The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 58

Chen Xian stood with his arms crossed, staring at the tightly closed door. He still felt it was unreasonable for Shen Jixue to go back with Shen Jun. Having had a previous bad experience, Shen Jun wasn’t a reliable person. Before, he was busy with his own sailing outside, which was inconvenient in many ways. Now that he had more time, taking care of Shen Jixue was no problem at all. Regardless of Shen Jixue’s future plans, at least for now, he couldn’t let him go with Shen Jun.

Should he talk to Shen Jixue again? Even if he didn’t want to stay here, he should find a stable place. Actually… he could pretend not to know anything and let Shen Jixue stay if he wanted to. Rent and such were of no concern to him; he didn’t need Shen Jixue’s rent money anyway. As long as Shen Jixue didn’t feel awkward, he didn’t mind.

While Chen Xian was pondering alone, the door suddenly opened from the outside, and light from the crack illuminated the living room. Shen Jun held the door handle and turned back to repeatedly remind Shen Jixue, “That’s settled then.”

Chen Xian stood up abruptly. Frowning, he scrutinized Shen Jun unfriendly. It was clear that Shen Jun was in a good mood, even showing a pleasing smile to him shamelessly.

“Well then, I’ll leave first. I’ll come to pick up Jixue tomorrow morning.”

Chen Xian didn’t bother being polite with him. He walked with him to the door and slammed it shut forcefully once Shen Jun stepped out.

Just from the sound of the door closing, one could sense Chen Xian’s great anger. Shen Jixue found it amusing. Clearly, his affection caused Chen Xian such distress. If he wanted to leave, Chen Xian should be relieved. That’s just how Chen Xian was—always rejecting yet worrying about him. Kind-hearted yet somewhat annoying.

“Chen Xian,” he called out to him.

Chen Xian didn’t want to argue with the kid, waiting for Shen Jixue to continue.

“Get some rest early, we have to get up early tomorrow.”

Chen Xian’s mouth fell open. He thought Shen Jixue would at least explain why Shen Jun came, or what they had discussed. Although he had no habit of prying into others’ privacy, it was Shen Jixue’s freedom to say or not. But… but… he thought their relationship was closer than Shen Jixue and his cheap uncle. There should be mutual trust. How could Shen Jixue say nothing?

Rarely did Chen Xian get this angry. His usually good temper was now fuming. Since Shen Jixue wouldn’t say, he wouldn’t ask anymore, not wanting to seem meddlesome and out of line.

After Shen Jixue turned back to his room, Chen Xian quickly washed up and went to rest in the adjacent bedroom.

Lying in bed, he couldn’t understand. Was it because Shen Jixue liked him, and he didn’t respond, that Shen Jixue wanted to leave? Even if he wanted to leave, Shen Jixue shouldn’t gamble with his future.

He couldn’t let Shen Jixue leave with his uncle just like that…

Before he could think of a reason to keep Shen Jixue, he was half-asleep when a knocking sound woke him up.

Opening his eyes, he saw that it was already light outside. Checking the time on his phone, it was already eight in the morning.

“Chen Xian.”

Shen Jixue’s voice came from outside the door. Chen Xian was still a bit disoriented, but then remembered that Shen Jixue was supposed to go back with his uncle that day.

He jumped out of bed, opened the door, and rushed out, “Xiao Shen?”

Shen Jixue was already dressed, and as the door opened, he instinctively took a step back, “Do you want to come with me?”

Chen Xian thought he meant to see him off, “Xiao Shen, what did your uncle tell you yesterday? You must carefully consider going back with him.”

Chen Xian’s soft-heartedness was both his greatest strength and flaw. The softer his heart, the more tactful he became. He could have outright asked Shen Jixue to stay, but he always found many reasons not to.

“You should wash up first.” Shen Jixue didn’t answer his question, sitting down by the sofa, waiting for him to get ready.

After washing and changing clothes, Chen Xian still didn’t see Shen Jun. If he was coming to pick up Shen Jixue, he should have come earlier. At this hour, there was no sign of him, showing how irresponsible he was.

“What time did you arrange with your uncle? It’s already this late, and he hasn’t arrived?”

Shen Jixue had arranged to meet Shen Jun at ten. As they were about to leave, Shen Jun still hadn’t shown up.

“I don’t know, maybe he got held up on the way.”

The words to persuade Shen Jixue were on the tip of Chen Xian’s tongue, but he didn’t know how to start. After a long pause, he asked, “Have you packed everything?”

Shen Jixue, estimating the time, didn’t answer Chen Xian’s question, “Let’s go.”

Not taking anything? Shen Jixue indeed didn’t have much. He hadn’t even brought his own clothes, which were bought for him.

“Going to find your uncle?”

“Do you know which hotel he’s staying at?”

“Xiao Shen, I think you should…”

From the moment they left the house, Chen Xian kept nagging, saying a lot but not getting to the point.

When they reached the bus stop, Shen Jixue still didn’t respond directly.

