Top edge

Top edge chapter 75

Leo led the two of them to a deserted island, where the fertile greenery was a sight that Shen Siwei had never seen before.

The ocean currents hadn’t brought any garbage to the shore, and sitting on the light-colored beach, Shen Siwei enjoyed the vast sea view, an experience he had never had before.

“Your skin is recovering,” Klet always paid attention to the wound on Shen Siwei’s back.

“Yeah,” Shen Siwei lazily leaned against Klet’s chest, not wanting to move.

“Do you think your skin can be inherited?”


Someone seemed to be pondering strange things again.

“We have a responsibility to carry on powerful genes,” Klet looked at Shen Siwei with great seriousness, as if he was burdened with a task heavier than saving the Earth.

Shen Siwei couldn’t help but find it funny, “When did you become so concerned about the future of humanity?”

“It’s not the future of humanity,” Klet lowered his head to cover Shen Siwei’s lips, “it’s our future.”

The skin on his back was indeed recovering. He believed that it wouldn’t be long before his back would be completely healed.

In that secluded island where there seemed to be nothing else to do, treating it as a date and indulging in whatever they wanted to do might also be a good choice.

However, just as Shen Siwei was finally moved and took the initiative to embrace Klet’s neck, the sound of a helicopter suddenly came from the sky.

Looking into the distance, someone was standing at the door of the helicopter, waving excitedly at the two of them, “Boss! negotiator!”

After the Tree of Life was restored, the positioning system would naturally be restored as well. Shen Siwei had anticipated that Malken and Laizhe would come to find them, but he didn’t expect them to arrive so soon.

Klet visibly tightened his jawline, looking like his good mood had been spoiled.

Shen Siwei pinched his earlobe and said, “They’re here to rescue us, don’t make that face.”

“Yeah,” Klet quickly put away his sour expression, supporting Shen Siwei as they stood up, waiting for the helicopter to approach.

The rescue helicopter was huge, and the cabin space was spacious. After closing the door, the sound of the propellers was blocked out, and they could have a normal conversation without wearing headphones.

The emergency doctor examined Shen Siwei’s wound and said he would apply some anti-inflammatory medicine, but when the doctor took out the medication from the emergency kit, the remaining wound on Shen Siwei’s back had already disappeared.

“Boss, do you know? I almost thought you guys were dead!” Malken was still immersed in the joy of finding the two of them. “You didn’t see it, there were so many strange fish around the wreckage of the plane. I thought, “How can you escape from them?”

Klet said, “We’re not that easy to get rid of.”

“But those were giant monsters. I had only seen them online before,” Malken continued to talk non-stop. “Those tentacles, those teeth, they were so terrifying. But I consoled myself, you two are the strongest humans of the Tree of Life, so you should have a chance to survive…”

Leizhe, sitting next to them, tried to speak several times but couldn’t find the right timing. Finally, he simply hooked his arm around Malken’s neck and covered his mouth, saying to Shen Siwei and Klet, “As long as you’re both okay.”

Shen Siwei brushed off Malken’s words as they entered one ear and out the other, but when Leizhe spoke, he snapped out of his absent-minded state and asked, “How is it on the side of the Tree of Life?”

“Some lower-level areas still haven’t had power restored, but most areas have returned to normal,” Leizhe looked at Klet and said, “If possible, I want to gradually connect the Tree of Life with the deep-sea energy station.”

“Okay,” Klet agreed.

“Mmm!” Malken finally pulled Leizhe’s hand away, looking dissatisfied as he said, “How can you cover my mouth? You haven’t even taken office yet, and you’re already using those political tactics?”

Veins popped up on Laizhe’s forehead, “Can’t you be quiet for a while?”

“I’m happy to see the boss and negotiator. Why should I be quiet?”

Sitting across from them, Shen Siwei couldn’t help but find it amusing. It used to be Leizhe who gave him headaches all the time, but unexpectedly, one person could surpass another, and now Leizhe had encountered someone who gave him a headache.

“That’s how he is,” Klet put his arm around Shen Siwei’s shoulder, speaking as if it had nothing to do with him, “He’ll only be quiet if you beat him up.”

“Boss?” Malken had an expression of disbelief, as if he had suffered a great betrayal, “How can you take an outsider’s side?”

“Who are you calling an outsider?” Laizhe grabbed Malken’s cheek, “Say it again?”

“Ouch—pain!” Malken begged for mercy, continuously patting Laizhe’s hand, “He made you do it, why did you actually do it? Am I still your beloved?”

Hearing this, Shen Siwei raised an eyebrow and looked at Klet, but Klet just shrugged, used to it, and said, “That’s just his way, always talking nonsense.”

If it were Klet, he would probably kick Malken’s ass. But Laizhe was quite susceptible to that approach, releasing his grip on Malken’s face and saying, “Be quiet.”

“Okay.” Malken nodded seriously, making a motion of zipping his lips.

But the next second, he turned to Klet and Shen Siwei and said, “Do you know? The Nightingales have now become an official union, and Leizhe is the leader.”

As he spoke, he sat down on the side, with a motion of keeping his distance from Laizhe, “What great authority he now has.”

Laizhe: “…”

Shen Siwei chuckled and asked Laizhe, “How did your discussion go during the meeting on the third level?”

Laizhe opened his lips and said, “Ma—”

“The Margs backed down.” Before Laizhe could finish, Malken continued quickly, “The power outage incident had a significant impact on the top-level Margs. Apart from those in power, most Margs just wanted the matter to end as soon as possible.”

