The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 62

“You should understand what Zhang ge meant today. We need to find the source of the goods ourselves. It’s best if we go together. After all, it’s our money in the business. We can’t rely on Zhang ge for everything. If we show we don’t care, others won’t take us seriously. When decisions are made, we won’t have a say.”

Chen Xian understood Wu Bie’s point. After all, it was a partnership business, and everyone had to be responsible for their own areas, otherwise, it would be easy to be kicked out.

“Once I get in touch with the coal merchants in Province H, we’ll make a trip.” Wu Bie could see through Chen Xian’s thoughts, “Don’t always think about Shen Jixue being hospitalized and that you can’t leave. He’s already in the hospital. You should also think about yourself. We’ve invested real money and can’t afford to lose it.”

It was Wu Bie who pulled him into the partnership. Even if Chen Xian wasn’t worried about his own money, he would be worried about Wu Bie’s money and wouldn’t drag him down at this time.

“Let me know when you finalize the time. I’ll talk to Xiao Shen and he can call me from the hospital if anything comes up.”

They had a drink at Chen Xian’s place. Wu Bie was satisfied and returned home with a red face.

The house was empty with only Chen Xian. He seemed to have gotten used to Shen Jixue’s presence, and now facing this two-bedroom apartment alone felt inexplicably lonely.

Although he had readily agreed to Wu Bie, he was still worried about Shen Jixue. He didn’t know if he would have enough time to make it to his surgery.

If he couldn’t make it…

Chen Xian jumped off the sofa and rushed into the master bedroom, rummaging through boxes and cabinets. He was sweating profusely and finally found an old phone in the deepest part of a drawer.

The phone hadn’t been used for a long time. The gray screen had specks of dust. He pressed the power button a few times with no response. He found the charger and plugged it in. A few minutes later, he pressed the power button again, and the screen lit up with a green glow.

With the startup music, Chen Xian realized the phone was a bit small. He wondered if Shen Jixue would get used to it. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine how Shen Jixue would use the phone.

The screen was small, but the buttons were responsive and spaced apart. Even with his eyes closed, Chen Xian could dial the numbers smoothly.

“This will do.”

The next day, he brought the phone, a thermos, and bought a phone card from a small shop before heading straight to the hospital.

“Why so early?” Shen Jixue didn’t know the exact time, so he could only feel the passing of a day by feeling.

Chen Xian accompanied him to finish the meal, took out the phone from his pocket, and handed it to him, “You try it, see if you can call me.”

The touch was unfamiliar. Shen Jixue felt it for a while until he found the buttons and realized it was a phone.

“A phone? For me?”

“Yes, try it and see if you can use it.”

Shen Jixue frowned and pursed his lips. The initial excitement in his voice turned into sadness.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Xian sat beside him.

“Is it expensive? Don’t spend money.” Whether it was his own money or Chen Xian’s, Shen Jixue would feel distressed. He already owed Chen Xian too much.

Chen Xian quickly explained, “No money spent. This phone was lying unused at home. It was a waste just sitting there. I had forgotten about it earlier, but now it’s perfect for you.”

Shen Jixue relaxed. Having a phone was good, at least he wouldn’t have to beg others to contact Chen Xian. But his joy was short-lived. He realized why Chen Xian gave him the phone now.

“Xiao Shen, I might not be able to make it to your surgery.”

Shen Jixue’s ears perked up, and he clung to Chen Xian’s arm, afraid he would leave.

Chen Xian gently patted his hand to comfort him, “Don’t worry. Everything is on track. I need to go to Province H with Wu Bie to discuss the supply issue. The timing isn’t great, but I might still make it back before your surgery.”

Upon hearing Chen Xian’s explanation, Shen Jixue finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had been overly sensitive; there was nothing for him to lose except Chen Xian. Even though Chen Xian didn’t belong to him, he greedily wanted to claim him as his own.

“I was thinking, if I’m away, in case you need to contact me, it would be more convenient if you have a phone.”