A tricycle stopped in front of them, and the driver stuck his head out to ask if they were getting on. Shen Jixue, holding Chen Xian’s hand, indicated they were.

After getting on, Shen Jixue gave the driver the address, “To the first police station.”

Chen Xian was taken aback, thinking they were going to find Shen Jun, “Why are we going to the police station?”

Stubborn as always, Shen Jixue didn’t answer, remaining silent until they arrived at the police station. Chen Xian paid the fare, and they got out of the vehicle.

“The driver who hit my dad has been found.”

“They… they found him?” Chen Xian, who had visited Shen Jixue’s hometown recently, hadn’t had time to inquire at the police station. He was both surprised and delighted. Was Shen Jun’s visit related to this matter?

Shen Jixue held his hand as they walked into the police station. “The police contacted my uncle, and he came to find me.”

Would Shen Jun really be so kind-hearted?

“There will be compensation,” Shen Jixue added, his tone flat and devoid of any emotion.

If there was compensation, Shen Jixue certainly wouldn’t go back with Shen Jun. It was obvious that Shen Jun was after the compensation money.

Shen Jixue wasn’t that naive. Moreover, since he had decided to go back with his uncle, why did he come to the police station himself? So where was Shen Jun now? What was Shen Jixue thinking?

Before long, the two of them met the driver responsible for the accident. Just from hearing his voice, Shen Jixue could tell he was a middle-aged man in his forties.

The man was sobbing, telling Shen Jixue how difficult his life was with elderly parents and young children, and how tormented and guilty he had felt since fleeing the scene.

“Chen Xian.” Shen Jixue, who had been silent, pressed down on Chen Xian’s hand and asked softly, “What does he look like?”

Shen Jixue’s voice was so soft that only Chen Xian could hear. Chen Xian glanced at the man, “Tall and thin, he looks very haggard.”

Shen Jixue lowered his eyes, making it impossible to see his emotions.

“It was getting late that day, and he suddenly ran out. I was in a hurry to get home and didn’t react in time, which caused the accident. When I got out of the car to check, there was blood everywhere. I panicked and my mind went blank. All I could think about was leaving quickly…”

After everything was settled and the compensation money was received, Shen Jixue remained silent. He stood by the roadside, filled with passing cars, feeling a bit lost until Chen Xian called out to him, snapping him out of his daze.

“Xiao Shen, watch out for the cars.” he grabbed Shen Jixue’s wrist to prevent him from wandering off. Just as he was about to ask Shen Jixue about his plans, his phone rang.

The caller ID showed an unknown number. When he answered, he heard Shen Jun’s voice, “Hello? Chen Xian, why aren’t you at home? Where is Jixue?”

The phone’s volume was high, so Shen Jixue heard Shen Jun’s voice. He took the phone from Chen Xian, “Uncle, we’re at the police station. You should come over.”

“You two? Didn’t we agree not to let Chen Xian know?” Shen Jun seemed a bit displeased, but he held back his temper for the sake of the money.

Shen Jixue didn’t offer much explanation, “We just got here too.”

Although the money wasn’t in his pocket yet, Shen Jun already considered his brother’s compensation as his own. He was afraid someone else might take it and promised to come over immediately.

After hanging up, Shen Jixue acted as if he had forgotten about the call with Shen Jun and casually said, “Let’s find a bank to deposit the money before we go back.”

“Go back?”

Shen Jixue didn’t seem to notice Chen Xian’s surprise. “It’s not convenient to keep cash at home.”

True, if Shen Jun saw the money, it would surely cause trouble. So, they went to a bank, deposited the money, and just as they arrived home, Shen Jun called again.

This time, he was panting heavily, “Hello? Why did the police say you left? Did you get the money?”

“Uncle, I’m at the hospital. Didn’t you say to come here as soon as we got the money to treat my eyes?”

Shen Jun was taken aback. He didn’t expect Shen Jixue to act so quickly. He was just trying to placate him and hadn’t actually planned to take him for treatment.

Having run around and now sweating profusely, Shen Jun’s temper flared, but he tried to remain patient with Shen Jixue, “Can’t we treat you back home? It’s not convenient for you to be hospitalized here.”

“But we came here originally because the eye department at this hospital is good.”

Shen Jun couldn’t find a reason to argue, “Which hospital are you at?”

No matter what, he needed to see Shen Jixue first and then figure out how to get the money.

While he wasn’t familiar with many things, he knew a bit about hospitals. Shen Jixue chose the one farthest from the police station and gave Shen Jun the address.

“Uncle, Chen Xian completed my admission paperwork and then left. Are you coming over?”

“You can’t be alone. I’m coming right now.” Shen Jun agreed repeatedly. It was even better if Chen Xian wasn’t around. “You better stay put this time and don’t run off again.”

Chen Xian, listening on the side, was baffled. After Shen Jixue hung up, he couldn’t help but speak up, “This hospital is halfway up the mountain. It’ll take one or two hours to walk there after getting off the bus.”

“I know. My dad and I walked it.”

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