Top edge

Top edge chapter 6

Don’t go out

In the narrow elevator space, beautiful classical music played while an advertisement for medical prosthetics played on the electronic display screen.

The naked-eye 3D effect was fully utilized, with slender arms breaking through the screen, and agile fingers appearing as if they were right in front of the eyes.

Shen Siwei suddenly remembered something and looked at Klet beside him, asking, “Is your arm a mechanical prosthesis?”

In ordinary daily life, Shen Siwei was not someone who liked to pry into other people’s privacy. But Klet was his mission target, and he had to gather as much information as possible.

Klet maintained the posture of looking up at the floor indicator, but he glanced at Shen Siwei with the corner of his eye and said, “No.”

“Then what’s the deal with your muscle strength?” Shen Siwei continued to ask, “Did you use banned substances?”

Even if Klet did use injections, that was a matter for the police to handle, and it had nothing to do with Shen Siwei. So he straightforwardly asked.

But his consecutive questions seemed to have annoyed Klet. Klet lifted his chin and lowered his gaze to Shen Siwei, responding with a counter-question, “What about your height?”

Shen Siwei: “?”

Klet: “Are there any short people among the Mag people?”

Shen Siwei: “…”

“And your skin,” Klet continued, “did you get skin whitening injections?”

Marg people had tall and handsome appearances. Shen Siwei’s height of 1.8 meters was not considered short among ordinary people, but he indeed didn’t reach the average level of Mag people.

Furthermore, due to their long-term living at an altitude of 9,000 meters, the bodies of Mag people continuously evolved to adapt to low temperatures, low pressure, and low oxygen environments. Their skin also had a healthy wheatish color due to abundant sunlight.

Apart from his beautiful appearance, Shen Siwei didn’t possess any traits related to Marg people.

“Not all Marg people are that tall,” he casually replied, no longer prying into Klet’s privacy, and continued watching the elevator advertisement.

The question-and-answer battle obviously ended with Klet’s victory. He seemed to be in a good mood and lightly scoffed, “Shorty.”

Veins suddenly popped on Shen Siwei’s forehead.

He suddenly realized that this leader of the refugees not only was difficult to deal with, but he also had a talent for making people furious.

The elevator finally stopped on the seventh floor of the hotel’s rooftop.

Shen Siwei stepped , intending to tell Klet that he didn’t need to accompany him, but he saw that Klet had already arrived at the door of the room he had booked, one step ahead of him.

Speaking of which, Klet didn’t need to escort Shen Siwei to the floor. Besides surveillance, Shen Siwei couldn’t think of any other reasons.

“Do you plan to keep watch over me all night?” Shen Siwei stopped in front of the room door.

“I don’t have that kind of free time,” Klet said, “I’ll leave once you’re inside.”

Shen Siwei still couldn’t figure out Klet’s intentions.

It seemed like a gentlemanly gesture to escort him to the door of the room, but Shen Siwei always felt that the word “gentleman” had nothing to do with Klet, who exuded a beastly aura.

He used the identity chip on his wrist to swipe open the door, and at that moment, Klet by his side said, “Don’t go out at night. There’s a lot of activity outside with the refugees, and I don’t want to have to save you again.”

Shen Siwei had to go out at night, as it was necessary to complete his mission.

However, he still responded with a “Okay” on the surface, took off the coat draped over his shoulders, and handed it to Klet, saying, “Thank you.”

Klete’s gaze paused on Shen Siwei’s wrist for half a second, then he looked at Shen Siwei and said, “You can keep it.”

Shen Siwei: “No need.”

The online stores in Zone Z of City X were not closed. After Klet left, Shen Siwei quickly placed an order for new uniforms, a cloak, and a night suit.

It didn’t take much time to check for surveillance cameras and bugs. Everything in the hotel room was normal, and there was no risk of being monitored.

Opening the communicator, he dialed the only stored number, and soon he heard Moran’s voice on the other end.

“How’s the situation?”

“It’s okay.” Just in case, Shen Siwei turned on the shower in the bathroom to cover the sound of his conversation. “The information we obtained earlier was quite accurate. Klet is the only one who knows about the energy supply, but it’s difficult to extract useful information from him.”