Laizhe added, “Because they don’t actually hold real power, regardless of the referendum result, it won’t have much effect on their current lives.”

Shen Siwei nodded, “Indeed.”

Since the Deep Sea Energy Station could still operate, for Margs, even if they shared the energy with civilians, it wouldn’t lower their quality of life.

On the contrary, if the Marg high-ranking officials insisted on using the energy issue to cause chaos in the Tree of Life, it would be a loss for the Marg population.

No one wanted to see the Tree of Life in trouble again; people just hoped for their lives to return to their previous calm .

As for whether the social status of the Margs would decrease after the end of Marg rule, most Margs should know the result—it wouldn’t. The long-established social consciousness couldn’t be easily changed, and the lower-class civilians would still admire the Margs and aspire for the upper-class lifestyle.

“So, have you discussed what will happen next?” Shen Siwei asked again, including what social system to adopt and how to revise various laws and regulations… Change is not an overnight process, and there are many things awaiting Laizhe and the others.

“Headache,” Laizhe said, “I need a strategist, but this idiot is obviously not reliable.”

Before Shen Siwei could react to whom Laizhe referred to as an “idiot,” Malken stared at Laizhe and asked unhappily, “Who are you calling an idiot?”

Laizhe replied, “Whoever answers.”

“Without me, would you be where you are today? Who stayed by your side through thick and thin?” Malken accused earnestly, “And now, when you’ve succeeded, you want to abandon your loyal partner. I’ve never seen such a fickle scumbag like you!”

“What loyal partner? What fickleness?” Laizhe looked like he had a splitting headache, “Shut up if you don’t know how to use idioms!”

Klet looked bored, watching the two of them, and suddenly spoke, “Why don’t you just get married?”

“Huh?” Both of them exclaimed simultaneously, “Have I gone crazy?”

Klet ignored their reactions and said, “We can have a four-person wedding. I found a place that seems nice.”

Compared to the relationship between those two, Klet obviously cared more about what form his own wedding would take. Even if the relationship between those two wasn’t good, he didn’t mind having two more pawns to make his wedding more interesting.

Afraid that the conversation would take a stranger turn, Shen Siwei said to Laizhe, ‘Do you have a basic idea on the way forward now?’

‘I only have a vague outline,’ Laizhe said.

‘I have a proposal,’ Shen Siwei said.

‘If it’s about advancing the legality of artificial embryos, Klet has already mentioned it,’ Laizhe said. ‘With the open energy supply, there’s a vacancy for this matter, so it shouldn’t be difficult.’

‘Klet mentioned it?’ Shen Siwei looked at the person next to him. ‘When was this?’

‘A while ago,’ Malken recalled. ‘I had just left the Ice Plains, and the boss already wanted children.’

‘…’ Shen Siwei twitched the corner of his mouth. He seemed to remember that he wasn’t with Klet at that time.

‘Being prepared is always good,’ Klet replied calmly.

Shen Siwei was utterly helpless with Klet. He sighed and said to Leizhe, ‘It’s not about that matter.’

‘Captain, do you have any other ideas?’ Leizhe asked.

‘The Rejection of Reproduction Declaration,’ Shen Siwei said. ‘I want to formally abolish it.’

‘That makes sense,’ Laizhe nodded thoughtfully. ‘Since the energy supply has been restored to its previous level, people no longer need to be restricted by the declaration.’

‘Then,’ Shen Siwei paused, ‘regarding the well-being of newborns, I hope we can build schools, amusement parks, and so on inside the Life Tree, and avoid a situation like knock’s.’

‘Okay,’ Laizhe said. ‘Anything else?’

‘No,’ Shen Siwei said.

Perhaps there were many other aspects that needed change inside and outside the Life Tree, but Shen Siwei’s focus was only on Klet. He mentioned knock  just to make himself seem less biased because the reason he proposed those measures was that Klet once said he didn’t have a childhood.

Laizhe and Malken discussed the schedule for the future, and Malken didn’t make any more jokes on serious matters.

The helicopter gradually approached the Life Tree, and the coastline was not far ahead.

Klet suddenly leaned over and whispered to Shen Siwei, ‘I’ll be jealous if you’re so good to those kids.’

‘Jealous of what?’ Shen Siwei didn’t understand.

‘You’re so nice to those little kids,’ Klet said. ‘The things they can enjoy, I can’t anymore.’

‘You’ve grown up,’ Shen Siwei chuckled helplessly. ‘Why are you still competing and getting jealous with little kids?’

‘You’re being hypocritical,’ Klet complained. ‘Why do you sometimes say I’m a kid, and sometimes say I’ve grown up?’

‘Hmm…’ Shen Siwei pondered, implying something in his words. ‘I guess I want you to be both big and small?’

Klet raised an eyebrow, clearly understanding the meaning behind Shen Siwei’s words.

‘Then you have to give me a chance,’ he whispered in Shen Siwei’s ear. ‘Let me show you how big I can get.’

Such a topic was clearly inappropriate at the moment. Shen Siwei cleared his throat and was about to whisper something to klet when Malken suddenly said, ‘By the way, Boss, Amor woke up. Do you want to go see him?’

Naturally, Klet didn’t have any thoughts and obediently looked at Shen Siwei.

Shen Siwei pressed his lips together and said, “Go.”

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