Top edge

Top edge chapter 15

At the end of a winding alley, there was a low-key barber shop. At the entrance of the shop, there were three colored lamp posts representing the barber industry, flickering with  white, red, and blue lights.

The lit lamp posts indicated that the shop was open for business, but when you looked through the window, the barber shop appeared pitch black, as if no one was running it.

People passing by the alley found it strange that the barber shop had its lights on but the door closed. Only regular customers knew that the real operating place of the barber shop was in the basement.

“Flick your fingers and see if there’s any delay.”

Malken removed the surgical light from his forehead and placed the voltage detector on the nearby shelf. The cluttered shelf also contained commonly used tools such as welding guns and alloy drill bits.

The customer lying on the surgical chair moved his fingers, and the mechanical fingers moved skillfully, even better than real human hands.

“No wonder you’re the top mechanic.” 

He casually said, “Thanks,” as  he was about to leave, but Malken immediately stopped him and said, “Repair fee, please.” The mechanical hand turned around, raised an eyebrow slightly, and said “I thought Barn said there would be no charges.”

“What?” Malken tilted his head, 

 The mechanical hand lifted its right arm, aimed its five fingertips forward, and opened them downward, revealing the silver bullets inside. Those five bullets, after being fired, could be retrieved using electromagnetic force, which was a new function Malken had just added to it.

“What do you mean?” Malken’s eyes turned cold, “You don’t want to pay?”

“We’re brothers,” the mechanical hand said with a pleasing tone, but its fingertips still aimed at Malken, “Talking about money hurts the relationship.”

Malken fell silent for a moment and then said, “Fine.”

In the next moment, the lights in the operating room suddenly went out, a cold light flashed, and the mechanical hand let out a scream.

The five silver bullets flew chaotically in the confined space, but they never hit their target. Then, one after another, cold lights formed around the mechanical hand, accompanied by his screams.

When the lights in the operating room came back on, the mechanical hand was lying on the ground, its entire mechanical right arm detached.

Malken put away the surgical knife in his hand and looked at the broken instruments caused by the bullets, clicking his tongue in annoyance.

At this moment, the mechanical hand suddenly pulled out a gun with its left hand and aimed it at Malken, saying, “Go to hell!”

With a bang, the mechanical hand’s brain exploded, and it collapsed on the ground, turning into a complete mess.

A tall figure emerged from the hallway and put away the smoking gun.

“Boss!” Malken looked at the brain matter scattered on the floor, with a face of despair, and said to Klet, “Cleaning up the body is not easy, you know?”

Klet walked into the inner room without looking back. “I saved you, so many complaints?”

Malken grumbled discontentedly at Klet’s back, “I could have handled it myself.”

As he said that, Malken suddenly realized something was wrong. He immediately put the issue of the body aside and followed Klet into his bedroom.

“I heard you slept with the negotiator.”

“That’s not true.” Klet took off the short-sleeved shirt that had been stained with beer and quickly wiped his chest in the bathroom.

“Avis saw it with his own eyes.” Malken followed closely behind Klet, never leaving his side. “After we searched that hard for him, you actually hid him in your bed!”

This sentence sounded like a complaint, but there was an excitement in his tone as if he had discovered some exciting news

“What part of i didn’t hide him don’t you get?.” Klet wiped off the water stains on his chest with a towel, casually tossing it aside, and walked back into the bedroom. “He came to my house on his own.”

“I don’t believe it.” Malken sneered. “I never thought you would lie about hiding someone in your house, impressive, boss.”

Klet was too tired to explain any further and simply lay down on the single bed in the room.

“But why did you come here at this hour?” Malken stroked his chin, thinking deeply. “Did you get kicked out because you satisfy him well? Do you want me to teach you a few tricks?”

Klet grabbed a pillow and hit Malken in the face. “Shut up, I’ve had enough of your nonsense.”

“By the way,” Malken continued, hugging the pillow, “could it be that this negotiator’s purpose in coming down here was to seduce you? Did that ever cross your mind, boss?

The room remained quiet for only a few seconds before Malken spoke again. “So what does this negotiator really want?”

“Not sure.” Klet rested his hands behind his head and casually speculated, “Investigating the power station, or maybe investigating me.”

“But didn’t you say he’s a sickly guy?” Malken looked puzzled. “How dare he come to investigate you?”