Shen Jixue pressed the keys forcefully, making them click. He whispered, “Do I have to wait until something happens to contact you?”

“You can contact me even if nothing’s wrong,” Chen Xian chuckled. “As long as time permits, I’ll call you every night.”

Thinking about the cost of roaming and long-distance calls, Shen Jixue gritted his teeth and shook his head. Just Chen Xian saying those words was enough for him; as long as Chen Xian didn’t stray too far from his heart.

“If I call, you must answer,” Chen Xian didn’t give Shen Jixue a chance to refuse. He took his hand. “Let me show you, it’s very simple. You’re so smart, you’ll learn it right away.”

With that, his large, gentle hand covered Shen Jixue’s hand. Shen Jixue’s hand was held in Chen Xian’s palm, and Chen Xian’s gentle voice was in his ear.

“Feel this,” he guided Shen Jixue’s finger to the keys. “You remember my number, right? It’s arranged just like the home phone, with the addition of dial and hang-up keys.”

Shen Jixue had long memorized Chen Xian’s number. Under Chen Xian’s guidance, he adeptly pressed those keys.

Like coaxing a child, Chen Xian praised him generously, “Yes, that’s it. The number is correct. After dialing the number, press here.”

Warm breath brushed against Shen Jixue’s cheek. Making a phone call wasn’t that difficult for him, but hearing Chen Xian so happy warmed his heart, and he couldn’t help but smile along.

“Press the left side to connect, the right side to hang up.”

Shen Jixue followed Chen Xian’s instructions. Shortly after pressing the dial button, Chen Xian’s phone in his pocket rang. Afraid Chen Xian would answer just to please him, Shen Jixue quickly said, “Don’t answer it.”

Chen Xian let Shen Jixue hang up and tried a few more times. Each time, Shen Jixue could accurately dial his number. “Is it very simple?”


“This is the charger. If it runs out of battery, remember to charge it, according to how often you use it, every two days should be enough.”

Shen Jixue took the charger like a treasure, placing it under his pillow. Chen Xian took it out again for him. “I’ll plug it into the socket for you, so you can reach it easily.”


Several days later, Shen Jixue’s medical report came out. Chen Xian anxiously listened as the doctor explained Shen Jixue’s condition. Not being a professional himself, despite the doctor’s detailed explanation, it was all a blur to him.

He straightforwardly asked the doctor, “Can it still be treated?”

“Yes,” the doctor, aware that Chen Xian and Shen Jixue weren’t relatives, replied. “The surgery will cost quite a bit, and there’s no guarantee of a hundred percent success. You both need to be mentally prepared.”

The doctor mentioned an estimated price. Shen Jixue slumped at the news—it was several thousand more than his father’s compensation, an astronomical sum for him.

Suddenly, he heard Chen Xian’s voice, “If it can be treated, that’s all that matters.”

“Chen Xian?” Shen Jixue wanted to stop him, but Chen Xian held his hand.

The doctor continued, “Once you’ve decided, we’ll arrange the surgery.”

The timing wasn’t ideal—Chen Xian had to accompany Wu Bie to H Province the next day, and Shen Jixue’s surgery was scheduled a few days later.

“It’s okay, go about your business. There will be doctors and nurses during the surgery, just like usual.” Shen Jixue tried to reassure him. He feared his words lacked conviction and half-jokingly added, “Maybe by the time you return, I’ll be able to see.”

“Aren’t you afraid?”

After all, undergoing surgery was daunting, and having someone by his side was the best.

What was there to fear? If he had to say, the time he feared the most was when he lived alone after his father left. Those dark days were unforgettable for him. Now, he had long adapted to blindness; moreover, the surgery offered hope. Even if he was afraid, it couldn’t overshadow his longing for sight.

“While you’re still here and before my surgery, will you walk with me?”

At this hour, there weren’t many people in the small garden behind the hospital. The two sat on a bench. Shen Jixue took a deep breath; the air was humid with a cool, faint floral scent.

