The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 77

The next day, Shen Jixue got up early. He didn’t want to waste a single moment of meeting Chen Xian. He wanted to see him first thing. Chen Xian arrived quickly, but he had a tag-along behind him.

The moment he saw Wu Bie, Shen Jixue’s smile froze. Why did he come too?

Wu Bie, hands in his pockets, looked around the grand university entrance like a loafer. When female students passed by, his eyes almost stuck to them. Seeing this, he grinned shamelessly.

“Wow, it’s the first time I’ve seen so many lively college students.”

Chen Xian stepped forward and explained to Shen Jixue, “Wu Bie heard we were going out, and since he had nothing to do on the ship, he came along to take a look.”

Wu Bie, with a smug smile, looked at Shen Jixue and remarked, “Hey, you look like you’ve beefed up a bit.”

If Wu Bie hadn’t mentioned it, Chen Xian wouldn’t have noticed. Now looking at Shen Jixue, he did seem more muscular. He instinctively squeezed Shen Jixue’s arm, finding it firm and solid.

Touched by Chen Xian, Shen Jixue’s expression softened a bit, his eyes moist. “I’ve been working out.”

“Working out is good, so you’re not just sitting in the classroom all day. While your studies are improving, don’t let your health decline.” Chen Xian opened his bag, showing Shen Jixue the contents. “By the way, I bought these for you, local specialties and a pen.”

Just as Chen Xian finished speaking, Wu Bie impatiently interrupted, rubbing his stomach. “Don’t just stand there catching up. We came early and haven’t eaten yet. Shen Jixue, since we’re at your school, you should treat us.”

How could someone be so loud and annoying? If not for Chen Xian, Shen Jixue wouldn’t even want to talk to Wu Bie.

“I heard from Chen Xian that you make money off your classmates. Just treat us to a meal at a local restaurant, something with local flavor.”

Chen Xian comforted gently, “The cafeteria is fine.”

“I don’t eat cafeteria food. Haven’t you had enough of communal meals?” Wu Bie retorted, swaggering ahead. Seeing the two hadn’t followed, he urged, “Shen Jixue, lead the way. Are you the college student or am I?”

Chen Xian tried to please both sides, telling Shen Jixue, “Come on, I’ll cover the extra cost.”

This wasn’t about the money. Even if he had the money, he didn’t want to treat Wu Bie, but Shen Jixue didn’t want to make things difficult for Chen Xian, so he endured Wu Bie.

The three of them found a local dive, a small place with local specialties that looked and tasted good. Wu Bie stuffed himself as if afraid Shen Jixue would benefit.

Meeting Chen Xian wasn’t easy, and Shen Jixue didn’t want to waste their time together arguing with Wu Bie. He suppressed his anger and asked, “When are you leaving?”

Wu Bie chuckled, “The ship leaves tonight.”

Shen Jixue’s face turned dark. He had hoped Chen Xian’s ship would dock for a few more days so they could meet a few more times. But it was just one day, and this damned Wu Bie had to come along.

Seeing Shen Jixue’s anger, Wu Bie became even more smug. “Where to after lunch? Shen Jixue, show us around.”

Shen Jixue’s fists clenched, but he quickly calmed down, changing his previously dark expression to an unusually amiable one.

“There’s a new mall nearby. It’s quite big. Want to check it out?”

“Anywhere is fine,” Wu Bie said without fuss.

“Okay,” Shen Jixue replied as he took a bite of rice, trying to appear calm. “I’ll take my stuff back to the dorm first, and then we can leave.”

“Okay, okay, you handle it,” Wu Bie responded.

Shen Jixue then asked the restaurant owner for a bottle of soda. The weather was hot, and the soda from the fridge was still covered in droplets. As soon as he opened it with a hiss, he placed the soda in front of Chen Xian. Seeing Wu Bie looking at him, Shen Jixue pretended to be generous. “Wu Bie, do you want a soda?” he asked.

“Of course, I want one,” Wu Bie quickly replied, never missing a chance to take advantage of Shen Jixue.

Shen Jixue went all out, asking the owner to open two more bottles and putting them in front of Wu Bie. “Drink up, don’t be shy,” he said.

Wu Bie gave Shen Jixue a suspicious look. These were cold sodas fresh from the fridge, so Shen Jixue couldn’t have tampered with them. But for Shen Jixue, who was usually stingy, to offer so many bottles at once was unusual. Despite his doubts, Wu Bie followed his principle of drinking until he was drenched in sweat when it came to Shen Jixue’s treats and downed three large bottles.

They finished all the food on the table, and Wu Bie felt the urge to pee. “Wait for me, I’ll just go to the bathroom,” he said.

As soon as the bathroom door closed, Shen Jixue pulled Chen Xian up, who looked puzzled.

“Hey? Wu Bie isn’t out yet,” Chen Xian said.

“Don’t worry about him!” Shen Jixue said, pursing his lips in a deeply aggrieved expression. “How long has it been since we last saw each other?”

Chen Xian, feeling guilty, wanted to pay for the meal, but seeing Shen Jixue’s unhappy face, he followed him out.

After flushing, Wu Bie felt relieved and walked back to the table, only to find a mess. Shen Jixue and Chen Xian were nowhere to be seen, and at that moment, the owner approached with the bill.

