Top edge

Top edge chapter 7

In the moment his hand touched the doorknob, Shen Siwei suddenly stopped.

There were surveillance cameras all over the hotel corridor. Although only the police could access the surveillance footage, who knows if Klet had other means of checking it.

To be on the safe side, it was better not to use the main entrance.

With that in mind, Shen Siwei let go of the doorknob and returned to the window.

Calmly squatting on the window sill, Shen Siwei had more than half of his body outside the window. The strong wind blew across his hat brim, fluttering his blond hair in front of his forehead, but it couldn’t mess up his beautiful gaze.

Jumping from the seventh floor to the rooftop of the adjacent residential building was not difficult, but since he had such a small body, it seemed unnecessary to jump across.

Releasing his grip on the window frame, the black figure leaped down, dropping from the seventh floor.

The impact force  due to gravity was neither painful nor ticklish for Shen Siwei. He stood upright, pushed down his baseball cap, and followed the map’s guidance towards the power station.

Shen Siwei avoided the heavily monitored main roads and navigated through dark alleys, occasionally encountering groups of three to five refugees  wandering around with bottles of alcohol. It was easy for him to use the alleys to avoid them.

However, the closer he got to the city center power station, the more refugees there were on the road.

They seemed to enjoy the city’s atmosphere, playing cards under streetlights and chatting on the road as their pastime.

Before long, Shen Siwei encountered a massive crowd of refugees.

The once empty streets were filled with emotionally charged refugees, and four modified cars were parked side by side on the main road. A provocatively dressed woman stood in the middle of the road, waving a black and white flag.

It seemed that the desolate city had turned into a perfect racetrack, and a car race was about to take place.

What slightly troubled Shen Siwei was that he had to cross this main road to reach the power station on the other side. Now that the main road had become a closed racetrack, he couldn’t simply pass through without being seen.

As the black and white flag was waved down, four beasts roared out from the starting line.

The refugee drivers indeed disregarded any rules. Although the road ahead was a straight path with no obstructions, some drivers began ramming their opponents with their cars. After covering a distance of only fifty meters, one of the cars flipped over after being hit.

Perhaps a partner of the overturned car, the driver of another vehicle opened the sunroof and raised a machine gun, firing at the car that was involved in the collision.

A perfectly fine race turned into a death race. Witnessing this scene, the refugees standing on both sides of the street suddenly started hurling insults at each other. It was then that Shen Siwei realized that the roadside had divided into two factions, and from  their insults, it seemed that they had been harboring grudges for a long time.

“Like owner, like dog! Barn is just a petty person!”

“What’s wrong with crashing into each other if racing is supposed to be wild? Who the hell fired first?”

“It’s all because of you bastards…”

The verbal battle escalated, and someone finally pulled out a gun.

Just a moment ago, Shen Siwei thought he couldn’t casually cross the road, but now the race had turned into a gunfight, and the road was in chaos. No one paid any attention to him.

Lowering his hat brim, he climbed over the railing, quickly crossed the road unnoticed, and slipped into a nearby alley. During this time, plenty of insults reached his ears, further confirming his previous thought that Klet and Barn had long been at odds with each other.

The gunfight was quickly stopped as some rational individuals stepped forward to prevent the refugees from fighting amongst themselves.

At present, the refugees and the military were in a standoff, and such infighting was a disadvantage to everyone involved. One refugee put away his gun and said to the person next to them, “There was a person in black who passed by just now. The bullets hit him as if nothing happened. Did you see that?”

The other person casually replied, “Maybe you saw it wrong.”

After a while, Shen Siwei finally approached the Z City power station.

There were three to five refugees guarding each outer corridor of the station. Just by approaching the power station he would be noticed by the refugees in high positions.

Since the defense was so tight, it was certain that klet was also well aware of it. The reason the military hadn’t launched a full-scale counterattack was probably because they were concerned about the unknown situation at the power station.

Forcing their way in was out of the question. If it was certain that there would be anything to gain after breaking in, then it wouldn’t be a bad idea. However, Shen Siwei clearly couldn’t take that risk.

At the moment, it seemed that there were no loopholes . Shen Siwei found a dark corner and began observing the shift change pattern of the refugees.

On the other side,

The apartment door slammed shut, making a loud noise. Half-asleep and half-awake, Malken jumped up from his chair and instinctively reached for the gun at his waist.

But when he saw that it was Klet who came in, he sighed in relief, withdrew his hand, and asked, “Is it resolved?”

“It’s resolved,” Klet impatiently sat down on the sofa. “A fight broke out midway through the race.”

Half an hour ago, Klet received a notification that there was a gunfight on the main road. He hurriedly rushed to the scene only to find out that the reason for the fight between the two sides was a trivial matter.

“Tsk,” Malken shook his head. “Why do these people love to cause trouble?”

 Klet impatiently furrowed his brows and glanced at the holographic screen in mid-air. “Is there no movement there?”

“None,” Malken shrugged. “Looks like our negotiator is behaving.”

Malken set up a reminder program that would sound an alarm if someone appeared in the corridor. So even if he wasn’t constantly staring at the screen, he wouldn’t miss any activity from Shen Siwei.

But suddenly, Klet looked at the wave pattern on the screen and asked, “How long has this state been going on?”

