Top edge

Top edge chapter 17

A game of cat and mouse

The images in his memory gradually became clear.

In his memory Shen Siwei turned his head and the corner of his eye unintentionally caught a glimpse of the man’s waist beside him, making him casually turn his head and use his glass to cover his lips as he whispered, “Hide the gun.”

The man beside him reached back and pulled down his jacket hem, also using his glass to cover his lips as he said, “Oops.”

Shen Siwei was already used to it. “Careless every time.”

Whether it was a collar not properly worn or clothes worn inside out, Shen Siwei had criticized him countless times, but the guy still didn’t listen.

The man smiled, showing no signs of reflection. “Thank you, Captain.”

The playback suddenly stopped, and Shen Siwei leaned on the bar counter, using his thumb and index finger to massage his throbbing temple.

He felt as if he was watching a familiar yet unfamiliar movie, and he was the protagonist, which made him feel really conflicted.

“Are you okay?” Lao Shuihu must have noticed that something was wrong with Shen Siwei and spoke up. His voice went up, pulling Shen Siwei out of the chaotic reflection.

The same long table appeared in his memories . Memories and reality overlapped, so it was no wonder Shen Siwei would recall the same scene.

“I’m fine.” Shen Siwei put down his arm and continued to watch the singing girl on stage.

The last person in his memory was Laizhe, a troublesome little guy.

Just as Shen Siwei recalled this, his phone suddenly prompted a message from Moran.

[Moran:  any more useful information?]

Shen Siwei looked at the name “Moran” on the display and his memories came back again, playing in his mind.

The background sound was filled with the owner of the izakaya and other customers’ voices chatting.

Laizhe played with a small glass and chatted casually with Shen Siwei, “Captain Moran hasn’t been on a mission for so long, is he really okay?”

Shen Siwei looked at the chef grilling skewers and calmly said, ” just Obey the orders, don’t read so much into it “

He shook his head to bring himself back to reality, took some time to recall, and hidden fragments gradually surfaced, piecing together a complete logical chain.

—At the time as he remembered, Shen Siwei had proposed an alternative plan, but Moran believed it wasn’t thought through enough, so he arranged many team members to keep watch near Sara’s residence. Laizhe, on the other hand, felt that Shen Siwei’s plan was more efficient, thus expressing dissatisfaction with Moran’s instructions

It was just finding a singing girl, so why did Moran attach so much importance to the mission?

The important details were still missing, and Shen Siwei couldn’t remember the details of the mission no matter how hard he tried.

His brain was once again overloaded, and at that moment, his phone prompted another message.

[Moran: Shen?]

Shen Siwei temporarily set aside his thoughts and replied to Moran’s message.

[Shen Siwei: In progress.] [Moran: Report back to the residence as soon as possible.]

Report back to the residence? Shen Siwei felt a hint of worry and confusion in his mind

As long as it was confirmed to be safe, reporting could be done anywhere. Like before, when he came out of the sewer and reported on the situation at the power station on the street, Moran didn’t ask him to be discreet.

Moreover, Moran usually wouldn’t contact him proactively because he wasn’t sure if Shen Siwei was available. Now that Moran knew he had changed his appearance and was carrying out a mission, why did it suddenly sound so urgent?

Some vague thoughts appeared in his mind, and his memories started replaying again.

A woman in a red dress lay in a pool of blood, and the dripping rain splashed red water droplets.

Moran withdrew his gun and used the tip of his foot to turn the woman’s face, expressionless as he said, “It’s her.”

The woman stared blankly with open eyes, her pale face drained of color by the rain.

Shen Siwei looked at Sara’s lifeless body in disbelief and asked Moran, “Why did you kill her?”

“She was trying to escape, didn’t you see?” Moran’s tone remained unchanged.

“We could have caught her if she ran away. Why did you shoot?” Shen Siwei looked at Moran in confusion. “Can’t you even catch a woman in high heels?”

“Watch your tone, Captain Shen.” Moran’s voice grew stern. “I just didn’t want to waste time. Besides, she had already committed a crime.”

“But that doesn’t warrant death,” Shen Siwei said. “And the mission didn’t say anything about killing her.”

“But she resisted.”

“If running away counts as resistance.”

“Don’t waste my time with more talk,” Moran grew impatient, furrowing his brow. “The mission is not yet complete. Go find her quickly.”

The memories abruptly stopped at this point, and Shen Siwei stared at the glass in his hand with a gloomy expression. He finally understood where his subconscious thoughts were coming from.

Moran was never his lover.

Not only that,It seemed that Moran had gone to great lengths to make him obedient. He even fabricated stories about being lovers.

His mind was in chaos. He still couldn’t figure out what the mission was about or how it ended.