“Hi, could you take a look at your table’s bill?” the owner asked.

Wu Bie quickly pulled out his phone, seeing a message from Chen Xian on the screen.

“Pay the bill and head back to the ship. I’ll pay you back later.”

“Damn it!” Wu Bie cursed. Shen Jixue had indeed set him up.

Back in the same inn where they had stayed when Shen Jixue first came to school, Chen Xian was again pinned down by Shen Jixue on the familiar sofa.

“Why are you unhappy?” Chen Xian asked, playfully pushing Shen Jixue’s shoulder without much effort, knowing he wouldn’t struggle.

Shen Jixue looked deeply aggrieved. “You did it on purpose. How long has it been since we last saw each other? You knew I missed you and still brought Wu Bie along.”

“I…” Chen Xian, always soft-hearted, couldn’t refuse anyone, let alone his childhood friend Wu Bie, who insisted on coming along. With a sigh, he conceded, “Okay, okay, my bad.”

Even though he admitted fault, Shen Jixue wasn’t about to let him off so easily. “I said I missed you, but you didn’t even say if you missed me. If you don’t say it, it means you don’t miss me at all. If it weren’t for the ship passing by, you wouldn’t even have come to see me.”

That wasn’t true at all. In his heart, Chen Xian wanted to visit every day if he could. However, he was clumsy with words, often failing to express what he felt.

“I didn’t… How could you think that? I came, didn’t I? Of course, I missed you too. If I could, I’d visit you every day, but it’s just not possible.”

Shen Jixue knew Chen Xian thought about him. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have brought special local products from far away. He always had him in mind, even when away.

“Why have you gained so much weight?” Chen Xian asked, struggling to breathe under Shen Jixue’s weight.

“I told you, I’ve been running. Besides running, I bought dumbbells for my dorm room,” Shen Jixue said, placing Chen Xian’s hand on his chest. “Feel it.”

The firm muscles under his hand surprised Chen Xian, making him squeeze them a bit more.

“Do you want to see them?” Shen Jixue asked, sitting up straight and looking down at Chen Xian.

Chen Xian was puzzled. “See what?”

“The result of your investment in me,” Shen Jixue said, yanking off his shirt.

His chest, white as jade, was smooth and muscular, the lines of his muscles clear and strong. Chen Xian couldn’t help but swallow at the sight.


Shen Jixue leaned down. “I used to be too skinny. Protecting those I love isn’t just about flashy muscles, but looking weak doesn’t help either. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you just as you’ve always taken care of me.”

The sight was so intense that it left Chen Xian speechless for a while. “Actually… you’re great no matter what.”

Shen Jixue couldn’t stay tough in front of Chen Xian, always wanting to cuddle, kiss and nuzzle him.

Chen Xian, accommodating as ever, let him do whatever he wanted. But Shen Jixue had not only grown stronger but also more forceful. His excited grip nearly brought tears to Chen Xian’s eyes.


Chen Xian returned to the ship by nightfall, only to be cornered by Wu Bie on the deck.

“Not asleep yet?” Chen Xian asked awkwardly, trying to be friendly. “Want to grab a late-night snack before the ship leaves?”

Wu Bie scoffed, “Eat? I learned my lesson. If I go to the bathroom again, you might disappear, leaving me to foot the bill.”

Chen Xian, hands clasped in apology, pleaded, “Don’t hold it against Ah Xue.”

“Hold it against him? I don’t need to hold it against him; it’s you I’m upset with. We’ve been friends for years, and you abandoned me for some guy!”

It wasn’t as serious as Wu Bie made it sound. Wu Bie had a better sense of direction than Chen Xian. He had no problem finding his way on land or water.

“Just this once, just this once let me off. Big-hearted people don’t hold grudges,” Chen Xian, with his sincere apologies, managed to soften Wu Bie a bit.

Wu Bie pointed at Chen Xian imperiously, “You, go buy me a pound of marinated meat and half a pound of white liquor.”

Chen Xian agreed repeatedly, “Okay, I’ll go right away.”

Wu Bie glanced at Chen Xian’s neck, noticing a series of ambiguous red marks extending from his earlobe to his collarbone, with more faintly visible under his collar. He realized they had been intimate, but a peculiar thought crossed his mind.

Every time Chen Xian met with Shen Jixue, he came back looking like this. Initially, Wu Bie thought Shen Jixue was just too passionate and clingy, but recalling today’s Shen Jixue, he wondered, was it really Chen Xian the top or Shen Jixue?

Once the seed of doubt was planted, Wu Bie turned into a detective, scrutinizing Chen Xian for clues. Besides the exaggerated kiss marks, Chen Xian’s wrist was bruised. No matter how passionate, could the bottom be that strong?

Wu Bie’s face turned pale. He looked at Chen Xian in disbelief.

Chen Xian, about to go ashore, noticed Wu Bie’s strange expression, “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong? You dare ask what’s wrong! You’re a disgrace to our shipping company!” Wu Bie shouted, running into the cabin, leaving Chen Xian puzzled on the deck.

“What… how am I a disgrace?” Chen Xian shouted after Wu Bie’s retreating figure, “Do you still want the marinated meat?”

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