The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 57

“What do you want?” Chen Xian raised his voice, unaccustomed to shouting, so his tone barely changed despite his anger.

Shen Jun hesitated, clearly unwilling to say directly, “What do you mean? Shen Jixue is my nephew. Isn’t it natural for me to take him home? He’s blind; of course, I need to take care of him.”

Had it not been for the previous incident where Shen Jixue was taken back by Shen Jun, Chen Xian might have believed his lies. Since Shen Jun wasn’t being honest, Chen Xian didn’t want to waste time with him. Just as he was about to hang up, Shen Jixue suddenly spoke.


Chen Xian looked at Shen Jixue in surprise, not understanding why he was speaking now. The originally anxious Shen Jixue now looked calm. He tilted his head, as if intending to have a serious conversation with Shen Jun.

“Hey! Hey!” Shen Jun was very excited to hear Shen Jixue’s voice, as if they had a very close relationship, “You heard what I said, right? I’ll come to pick you up the day after tomorrow. After you come back, don’t go out to work anymore. Stay home and let your aunt take care of you.”

“Xiao Shen.” Chen Xian’s voice was soft. He placed his hand on Shen Jixue’s, as if giving him strength, reassuring him that he didn’t need to listen to Shen Jun and could stay with him.

The warmth on his hand made Shen Jixue’s heart warm. He knew Chen Xian was looking at him. Even though he couldn’t see, he could feel the intensity.

Alone and vulnerable, Shen Jixue knew Shen Jun’s sudden interest in him meant he had something to gain. But he couldn’t figure out what it was. Shen Jun’s evasiveness only heightened his unease. Blindness had made Shen Jixue wary of insincere people. He needed to understand Shen Jun’s true intentions to have peace of mind.

Since Shen Jun was eager to come, Shen Jixue decided to play along.


As soon as he spoke, he felt the grip on his hand tighten significantly. Shen Jun, on the other end of the line, was overjoyed.

“Great! I’ll catch the early bus tomorrow morning.”

After hastily hanging up, Shen Jixue was about to explain when Chen Xian spoke first.

“How could you agree to that? You know Shen Jun isn’t reliable. You forgot last time he took you back, only to leave you at a massage parlor and then ignored you during the flood.”

Chen Xian was furious, breathing heavily, sweat forming on his back from his rising temperature. Even Shen Jixue could feel his heat.

Shen Jixue swallowed his words and he curled his fingers as if making a significant decision.

“This time he reached out on his own. I think he might have a guilty conscience.”

Wu Bie, eating, frowned more as he listened. He glanced at Shen Jixue, knowing he wasn’t naive. With Shen Jun’s blatant mistreatment, Shen Jixue wouldn’t trust him again. He must have another plan.

But to Chen Xian, it sounded different. He didn’t want to badmouth Shen Jun but didn’t want Shen Jixue deceived again.

“Xiao Shen, it’s not that I want to speak ill of your uncle, but he’s only out for himself. If you go back with him, you’ll suffer. The distance is too great for me to help you every time. Do you understand?”

Shen Jixue’s voice was faint, almost inaudible, “He is my uncle. We are related by blood. No matter how bad he is, he must have some conscience.”

Chen Xian felt helpless. Shen Jixue was too innocent. Sometimes, people’s hearts were unpredictable, but if he said any more, he would seem petty.

“Have you really thought it through? Do you want to go back with him?”

Shen Jixue licked his lips with a tender pink tongue. He was homeless to begin with, so there was nowhere for him to return. He didn’t want to make any promises, but he wouldn’t commit too much, “Let’s talk about it when he arrives.”

With a bang, Wu Bie finished his meal and forcefully placed his chopsticks on the coffee table. He had originally intended to remind Chen Xian with a word, but seeing his worthless appearance made him angry. Even if Shen Jixue were to take everything from Chen Xian, he would deserved it.

“Finished eating, I’m going back.”

Chen Xian’s mind was now entirely focused on Shen Jixue. He had no mood even to see off Wu Bie and replied absentmindedly, “You’re leaving? Alright then.”

Wu Bie’s mouth twitched. Chen Xian, being so naive, really needed someone like Shen Jixue with more wits to teach him a lesson, otherwise he wouldn’t learn.

Before going to sleep that night, Chen Xian still wanted to have a good talk with Shen Jixue. Whatever Shen Jixue’s plans were, he would support him, except for going home with Shen Jun.

“Xiao Shen, do you want to reconsider?”

Shen Jixue had just showered, with water vapor still on him, leaning against the bedroom door. “I’ve made up my mind. You should go to sleep.”

‘I… go… to sleep?’ Chen Xian pointed at himself in disbelief. Did Shen Jixue mean for him to sleep in the adjacent room?

