The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring

The Withered Tree Always Welcomes Spring chapter 46

Shen Jixue helped Boss Wang take care of colleagues, taking them to temporary restrooms and following Boss Wang to get supplies from community workers. He did whatever he could, as if keeping busy made time pass faster, and he wouldn’t constantly think about when Chen Xian would return.

“Take a break and eat.” Boss Wang handed a box of food to him.

The warmth of the meal box transferred to Shen Jixue’s palm, bringing him back to reality. Just as he was about to sit next to Boss Wang, a deafening thunderclap seemed to split the sky, and the next second, it started pouring. If Shen Jixue could see, he would notice the sky, previously dark, was now covered with thick clouds.

The rain was getting heavier.

He stirred the food in the box with his chopsticks. Despite the enticing aroma, he had no appetite. Boss Wang noticed and offered some comfort.

“Eat your meal. There’s more in the basket. After you finish, keep a couple of boxes for Chen Xian and Wu Bie. They’ll probably be hungry after being out, and it’ll be good for them to have something to eat when they come back.”

Hearing Chen Xian’s name, Shen Jixue finally reacted. He took a few symbolic bites and, holding the stick Chen Xian gave him, walked toward the basket. Suddenly, someone shouted, “It looks like someone is back.”

The previously quiet square became lively, and many people gathered at the entrance to see what was happening.

Stumbling, Shen Jixue tried to join them but lost his sense of direction after being jostled around, wandering in circles like a headless fly.

Chen Xian…

Forcing himself to calm down, he knew that with the crowd, he wouldn’t be able to get out alone. He tried to block out the surrounding noise.

“Boss Wang, can you help me? I want to go to the entrance. Chen Xian might be back.”

At his workplace, Shen Jixue rarely asked for help, doing his job diligently and zoning out when idle. It was only after Chen Xian appeared that he started to show some emotion.

“If you were a girl, I’d think you were in love with Chen Xian. But even as a man, you’re this anxious about him.”

Shen Jixue froze. He wasn’t a girl, but he was indeed worried about Chen Xian. As for liking him…

He had never thought about it that way. He hadn’t liked anyone before and didn’t know what it felt like. He just knew he didn’t want to lose Chen Xian.

Boss Wang sighed, told an employee to handle things, and asked Shen Jixue to hold her hand. They avoided the crowd and moved toward the entrance from the edge.

The crowd watching had blocked the entrance, but Boss Wang managed to get Shen Jixue to the front.

Several small boats had gone out to help. Patients and medical staff disembarked and prepared to row back.

Someone asked, “Why are you heading out again?”

The leading doctor explained, “We thought the hospital was safe, but it got flooded too. There are still many people there who couldn’t evacuate in time.”

Most of those staying in the square were the elderly, weak, sick, or disabled. Even if they wanted to help, they were unable, and there were no more boats.

After hearing this, Shen Jixue gently tugged Boss Wang’s hand. “Boss Wang, did you see Chen Xian?”

Boss Wang patted Shen Jixue’s hand, trying to reassure him. “Chen Xian must still be helping at the hospital. Don’t worry.”

Shen Jixue understood. If Chen Xian had returned, he would have come to see him. His insistence was just his unwillingness to give up hope.

“Boss Wang, you should go back. I’ll wait here for him and won’t wander off.”

Boss Wang clearly felt uneasy and hesitated, but Shen Jixue continued, “The rest need you more. Don’t worry, I won’t put myself in danger. I have to wait for Chen Xian to come back.”

Boss Wang knew Shen Jixue was stubborn, especially when it came to Chen Xian. After looking around, she had Shen Jixue sit on a nearby stone stool. Then he instructed the community workers in charge of the area to keep an eye on him.

“You stay here. If I have time later, I’ll come check on you.”

Boats occasionally returned, bringing back medical staff and hospital patients. Every time a boat returned, Shen Jixue would stand up and listen attentively for Chen Xian’s voice. Worried that his location might be too obscure for Chen Xian to see him, he would unconsciously move forward a few steps. When he realized Chen Xian wasn’t among those returning, he would sit back disappointedly.

The boats went back and forth many times for assistance, creating a small puddle of rainwater at Shen Jixue’s feet. Yet, he still didn’t hear Chen Xian’s voice.

With the weather constantly rainy now, Shen Jixue sensed that time was running out.

“Xiao Shen.” Boss Wang came to the square to see Shen Jixue when she had a moment. It was getting late, and if Chen Xian and the others didn’t return soon, Boss Wang would have to take Shen Jixue back to their original location; he couldn’t leave him alone here.

Shen Jixue snapped out of his thoughts. “Boss Wang, haven’t you seen Chen Xian and the others?”

So many people had returned. Even if they had gone to help, they should have appeared at least briefly. Chen Xian and Wu Bie had gone out and hadn’t returned, which made people worry.

