Why is it not normal?” He struggled, “I can’t feel down without it being a problem?”

Mo Ziyang said helplessly, “If you’re feeling down, I’ll treat you to a meal, listen to you talk, accompany you riding, blow off steam… Why can’t that be enough? Why suddenly feel down and want to hug me?”

“No, no, I don’t want to hug you,” the thought of that scene gave Zhou Yanchuan shivers, even though he had smoothly accepted Lu Yunchu before, “I was just curious after watching a TV drama…”

“You scared me,” a child’s voice came through the phone, Mo Ziyang responded, “Tao Tao’s calling me. Stop making up nonsense, watch fewer trashy movies, and go to bed early.”

Now he definitely couldn’t sleep.

Zhou Yanchuan tossed his phone aside, pondering carefully. In fact, Mo Ziyang’s words were something he should understand, self-deception at best.

He lay on the bed, his head against the pillow, rubbing it, feeling uneasy, more at a loss than when he found Lu Yunchu’s sketchbook. After all, that time he was peeping into someone else’s secret, whereas now it was his own reasons, and he had no idea how to resolve them.

Could it be that he liked men?

The doorbell rang briefly, as if pressed by mistake, followed by a light knock on the front door.

Who would come so late?

Zhou Yanchuan hadn’t changed his clothes yet, his shirt rumpled where he’d tossed it on the bed. He stood up and tidied himself a bit, then slipped on his slippers to answer the door.

When he opened it, he caught Lu Yunchu just turning away.

“So you’re still awake?” Lu Yunchu glanced at his attire, not even changed his clothes, “I was worried about disturbing you.”

“You—” Lu Yunchu held a glass jug filled with orange liquid in his hand, Zhou Yanchuan immediately guessed his purpose.

“Would you like some orange juice? I just squeezed it, good for sobering up.”

His hair was still loose, strands thicker on the right side of his forehead, covering his eyes. He didn’t reach out to brush them aside.

Zhou Yanchuan stared at the obstructive hair, silent for a moment.

“Are you okay?” Lu Yunchu thought he was drunk and asked again.

“I, I’m fine.” Zhou Yanchuan nervously took the glass jug, his gaze drifting down, passing over Lu Yunchu’s nose, lips, and the faint movement of his Adam’s apple. He knew Lu Yunchu was handsome, but had never considered appreciating him from a perspective that might stir personal feelings. “Thank you for the trouble so late.”

“No trouble at all,” Lu Yunchu smiled lightly, “Drink it up and then take a shower.” He didn’t linger, closing the apartment door himself.

The orange juice might have had honey added; it didn’t taste very sour.

Not long after, Zhou Yanchuan sighed as he looked at the empty glass.

I’m not even your type, so why are you being so nice to me?


  • magicmau5

    Pfft… Zhou Yanchuan’s friend’s words are like gold. I feel like there are a lot of gossip channels on YouTube that should get a lecture from Mo Ziyang: “Stop making up nonsense, watch fewer trashy movies, and go to bed early.”

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