What Are Your Tastes?

What Are Your Tastes? chapter 21

Are You in a Good Mood?

Every noon and evening, Hongchuan’s employee cafeteria was brightly lit and bustling.

Although there were private rooms in the cafeteria, Zhou Yanchuan would eat outside with the regular employees if there were open seats. This Monday at noon, many people witnessed their big boss, for some unknown reason, half-lying on the table looking dejected, with the deputy manager constantly comforting him.

“You just lost a dog. Don’t act like you’re heartbroken!” Mo Ziyang said, frustrated. “Look, everyone is watching us.”

Zhou Yanchuan was in a self-destructive mood: “Let them watch, what does it matter?”

“Originally, the dog belonged to someone else. Do you think the dog wants to stay with you or go back?”

When this was mentioned, Zhou Yanchuan felt even more aggrieved.

The dog’s owner was a boy named Tao Jin, still in high school. After communicating with him, Lu Yunchu learned that Tao Jin had raised Sabrina for over half a year without ever thinking of abandoning her.

Tao Jin’s father, in a fit of conflict with his wife and children, impulsively threw away the dog his wife had bought for his son. Now, with his parents divorced, Tao Jin followed his mother, and during this time, he had been trying to look for Sabrina.

Just a week away from deleting the posts, Lu Yunchu was planning to delete everything, but it was precisely at this time that Tao Jin found them.

Zhou Yanchuan harbored a glimmer of hope. If the little dog showed no attachment to its original owner, he would try to ask Tao Jin to sell it to him.

However, as soon as Sabrina saw Tao Jin, she immediately jumped into his arms with joy and affection, something she had never shown in front of him or Lu Yunchu.

“That heartless little thing, we’ve raised her for half a month for nothing.”

Zhou Yanchuan accepted it. Sabrina’s heart had long flown away, and he felt awkward arguing with a kid. Tao Jin was very grateful to them and offered to give them some financial compensation, but neither of them accepted. With the dog gone, what use was money to Zhou Yanchuan, who had more than enough?

“Isn’t this easy to solve?” Mo Ziyang then suggested, “Just go to a pet store and buy one, problem solved.”

“Can it be the same?” Zhou Yanchuan gave him a look. If he liked a dog from outside, would he only think of keeping it now?

“Why wouldn’t it be the same? Aren’t they all dogs?”

“One is chosen by fate, the other is forced blind date, don’t you think there’s a big difference?”

“You …” Mo Ziyang looked at him incredulously, “Talking like you’re planning to date a dog.”

“Get lost, I’m just making an analogy.”

“You shouldn’t make such analogies either. Seriously, Yanchuan, don’t you think you have some issues?”

“What issues?”

“I think,” he lowered his head, “maybe you’ve been single too long and need companionship, and then you happen to meet such a cute little thing, treating it as a way to alleviate loneliness…”

Zhou Yanchuan felt a pang of discomfort hearing this. “What loneliness? Don’t give me these absurd theories.”

Mo Ziyang dodged his hand before it could hit him, “My point is you should find a companion, not an animal, a person.”

In the end, it was still about getting married.

“Mo Ziyang, are you planning to switch careers to a matchmaking agency?”

Mo Ziyang sighed, tapping the table with his hand. “I think Manager Xiao He is not bad. When a girl takes the initiative to send you flowers, are you going to ignore the hints?”

“How did you know she sent me flowers?”

“Even an idiot knows.”

Manager Xiao He mentioned by Mo Ziyang, worked in a bank and had some business dealings with their company. Her fondness for Zhou Yanchuan was no secret, and if it weren’t for his assistant covering for Zhou Yanchuan, it might have spread throughout the company.

With her excellent conditions, good job, high education, and good looks, Zhou Yanchuan still wasn’t moved. 

“I’m not interested,” he said to Mo Ziyang.

“How high are your standards?” Mo Ziyang had almost finished his lunch, leaning back against the chair back, “Do you know that rumors of you being gay are starting to spread outside!”

“Uh …” Zhou Yanchuan had a breath stuck in his chest, unable to say a word for a long time. The person in front continued astonishingly: “Fortunately, I married early, otherwise I would have been rumored to be dating you …”

“I’ll tell Tao Tao’s mom what you said.”

“Don’t,” he quickly regained his composure, “it’s just being single, what’s the big deal?”

“Exactly,” Zhou Yanchuan furrowed his brow slightly, seeming to realize something. “settling down isn’t all that meaningful.”

Mo Ziyang was puzzled for a long time, misinterpreting his meaning: “You’re not still thinking about Qingru, are you?”

“What are you talking about?” Zhou Yanchuan was baffled by his erratic train of thought. “That’s impossible.”

The so-called unforgettable first love was often exaggerated in literary theories. In reality, even the deepest memories faded away after a few turns of the wheel of time, becoming indistinct and no longer worth cherishing.

He and Liu Qingru had almost married, but her father fell seriously ill and couldn’t afford the medical expenses. Liu Qingru chose a wealthy suitor who was pursuing her at the time.

