The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 61

Going to the hospital was physically demanding. Before dawn, Chen Xian packed large bags and set out with Shen Jixue.

“Change of clothes, daily necessities, and your documents, all packed.” Chen Xian double-checked everything before locking the door. “Anything else, we’ll buy later.”

As soon as he finished speaking, before Shen Jixue could respond, the iron gate next door opened. Aunt Wang, carrying a basket, seemed to be going grocery shopping early. She was surprised to see Chen Xian and Shen Jixue.

“Oh, why so early? And with so much stuff? Where are you going?”

Chen Xian was about to answer, but Shen Jixue grabbed his hand and spoke first, “I’m going back.”

“Going back? Why? Why not stay?”

Shen Jixue held Chen Xian’s wrist, “It’s too much trouble for Chen Xian, and he’s busy. Aunt Wang, we’ll be going now.”

“Alright, take care.”

As they turned down the stairs, Chen Xian looked back to see that Aunt Wang hadn’t followed. He whispered, “Why lie?”

Going for eye treatment wasn’t something to be ashamed of. Once Shen Jixue was cured, he’d have to come back. It would be awkward to face Aunt Wang then.

Shen Jixue, though blind, was sharp-minded and knew exactly what Chen Xian was thinking. “I only said I’m going back, not that I wouldn’t return. It’s not a lie. If my uncle comes looking for me, he might not fully believe you. But if he hears it from Aunt Wang, he’ll believe it.”

Even though Chen Xian was a strong, able-bodied man, Shen Jixue couldn’t help but plan ahead to avoid causing trouble for him.

“If my uncle asks you, insist that I went back. Tell him you only took me to the station. Also, question him about the agreed meeting at the station, why he’s here, and where I went. If he still doesn’t believe Aunt Wang, ask him for money, say I left without paying back. He’s my uncle, ask him to pay.”

Shen Jixue didn’t believe that Shen Jun would cause trouble once money was involved.

Chen Xian was taken aback by Shen Jixue’s elaborate scheme. Imagining Shen Jun’s frustrated reaction made him chuckle. Shen Jixue’s trick might not be powerful but certainly annoying. Shen Jun would likely have a rough journey over the next couple of days.

“Did you hear me?” Shen Jixue shook Chen Xian’s arm.

Snapping back to reality, Chen Xian, who didn’t like lying, reluctantly agreed to cooperate. “I heard, I heard.”

Hospitals are always crowded, no matter how early you arrive. Chen Xian pulled some strings to get Shen Jixue a bed. His previous medical records were long gone, and even if they existed, they’d only serve as references. All tests had to be redone.

Chen Xian spent the entire morning running around, paying fees and submitting reports. Even a relatively agile young man like him felt overwhelmed. It was hard to imagine how difficult it must have been for Shen Liang to seek medical help for Shen Jixue.

By the end of the morning, Chen Xian was sweating profusely, despite summer being over. He bought lunch at the entrance and ate while explaining things to Shen Jixue.

“Some test results will take a few days. We’re not in a rush; let’s follow the hospital’s schedule.”

Chen Xian sat by his bed. Although Shen Jixue couldn’t see, he could feel Chen Xian’s elevated body temperature, knowing he was busy for his sake.


Chen Xian paused his eating, “Are you nervous? Don’t be. We’re already in the hospital; there’s nothing to be nervous about.”

Shen Jixue was a bit nervous but couldn’t pinpoint why. Maybe he feared his eyes worsening, the treatment being ineffective, or disappointing both himself and Chen Xian.

“After lunch, if you have things to do, go ahead. The hospital has doctors and nurses.”

Chen Xian indeed had things to do. He had received a call from Wu Bie while paying fees. “Yeah, Wu Bie called me. I need to check on something.”

There was also a call from an unknown number, likely Shen Jun.

“And there was a call, probably from your uncle, but I was busy paying fees and didn’t answer.”

Shen Jixue didn’t care, “If you didn’t answer, forget it. Don’t bother with him.”

