The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 79

 Extra 1: The ship Comes and Goes

“Nie Ge, I’ll take your night shift tonight.”

The man called Nie Ge wore a pair of thick-framed glasses. Upon hearing Shen Jixue’s offer, his previously lifeless eyes lit up, almost glowing through the lenses. However, he quickly looked at Shen Jixue with concern.

“Xiao Shen, can you handle it physically? Night shifts involve cruising, and you can’t handle it.”

Shen Jixue was physically fit but extremely seasick. Initially, everyone thought he just needed time to adjust or hadn’t rested well. However, whenever Shen Jixue stepped off the ship, he was full of energy. As soon as he set foot on the deck, though, he looked drained.

“Perhaps you’re naturally incompatible with water,” the office boss explained.

To ensure Shen Jixue’s safety, everyone tried not to schedule him for ship patrols. Occasionally, though, he volunteered to help, especially when it involved meeting someone.

“It’s fine, just one night.”

“Going to meet someone again?” Nie Ge casually asked. Seeing Shen Jixue nod, he didn’t press further. They all understood not to pry into each other’s private matters; concern was kept to a minimum. “Alright, if you’re willing, go ahead. I’ll take advantage and be lazy for one night.”

The wind was strong on the river, and the patrol ship swayed. Shen Jixue felt uncomfortable as soon as he stepped onto the deck. Just looking at the ship made him dizzy. He had prepared to board, skipped dinner, and still felt nauseous.

Before the ship set off, he hurried into the cabin and found a stable place to sit. The patrol ship had been around for some time and was well-maintained, but the engine room had a strong smell. Despite the distance, the salty river wind mixed with the smell of engine oil was unbearable.

After a while of cruising on the river, Shen Jixue couldn’t bear it any longer. He stood up and rushed to the deck, leaning over the edge and vomiting heavily.

“Xiao Shen, are you okay?” His colleague on duty was worried. “You haven’t been scheduled, so why do you insist on suffering like this?”

People like Shen Jixue, who were so seasick yet worked for the Maritime Safety Administration, were a first for them.

As the ship approached the shore, his colleague said, “I’m going ashore to buy cigarettes. You rest when we dock.”

Once the ship docked, Shen Jixue quickly jumped onto the anchored ship. As the anchored ship swayed, he didn’t stay long, jogging ashore and vomiting until his stomach settled.

“Mm…” he wiped his mouth, checked the time on his phone, washed his face in the ship’s restroom, and when he felt composed, he walked briskly to the bow of the anchored ship.

His phone beeped, and he eagerly opened the text message from Chen Xian.

“We’re passing the dock soon.”

Shortly after, a deep horn sounded, crying out in the late night, and waves rippled across the calm river surface. In the distance, the silhouette of a cargo ship appeared at the mouth of the gorge.

Shen Jixue quickly replied to Chen Xian’s message, “I see your ship.”

The cargo ship had signals after passing through the gorge, but the ship’s horn was too loud. Texting was more convenient than making a call.

Watching the cargo ship emerge like a huge monster fully exposed in Shen Jixue’s sight, he stared fixedly in its direction.

He wasn’t sure exactly where Chen Xian was, but he knew for certain that he was on that ship.

The wind on the river grew stronger, forcing Shen Jixue to tighten his coat around him. His body turned with the direction of the ship’s movement. He watched as the cargo ship passed the anchored ship at the dock. Their ship wouldn’t stop; they still had upstream cargo to unload. Even though he couldn’t see Chen Xian, knowing he was nearby was a comfort to him.

As soon as the ship disappeared completely from his view, Shen Jixue could board his ship. He silently repeated this in his mind.

But the next moment, a dark figure emerged from the ship’s cockpit. It was too small and blurry for Shen Jixue to be sure if it was a person.

Immediately after, Shen Jixue’s phone rang again. This time, it wasn’t a text message but a call, Chen Xian’s call.

Shen Jixue didn’t dare to hesitate, fearing that the ship would sail far away without signal. He immediately answered. Instead of Chen Xian’s voice, what came first through the phone was the roar of the engine and the deafening sound of the horn.

The small black dot moved at the bow of the ship, and amidst the noise on the phone, Chen Xian’s voice was shouting Shen Jixue’s name hoarsely.

“Ah Xue?” Chen Xian rarely sounded urgent. “The engine is too loud.”

Having finally captured Chen Xian’s voice amidst the noisy background, Shen Jixue felt inexplicably touched. “Chen Xian.”

The small black dot descended from the cabin to the deck, the noise finally subsided a little, and Chen Xian’s voice gradually became clearer.

“Why are you dressed so lightly? It’s windy outside. Don’t stand there, go inside quickly.”

Shen Jixue didn’t move, asking back, “How did you see me?”

“There’s a telescope on the ship. I can see your face turning pale.”

What kind of telescope was so powerful that it could see even the complexion clearly? Shen Jixue thought Chen Xian was exaggerating.

“Listen to me, go inside. The ship is about to leave.”

Reluctant to leave, Shen Jixue complained, “It’s not fair…”

“What? What’s not fair?” Chen Xian didn’t quite understand.

“You’ve seen me, but I haven’t seen you.” If only he had brought a telescope himself.

Chen Xian’s light laughter came through the phone. Shen Jixue was always so meticulous and petty. To him, fairness wasn’t fair unless he gained an advantage.

Helplessly, Chen Xian asked, “So what should I do? Should I jump into the water and swim over?”

“Then swim.”

“Do you really want me to swim?”

Shen Jixue was just speaking casually. He knew Chen Xian was just teasing him, but when he saw the small black dot move, his heart still raced.

“I was just kidding.” Shen Jixue’s voice sounded dull, “The ship is about to leave. If it goes further, there won’t be any signal.”

Unable to bear Shen Jixue’s lack of enthusiasm, Chen Xian said, “Ah Xue, look.”

Shen Jixue instinctively looked up, and a small red dot lit up from the direction of the shadow.

“I was planning to give it to you when I got home—a laser pointer.”

At such a distance, even the beam of a laser pointer wasn’t very clear. Shen Jixue laughed amusedly, “A toy for kids. Why did you buy this?”

“I thought it was interesting.” Chen Xian bought it with Shen Jixue in mind. Sometimes it wasn’t that he thought Shen Jixue was childish and wouldn’t grow up, but he hoped he could always be carefree.

Not only was the cargo ship about to leave, but even the colleagues who bought cigarettes were coming down from the stone steps. Shen Jixue seized the last chance.

“I miss you.”

“I know, I miss you too. I’ll be back as soon as I finish unloading.”

The voice on the phone was intermittent, and the signal gradually weakened. Before the two could be affectionate, the call disconnected due to poor signal.

Shen Jixue lit up the phone screen. There was still a message from Chen Xian. The message clearly arrived just after passing the pier, and Chen Xian had already left again.

But it was okay. They would soon see each other again. This was their reward before meeting.

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