“Don’t worry for now. There hasn’t been any news of an accident. There are too many people to evacuate all at once, and some are staying behind.”

With Chen Xian and Wu Bie’s abilities, they were familiar with water. They would surely choose to stay and hold the line.

“Oh, someone else is back.”

As soon as Shen Jixue heard this, he couldn’t sit still. He grabbed the stick beside him and stood up. He had been facing the square all afternoon and was very familiar with it. He walked quickly, almost running, surprising even Boss Wang, who had good eyes.

“Xiao Shen!”

Shen Jixue seemed not to hear Boss Wang’s call. All he could hear was the wind and rain, along with his own heartbeat. He had already missed once; he couldn’t afford to sit passively and wait as before. He had to find out where Chen Xian was.

When someone passed by, Shen Jixue didn’t care about anything else. He grabbed the person. “Excuse me, did you go out with someone named Chen Xian? Has he come back?”

The person was stunned by his question. “I don’t know anyone named Chen Xian.” Shen Jixue then asked other people who had gone out together, but everyone shook their heads.

Shen Jixue’s throat tightened, and swallowing saliva felt painful. He couldn’t give up. “There was also someone named Wu Bie with him.”

“I don’t know him either.”

The scattered reply struck Shen Jixue like thunder. Unwilling to believe it, he moved forward, but was pulled back by Boss Wang.

“Shen Jixue! Calm down!”

Shen Jixue turned to face Boss Wang’s direction, amazed at her unexpectedly strong grip. Even as a woman, she could barely restrain him.

“Chen Xian hasn’t returned yet. Everyone else has come back, but he hasn’t!”

Shen Jixue’s desperate voice drew curious glances from onlookers. With no sign of Chen Xian or Wu Bie, Boss Wang was uneasy, but she had to appear calm.

“Chen Xian and Wu Bie aren’t from here. It’s normal if these people don’t know them. Don’t scare yourself.”

Someone overheard their conversation. “There are still two boats yet to return. Your people might be on those.They’re skilled at rowing; let us go ahead first.”

Is it Chen Xian? Shen Jixue’s mind buzzed. Once he imagined the dreadful possibilities, calming down became difficult. He hated himself for being useless, unable to do anything except wait helplessly. Why was he so incompetent? He couldn’t help his father or Chen Xian…

“Xiao Shen? Boss Wang? What are you doing here?”

Chen Xian was about to ask for help when Shen Jixue broke free from Boss Wang’s grip, rushing towards the voice and embracing him tightly. Chen Xian hurriedly stepped forward, embracing him back.

“Xiao Shen?”

Knowing he had returned late, Chen Xian knew Shen Jixue must have been worried. He wanted to explain, but Shen Jixue held onto him so tightly, almost strangling him.

“I’m all wet. Can you loosen your grip?” Chen Xian gently patted his back, trying to calm him down. But the hold around his waist didn’t ease, so he turned to Boss Wang, “Boss Wang, get two people to help. We have a pregnant woman on our boat.”

Without waiting for Chen Xian, Wu Bie encountered several unfamiliar people. He had no time for detailed questions. Everyone hurried to lift the pregnant woman onto a stretcher. As they entered the square, they saw Chen Xian and Shen Jixue embracing.

“Unbelievable,” muttered Wu Bie, feeling unfairly treated. That Shen kid was worried about Chen Xian—what about him?

The pregnant woman was placed near Boss Wang’s group. As soon as the stretcher was set down, she went into labor. Doctors quickly set up a makeshift delivery area behind curtains.

Since he returned, Shen Jixue hadn’t let go. He followed Chen Xian everywhere, even when he changed clothes. Eventually, Chen Xian found a corner and sat down with him.

“I could have come back earlier, but we encountered this pregnant woman, which delayed us.”

The flood had been treacherous, more dangerous than Chen Xian described. Thankfully, it was all over now. Shen Jixue had been worried from the start; Chen Xian didn’t want to scare him.

As night fell completely and the rain eased, not far away stood the makeshift delivery area, where doctors and nurses were busy inside the tent.

It’s unclear how much time passed. The loud cry of a newborn broke the silence of the night. Shen Jixue had been resting on Chen Xian’s shoulder; hearing the baby’s cry, he finally snapped out of his daze.

“Women suffer so much when giving birth,” Chen Xian sighed, glancing at the dark sky and estimating the time. “It’s almost dawn now, been at it for so long.”

The flood had taken many lives, but the birth of babies brought hope.

Shen Jixue quietly held Chen Xian’s hand. After that night, it would also be his new beginning.

Author’s note:

Shen Jixue: Chen Xian is back? Is it really him? Is he okay?

Wu Bie: What about me? Should I die?

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