After eating, Chen Xian tidied up, placing daily necessities within Shen Jixue’s reach.

“Toilet paper is here, the water cup is here. I filled it; it’s hot now, so let it cool before drinking.”

He guided Shen Jixue’s feet to touch the slippers on the floor, “Slippers are here, and your white cane is by the cabinet. You can reach it from the bed.”

Although they were in the hospital, the doctors and nurses were busy and couldn’t constantly keep an eye on Shen Jixue. In an unfamiliar environment, Chen Xian felt a bit uneasy.

Shen Jixue had already experienced death once; his adaptability far exceeded Chen Xian’s expectations. Moreover, knowing that Chen Xian was busy making money, he didn’t want to tie him down.

“About that money…” Chen Xian started but hesitated. He had the bankbook with the compensation money, and with Shen Jixue now hospitalized, it seemed inappropriate not to return it to him. However, with so many people in the hospital, theft was still a concern, and deciding who should keep the bankbook was a tricky issue.

Shen Jixue was unconcerned, “Keep it with you. There are too many people here; it’s not safe to keep it with me.”

To him, wherever Chen Xian was felt the safest. Everyone else might deceive him, but Chen Xian wouldn’t.

“Alright, I’m leaving now. I’ll come back later to see you.”

Leaving the hospital, Chen Xian headed straight to his meeting with Wu Bie. The ship business was complicated, and their discussion took the entire afternoon, but the business was soon to be on track.

“Want to eat before heading back?” Wu Bie asked, noting it wasn’t early anymore, suggesting they eat out before returning.

Chen Xian shook his head, prompting Wu Bie to frown. “Isn’t Shen Jixue in the hospital? What else do you have to do?”

“Exactly because he’s in the hospital. He’s alone there; no one is bringing him food.”

Wu Bie clenched his fists, wondering what hold Shen Jixue had over Chen Xian. Even while not present, Shen Jixue occupied his thoughts.

“How about I take him his food, and we can eat out afterward? Cooking at home would be too late. Let’s buy something nearby, and we can leave after he eats.”

Reluctantly, Wu Bie agreed, only because he was keen on having a drink.

When they reached the hospital, it was dinner time. Many were coming downstairs to eat, and they moved against the flow to Shen Jixue’s floor.

The door to the ward was wide open, with the sound of a TV faintly audible. Chen Xian and Wu Bie entered, finding Shen Jixue sitting alone on the bed, seemingly lost in thought or listening to the TV. With no other patients in the room, it looked rather lonely.

Hearing footsteps, Shen Jixue turned toward the door. Unsure who it was, his face lit up with a smile only after Chen Xian called his name.

“Xiao Shen.” Chen Xian walked in, familiarly took a spoon from the cabinet, unpacked the lunchbox, and handed it to Shen Jixue. “You must be hungry. I got held up with some matters and came late. Eat first.”

Having spent the entire afternoon sitting on the bed and not doing anything strenuous, Shen Jixue didn’t feel hungry.

“How did the discussion go?”

“Quite well.” Chen Xian straightened Shen Jixue’s blanket, checked the water level in his cup, and refilled it. “It will be operational soon.”

Shen Jixue was happy. He sensed there was someone else in the room but didn’t ask directly. “Are you alone?”

“Wu Bie is with me.” Seeing Wu Bie still lingering at the door like a shy maiden, Chen Xian clicked his tongue. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Despite staying silent, Shen Jixue had still noticed him.

With his hands in his pockets, Wu Bie circled the ward and finally sat on the lounge chair at the foot of the bed. “Did the test results come back? Did they mention the treatment plan?”

“It will take a few more days,” Chen Xian replied.

Since Wu Bie and Shen Jixue didn’t get along, Wu Bie just made small talk.

Despite his annoyance, he knew it was good if Shen Jixue’s eyes could be treated. He was still young, and being blind for life would be too pitiful.

Feeling a rare bit of sympathy for Shen Jixue and somewhat reevaluating him, Wu Bie watched as Chen Xian fussed over Shen Jixue after he ate, helping him wash up, wipe his face, and change clothes.