He had thought it would be an insurmountable hurdle, but gradually, he couldn’t stir any emotions over it. Even imagining Liu Qingru with someone else, having children and a happy family, he felt it could be a beautiful story.

Mo Ziyang didn’t completely understand his inner journey: “Then why do you still live in Blue Bay?”

Blue Bay was a community where he and Liu Qingru had hoped to buy a house together one day. By the time he could afford it, they had already broken up. Out of nostalgia, he chose to live in an apartment there.

“It’s nice living here. Once you’re used to it, why change?” He looked at Mo Ziyang in puzzlement. “Just wasteful.”

Mo Ziyang was speechless. Zhou Yanchuan was indeed straightforward, with no room for speculation.

The statement “settling down isn’t all that meaningful” wasn’t a negative expression.

If his mother were still alive, Zhou Yanchuan might consider finding a suitable girl in every aspect, especially since she had hoped most for him to marry and have children. He would be a dutiful husband and father while honoring his mother’s wishes, living an ordinary and happy life like most people.

But now he was alone.

Society was practical, and with his qualifications, finding an outstanding partner and entering marriage wouldn’t be difficult. The question was, with whom?

His life was already good enough; he didn’t feel the need for a companion to be happy. As for love, he hadn’t felt the excitement of it again.

Without excitement, there was no loneliness, nor any longing for family members urging him to settle down. Marriage seemed unnecessary to him now. As days passed, he stopped thinking about these trivial matters.

A few days ago after work, Zhou Yanchuan missed his dog at home alone, always rushing back home immediately. Today it was no longer there, so he didn’t hurry. After dining at the unit, he drove back much slower.

Approaching the entrance of the residential area, the street lamp cast a long, bright white light. Amidst it emerged a figure, recognizable by his large gradient-colored coat. However, he was looking down and didn’t notice the car gradually slowing down and stopping beside him.

“Lu Yunchu,” he rolled down the car window, “aren’t you going home?”

The car headlights were bright but not blinding.

When Lu Yunchu looked towards Zhou Yanchuan, he was slightly surprised. “You’re back so late?”

“I had dinner before coming back.”

Lu Yunchu had also eaten dinner and was taking a walk while buying breakfast for the next day. 

“I’m out for a walk,” seeing Zhou Yanchuan half-distracted and not continuing to drive, he asked, “Do you want to join?”

“I… I’ll park the car first.”

“Then I’ll wait for you.”

After Zhou Yanchuan parked the car in the underground garage, his mind regained some clarity: previously, “spring onions” were there, and that’s why they used to take walks together. Now, why did it feel like two lonely parents comforting each other after their children left home… He was startled by his own sentimental thoughts, feeling a chill.

Uncertain if Lu Yunchu was just talking casually, perhaps by the time he got there, he would no longer be there. Zhou Yanchuan sluggishly returned to the ground floor of the residential area and out of the gate. Lu Yunchu was surprisingly still under the streetlight, still looking down, tapping his toes on the ground, probably bored from waiting.

In fact, Lu Yunchu was not overly sentimental about Sabina’s departure. He understood Tao Jin’s feelings and even wished to see the dog return to its former owner. Parting with a beloved— he had experienced this more than once, feeling a kind of resigned acceptance towards fate.

But he sensed Zhou Yanchuan’s confusion. What he could easily accept might not be the same for another person.

“I mentioned before that I used to have a dog, right?” Lu Yunchu said to Zhou Yanchuan walking beside him.

“Yeah.” It was the day they received a message from Tao Jin.

“I don’t know if it’s still alive now or how it’s been.”

Zhou Yanchuan thought he was talking about a deceased dog and didn’t expect to hear such an overview.

“That dog—”

“My dad gave it away, and I had no idea.”

It seemed similar to Tao Jin’s situation.

“Are you thinking about the past because of that boy?”

“A bit,” Lu Yunchu looked up, warm light from the bakery ahead casting a metallic sheen on the wooden stairs, “He’s luckier than I am.”

Lu Yunchu entered the shop, saying he was buying breakfast. Zhou Yanchuan waited alone at the door. In less than five minutes, Lu Yunchu came out again, carrying a large bag that seemed too much for just breakfast. They walked back together.

“Zhou Yanchuan,” after getting out of the elevator, Lu Yunchu took out a small box from the big bag, “this is for you.”

“What?” Zhou Yanchuan was stunned, unsure whether to take it or not.

The smile on Lu Yunchu’s lips widened slightly. “Eating sweets can improve your mood.”

“Do you—do you think I’m in a bad mood?”

“Are you in a good mood?” he countered.

“Not really,” Zhou Yanchuan sighed. He felt he had been melodramatic in front of Mo Ziyang at lunchtime, but when Lu Yunchu asked, that sour feeling returned.

“Then give it a try, it tastes good.”

When Zhou Yanchuan came to his senses, the small white box was already in his hand. The surface was decorated with golden lines depicting trees and cottages, hiding whatever was inside.

Watching the door opposite close, he realized he had forgotten to thank Lu Yunchu.

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