The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 66

Hearing Shen Jixue’s straightforward longing again, Chen Xian didn’t feel embarrassed or want to escape; instead, he inexplicably felt heartbroken. Shen Jixue had nothing and no one to rely on. Whatever his feelings were towards him, they were real.

Seeing Chen Xian remain silent, Shen Jixue whispered softly, “This time you didn’t avoid me, and you let me kiss you. Do you have an answer for me?”

Chen Xian held the hand that held his face, his rough fingers stroked Shen Jixue’s hand back, feeling empty inside. “Let me think about it again.”

Warm breath swept across Shen Jixue’s skin. He sat up and hugged Chen Xian tightly.

“Think about it. Tell me when you’ve figured it out.”

Chen Xian hugged Shen Jixue back, gently patting his back with his large palm. Both he and Shen Jixue understood that saying “let him think about it again” meant something. Perhaps it really was as Wu Bie said, his tacit consent. In fact, he had long agreed in his heart, but he couldn’t cross the moral line.

If it weren’t for Lin Qiao and her father coming back, Shen Jixue would still be reluctant to let go. He grabbed Chen Xian’s clothes and sat back. Vaguely, he seemed to hear Lin Qiao sobbing.

Chen Xian also heard the movement and turned his head to see Lin Qiao lying on the bed, her tiny, frail body trembling slightly. She cried quietly, but everyone in the ward heard her cry.

Shen Jixue wanted to ask what was wrong. He opened his mouth, did not make a sound, but tugged at Chen Xian’s hem. Chen Xian looked at Lin Qiao’s father.

Lin Qiao’s father changed his usual approachable manner, his face somewhat pained. Seeing Chen Xian looking at him, he forced a strained smile.

Everyone in the ward was silent, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing. Shen Jixue, aware of Chen Xian’s fatigue from traveling and visiting immediately after handling his affairs, spoke softly, “You haven’t been home yet, have you? I’m fine here; you should go rest.”

Chen Xian glanced at the neighboring bed where Lin Qiao was sobbing. With the situation, he couldn’t talk to Shen Jixue, and staying would disturb the grieving girl.

“Alright, I’ll go for now and come back later.”

Shen Jixue agreed with a “Okay.” Chen Xian nodded to Lin Qiao’s father, who forced a smile and escorted him to the door.

After Chen Xian left, Lin Qiao cried herself to sleep. Shen Jixue was about to speak when Lin Qiao’s father sighed deeply.

“Lin Qiao?” Shen Jixue, no longer hearing her sobs, guessed she had fallen asleep. He asked, “Uncle Lin, what happened? Didn’t you just see the doctor?”

During his stay, it was the first time Shen Jixue heard Lin Qiao cry. Despite her heart condition, she had always been positive and optimistic.

“The test results today weren’t good. It might affect the upcoming surgery. After waiting so long, Lin Qiao couldn’t take it.”

Shen Jixue instinctively “looked” towards Lin Qiao. No one can always stay calm and face everything with a smile; it was just a front.

“Xiao Shen, you two are close and of the same age. Can you comfort her tonight?” Lin Qiao’s father sounded particularly tired, his voice hoarse.

Shen Jixue nodded. Lin Qiao had often comforted him, and now that she needed help, he wouldn’t hesitate. “I will, Uncle. Don’t worry.”

Since Lin Qiao’s parents didn’t hire a caregiver for her, her mom and dad had been taking turns looking after her in the hospital. Recently, it’s been her dad’s turn to come.

Seeing how tired he was, Shen Jixue comforted him, “Uncle Lin, why don’t you go home and rest? Lin Qiao is asleep now, and you can come back later.”

Lin Qiao’s father, evidently worried, sighed and didn’t say much. Shen Jixue added, “Everyone has their limits. It won’t be good if you fall ill too.”

After persuading Lin Qiao’s father to leave, Shen Jixue sat quietly on the bed. Chen Xian called once, saying he would come to the hospital later and asked the caregiver to help deliver the last meal.

“No need,” Shen Jixue refused. He wanted to wait for Chen Xian. “I’m not very hungry. I can wait for you; there’s no rush.”

“I’m not saying I won’t come. Just eat first.”

Shen Jixue still refused, “If I don’t eat, you’ll keep worrying about me. If the caregiver brings food, and it’s too late, you’ll think I’ve already eaten and won’t come.”

Chen Xian laughed at Shen Jixue’s reasoning, unable to argue, “Alright, I’ll come earlier then.”

As the weather turned colder, it got dark quickly. When Lin Qiao woke up, the sky was already dim. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room, which was unlit. She saw Shen Jixue sitting on the bed.

“Shen Jixue?”

“You’re awake?” Shen Jixue didn’t know the exact time and, fearing Lin Qiao might worry about her father, explained, “Your dad left since you were sleeping.”

After sleeping, Lin Qiao felt much better. Hearing her dad had left, she felt a bit relieved. She had lost control of her emotions earlier and shouldn’t have cried in front of her dad. Her parents faced as much pressure as she did.

“Are you okay?”

Feeling wronged, Lin Qiao bluntly replied, “Do I look okay?”

“Not like yourself.”

Once again, Lin Qiao didn’t want to talk, too exhausted even to argue, she said, “Not like myself? This is how I usually am.”

In truth, she had long been worn down by the illness, losing the will to live. She felt like giving up, “My condition only has a 50% success rate with surgery. I’ve secretly lost the will to live, but I am my parents’ hope. I don’t want to disappoint them.”

Shen Jixue, putting on his shoes, walked slowly to Lin Qiao’s bed and sat down, “You obviously care about your parents. How could you not want to live? As long as there are people you care about, you won’t truly want to die.”

“How do you know?”

Shen Jixue replied, “I might not know many things, but I’m sure about this.”

Lin Qiao looked Shen Jixue up and down, “You don’t want to die because you have someone you care about too?”

From her perspective, Shen Jixue had no parents, no relatives, no friends. What was keeping him alive?

Shen Jixue instinctively touched the stone in his pocket, “Yes.”

“What’s in your pocket?” Adjusting to the darkness, Lin Qiao saw Shen Jixue’s small movement, “Let me see.”

Shen Jixue took out the stone and placed it in Lin Qiao’s hand. She examined it closely, “A stone? Who gave it to you? Chen Xian?”

“Have you seen enough? Give it back to me.” Shen Jixue didn’t answer her question, reaching out to take it back.

But he was no match for someone with full vision. Lin Qiao deliberately dodged, refusing to give it back until she got an answer.

You haven’t answered me. Was it him?”

Seeing Lin Qiao regain her usual vigor, he pretended to be stern, “Lin Qiao! Give it back.”

“No.” Lin Qiao raised her arm, holding the stone above her head, “I won’t give it to you unless you tell me.”

Their playful voices echoed through the room into the hallway. Chen Xian, about to enter, stopped.

In his memory, Shen Jixue rarely laughed like this, without reservation or burden. He finally seemed his age.

Chen Xian didn’t know why, but he hesitated, not wanting to disturb this rare moment of peace and happiness.

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