Only then did he realize that he had become accustomed to sharing a bed with Shen Jixue. Being asked to sleep separately made him feel somewhat uncomfortable.

“Yeah.” Shen Jixue explained kindly, afraid he wouldn’t understand. “I’ve already told you I like you. You don’t like me, so it’s not quite appropriate for us to share a bed, right?”

Upon hearing the word “like,” Chen Xian’s pupils dilated suddenly. He opened his mouth silently, unable to retort. “Well… okay, you go to sleep early.”

Shen Jixue closed the door decisively. Once the door closed, he eagerly leaned against it to listen for any movement outside. It was silent, without Chen Xian’s footsteps. Shen Jixue guessed that he probably hadn’t left yet.

Though he couldn’t see Chen Xian’s expression, hearing his disappointed tone told him everything. Chen Xian couldn’t bear to be apart from him; he just wouldn’t admit it.

Considering the time Shen Jun arrived, he did indeed set off early. By the time he arrived, it was getting late. He even wanted to take Shen Jixue right away, which made him even more suspicious.

“Let’s leave tomorrow. There are no more buses at this hour.”

Shen Jun showed a wry smile to Chen Xian. “It won’t delay you too much. I was thinking of taking Jixue to a hotel to avoid further inconvenience.’

“It wouldn’t hurt to stay for one more night.” Chen Xian was a little annoyed. A new environment was a huge challenge for a blind person. As an uncle, he didn’t even know this much, yet he claimed he would take good care of Shen Jixue?

Shen Jixue hadn’t planned to go to the hotel with Shen Jun so late. He heard Shen Jun panting; apparently, he rushed over without even taking the bus, not even willing to take the bus, yet willing to take him back. It was laughable to think about.

“Uncle, let’s do it tomorrow. It’s too late today, and staying at a hotel would cost us more.”

Wiping sweat off, Shen Jun had no reason to take Shen Jixue away that day. After hesitating for a while, he said, “I want to talk to Shen Jixue for a moment.”

This meant he wanted Chen Xian to excuse himself. Chen Xian pursed his lips. Since it was his home, Shen Jun couldn’t do anything to Shen Jixue. Chen Xian tactfully retreated to the bedroom.

Once the door closed, Shen Jun pretended to be enthusiastic and tried to hold Shen Jixue’s hand. Shen Jixue immediately stepped back when he touched him.

Shen Jun felt awkward. “Jixue, why…”

“Uncle, what do you want to say?”

Shen Jun was afraid Shen Jixue would change his mind. He had to coax him first. “I’ve thought about it. Your eyes really need treatment.”

Shen Jixue was surprised. What did Shen Jun really want, that he would blurt out a promise to treat his eyes?

“Treatment costs money.”

“I know it costs money. Now that we have money, they found the driver who hit your father. His unit said they would compensate.”

Shen Jixue’s eyebrows jumped. His heart almost jumped out of his throat. “Found him?”

“Yes, the police called home. So I came to find you immediately.” Shen Jun was afraid Shen Jixue thought he was after the money. “With this money, you can get your eyes treated, right?”

No wonder Shen Jun took the initiative to come. It turned out he saw an advantage for himself.

Seeing Shen Jixue silent, Shen Jun thought he was still shocked, so he lowered his voice and said, “If the money is compensated, I’ll take you to get your eyes treated. It would also relieve your father’s worries.”


Shen Jun was afraid Shen Jixue didn’t believe him and assured him solemnly, “Of course. You live here. Chen Xian is an outsider after all. Maybe when he sees the money, his mind will change. If you don’t believe me, we’ll go to the police station tomorrow. When all the procedures are done, we’ll go to the hospital immediately. The money will be spent on your eyes. When your eyes are better, you can go back to university. Your enrollment is still valid, right?”

This vision of a bright future, with eye treatment and returning to university, was irresistible to Shen Jixue. Sure enough, his expression softened slightly, and his attitude improved. “Let’s go early tomorrow. We’ll go to the police station in the morning.”

“All right.” Seeing Shen Jixue agreed so readily, Shen Jun was relieved a lot, he spun around, remembered this was Chen Xian’s home, and quietly reminded, “Don’t tell Chen Xian about this. You need to be cautious. People are unpredictable, and evil thoughts can arise in an instant.”

Shen Jixue sounded gloomy and unhappy. “He brought me back this time, not as kind as last time. His company is going bankrupt, and he’s in a bad mood.”

“What did I say? If his company is bankrupt and he’s out of a job, hearing about your money will definitely make him think about it.” Shen Jun appeared as a caring uncle, thinking for Shen Jixue’s sake. “Tomorrow, let’s go to the police station without letting him know.”

Author’s Notes:

Shen Jixue: He hasn’t been very nice to me either (cries)

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