Wu Bie rolled his eyes, thinking it was urgent to cure Shen Jixue’s eyes; otherwise, he’d keep using his disability to gain Chen Xian’s sympathy, and Chen Xian would continue to serve him devotedly.

Finally leaving the hospital, Wu Bie couldn’t hold back any longer.

“I don’t get it. Are you Shen Jixue’s mother? You’re just short of wiping his ass. What did he give you?”

Chen Xian frowned at the harsh words. “What are you talking about? What do you expect him to do? We’re already treating his eyes.”

“It’d be best if he gets cured,” Wu Bie grumbled.

Chen Xian sighed and pulled out the bankbook. “Sigh, his father is gone, and all he left was this money.”

“He gave you his money?” Wu Bie scratched his head. With no one else to rely on, Shen Jixue had placed all his trust, his life, and his fortune in Chen Xian’s hands.

On their way back, Wu Bie refrained from saying anything more about Shen Jixue and switched the topic to the ship business. After walking for about ten minutes, they finally reached the dormitory. As they turned the corner, Chen Xian noticed a dark figure squatting at his door. Before he could activate the voice-controlled light, the figure sprang up.

“Chen Xian!” Shen Jun’s furious voice echoed, triggering the light. “Where’s Shen Jixue? Are you two playing me for a fool?”

In the dim light, Chen Xian frowned. How could he have forgotten about Shen Jun? It seemed he had been waiting all day.

“He left.”

Shen Jun didn’t believe him, shouting angrily, “Bullshit!”

Aunt Wang, hearing the commotion, opened her door and spoke through the iron gate to Chen Xian. “I told him Shen Jixue went back, but he wouldn’t believe it and waited here all day. Now that you’re back, you can tell him yourself.”

Seeing Shen Jun’s heaving chest from his anger, Chen Xian replied unhurriedly, “Why would I lie to you? I sent him to the station this morning. Didn’t he arrange to meet you there? Where is he?”

Shen Jun widened his eyes, speechless for a long while. Was Chen Xian really asking him where Shen Jixue was? He scrutinized Chen Xian’s expression and glanced back at Aunt Wang behind the iron gate. They all seemed sincere, not like they were deceiving him.

However, he couldn’t help but feel something was wrong. Ever since he came to pick Shen Jixue, it seemed like he was being led around like a dog, going wherever Shen Jixue said, but never actually seeing him.

“He clearly said he was going to treat his eyes here. Where did he go?”

Chen Xian shrugged innocently, “He said you told him to go back to treat his eyes. I couldn’t keep him here, so I sent him to the station.”

Shen Jun’s eyelids raised and lowered several times. Chen Xian’s expression remained sincere and honest.

“By the way, he still owes me money. You’re his uncle. You should help him repay it to relieve his pressure.”

“What…” Shen Jun looked at Chen Xian in horror, his initial aggressive demeanor gone. Why should he pay? He wasn’t the one who borrowed the money in the first place.

Chen Xian asked with concern, “What’s wrong? You’re his uncle. Since he’s gone back with you, you should repay this small loan for him.”

“I don’t know.” Shen Jun wiped the sweat from his palms on his pants, forced a smile, and ran downstairs.

“Hey! Why are you running?” Chen Xian shouted after him.

Once Shen Jun’s figure completely disappeared from the courtyard, Aunt Wang, seeing no more drama, closed her door and went back to sleep. Wu Bie patted Chen Xian on the shoulder.

“Alright, stop acting. He’s out of sight.” he looked Chen Xian up and down. “You’re quite good at lying now?”

Chen Xian’s mouth curved into a smile, “Xiao Shen said his uncle is greedy. As soon as you mention money, he runs faster than anyone. You don’t know, he specifically came here for the compensation money. Xiao Shen made him run around a lot but never met him.”

Xiao Shen, Xiao Shen, Wu Bie’s ears had grown calluses from hearing this name.

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