“Don’t know.” Klet couldn’t be bothered to think about it anymore. He glanced indifferently at Malken. “In any case, I’m not going to sleep with him.”

 Malken uttered the words “boring.” He suddenly looked at Klet, who was lying lazily, and realized, “Why are you lying on my bed?”

“He occupied my bed.” Klet said, ” so I’m sleeping here tonight.”

“No,” Malken stated, “then where do I sleep?”

Klet raised his chin. “On the couch.”

“Why?” Malken complained, “He slept on your bed, so you sleep on mine?”

before Malken finished speaking, Klet phone suddenly rang.

“It’s Barn.” Klet sat up on the bed, his expression turning serious as he looked at Malken. “Go and deal with the body outside.”

Back at klet’s house Shen Siwei was looking through the wide-angle peephole, there were at least three to five people guarding the corridor.

If Shen Siwei’s guess was correct, there must be someone guarding the window on the other side of the hallway to prevent him from escaping via the balcony.

Actually, Shen Siwei had no plans to go out tonight, but Avis visit changed his mind.

He could ask about Klet  from other people, which was obviously easier than trying to get information out of Klet himself.

Although this approach had great risks and there was a high chance of Klet discovering his intentions, Shen Siwei couldn’t afford to waste any more time.

He opened the curtains and looked down; and saw klet’s men guarding downstairs.

However, they didn’t  look up, which gave Shen Siwei an opportunity.

Shen Siwei hesitated for a moment and finally dialed Moran’s communication ID.

“Colonel, I need your help.”

Directly approaching Avis might not be the best idea, so Shen Siwei planned to visit entertainment venues and casually ask a few refugees about the situation.

Even if he couldn’t find out Klet’s information all at once, he could at least get a general idea of who he was.

However, there was a little problem. All the refugees had seen Shen Siwei’s appearance on television. If he went into the crowd with his striking golden hair and blue eyes, he would definitely be recognized in minutes.

Shen Siwei had considered buying hair dye and contact lenses, as he really didn’t want to talk to Moran and didn’t want to be manipulated like a Barbie doll, changing his appearance at will.

But Klet’s men were guarding downstairs, and it was inconvenient for him to buy items online in the middle of the night.

After much thought, Shen Siwei could only ask Moran to directly change his hair color and eye color.

 Moran’s footsteps could be heard from the other end of the communication device; he was probably on his way to the laboratory. “We don’t need to be so formal in our relationship.”

Shen Siwei pursed his lips. “Hmm.”

“Why do you suddenly want to inquire among the crowd?” The laboratory was some distance away, so Moran began chatting with Shen Siwei. “The information you can gather might not be more than what the military currently knows.”

“But the information the military currently has is useless.” Shen Siwei said, “By asking around, I might actually find out something that could help us.”.

“Fine.” Moran said, “It’s better to take the initiative than to wait for things to happen. But be sure to stay safe.”

The sound of an elevator door opening could be heard in the background, indicating that Moran had entered the laboratory.

“What do you want to change into?” Moran asked.

“Anything.” Shen Siwei said, “Just something low-key.”

“Then…” Moran pondered, “change back to your original appearance.”

Shen Siwei instinctively looked at the mirror and saw his dazzling golden hair gradually dimming, while his light blue eyes became darker.

“It takes some time for the light color to turn black, about a minute.” Moran started chatting with Shen Siwei again, “what have you gathered so far?”

The gang leader likes to watch cartoons, but Shen Siwei didn’t know if that was useful information.

Shen Siwei couldn’t help but think back. In his interactions with Klet, this man didn’t seem as bad as the military portrayed him .

He rescued women harassed by refugees and risks being hurt to retrieve his mask.

He was always impatient, yes, but he would gives up his bed for Shen Siwei to sleep.

Upon careful reflection, Shen Siwei even realized the reason why Klet attacked the Tree of Life. That was definitely valuable information he could give to Moran.

But when he opened his mouth, he said, “No.”

For some reason, he didn’t feel like telling Moran anything yet. It had nothing to do with Klet; it was purely something in his own heart, an inexplicable inclination.

“Then report when you have some news.” Moran didn’t doubt him, “Have the colors changed yet?”

Shen Siwei looked at the mirror again and saw that the golden and light blue colors had turned into pure black without any impurities.

Apart from his skin color being significantly different from before, the mirror showed Shen Siwei’s familiar self.

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