For now, he put these thoughts aside and continued to ponder the vague ideas from earlier.

He guessed correctly that Moran didn’t want him to remember what happened before because it would make him resistant to his orders.

Whenever his memory began to recover, Moran would immediately contact him, probably because he was monitoring his brain activity.

The last time he inexplicably fell asleep, it was probably Moran’s doing. If it weren’t for Shen Siwei currently being in a bar, he would have already fallen asleep again.

To be honest, Shen Siwei wasn’t surprised. 

The phone beeped with a notification again.

[Message from Moran: Received your reply.]

Shen Siwei stared expressionlessly at the dialogue box and typed the word “Received

Moran slammed his fist on the control panel, jolting Dr. Chen, who was dozing off, awake.

Dr. Chen pushed his glasses and looked at Moran, who had an angry expression on his face, and asked, “What happened?”

“I’ve been saying to install a mechanical eye on him so that we can monitor what he’s doing in real-time.”

“Captain Shen? But just installing the sleep chip has already put a heavy burden on his brain.” Dr. Chen glanced at the control panel. “His brain waves show no abnormalities.”

“There was a significant fluctuation just now,” Moran said.

“Don’t worry, Colonel,” Dr. Chen reassured. “I guarantee he won’t slip out of our control.”

Afraid of arousing Moran’s suspicion, even though there were still some things he couldn’t remember and wanted to find out, Shen Siwei no longer  strained his brain.

The bar gradually filled with more people, indicating that the commotion outside had ended. Shen Siwei originally wanted to strike up conversations with more people, but at that moment, he suddenly caught sight of Klet’s figure.

Their eyes unexpectedly met, and Klet’s gaze froze suddenly.

Shen Siwei quickly turned his head, put on a mask under his face covering, and then left the bar counter.

From Klet’s expression, it was evident that he had noticed something unusual.

Having just experienced a brain tremor, Shen Siwei didn’t have the energy to play a game of cat and mouse with Klet. He circled around to the back door of the bar, wanting to leave as soon as possible. However, as soon as he stepped out, he was stopped by two refugees.

“Do you have a light?” one of them blocked Shen Siwei’s path with his body.

“No,” Shen Siwei lowered his head and walked in the opposite direction, but the other blocked his way ahead.

“If you don’t have it, you don’t have it. Can’t you speak nicely?” the first person said.

Shen Siwei frowned, raised his gaze, and looked at the person, saying, “How should I speak nicely?”

“It’s polite to look at someone when talking,” the other person chimed in.

Shen Siwei didn’t want to waste time, so he buried his head and continued walking forward. However, the two individuals followed him and blocked his path again.

“Who said you could leave?” one of them asked.

Shen Siwei took a deep breath and moved his lips, “Get lost.”

“Tsk, getting more and more impolite are we?.”

The two men exchanged a glance, revealing their true intentions as they pulled out their guns and pointed them at Shen Siwei’s head. “Open your payment system.”

After all that, it turned out to be a robbery.

Shen Siwei remained motionless and spoke in a low voice, “I’ll say it one last time, get lost.”

A flash of crimson flickered in Shen Siwei’s eyes, followed by a scream that pierced the night sky.

The person who had just pressed the gun against Shen Siwei’s head had his wrist grabbed by Shen Siwei, who twisted it forcefully. His  forearm broke , exposing the bone covered in flesh and blood, piercing through the skin.

The other person quickly fired a shot at Shen Siwei, but he remained unharmed. Shen Siwei swiftly approached and snapped the person’s neck with two steps.

“Who… who are you?” The person with the broken hand trembled on the ground, continuously retreating. “Stay the fuck away from me!”

Too noisy.

Shen Siwei kicked the person’s chin, finally bringing silence to the world.

With no one blocking his way, Shen Siwei quickly left the alley. As his figure disappeared around the corner, the back door of the bar opened again, and two figures emerged.

“What the hell is going on?” Malken looked at the gruesome bodies and cursed in shock.

One of the bodies had only a piece of skin remaining on its head, still connected to the neck, while the other body’s facial bones were completely shattered, and its eyeballs had burst.

“It was done by hand.” He crouched next to the decapitated body, looking at the faint fingerprints. “This person looks strong. Can you twist someone’s head off like that?”

“I haven’t tried.” Klet lowered his eyes, looking at the two bodies on the ground. “But it should be possible.”

“Forget it, I won’t ask.” Malken stood up from the ground. “Are you sure it’s the person you were looking for?”

“Not .” Klet frowned. “But it looks somewhat like him.”

“I remember you said he was a military personnel.” Malken said, “If it’s really him…”

Klet replied, “Then he must be the Negotiator’s companion.”

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