“Um…” Malken also noticed that something was off and tried to recall. “Ten minutes? Twenty minutes?”

The wave pattern was connected to the microphone Klet discreetly placed outside the hotel room door. Although the microphone’s clarity was not as good as that of a bug, it could accurately collect all the sounds within its range.

Even the slight sound of slippers rubbing against the carpet would be reflected on the wave pattern.

But now, there was only a straight line on the wave pattern, indicating that Shen Siwei hadn’t made any sound, or perhaps–

He wasn’t in the room.

Before he could even sit comfortably, Klet impatiently stood up from the sofa. “I’ll go take a look.”

After observing the power station for a while, Shen Siwei suddenly realized that it was not the right time for him to be there.

Klet had warned him that there would be a lot of refugee activities at night. He didn’t pay much attention to it, thinking it was just because there were more night owls. But thinking about it, those refugees lived in the desert all year round, where the temperature was extremely high during the day. They should have already adapted to being active at night.

In other words, nighttime was when these refugees were most alert.

The guarding refugees showed no signs of changing shifts, and the defense of the power station remained impenetrable.

After observing for a while longer, Shen Siwei decided to return first and come back another time tomorrow.

On the way back, the main road was filled with large AI cleaning vehicles dealing with the bodies of the refugees. Perhaps due to the conflict, there were hardly any drinking refugees by the roadside, and the road was even more clear than when he came.

Returning to the alley behind the hotel once again, Shen Siwei looked up at the height of his room’s window and then leaped back and forth between the residential building and the hotel’s outer wall, easily returning to his room.

It was still early at this time, so he headed straight for the bathroom and took off his black clothes.

Hot water continued to flow from the bathtub faucet. Just as Shen Siwei was about to test the water temperature, a rapid knocking sound suddenly came from outside.


Shen Siwei’s nerves immediately tightened because he recognized Klet’s voice. He quickly went to the bathroom door, put on the white cloak he had just bought, and at that moment, the voice outside the door sounded again, “Are you there?”

Shen Siwei opened his mouth, ready to reply, but before he could make a sound, the door suddenly burst open.

Klet walked into the room and immediately looked around, then turned to Shen Siwei and said, “You’re here. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Shen Siwei looked at the door that had been kicked open, staring at Klet in disbelief—did this person even give him a chance to speak?

From knocking on the door to kicking the door, it took only three seconds. Shen Siwei even suspected that Klet’s ultimate goal was to barge in.

No, it wasn’t a suspicion, it was a certainty.

After entering the room, Klet’s first reaction was to inspect the surroundings, clearly intending to investigate.

“Couldn’t you knock a few more times?” Shen Siwei asked with a furrowed brow.

“I was afraid you were in danger,” Klet replied without sincerity, then looked Shen Siwei up and down. “Why are you still wearing the cloak?”

Shen Siwei felt a sudden sense of alertness, as if Klet somehow knew that he had gone out.

“I was about to take a bath, I’m not wearing any clothes,” he maintained an annoyed tone, “Can you please leave?”

Ignoring his request, Klet pointed to the wide-open door and asked, “Are you still planning to bathe like this?”

Shen Siwei coldly replied, “I’ll change rooms if you don’t leave.”

Klet showed no intention of leaving; instead, he walked straight toward Shen Siwei and asked, “What were you doing before getting ready to bathe?”

Shen Siwei answered, “Watching the news.”

Klet asked, “What news?”

Shen Siwei replied, “None of your business.”

Their conversation was filled with tension. Klet’s questions didn’t give Shen Siwei any time to think, and Shen Siwei’s answers didn’t give him an opportunity to ask any further questions

“So, are you really planning to bathe now?” Klet’s gaze fell once again on Shen Siwei’s cloak.

“Why would I lie?” Shen Siwei’s attitude was straightforward, mixed with impatience and a hint of annoyance. 

But he forgot that Klet was someone who didn’t follow the rules. Just as he thought he could quickly send him away, he saw the man suddenly take a step forward, his left hand tightly gripping Shen Siwei’s back, and his right hand unexpectedly slipping under his cloak.

Klet clearly had the habit of carrying a gun; his fingertips were rough and calloused. His large hand roamed around Shen Siwei’s waist, continuing downward along the curve of his hip.

However, his fingertips only touched briefly before stopping. Klet looked somewhat surprised as he stared at Shen Siwei . “So, you really aren’t wearing any clothes?”

By this time, Shen Siwei’s right hand was already propped against Klet’s chest, and he was about to push klet ten meters away.

But the thought of “the mission is important” flashed through his mind, and he barely restrained the force in his hand. The suppressed strength almost choked him, leaving him with no outlet for his energy.

With anger in his eyes, Shen Siwei glared at Klet and gritted his teeth. “What…about…it?”

A hint of crimson flashed in his pale blue eyes, a touch of bloodlust that even he didn’t notice.

Now Shen Siwei could basically confirm that Klet somehow knew he had gone out and firmly believed that beneath the cloak was the night attire he wanted to conceal; otherwise, Klet wouldn’t have made such a direct move.

“Oh, then go ahead,” Klet casually released Shen Siwei, without a trace of apology in his tone. “Enjoy your bath.”

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