Every time Chen Xian visited, he saw Shen Jixue sitting alone on the bed, lost in thought. The ward was filled with elderly men who enjoyed watching opera programs on TV. Shen Jixue wasn’t very interested in TV, feeling lonely, isolated, and pitiable.

This was the Shen Jixue who wouldn’t have someone with him during his surgery time, causing Chen Xian to feel guilty.

“Xiao Shen, is there anything you want as a gift?”

Shen Jixue turned around, shifting slightly towards Chen Xian. He didn’t like being treated like a child by Chen Xian, but he enjoyed the feeling of being indulged. He knew Chen Xian treated everyone this way; he might not be the most special, but that didn’t diminish his appreciation for Chen Xian’s efforts. Because to him, Chen Xian was the most special person.

“Anything?” he rested his hands on the chair. He loved being close to Chen Xian. There was a magical charm about him—gentle yet powerful.

Chen Xian was stunned when asked this, and his gaze swept across Shen Jixue’s cheeks. He felt that if he agreed, Shen Jixue wouldn’t be up to any good. Shen Jixue didn’t look him in the eye, but he thought Shen Jixue’s eyes were shining and he couldn’t take his eyes off him.

“Anything?” Shen Jixue asked, tugging at Chen Xian’s sleeve.

His wrist was gently caught by the cuff, not painful but clear. Chen Xian absentmindedly replied, “Mm.”

A smile quickly spread across Shen Jixue’s face. He slowly spoke, “Can I have it now?”


“Let me kiss you.”

Chen Xian was both surprised and not surprised by this response. It wasn’t surprising because, based on his understanding of Shen Jixue, Shen Jixue’s desires were always about such simple things. When it came to liking him, Chen Xian thought that Shen Jixue wouldn’t ask for a kiss from him but would ask to be kissed by him.

Refusing would make him look overly hesitant and pretentious, but not refusing would seem like tacit consent. No matter how he answered, it felt like he was playing hard to get.

Suddenly, Shen Jixue grabbed his arm. Chen Xian stiffened, and as Shen Jixue’s hands moved up his arm, even through the fabric, it sent goosebumps across his skin.


He was about to speak when Shen Jixue’s hands moved to his neck, gently rubbing his Adam’s apple. Chen Xian had to bite his lip hard to suppress the urge to cough.

Shen Jixue’s blindness made his other senses particularly sensitive, including touch and hearing. He could feel the intense vibration of Chen Xian’s Adam’s apple under his palm and hear the increasing heaviness of Chen Xian’s breathing.

Gradually, he felt the veins on Chen Xian’s neck. If he wasn’t worried about suffocating Chen Xian, he wouldn’t have let him go so easily.

Showing some mercy, he finally moved his hands from Chen Xian’s Adam’s apple and cupped his cheeks.

Chen Xian, who had been frozen, finally reacted a bit. He instinctively shrank back, but Shen Jixue held his head tightly, speaking with a bit of grievance.

“Chen Xian, don’t move. I can’t find you.”

Chen Xian said nothing and stopped struggling, watching as Shen Jixue’s fingers touched his lips, feeling the tips of his fingers on the edge of his lips.

The feeling was subtle and made his heart flutter. Chen Xian completely lost his ability to think, breathing through his slightly parted lips, which then enclosed Shen Jixue’s fingertip.

The surrounding air grew hot. Shen Jixue stopped moving, and both of them were frozen, perhaps realizing that Chen Xian truly wouldn’t refuse. Gathering his courage, Shen Jixue leaned forward and gently kissed him.

Shen Jixue wasn’t that thick-skinned; he just felt bolder because he couldn’t see. After kissing Chen Xian, his heart was pounding wildly, and all he could hear was the wind rushing in his ears.

Afraid that Chen Xian would see the blush on his face, he rested his head on Chen Xian’s shoulder. He wanted to talk to him but feared Chen Xian would hear his shaky voice.

“Be careful on the road. If you’re safe, I’ll feel at ease for the surgery.”

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