“The location you’re in is not far from the Z City power station,” Moran said, “Investigate as quickly as possible and don’t expose yourself.”

“Understood.” That was Shen Siwei’s plan from the beginning.

“In addition, I found out the identities of the four people who attacked you.”

Shen Siwei opened the four files he received. Two men and two women, they were indeed the same four who attacked him in that evening.

“Are they all refugees?” Shen Siwei asked.

All four had criminal records, some with fewer charges, and some with more, but they all had the common charge of “assaulting a police officer.”

“They’re not considered refugees,” Moran said, “They’re wanted criminals.”

Only those who lived outside the tree were considered refugees. Some criminals hadn’t been caught by the police and were still hiding inside the tree, so they couldn’t be considered refugees.

“Why would they attack a negotiator?” Shen Siwei asked.

“Perhaps they don’t want the Marg people to reach an agreement with the refugees?” Moran speculated, “Or maybe they just want to cause trouble. After all, these criminals dislike social stability.”

“Perhaps,” Shen Siwei couldn’t think of any other reasons.

“In any case, you must be careful. The lower levels may be more dangerous than we imagined. Do you need me to send two soldiers to accompany you?”

“No need.” In fact, considering Shen Siwei’s physical condition, it was unlikely that he would encounter any problems, and having soldiers by his side would only increase the danger.

Of course, provided that no one takes off his oxygen mask.

“I miss you,” Moran suddenly changed to a gentle tone, “Complete the mission as soon as possible and come back to me.”

Shen Siwei pursed his lips, suppressing the strange feeling in his heart. “Hmm.”

The delivery drone tapped on the hotel room window, reminding Shen Siwei that his online purchase had been delivered.

While opening the window, Shen Siwei quickly observed the surrounding environment to ensure that no one was remotely monitoring him.

Choosing a top-floor room was also for this reason.

This neighborhood was not in the city center, and the buildings were generally not tall. The seventh-floor view was spacious enough. The window faced the residential buildings of the hotel’s back alley, with the highest being only five floors, insufficient to monitor the seventh floor.

“Identity verification passed. Wish you a pleasant shopping experience!”

The delivery drone did not carry any other packages, indicating how economically depressed this city was, and the people staying here did not have much desire for shopping.

Shen Siwei took a final look at the situation outside the window, closed it, and drew the curtains.

The uniforms and cloak he purchased online were only similar in style to the white military uniform he usually wore, but the fabric and workmanship were of lower quality.

However, Shen Siwei didn’t mind. He took out the black combat suit he was about to wear and tried it on. It fit well and allowed for easy movement.

In the dressing mirror, there appeared a black-clad man wearing a baseball cap. His blond hair, blue eyes, and metallic mask were all hidden in the shadow of the cap. At first glance, no one would associate him with the noble negotiator.

Shen Siwei checked the time, gripped the doorknob with his right hand, and decided to leave .

On the other side, in an inconspicuous apartment in the city center.

Malken’s hands hovered in the air, his fingers rapidly tapping on a virtual keyboard.

The keyboard displayed RGB light without making any sound, but the screen projected in the air rapidly displayed lines of code.

After a while, Malken excitedly pushed the keyboard away and spun around in his ergonomic chair. He said to Klet, who was sitting on the couch behind him, “Done!”

Numerous surveillance screens appeared on the display screen, showing the lobby, elevators, and corridors, exactly the self-service hotel Klete had just visited.

Malken interlocked his fingers and stretched lazily, complaining to Klete, “I’m a mechanic, not a hacker. Can you give me something useful to do?”

Klet didn’t answer, his gaze fixed on the screens. He said, “Pull up the surveillance footage at his room door.”

“Come on, confess,” despite Malken’s complaints, his hands didn’t stop moving, “Why did you suddenly change your mind and bring someone to book a room halfway? Were you seduced by his beauty?”

“Nonsense.” Klet glanced indifferently at Malken. “His identity seemed different.”

Suddenly, the image of that fair and slender wrist appeared in his mind, and Klet furrowed his brow slightly, no longer focusing on the surveillance footage. “If he leaves the room, notify me immediately.”

“What, are you going to play stalker and tail him?” Malken laughed.

Klet slapped the back of Malken’s head with a “smack.”

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